• Published 13th Dec 2019
  • 3,818 Views, 144 Comments

How Death Lived - Crimson Wisp

The son of a demon and a necromancer is thrown into Equestria in his darkest hour. Will he find the peace he so desperately seeks, or will he not survive long enough to tell the tale?

  • ...

Chapter 18. Unity and Fear

///////Ponyville train station at noon///////

After escorting the lunar diarch and her adopted son back to Canterlot, the mane six along with Discord arrived at the train station in Ponyville.

As the group unboarded the train, Discord began to stretch his body with the sound similar to metal groaning under immense stress.

"I swear, this level of normality is gonna give me arthritis. My joints are KILLING me!"

He complained while continuing to stretch, bend, and contort in odd ways before wiggling about as if there were no bones inside him to limit his movement.

"I'm just glad we got there when we did. If we'd spent another minute here in Ponyville Shining Armor would've ordered the whole of the royal guard to march into the Everfree!"

Twilight said with slight exasperation. She would've opted to simply teleport everypony to and from Canterlot Castle, but she knew that teleporting with a jumbled mind was dangerous; especially when teleporting multiple living creatures.

All of that aside, she couldn't help feel a little responsible for everything that was happening. While it was true that she had been teleported away on a moments notice, she should have at least sent a scroll to her brother to let her know she was safe.

Twilight gathered luggage and waited for everypony else to be ready, then they could head back to the friendship map to discuss how best to tackle the issue of the runaway necromancer. While the princess of friendship waited for her friends, she couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible for her brother's current predicament.

Ever since he was charged with the security detail on Canterlot, Shining had made the mistake of researching all he could about necromancers. While at any other time that would've been something Twilight would consider wise, the paranoia that was born from said research proved to cause the opposite of the desired effect.

Clear off of that was the guardspony who apparently be-

"How many beauty products did you bring!?"

The voice of Rainbow Dash ringing out forced Twilight's train of thought to come to an abrupt stop. Looking up from her pensive state while spaced out, she found her Rainbow-maned friend looking impatiently at an indignant Rarity. As the last of the suitcases came gently hovering to a stop on a small pile of bags and luggage.

"I brought only the bare essentials! What are you talking about?!"

She asked indignantly.

"You've got like fourteen dresses in there and an ENTIRE SUITCASE JUST FOR MAKE-UP! We weren't even going to be in Canterlot for more than A FEW HOURS!!"

Rainbow Dash pointed out as she walked over to the top most bag and opened it to reveal the colorful assortment of beauty products, ranging from bases to eyeliner, to lipsticks and eyelash extensions all bundled up in an orderly manner.

The sight made Twilight giggle a little, mainly because she knew what it looked like when Rarity wanted to bring EVERYTHING with her.

"You never know when you need to look glamorously presentable darling. Besides, I would've brought more were it not fo-"

The alabastor mare caught herself mid sentence when she realized she wasn't helping her case; which in turn caused the rest of the mane six to burst into laughter.

While the group walked back towards the castle of friendship with light-hearted smiles on their faces, an odd melody being played on a xylophone could be heard. The sound was muffled, as if it was under thick fabric, and it was coming from Discord.

With mild confusion on his face, he looked down at his midsection before opening it; his fur covered belly swinging to the side like a pantry door with a fitting creak.

Those who looked into the cavity, could see what could only be described as everything and nothing at all. As the Lord of chaos reached into his incomprehensible interior, he pulled out a blue pocket planner with yellow polka dots and a pen clipped onto it's side.

The book itself seemed to be producing the sound, that is of course until Discord pressed down on the pen's button. After the click, the music stopped and what the girls could only vaguely understand to be gibberish came out from the pen which was being held close to the Lord of Chaos' ear.

While his eyes widened with worry, he let out a small gasp of shock.

"Oh dear... I'm gonna be late for my meeting with Azazel."

He said, mostly to himself. This caused the girls to stop their confused staring and blink as the implication of what Discord just said to settle in. With varying levels of worry, the girls voiced their collective concern.


