• Published 7th Jan 2020
  • 3,149 Views, 45 Comments

Righting wrongs. - Sylif Daring Doo

He did everything he could, he truly did do his best, but in the end he was defeated, and for what? the ego of a madman? his own anger? his betrayal? barely surviving, Dark Spyro tries to find his place in this world, one way or another.

  • ...

Academy Days: First? day of lessons.

*The Skylands, Cynder's house, Dark Spyro's POV.*

I open my eyes and yawn, I blink and use my right claw the rub my eyes, once my vision is clear I become aware of a fuzzy presence on my bed, I tilt my head and see Tempest still asleep with her arms wrapped around my chest, I sigh and carefully try to move.

Unfortunately the griffon seemed to notice and refused to release her grip on me, in fact she tightened it, I say nothing and gingerly grab her left claw, I then slowly and carefully move it away from my chest, I then manage to break free and leave the bed, without any further complications.

With a yawn, I look at Tempest and lean over, I put a claw on her shoulder and gently shake her. "Tempest, come on we have to get ready." I say.

Tempest winced and she spoke. "N-no... st-stop." She said shakily, making me freeze and let go, I watch as Tempest rolls over and shakes.

"Tempest, wake up." I say a little louder, not daring to touch her again.

The griffon soon started to breathe weirdly as she continued to talk in her sleep. "P-p-please, let me go... I-I-I can't do it, don't make me..." At this point her breathing started to get worrying and I quickly climb back onto the bed.

I muster my courage and take a deep breath, I gently grip the griffon's shoulders and shake her. "Wake up!" I say firmly but not loudly.

As if on cue, Tempest's eyes shot open and the look on her face was of fear, but this only lasted a second before she realized where she was. "Spyro?" She said quietly before looking around in confusion, the griffon seemed to figure out she was in my room and her face reddened. "I-I-I'm sorry! I don't know why I'm in here!" She said in a weird and panicked way, making me raise an eyebrow at her.

Tempest soon noticed that I was still holding her shoulders and her eyes widened. "Um... not that I want to sound like I'm complaining, but how long have you been holding me?" She asked, the red on her face deepened a little and I swiftly let go.

I let out a breath of relief as I climb off the bed. "You were talking in your sleep, sounded like you were having a nightmare, are you alright Tempest?" I ask, having seen the terrified look on the griffon's face.

Tempest blinked and chuckled awkwardly. "Me? yea, I'm fine... don't mind the silly griffon, I'm doing great... hey my wings are almost back to normal!" She said with a strange amount of focus on her admittedly fully feathered wings.

While her behavior may be definitely suspicious, I decide against pressing the issue and speak up. "Well, at any rate we need to get ready for today... and hopefully neither Sunset or Cynder will have noticed your... relocation." I say before heading to the door.

I open the door as Tempest climbs off the bed and I walk out into the hall, i don't see anyone around so I head for the bathroom, I reach the door and knock lightly. "Anyone in here?" I ask tiredly, my lack of sleep once again catching up to me.

"Yea, I'll be out soon." Replied the tired voice of Sunset.

"Kay." I reply before walking to the stairs, I walk down them and yawn again, my limbs burn less than before as I go downstairs and I feel a twinge of happiness knowing that I'm getting closer to being rid of the pain that had been nagging me for most of a month.

I walk to the kitchen and enter it, the kitchen walls are a soft gray and white checkerboard patterned tile, the floor is the same but with larger and less patterned tile, in the center of the kitchen is a small center island with white wood walls and a peach colored countertop as well as four stools around it, there is a small four legged table with four chairs up against the wall on the left with a door in the far corner, leading to more of the house, there is one person in kitchen who is by the stove.

I see Cynder mixing up something in a mixing bowl and I also notice a box of donuts on the counter, the dragoness is lightly bobbing back and forth to a song that is quietly playing on her phone, I say nothing and sort of just watch with mild but growing amusement, waiting to see how long it will be before she notices.

After a minute though, she turned around to set the bowl on the island and she freezes in place like a deer, her eyes wide. "Uh... how much did you see?" She asked stiffly, seeking to contain her embarrassment at being caught, though she did remember to put the mixing bowl down.

I smile. "Oh you know, enough to know that you like Hakuna Matada." I reply teasingly.

Cynder's jaw drops and she stutters for a moment before she gains a serious expression. "If you tell anyone about this, I will never buy you donuts or anything you like ever again." She threatened before turning her music off.

I nod with my smile still on my face. "Your secret is safe with me." I say before walking up the island. "What are you making?" I ask.

Cynder's mode suddenly shifts from embarrassed and cross to neutral and slightly happy. "Pancakes, it's the only thing I have right now." She replies. "They are basic and I only have butter and classic syrup, so that's why I picked up donuts, figured we could eat and then have the donuts to help us get through the day." She said.

I nod in understanding before taking a seat on one of the stools, I wait in silence as I work on waking up more, though I hear hoofsteps coming down the stairs and I stand up. "I'll be back down in a bit." I say before leaving the kitchen, passing Sunset along the way.

