• Published 30th Nov 2019
  • 533 Views, 17 Comments

Dear Success - PresentPerfect

The journals of ponies -- and people -- and the successes they've had, no matter how small.

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Entry #1,272

Dearest of Diaries!

Today, I had an epapha

an ephipp

I realized something important today.

Do you remember the other day, how I was complaining about trying to cut out some fabric for a costume and it just wasn't working right? That's not exactly the first time that's happened.

Oh, it pains me to admit, Dearest Diary, but I am a terrible seamstress! Woe is me! For I cannot use scissors to save my life!

Also, I'm not allowed to use knives around the house after "the incident", which will not be spoken of even in these pages.

But it's true, and it's stupid and it sucks. No matter what I use to try and cut things, nothing ever comes out right. I can't slice bread straight, I can't cut fabric in half, I can't cut shapes out of anything. I've always been like this, since I was old enough to use scissors in the first place.

And like, you don't expect a first-grader to be able to cut nice shapes out with safety scissors. But you'd think I'd get better after a few grades, right?

Hey, talking about time and grades is a nice lead-in to my realization, how cool! Because that's kind of the point!

Who do I compare myself to when it comes to cutting stuff? My big sister Rarity, who spends her every waking moment making clothing, and my mom.

My mom is like, super old. And she's also a sewer. Oh, eww, I mean she's someone who sews, why does that turn into another word when you write it out?

Anyway, mom's been sewing her whole life too. And her life's way longer than mine or even Rarity's. So that means she's had way more practice, right? And that's why she's way better than me at cutting stuff, so I shouldn't compare myself to her, because it's not fair to me to do that.

So maybe I cut things crooked all the time, but that's okay! I've got my whole life ahead of me to learn how to use scissors right! Or maybe I'll find something else to do with myself and then I won't have to worry about cutting things. Like, Mrs. Torch Song says I have a real future as a singer. Maybe I could do that instead?

Ha ha, no, of course not, no way am I getting on a stage to sing in front of thousands of strangers! Don't tell my friends I said that.

Anyway, that's all I had to say!

Yours most faithfully!

Sweetie Belle