They all asked in unison, causing the master of mischief to wince and promptly rub said ears.

"Honestly, hyperbolic shock is only fun once or twice per chapter; now this is just obnoxious."

He complained.

"You mean to tell us that you were going to see him all by yourself!?"

Fluttershy exclaimed, her forehooves being used to cover her mouth out of an instinctive reflex to shield herself from danger. This made Discord burst into a small fit of laughter before answering the distraught pegasus.

"Goodness no! Oh you crack me up Fluttershy."

He began, wiping a tear from his eye. After doing so, his arm spontaneously broke off like the handle of a tea pot and clattered to the ground.

"I wanted to take those two skeletons of his back to him. Hopefully it will get him in a more negotiable mood, considering the... mood he was in when I last saw him."

He explained, taking his dismembered limb and popping back into place with a small "clack". After a brief pause, the Mane six continued their march towards the castle. While the girls looked amongst each other, Twilight began to mull over the Chaotic Spirit's reasoning.

"It could work... Do you think we should bring the Elements of Harmony just in case?"

Twilight said, looking up at the attentive draconequus. The mention of the Elements evoked conflicting attitudes within Discord, the likes of which he was not fond of.

"Hmm... On one claw, it would be nice to have a back up plan should things go south. Unfortunately, on the other claw there's the possibility that bringing the Elements could trigger the same reaction we're are trying to avoid."

The draconequss pondered aloud as the group reached the castle of friendship.

"I still think we should just turn him to stone..."

Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath, the memory of being under the effect of the demon's fear aura souring her mood. When the group climbed up the crystalline stairs leading up to the castle's twin doors, the girls were greeted with a concerned looking Starlight exiting the castle. As the two locked eyes, Starlight approached Twilight with a quick pace.

"Thank goodness you're all here. We've got a problem."

Starlight said, stopping infront of her mentor.

"What's wrong?"

The princess of friendship asked, her tone mirroring the growing worry on her face.

"Let's go inside, Zecora and Spike are waiting for us in the map room. I'll explain on the way."

The lavander mare replied, ushering the group inside. As the party of ponies made their way through the crystalline tree-castle's halls, Starlight began to unveil the problem of which she spoke.

"At some point after midnight while the sun was still down, there was an earthquake that woke me up. After it stopped, I went back to sleep thinking little of it; but then a few minutes later I was woken up again by Spike saying that he saw Mia in the kitchen with a sack and a knife in her mouth.

When I went to confront her she had vanished, and she took Trephor's bones with her."

She said, approaching the twin doors of the map room. As the group listened intently, their gazes were turned towards the map of friendship.

Sitting on his throne Spike's conversation with the Zebra shaman of the Everfree was cut short at the sound of the twin doors opening. Turing around to see who had arrived, Spike was more than relieved to see his big sister safe and sound.


He exclaimed happily as he jumped out of his chair and ran to embrace her. While the two exchanged a warm hug, Starlight continued.

"I followed the trail of footsteps she left while running into the Everfree when I was stopped by Zecora. She wouldn't let me go any further, and asked to speak with you urgently."

She explained, gesturing to the approaching Zebra. Zecora had a gentle smile on her face, but one could tell by the small bags under her poignant cyan eyes she had been rudely awakened and/or had slept little.

"Though I would've wished to meet under a better circumstance; I assure you, my presence here is not by pure happenstance."

She began, her usual way of rhyming as she spoke being normal to the Mane six after a period of adjustment.

"Something terrible has happened to the Everfree, and if nothing is done about it, I fear it will come back to haunt you and me."

She finished, her tone denoting urgency. With Spike still holding her barrel, Twilight's forehoof held the little drake closer.

"What happened?"

She asked, prompting Zecora to take a deep breath.

"To you this may seem strange or even wrong, but ever since I moved to the Everfree I've... learned much from those that have not yet moved on."

She began, her tone reflecting her aprehension of the topic. While the rest of the girls looked amongst themselves in mild confusion, Twilight's eyes opened at the realization of her implication.

"You don't mean... you..."

