• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 638 Views, 15 Comments

The Oddyssey of Sunlight Blaze, rise of a hero, Volume 1: Meet Sunlight Blaze - Justafanfictioner

A hope the term "third's the charm" is exact. A whole new character and a new adventure. Sunlight Blaze and his dream to be a hero

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Chapter 1: The first day of an epic odyssey

Author's Note:

You know what, if i had to make a new story, i should make a new character too: his name? Sunlight Blaze, A hothead unicorn who don't fear anything but with a heart of gold. Sunrise Freezer was a bad idea and his reputation can't be saved anymore. Sunlight blaze his actually another of my OC's i made for fun.

This is by a beautiful morning, that our hero opened his eyes and jumped off of his bed. He was excited because today, he decided to leave the home and fulfill his dream of becoming a hero. He looked himself in the mirror. He was of a greyish white, with a tricolor mane (yellow, orange and red). He was not buffed, he didn't need muscles, because he had his brain. he had red iris and had the defaults to be hot-headed and short fused. (But only when someone insulted him or did bad things). He had for qualities a great intelligence, a surprising politeness, a generous heart, his bravery, smootheness and a great willpower.

“Sunlight!! Said a voice coming from the first floor. The breakfast is served!!”

“I am coming, mom!!!” he said.

He used the teleportation to get to the lunchroom, surprising and scaring his mother.

“Oh dear!! she said. I will never get used to your magic tricks! Why you don’t take the stairs like a civilized unicorn? Me and your father are of the elite of Canterlot and so are you!! You must not use your magic to show off like a peacock!!”

“I know, mom, said the young stallion. A member of the high society of Canterlot must be more classy.”

“Eat your breakfast before it get cold, said his mother.”

After finishing his meal, the unicorn decided that today will be the day. So he reunited his parents (his father also came to take his breakfast) around the little table.

“Mom, Dad, he said. I have something to tell to you. Today, i will leave the home to fulfill my dream!”

His parents didn't have a reaction, they were quiet. After a few minutes, his mother smiled of joy and his father said:

“Your mother and me were asking when you will take that decision!! We are 100% behind you, my son.”

“I am so happy and so worried at the same time, to see you start your adult life, said his mother. But we know you are ready to face the world. You have my intelligence, beauty and charm! you don't need anything else”

“And you have the interest for the mechanic and the crafting talent of your dad! with that, nothing will get in your way!” said his father.

“Are you planning to find a work? Me and your father have friends who can find you a place” said his mother

“I don’t want to work for the rest of my life, that would be boring, he said. No, i want adventures!! I mean, i have a special gift for magic, like the princess Twilight Sparkle when she was an unicorn like me, or like Starlight Glimmer, the Headmare of the school of friendship. I want to follow their example and use my powers to be a hero, to protect!”

His father walked out of the kitchen and came back 10 minutes later with a box.

“We were kidding, son, he said. We know you admire princess Twilight and her friends and this is why me and your mother want to give you this. We asked one of her friends, Rarity, which who we have good relations, to make for you this.”

Sunlight opened the box and discovered his gift: A beautiful white cape and a bright orange body costume. But the most impressive was that his cutie mark, a red sun under a yellow and orange fireball, was embroidered on the back of the cape. Sunlight put on the two pieces and hugged his parents.

“Thank you for what you did for me, he said. I will make sure to thank Rarity for that masterpiece if i see her.”

The unicorn returned in his chamber and only decided to bring with him a rare copy of the Friendship Journal signed by Twilight herself, (that was what his parents told him when they gave him this book), a lucky charm given by his mother (a shard of crystal from the Tree of Harmony) and some tools. Then he left his room for the last time and said goodbye to his parents. After a long emotional moment, he left the house and ran outside of Canterlot.

“Equestria, be ready!! He said. Today, a new hero is here to protect you!!”

