• Published 16th Mar 2020
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The Oddyssey of Sunlight Blaze, rise of a hero, Volume 1: Meet Sunlight Blaze - Justafanfictioner

A hope the term "third's the charm" is exact. A whole new character and a new adventure. Sunlight Blaze and his dream to be a hero

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Chapter 4: Between Dragons and Phoenixes.

In the castle of friendship, Sunlight opened his eyes after a good night of sleep. He went to the bathroom to take a shower with hot water, because he hated everything cold. Then, after his shower, he got in the kitchen to take a couple of fruits and walked outside the castle to go to the school of friendship. Sunlight entered in the school, but was stopped by Smolder who wanted to tell him something.

“Hey, Sunlight!! She said. Good news!!! Today, you will have the honor to visit the Dragon Lands!!”

“Yes, i know!! I was so excited i almost didn't sleep!!” he said.

Then Starlight appeared behind them.

“You two are here, she said. Perfect! I already prevented the Dragon Lord Ember of Sunlight’s arrival and she can’t wait to meet you!!”

“How do we get here? Asked Sunlight Blaze. I don’t completely have mastered the long distance teleportation and i can’t fly neither!”

“Let me do it for you!!” said Starlight.

She teleported the two friends, the phoenix and herself in the Dragon Land.

“There you are, i will come back for you two at the end of the day!! She said. Well, have fun!!!”

She disappeared. Sunlight felt suddenly very good with all the heat coming from the fire land. Smolder brought Sunlight to the place they were supposed to meet Dragonlord Ember.

“Hi, Lord Ember!!! Said Smolder. I am back with a visitor!! In fact, two...”

Ember saw Sunlight and smile. She left her spot to land in front of him and shook his hoove.

“So, you must be Sunlight Blaze, she said. I heard from Smolder that you have some impressive magical skills with fire and i can't wait to see you in action!!”

“Thank you, Lord Ember, he said. I am honored of your respect”

“Oh, and you know how to talk to the royalty! Even better!!” said Ember.

“Normal, i have grown among the bourgeoisie of Canterlot, he said. I am so happy to be here, all this heat make me feel so good!!”

“To make it short, said Smolder, Sunlight's body is magically affected by an ability to absorb any incoming source of heat to convert it into energy, that he can use to boost his power or heal himself from wounds quickly”

“Really? We dragons are immune to fire, but we can't absorb it. said Ember. The only creatures i know that have this ability are the phoenixes”

She then noticed the phoenix in Sunlight’s bag pack right after saying that.

“Wait, did you bring a phoenix here in my kingdom?! Asked Ember with a slight anger. Don’t you know phoenixes and dragons are not the best friends in the world?!”

“I know, Lord Ember, said the unicorn. This is because he is my pet and he wanted to come with me. In fact, he have to follow me everywhere...”

“This is my fault, said Smolder. I told him to bring his pet! I did that because well, i kinda like the phoenixes, now!”

“What?! Did you really said you like them?! Said the dragon Lord. Dragons and phoenixes were rivals for thousand of years and are still our rivals, How can you break that rule?!!”

"Like every other creatures we had a rivalry with, said Smolder. But we opened our heart to them, we changed our ways. I mean, i am friend with 5 different races of creatures!! I was thinking like you, Lord Ember, but now, i think dragons and phoenixes should be friends instead of rivals!!”

“I am on her side too, said the stallion. Phoenixes are not the monsters you think they are. They just want to be friends with you.”

Firewings (or Blazewings? Which name sound better for him?) got out of the bag to land of Ember’s head. She first tried to chase him away, like Smolder did before, and like he did the last time, he came back again and again on her head. She finally gave up and let him cuddle against her head.

“You see, Lord Ember? Said Smolder. He just want to be friend with you, like all the phoenixes!”

Ember took a moment of silence to think.

“Hum...You may be right, smolder, she said. Maybe dragons and phoenixes can be friends!! I will announce that to every dragon of this land!!”

She flied on the top of the highest cliff and used her poweful voice to get the attention of everyone. Two minutes later, they were all present.

“I reunited you to announce you two things!! She yelled. First, we have a special guest i am sure you will love!! Sunlight Blaze!!!”

He took the place of Ember and showed to the dragon some fire magic. He repeated what he did two days ago, but at the difference he didn’t make a big finale. The dragons cheered him once he had finished his demonstration.

“Also, said Ember, dragons have made a lot of progress since the last years in the domain of acceptation and integrity with other races. I am proud of you for that, but today, this is time to change one last thing!! You know that us, dragons, are not very friendly with the phoenixes, right?”

They all answered by the affirmative.

“Not anymore, she said. Smolder and Sunlight here, convinced me that phoenixes and dragons could be friends and live together!!”

That declaration shocked a lot of dragons.

“I know that seem crazy, said Smolder, petting Firewings. But these creatures are kind and just want to be friend with us! They are like us after all, they are creatures of fire!!”

The dragons in the crowd began to discuss. Ember brought them back to silence.