Twilight struggled to speak calmly, as she began to visualize the Zebra shaman using some profane ritual to control the undead in her home to harm her loved ones.

Noticing the alicorn's worried glance was turning into an angry glare, and her grip tightening around the little drake, Zecora hurriedly began to explain.

"I know what you're thinking, and no, it was not me. I'd never want to bring harm to you or your family."

The zebra assured. After being wordlessly reassured by Spike, Twilight nodded; prompting the shaman to continue.

"When I first moved to the Everfree, I knew something was awry. Because as I made it my home, I learned the forest was alive. The forest's strange flora and creatures are birthed from the it's center. A dangerous place that I would not dare enter.

From there, the spirits of ponies, griffins, and minotaurs abound; and buried deep beneath earth and stone, their warden can be found. An ancient system of malignant plants has grown and melded together, dooming those that perish in the Everfree forever. Feeding off their sorrow, the plunder roots have endured, even after the Tree of Harmony threatened to destroy the vile mess of vines and wood.

However, these poor spirits would get some respite. When the sun vanished and the moon bathed the forest in it's light they'd come to me spend the night if that I'd granted.

Though most cannot see them, the spirits of the Everfree were there. And even before I met you all, I helped them by lending them an ear to show them I care. But something has happened to the plunder seeds and the spirits they carried.

As I chatted with one such spirit near my home, a dark and powerful magic uprooted the evil plants from where they were buried. The spirits then screamed and vanished into thin air, leaving me alone and in despair. I would've gone to investigate, but to go into the heart; I would not dare.

I came here hoping it would prove to be prudent. Fortunately, I encountered none other than your faithful student. I stopped her from heading towards the places that gave me a dreadful chill. So here we have been; hoping the ground would stay still."

The striped zebra explained. As this happened, Discord's eyes widened at the mention of "dark and powerful" magic.

"Oh dear..."

Discord muttered, his voice nearly a whisper. Fluttershy, with her keen ears for listening to her animals, caught the verbal expression of worry in her hearing. Turning to look at her friend, she could see he was very distressed.


She asked, her voice equally hushed as that of the draconequus. With a gentle tap of her hoof, she gained his attention.

Though most found it difficult to discern Discord's true state at any given time, Fluttershy had become familiarized with the indicators of her friend just joking around. To her dismay, she found no such indicator, only serious concern.

One by one, the mares and dragon turned to see what the worry was about.

"Uhhh... Discord? what's wrong?"

Spike asked with his own swell of concern growing. Taking one last look at the yellow mare with a pink mane for reassurance, he turned to the group and spoke up.

"Do you girls remember I when gave you a lesson on the Elements of Harmony and the Tree?"

He asked, somewhat embarrassed.

"You mean the time the Everfree tried to destroy Ponyville and the tree of Harmony?"

Applejack deadpanned, unimpressed at the fact that despite the severity of the situation, Discord was still his obnoxious self. Brushing off the blow to his ego, he continued.

"Those plunder seeds I planted feed off of the pain of souls, and if what Zecora just described is accurate; we're in serious trouble."

He spoke, his tone continuing to increase in worry.

"UUGGHHH! CAN EVERYPONY STOP BEING SO VAGUE AND DRAMATIC?! What are we up against? What world ending calamity do we have to deal with now?!"

Rainbow Dash complained loudly, a strong desire for this debacle to be over superceding any restraint she had left. Though her tactlessness didn't quite sit right with the rest of the girls, they would appreciate a more straight forward answer.

Discord took a deep breath before speaking, as the mere thought of what they would now have to face sent shivers down his spine.

"I fear that Azazel found the plunder seeds and did something to them... as a necromancer, he's drawn to the suffering of souls. Much like a demon."

Discord confessed, only barely keeping his shudder in check.

"And that's a problem because...?"

Rainbow Dash pressed on with the roll of her hoof.

"The problem, is that in a best case scenario, he was consumed by the plunder seeds and died along with those evil weeds!"