The unicorn looks tired and clearly didn't get much sleep last night. "Morning." I say with a small smile, which is tiredly returned.

"Morning." Sunset grumbles before heading to the kitchen and towards the now present scent of food.

I make my way up the stairs and once I'm up top I immediately head for the bathroom, thankfully it's open and empty and I can step right inside, I turn on the light and close the door so I can do my business in private.

The first thing I see is an oddity in the form of the sink, it was a simple one bowl sink with a faucet, but for some reason there were THREE knobs to use, one behind the faucet, and one on each side. "Wha... why, I don't understand." I mutter before putting the strange sink out of my mind.

*Later, Skylander Academy.*

"Ok so uh... just remember, if you need help understanding the Academy, Dark Spyro and I know this place so we can help out." Cynder said, clearly worrying.

The four of us are standing in a hallway that leads to three different classrooms, the one closest to us has Jet-Vac teaching in it right now.

Meanwhile I sigh. "Cynder, relax, we'll be in the same class after orientation after all." I point out, only to hear Tempest chuckle nervously.

"About that... I may or may not be a quarter of a year behind you guys in classes... so I won't be in the same class with you three for a while, if ever." The griffon admitted out of embarrassment while nervously running a nervous claw along her arm. "I forgot to mention it with everything that was happening." She added.

I smile. "Don't worry about it too much Tempest, I'm sure you'll do just fine, and like Cynder said, we can help you if you ask." I say before taking a deep breath and heading down the hall toward a different classroom while Cynder stays behind to join the class.

To me personally, walking to the indoor classroom that is serving as orientation today feels like walking down a corridor that is showing me my terrible past, memories of my crimes fill my head in the silence, showing me once again how I tried to curse Stealth Elf, how I hid my allegiance to Strykore, how I tried to mind control Eon and the other Skylanders, how I helped to kidnap King Pen.

My walk slowed as I remembered the time I actually considered allowing the Golden Queen to kill my friends in order to allow me to open the Wumpan Puzzle Box, I remembered the time I sent Elf away with Flynn just to avoid her suspicion of me, I remember almost killing her and my attempt to kill Spyro, as well as my maddened ramblings after Strykore drove me to madness, effectively stripping me of my free will, I remembered the thing that led to all of this, or more accurately, the DRAGON that caused this... Malefor.

My movement freezes and my breathing quickens and becomes unsteady, I can't even hear Sunset and Tempest as they try to get my attention, my mind filled only with images of Malefor crushing me, smashing me, taunting me with his laughter as he tortured me for daring to face him alone.

I am so lost in my thoughts, that I don't even realize that a third voice joined the conversation, I barely register the outside world until something familiar happens.

I feel a hard slap go across my face, I blink instantly and I shake my head a little, suddenly able to clearly think and see, I look at who slapped me and see none other than Stealth Elf with a raised eyebrow and a hand ready to slap again. "You good now?" She asked simply.

"I... yea... ow." I say, holding a claw up to rub where I was slapped.

"Are you ok?" Elf asked with concern showing in her blank eyes.

I take a deep breath and steady myself. "I think I'll be fine, nerves and... memories." I say before shuddering, I quickly nod to my old friend. "Thanks, I can handle it now." I say unconvincingly.

It is clear that none of the three believe me, but neither of them speaks up about it. "Alright, but don't go having another panic attack alright? next week I won't be around to slap you out of it." Elf says calmly.

I raise an eyebrow at that. "Eh? why's that?" I ask out of genuine curiosity, not understanding the remark.

Elf merely smirked. "You should ask your 'brother' that question... although, I wouldn't try to instigate him, there's a rumor that the two of you really are siblings, he isn't happy about it so... try not to piss him off." She said before walking away. "See you around Dark." She added before darting away in an instant.

I look at Sunset and Tempest, both of them still look concerned and I nod to them with a brief smile. "Come on, let's get this over with." I say before continuing to walk.

Even though we are silent, I can tell that my friends are keeping an eye on me and I mentally thank them for it, for the rest of the walk I find my mind turning to memories of what I've encountered in Equestria.

I remembered meeting Silver, Garnet and Cosmo, living with them for a while and enjoying my brief time in Jade, I remember going on a mission to find Silver and Garnet, I remember when I met Sunset and our adventure in the castle together.

I remember meeting Twilight and Spike, I remember fighting Sombra and then later saving the slaves from the mines, I smile at the memory of meeting Tempest, the shy and awkward griffon with the occasional witty remark which made me laugh, I remember the first few days in the Crystal Castle, including when I confessed the truth to Sunset about who I was, and finally I focus on the fresh memory of being told I was being given a chance to atone, and that is what I will do.

When we reach the doors to the classroom, I mentally prepare myself and look at my friends, they both nod to me and I push the doors open, full of confidence and determination.

All of my preparation is ruined however, once I see that Spyro himself is the one handling orientation this time, instead of Eruptor like I had been led to believe.

Tempest waved a claw in front of my eyes and got no reaction from my frozen body. "Damnit Dark." The griffon whispered.