• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 535 Views, 17 Comments

Dear Success - PresentPerfect

The journals of ponies -- and people -- and the successes they've had, no matter how small.

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Entry #1,240

Day, like, 35 million of quarantine


This sucks

this sucks

it sucks it sucks it sucks IT SUCKS!

Okay, I can't just do nothing but complain in this entry. But I really, really, REALLY am getting tired of being cooped up all the time!

I mean, it's fun not having to go to school. And I went out and rode my scooter around when they first started saying you need to stay indoors. But you're allowed to outside and exercise, right? That first week, it was kind of neat to see the city mostly deserted. Like, no problems crossing in the middle of the street, right? Just nothing but me and my scooter, like the world belonged to me or something.

But now it just kind of feels lonely and desolate. Is that the right word? Like everyone abandoned it, and we're the only survivors left after the end of the world. It's scary. And if I wear a mask, like my aunts tell me I have to, I just feel like I'm getting ready to rob a bank or something. So I've been staying in my room most days and playing video games.

And that wouldn't even be that bad. I mean, AB & SB and me have Whoosh to get some face time in. We even got in contact with Apple Bloom's cousin Babs again! That was cool. But when you're all just stuck inside all day, you run out of things to talk about really quick. And we're kind of all getting on each other's nerves with gaming. So we agreed to keep Whooshing to only every other day. Maybe that'll help keep things fresh.

That's the problem though. Like, Aunt Holiday and Aunt Lofty aren't exactly... fighting. But they're getting annoyed with each other over really small things, like constantly. I think they're getting annoyed with me, too. And maybe I'm getting annoyed with them.

For once, I'm glad my parents aren't around. Five people stuck in this house would have made things five times worse! Even if that math probably doesn't check out. Whatever.

But I did something tonight that I think maybe might help? It was just a little thing, but I can imagine some grownup telling me it was really thoughtful and mature or something.

So like, you know how the mirror above the bathroom sink can get really grody? Like, you brush your teeth and somehow little bits of toothpaste get sprayed all over it, and then you don't clean it immediately and dries. (At least, I hope it's just toothpaste. Eww.)

Anyway, I was brushing my teeth last night when I realized, the mirror wasn't gross anymore! It was like, sparkling clean, frame and all! I don't know which of my aunts did it, but it probably doesn't matter. I was like, struck with inspiration or something. I knew I had to do something nice in return.

So I went downstairs, grabbed a pad of post-its and a pen, and I wrote a little note to stick on the frame. Here's what it said:

"Who cleaned the mirror?
It looks really nice.
Thank you! :)"

Yeah, I actually wrote down a smiley face. But hopefully, Aunt Lofty or Aunt Holiday will see it in the morning and feel appreciated. And if they ask me who left the note, I'll just pretend I don't know, and they'll think the other one did it. Or I'll say it was the post-it fairy, who knows. Maybe it will get us all thinking a little more positively or something, or doing more nice things. Like maybe I'll go clean that nasty dirty spot on the hallway where everyone touches the wall. Maybe.

I dunno, it seemed like a good thing to do and I feel kind of pleased with myself for doing it, so there. I didn't just complain for my journal entry, like I said. Though I swear, if I keep talking to this stupid book for much longer, I'm gonna go nuts.