He shot back angrily, the tension finally taking a toll on his nerves. The harsh reaction caught the element of loyalty by surprise, keeping her from asking anymore questions. Though the same could not be for the element of kindness...

" ...w-what would the worst case be?"

She asked timidly. Discord's fearful glance at her made Fluttershy regret asking.

"That he may have just acquired the power he needs to keep his promise to Celestia..."

He began, now turning to the spooked group of ponies.

"...and burn this world to cinders..."

////////Meanwhile, in the Everfree Forest///////

In the ancient library within the disheveled castle the two sisters once called home, a pair of humanoid skeletons stood around a circular table across from two equid skeletons.

On the table, there was an old map of the land of Equestria sketched onto a very old and musty parchment. The map had several places marked with rocks being placed in a semi-straight line heading diagonally downward.

The stones had been placed there by Spectre Luamoon, who had gathered them whilst awaiting patiently for more instructions from a tall, onyx undead.

"His course hasn't changed. Still going southeast, a-... AAAGHHH!!"

Avalon began explaining, before feeling as if his head was being pushed into a bonfire; prompting him to scream in tremendous pain.

Disconnecting himself from his target, he lost balance momentarily before stabilizing himself on the table. As the haze around his mind cleared, his now deep blue eyes refocused to reveal the sight of Spectre Luamoon, Savant Dancer, and Anvari looking at him with concern in the embers of their "eyes".

"He's... *sigh* He's left my range... but if nothing gets in his path that he can't immediately kill, he'll continue going in a straight line."

He said, trying to difuse the tension. The group's gaze then turned to the old map. At it's center, there was a small sketch of a castle in the center of what seemed to be the Everfree forest.

Surrounding the forest were vast plains to the west, lightly wooded areas further south, a coast line to the east that led down to what seemed to be a depiction of a volcano, and a mountain to the north with the words "Mount Canterlot" written in Equish.

"I'm not seeing any reason as for why he keeps moving south east... does he intend to cross the ocean?"

Savant Dancer asked with an innocent curiosity that made it sound cuter than the present situation required. As Avalon's eyes drifted along the crooked line, something popped into his mind as his gaze landed on the volcano.

"There is an entire nation filled with dragons... ...with that much Mana I could build an army to RAZE this world ten times over!"

Azazel's statement resounded in Avalon's head as he connected the dots of his master's trajectory and intent.

"Oh gods... He's actually gonna do it..."

Avalon muttered to himself as he began to visualize what would an invasion of undead be like on a land like Equestria.

"Do what?"

Anvari asked, becoming increasingly uneasy with Avalon's ominous tone. Just Avalon turned to answer her, he felt the call from one of the pegasi outside in his mind. Connecting to Silver Lining, he shut his open mouth and pressed two of his phalanges on his temples.

"What is it?"

He asked, worried something else would make their already pessimistic morning worse.

"Sir! It's...! It's Mia!"

Silver Lining's statement caused Avalon to short circuit.

"Sir, should I intercept?!"

Silver Lining called to his commanding officer, but there was no response.


He called out again, but this time; he got an answer.

"Where is she?.."

Avalon asked, his tone being hesitant and skeptical.

"She's a few hundred meters due north and heading in our direction, but she seems lost. She's carrying a sack of... something, and she has a weapon in her mouth. A knife, I think."

Silver replied. It took a second for Avalon to reply, but when he did, he said only one thing.


After Avalon gave the order, he reached out with his mind. He sensed the magic of the other undead nearby, moving about through the ruins and the golems, who stood watch at the entrances and exits.

The onyx skeleton then felt her... one of his closest friends. Her thoughts were unmistakably this of the Mia he knew.

"I have to find the others. They're somewhere in this godforsaken forest... THEY HAVE TO BE!"

Mia's voice echoed in the telepathic skeleton's head. He wanted to believe what he was hearing, but he saw Mia be destroyed... there was only one way to know for certain. Reaching out with his mind, he cast a single word into her mind.



As I wandered around the forest looking for any sign of Azazel or the others, I felt a familiar presence coming from every direction.