“That will be everything for today, she said. You can go now.”

She flied off the cliff followed by Smolder. Sunlight, him, used teleportation, followed by Firewings who for safety reasons, hided in the bag. They saw Garble show up.

“Sunlight, i present you my brother Garble, she said. Garble, i present you my friend Sunlight. I am sure you two will get along very fast!”

The two guys stayed silent for a long moment, neither of them wanting to start a conversation. But Garble’s friends arrived to break the awkward silence.

“Hey, Garble!! Said the fat dragon of the trio. Stop meing like a statue and came lava surf with us!!”

“If he want, the pony can come too!” said the thin one.

“Hurry up!!” said the last dragon of the trio.

“Lava Surfing? Asked Sunlight. You surf on lava?!”

“Yes, answered Garble. You see, our scales are totally fireproof and lavaproof”

“Hum, I am not fireproof, well, technically, yes. The defenition of fireproof is to resist to heat and fire. I know now that my body can absorb any source of heat via my horn, body, hooves and my mane, said the unicorn. In a way, that make me fireproof, Lava being a source of heat. But lava is really hot and i am afraid i might overheat if i stay too long in it. Hum, wait a minute!! I know a spell who will protect me from extreme temperatures!!”

Sunlight closed his eyes and cast on himself the spell, then asked Garble to splash him with lava.

“Are you sure about it? He asked. Because if your spell don’t work, well, i don't want to be accused of murder...And causing a war...”

“Trust me, said the pony, do it!!”

Garble threw the bucket of lava on Sunlight. At his satisfaction, the hot liquid splashed against the pony without causing him any pain, like if that was just water.

“See, i told you this spell would work, said the unicorn. The only problem is that the spell last only 1 hour.”

“That should be enough, said Garble. Now, join us!!”

The two arrived a few minutes later at one of the lava rivers. Garble didn't wait longer and took a surf board made of rock to join his friends waiting for him. Sunlight touched the lava with his left front leg, then jumped in it. The other dragons except Garble, were surprised and shocked to assist to what they thought was a suicide.

“Did he just...Uh... jumped in lava?! Said the tall dragon. Oh No!! What will say Lord Ember if she will learn about it!!?”

“Don’t worry, guys, said Garble, wait for it...”

Sunlight reappeared at the surface, with a smile on his face. Garble’s friends were even more surprised and shocked.

“How? Said the fat dragon. You should have died!! Ponies are not immune to fire, not to my knowledge, at least”

“This is called magic, pal, said Sunlight. For the next hour, i will be totally immune to the effects of the lava, so let’s get that surf competition started!!”

Sunlight got out of the lava river and with his magic, summoned a long piece of rock from the ground, who had the shape of a surfboard. Then he threw it in the river and jumped on it. A dragon gave the starting signal and the five competitor began to surf. They soon reached the fast streams.

“Now, this is where the real fun begin!! Said Garble to Sunlight. The first to arrive at the finish line down the river will win!”

Sunlight suddenly almost lost balance due to the brutal change of speed, but quickly recovered. He watched the dragons in front of him to see how they were maneuvering on their surfboards. He learned that they were using their tail like a steering to turn right of left. Sunlight followed their example, but using his magic and soon after, reached the other dragons.

“You are doing good for someone who never surfed before!” said one of the dragons.

“But you will need more than that to beat lava surf adepts like us!!” said another one.

The dragons sped up and began to distance Sunlight. The unicorn didn't let despair get to him and started to go faster, like a rocket. He soon reached them and mocked them by holding on his two front hooves. Sunlight got back on his four hooves to after stand on his two back hooves like a bipedal creature. After a few minutes, all of Garble friends lost balance and fell in the lava, unable to keep up with him and Sunlight.

“Not bad! Said the red dragon. You really have talent in lavasurf!! But don’t think you have any chance to win!!”

“We’ll see about that, said the unicorn. Oh, and take caution about that rock in front of you!!”

“What? A rock?!” asked Garble

He looked in front of him and saw a big rock that he couldn't avoid in time. He crashed in it and fell in the lava, making Sunlight able to finish the race. Then he came back to help him get out of the lava.

“Guess i won, he said to him. That was really fun!!”

Garble got up and looked at the unicorn.

“That was the beginner’s luck, said the dragon. Don’t think you can win a second time. Beside, i never think i would say that to a pony someday, but you are pretty cool!”

“Thank you” he said.

“That was awesome, Sunlight!! Said Smolder. You literally crushed the competition!! And most importantly, at your first try!!”

Firewings landed on Garble's head. This one panicked a little and frenetically tried to chase him away.

“What does that bird want to me?! He asked. Does he want revenge for that time i stole one of their eggs”

“No, said Smolder. I don't think it's the same. This one just want you to like him! Please at least try to be kind with him!”

The phoenix decided to land on Garble’s shoulder and started cuddling against his face. Garble felt awkward for a moment, but then decided to touch his head. Firewings let the dragon hand petting him.

