• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 3,149 Views, 45 Comments

Righting wrongs. - Sylif Daring Doo

He did everything he could, he truly did do his best, but in the end he was defeated, and for what? the ego of a madman? his own anger? his betrayal? barely surviving, Dark Spyro tries to find his place in this world, one way or another.

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Interlude: A few different perspectives.

Author's Note:

This chapter is entirely focused on the thoughts and ideas of other characters like Spyro, Eon and Cynder the night following the previous chapter, there will be no input from Dark Spyro, Sunset or Tempest, you have been warned.

By the way, for those who either don't remember or didn't know, Kaossandra is simply pronounced Cassandra, little trivia for ya!:yay:


If anybody was to tell me that I don't face consequences for my random bursts of anger or occasional ego boost, they would mostly be wrong, I say mostly because there actually have been a few times where my anger helped out rather than hurt.

But that was then, this is now, and right now I have a dilemma in the form of my dark half being around again, and while I really would have prefered it if he stayed in Equestria, I won't try to get rid of him... no matter how much he disturbs me when I look at him.

The dilemma itself is a simple one with a deceptively simple answer, do I try and help my dark half to make amends? or do I remain cold and untrusting? Eruptor argues that we can't trust him, and that we should keep our eyes open, the latter of which is something I have no problem doing.

Stealth Elf argues that we need to give him a chance, seeing as he is willing to change and regrets his actions... I have to admit that it was very strange and unnerving, watching the memories of my dark half through a spell, and while Elf may be trying to forgive him, I can tell she's having problems considering what he almost did to her.

Jet Vac seems to be taking a wait and see approach, his plan is to act more like a strict teacher to Dark Spyro while keeping it fair, in other words he's not giving him special treatment or consideration, it actually might help if I know my dark half at all.

Eon... *sigh* I don't even know what he's going to do, after Strykore was defeated, he seemed to blame himself for some reason, I guess he thinks that he could have prevented all of this, and while he could have noticed that Dark Spyro was evil at the time, the blame falls on everyone for not noticing it... though I'm probably the one to blame for it all, if I hadn't left to confront Malefor to learn the location of my own kind, I wouldn't have been made evil.

Eon is most likely going to drive himself and Dark Spyro crazy, dancing around the obvious solution since he doesn't want to mention anything about his time as Strykore's agent, I can't do anything about that though, those two need to work things out for themselves, if it isn't handled after enough time though, I'll intervene.

Cynder is... accepting of Dark Spyro, and personally? I'm glad for it, with almost all the cadets and trainees in the academy up against him, my dark half is going to need all the help he can get, I think that Cynder is accepting of him because they have something in common, they both come from a place of darkness and they are trying to do good.

The only one who seems to be mostly unaffected by all of this is Pop Fizz, I think he's just going to go with whatever happens, and if I'm honest? I would rather he do that instead of picking a side, I just can't see him keeping an eye on Dark Spyro from the shadows if he did, and I would hate to see what he would do to anyone who tries to start something otherwise.

As for me, I am not sure, I'm not sure I can ever forgive him for the things he did while pretending to be me, but I also don't think I'll be able to bring him down again if he does turn against us in the end, not for a lack of strength, but because this time he won't be insane and I'm not sure I can handle him at full strength with a clear head.

*sigh* What am I supposed to do? from what Sunset told me, Dark Spyro is actually glad that I'm being 'honest' with him, if only he knew what I'm really thinking, I'm a mess, I can't concentrate lately, my focus is all over the place and I can't even decide where I stand!

... Maybe I should just go with it? keep the cold appearance up until I'm certain of what I want to do, the only issue is going to be his new friends, specifically Tempest, she seems to be fiercely protective of Dark Spyro...man that name feels weird for me to say, and how am I supposed to keep an eye on him exactly?... It's not like I can just take him on missions if I get called.

Alright... I need to sleep, my mind is scattered again and I really don't want to see where that leads.


This is going to be harder than I thought.