A deep voice boomed inside my head. After so many years of hearing his voice, I'd never appreciated just how much I'd missed his company.


I nearly shouted, forgetting I had brought a knife with me to defend myself. As the blade impaled itself against the floor, cleaving a small fern in two, I looked around in every direction to try and find my sable friend.

"Where are y-!?"

I tried to ask, only to be cut off by Avalon's voice.

"What's the type of clothing Azazel hates the most?"

He asked, his tone harsh and untrusting. Taken aback by the question, I stopped my head from swiveling around a full 360 degrees.

"What kind of a question is tha-?"

I asked, mostly to myself.


Avalon shouted angrily. Though I knew the forest around me was not being affected in the least, Avalon had picked up a thing or two from Azazel.

I could see the trees and greenery spontaneously combust into flames and an innumerable amount of voices screaming in what I could only presume to be a combination of horror and anguish.

To say that the sudden cacophony startled me would've been the mother of all understatements.


I... exclaimed... yeah, let's go with that. As quickly as the hellscape manifested around me; it vanished in a torrent of smog and wind.

As I looked around, I found that the peaceful wilderness I had trudged through in the middle of the night had returned to it's verdant beauty.

"I'm.. I'm sorry... I needed to make sure it was you."

He apologized.

"Where are you?"

I asked, momentarily hell-bent in giving him a piece of my mind in person. There was no verbal reply, but what seemed to be a stream of light hovering in middair materialized and snaked its way out of sight through the trees.

"Follow it."

Avalon ordered. Taking the crude bag I was using to carry Trephor off the ground along with the knife, I complied. Following the path charted for me in my head was a bit difficult, considering that the entirety of the Everfree's floor was uneven.

With cracks, crevices and chasms ranging from simple dips and bumps in the earth to craters filled with broken trees and a mild stench of decomposition rising from therein.

A few minutes after this, I came to a stop at the edge of a large clearing. Right in front of me there were the vestiges of an old, rickity, wooden bridge stretching over a wide chasm. It seemed to run so deep that it's bottom was obscured by the angle of the sun and what seemed to be a thick fog.

Across the massive tear in the earth stood what seemed to be a massive, and ruined castle. The untended overgrowth, and crumbling walls of the monolithic fortress loomed over the treeline with equally ancient statues being over taken by the underbrush.

Like crows circling a potential meal, a triad of skeletal pegasi were flying laps around it's broken towers.

As I stood there, wondering how to get across the massive fissure, I heard the sound of what seemed to be massive hinges join into the natural sonorities of nature. Zeroing in on its source, I saw a dark silouhette in the shape of a skeleton come out of the front door.

Just as I realized who the silhouette was, the undead pegasi dived down and flew towards me. Raising up small puffs of dirt, they landed with resounding "thuds".

"Lady Mia! We're relieved to see you're alri-.."

One of them spoke, her mildly posh accent being cut short when her eyes locked onto my missing forearm. Truth be told, it still hadn't registered that half of my left arm was completely gone.

"Hi, uh.. can you guys help me across? I don't think its possible to cross that bridge."

I spoke after taking the knife out of my mouth and pointing at the alleged bridge. It took the trio a hot second to snap back to reality, but eventually they did came back to their senses.

"O-of course!"

Another one of the pegasus spoke, a stallion, stammering with an almost imperceptible tinge of a rosey hue glazing his cheekbones. While one of them picked up the bag in it's jaw, the other two hoisted me up by my arms.

With a bit of effort, the rapid flapping of boney wings echoed across the cliff side. Upon landing, I was set down very gently, though the same could not be said for Trephor... With a resounding "thump", the bag fell to the floor.

"Be careful with that!"

I complained, turning to the stallion who dropped it with a huff. He flinched at the harshness with which I spoke. Turning back towards the monolithic fortress, my stygian friend came walking down the ancient staircase with what seemed to be two pony... "knights", if one could call them that. Once he reached ground level, I got a good look at his eyes. He was in pain... and I could tell he'd been bottling it up.