“Hum, phoenixes are not so bad, said Garble. But if that one want to convince me to like him, he will have to make something impressive!Something...Cool!”

The phoenix heard his words and left his shoulder. He entered in spontaneous combustion and charge on a huge rock, which exploded in thousands of flaming shards. Then the bird came back on the dragon’s head, his eyes saying like «What about it? Is that cool enough for you?»

“Okay, that is pretty impressive, said Garble. Fine, he persuaded me.”

“Can we pet him too?” asked one of Garble’s friends.

“Me first!!” said another one.

“No, me!!” said the third one

“Calm on!!” said Ember, who just arrived.

Firewings suddenly flied away from the Dragon Land at the surprise of everyone.

“Where did he went?!” asked Smolder.

They stayed in place for a long time before Firewings came back, followed by hundreds of other phoenixes.

“Tell me i am dreaming right now” said Smolder

“Holy smokes, said Garble. So many phoenixes...”

Sunlight was smiling at the view of the hundreds of phoenixes coming in their direction. All of the other dragons also saw them and were muted of surprise.

“He called all of the phoenixes of the region” said Sunlight.

The fire birds landed on differents spots and cliffs. Ember and the other dragons then came all at the same spot to meet them. Ember saluted the birds.

“Today, she said. This is a great day!! Today is the day dragons and phoenixes will not be rivals, but friends. The time has come for both of us to become one, living together in harmony!!!”

A phoenix, twice bigger and more colorful that the other phoenixes, landed on Ember’s scepter. Sunlight cast on the bird a spell learned from Fluttershy supposed to make any animal able to speak the Pony Language. The bird begin to talk, with a female voice, to her subjects.

“Your leader is right, dragons, said the queen of the phoenixes. I know, Dragons have always been mean with us in the past, picking our eggs and attacking our babies.”

Garble and his friends felt targeted and looked ashamed to the ground.

“We are sorry about that, said Garble. I was back then a stupid bully who was targeting weaker than me to look stronger to my friends. And i am still ashamed of that attitude of mine...Please forgive me, majesty!”

“And us too!!” said his friends.

The queen stared at them, then laugh.

“But, we, phoenixes, are not resentful, he said to them and everyone. We were waiting for the day you would finally accept us! The day you will stop being rude to everyone else. I accept your excuses.”

“Are you agree, dragons, said Lord Ember, to accept the friendship of the phoenixes?”

The dragons all answered by a loud yes.

“And you, phoenixes!! Said the queen to her subjects. Are you agree to accept the friendship of the dragons?”

The birds all make affirmative noise and scream, flapping their wings.

Ember and the leader of the phoenixes shook each other hands (wings for the bird) followed by every other dragons and phoenixes present.

“So, what is your name, your highness? Asked Ember to the phoenix alpha.

“Queen Zenith” she answered.

“I am Lord Ember” said the blue dragon.

Sunlight arrived near the two leaders, followed by Smolder.

“I am honored to meet you, queen Zenith” he said.

“You are the one my daughter Cinder talk me about!” she said.

“Cinder? Your daughter? The one who is actually on my head right now?” asked Sunlight.

“Yes, answered the queen. She told me that your leader, the princess Twilight Sparkle, asked her to protect you. My daughter also told me she appreciated you a lot, that you were kind with her. Isn't that right, Cinder?”

The phoenix answered by an affirmative sign of the head. The queen said to Sunlight to wait a moment and flied away in direction of her nest. She came back a few minutes later with a necklace crimped of a beautiful ruby that she put around Sunlight’s neck.

“Take that gift with you, said Zenith. This is an artifact who will give you our magic wings. The time it will last depend on your energy and focus. In our land, you could have them indefinitely, but outside and without any source of heat to charge you, you can make it last 4 to 6 hours, this is it's only setback.”

“Thank you, said the unicorn, thank you very much. I promise to take care of your daughter like she take care of me!”

“Thank you, Sunlight, for your help, said Smolder. That wouldn’t have been possible without you!”

Everywhere in the dragon land, both races were interacting with each other, flying in the sky or breathing fire. Then at the end of the day, came Starlight. She was surprised and happy to know what Smolder and Sunlight realized today.

“Oh, I have to told it to Twilight, she said. She will be so happy to hear that you two reunited dragons and phoenixes together!! I’ll do it once we will arrive at the school!!”

Starlight brought the two students and Cinder (yes, for now on, i will call Firewings like that) back to school. Then in the evening, she sent to Twilight a letter about the historical event of today. Meanwhile, in his room, Sunlight saw his clothes on his bed, with a message wrote by Rarity. The message was saying: «Hope you will love the reparations and modifications i added to your clothes. I asked Starlight to enchant them so they can resist to fire, cold and damages». Sunlight put them on and looked in the mirror. He felt satisfied on it, then removed them off and jumped in his bed, while Cinder, his pet and guardian, fell asleep in a nest Starlight made for her.

“Goodnight, Cinder” he said.