When I was teaching Spyro how to cast that spell and preparing them to go and find Dark Spyro and possibly bring him here, I didn't think for even a moment that he would be... docile, for lack of a better word right now.

It was wrong of me to assume and even worse of me to hope that he would be hostile and try to fight, I suppose at the time I believed that if he was, I wouldn't have to look at him and see my failure... my actions and inability to see what happened to him may or may not have caused Strykore to return and almost claim victory over us, and yet while I debated whether or not he is truly to blame and whether or not to punish him, Dark Spyro was busy saving innocents and defeating a tyrant.

Some part of me is proud of him for doing so, while the other part of me is filled with regret knowing that I could have stopped all of this of I hadn't been so blind to the obvious truth.

Perhaps I was too hasty in placing Spyro in charge of keeping his dark half out of trouble, I know that Spyro will do his best but I may be asking too much this time... Maybe if I assign someone else who will be impartial?

No... I have made my decision already and it would be better not to change it for now, if they both cannot cope after a month, I will find someone else.

I am hesitant to take any true action against Dark Spyro, I suppose that much I made obvious today through my behavior earlier, and if what I sense is true, some part of him wanted us to throw him in prison... but how do you throw someone you view as a son in prison? even when that someone is the dark half of that person?


Nevertheless, I have hope that the path forward will be clear tommorow, and if what Dark Spyro claims is true, then I am concerned over nothing, and if that is the case, then I must simply find the strength to confront him and have a long talk.

For now however, I think some sleep will do me wonders, Kaossandra's visit and our talk about Kaos was... draining.


That dragon really is something, first he betrays us, then he supposedly tried to betray Strykore only to be forced to attack a Skylander, then he fought with his practical twin, he survived and now he's back trying to be good? I don't buy it, Tink says that we should give him a chance to prove himself to us but me? no way, he may have my respect for not selling us out to the captain, but he'll need to do a lot more than to undo the damage he did.

Chen is of course silent on the matter, I swear he pisses me off sometimes, he's a great teammate and all, but he is the worst conversationalist in the Academy, I'm lucky if he actually says more than ten words at once, otherwise it's just a series of grunts or other quiet responses that I've gotten used to.

Hmm... Maybe Tink has a point, maybe I SHOULD give the dragon a chance, and I think I've got an idea on how to do that.


Crap crap crap crap crap! Oh no, what did I do!? What do I do!?

Ugh! I was in such a hurry to do the right thing I forgot that I barely stocked up on food! or bedding, or...anything! CRAP!

Wait, no...calm down Cynder, bad mind, focus on what's actually important, okay...I have three new housemates, that's fine, two of them are strangers, that's odd, they are trustworthy according to Spyro and Eon, that's good...my other housemate is essentially a criminal who may or may not be in a very unstable place...BAD!

Ok, that's a lie, it's potentially bad at worst and he's actually kind of nice when he stops freaking out at best, that's not so bad and potentially good...bad mind! stop rationalizing this!

Maybe what I need to do is just stop panicking and think clearly...no, yes? no, DARN IT!

Ok ok ok! checklist time, one problem at a time and then I might just be able to handle this, ok.

In the morning, have breakfast using whatever food I have left? doable if I pick up a few donuts for us all to eat before classes.

After classes, store and buy supplies? I can visit old man Gibs place, haven't seen him since...anyway, assuming he didn't change anything, I can get everything except for the medicine for the cabinets.

Note to self, check medicine cabinets.

After buying supplies, help Tempest move to the attic? Easy assuming that Sunset and Dark Spyro help, which they probably will.

Get dinner for the night because I won't be in the mood to cook and won't let any of them cook for the first day here? Easy, takeout...I wonder if any of them like pasta?

Ok...that helped, now that I'm cal-crap! I forgot about my training session with Spyro! Gaaaaah!

I'm never going to get any sleep! Then I'll be tired all day which means my plan just went out the window! DARN IT ALL!