“Yeah, yeah, said a guard behind him. Don’t have too much confidence, kid, we all said that before we became guards”

The other guard, a female, say to him:

“You look great in these clothes, she said. Who made it?”

“Rarity, answered Sunlight. This is a gift from her!”

“She definitively are the best for making splendid outfits, said the female guard. I hope you realize how lucky you that she made that outfit for you.”

“Hey, i am from the elite of Canterlot, you know, I am like you can say, friend with Rarity!” he said.

“So this is no surprise she gave you this clothes she made.” said the male guard.

“Have a great day!!” said the female guard.

The young stallion walked a few miles before stopping suddenly.

“Hum, first, i have to give a visit to Rarity, he thought. She actually live in Ponyville. Do i take the train, or...Wait, i don’t need a train, i can use teleportation to make it here!”

He focused his concentration and disappeared, but the teleportation spell dropped him to Sweet Apple Acres, more precisely in one of the barn, used to stock farming tools. He landed luckily on his hooves and lighted up his horn to illuminate the place.

“The spell was supposed to bring me near of Rarity’s boutique in Ponyville, so why am i in a barn in Sweet Apple Acres?” he thought.

He decided to give a second try to the spell but was interrupted by a pony opening the door. Sunlight panicked and tried to run away, but he stepped on one of the tools and fell on the ground.

“What the hay?! said the pony, who was a female by her voice. What are you doing in my barn?! Are you a thief? You work for Flim and Flam, uh?Do you came here to sabotage our tools?! Answer before i call the royals guards!!”

Sunlight Blaze got up and removed the dust from his head and his clothes, then he walked in her direction. When he saw the mare, he immediately recognized her. She was Applejack, the bearer of the Element of Honesty.

“I can explain, he said, calmly. I used a teleportation spell who was first supposed to bring me near to Rarity’s boutique, in Ponyville. But i think the spell must have failed and brought me in your barn, i am sorry, Miss Applejack!!”

Applejack examinated his clothes and his face.

“Miss Applejack? she said, surprised. Don't be so formal. Now that i look at you, you don’t look like a thief. You even have a distinguished look, like Rarity. Well, Speaking of her, she always embroider her name on every creations she make.”

Sunlight Blaze found Rarity’s name on the cape and the orange suit, then showed it to Applejack.

“Yes, i recognize her style and this is effectively her work, she said. I am sorry if i mistake you for a thief”

“I don’t blame you for thinking that, he said. Beside, I know you and Rarity are friends, so do you have an idea of where she could be?”

“Well, you are lucky, said Applejack. She told me that she would be in her boutique/house for the day”

She saw in the bag that Sunlight was wearing the Journal of Friendship, gift for all the students who studied at the School of Friendship.

“Hum, you have been at the School of Friendship? Asked Applejack. Now, I recognize you!! You were one of my best students in the Honesty class! What was your name? Sun...Sun... something”

“Sunlight, he said, Sunlight Blaze. I was one, not to say the best, of your student in the mechanic and honesty classes”

“Oh, yeah, i remember you. I know your father too, he helped to repair the farm tools and the barn!” she said.

She hugged him.

“Hum, while you are here, she said. Can you help me to repair the barrier from the pigs paddock?”

“Hum, why not? Answered the unicorn. I always love helping somepony else!!!”

“I like your spirit, said Applejack. You can be for the high society, but you are not snobbish like them.”

They worked together to repair the paddock. they had a fun time discussing about apples and bakeries. Sunlight was hiding it, but he was very excited to have the chance to pass time with one of the Mane 6 members. When the reparations were over, Applejack rewarded him by offering lot of pastries she made earlier.

“You didn't needed to reward me, Miss Applejack, he said. But coming from you, i'll accept these delicious gifts with joy”

“Miss? Not so many ponies call me miss, she said. Let me accompany you to Ponyville, i have a delivery to make here!”

Him and Applejack left the orchard and walked in direction of Ponyville.