I asked tentatively, drawing nearer to him. He stayed absolutely silent, that is of course, until my eyes wandered toward the right side of his jaw. His cherry red molars were cracked.

"What happened!?"

I asked, quickly looking him over for more injuries, but his voice stopped me.

"I tried to stop him... I..."

His voice was barely above a whisper, and was half choked. When we locked eyes again, I understood the severity of the problem. The stone-faced Avalon I knew, who rarely showed any kind of emotion, was holding back tears and failing.

"I'm... so sorry... I failed him..."

He managed, all while scintillations of an azure hue trickled down like water; only to disappear into thin air before making it anywhere near the ground. He tried to say something else, but I stopped him by placing my right hand near the damaged part of his jaw. Once his train of thought was brought to a screeching halt, I told him what he needed to hear.

"This is not your fault. So don't throw this on yourself, because it isn't your burden to carry. We will make things right. I just need you to focus. ok?"

I spoke as calmly as I could. And it seemed to work, because the "waterworks" stopped flowing down Avalon's face. With a deep breath and quiet nod, the sable skeleton's resolve regained it's strength; his eyes igniting with a bright red blaze that made the dull blue disappear.


A familiar voice complaining from the entrance to the ruins came whithin earshot, and as our eyes met, my eyes shone green with joy at the sight of the little sister I never had.

She on the other hand, stood frozen at the door with her jaw held agape. As two unicorn skeletons walked passed her and laid eyes on me, the on dressed in what seemed to be a simple black and red suit spoke up; the other one, a mare, seemed to be in just as much shock as Anvari.

"Lady Mia! You're alright!"

The stallion said, sounding as of pleasantly surprised. I chuckled slightly at the... oddness of the moment, only for it to be cut short by the sound of restrained hics and sniffles.

Quickly focusing on its source, I discovered it was coming from Anvari. Whilst Avalon was clearly more skilled at keeping his emotions in check, Anvari was not.

It only took a few seconds for her to crack, and when she did, the waterworks began as she sprinted towards me as quickly as her legs would allow her. Just before the she-dwarf could close the distance, I knelt down so we would be at eye level.


She wailed, wrapping her arms over my shoulders and around my neck. As I held her in my arms, I was forced to stand up to stay balanced; seeing as how she nearly tackled me to the ground.

I had held her in my arms in the past countless times... but the way her body trembled... it wasn't fear that ravaged her. It was as if a damn of sorrow had finally broken as I whispered sweet nothings into her... well you get the idea.

I don't know how long I stood there with my eyes closed and Anvari in my arms, but my attention was directed behind me when the sound of bones being shuffled about broke the peaceful ambience of the forest.

Turning around, I saw Avalon and the pegasi that carried me here all huddled around the bag I brought with me. No one was saying anything, as their eyes were locked onto Trephor's skull; which was being held like a delicate flower in Avalon's hands.

Though no sound came from him, I could tell he was relieved, distressed, and sad all at the same time whilst he inspected the green skull in his hands. After a minute or two of this, he turned to look at me.

"H-how?... I thought-"

He managed, until I cut off his train of thought, of course.

"Its a long story."

I replied sheepishly, causing Anvari to stir from her half asleep state; the little one having nearly dozed off while being carried. It didn't take long for her to pinpoint what we were talking about, and with the same silent shock as the sable undead before me; her jaw swivelled open in disbelief.

Setting her down, she walked over to the bag and began to rummage around it; finding that every bone was intact and with no apparent damage. As this happened, I remembered why I had even made the trip to this place in the dead of night.

"Where's Azazel?"

I asked Avalon, who had been helping Anvari take out and methodically arrange Trephor's bones on the ground. He stopped what he was doing, freezing for only a second before turning to me. With those same azure eyes and a weariness that chilled my bones, he gave me the answer I'd given him only moments ago.

"Its a long story..."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, ik this chapter isn't very long; but the pandemic and getting ready for college forced me to put writing on hold for a few days. Regardless, I'm here and thanks for sticking around for as long as you guys have. I'll see you in the comments :twilightsmile: