• Published 13th Dec 2019
  • 3,818 Views, 144 Comments

How Death Lived - Crimson Wisp

The son of a demon and a necromancer is thrown into Equestria in his darkest hour. Will he find the peace he so desperately seeks, or will he not survive long enough to tell the tale?

  • ...

Chapter 2. Necromancy, pancakes, a pompous prince, and dreams


The rest of my day was relatively uneventful. The Princesses gave me a tour of Canterlot Castle. Fortunately, my abrupt arrival did not hurt anyone, though I did cause a bit of panic when I collided with the mountain. The guards that moved through the castle on patrols and standing guard at every major room in the castle were visibly startled by my presence. apparently dashing through the castle like a crazed banshee left quite the impression, and the guard I had scooped up during my jaunt through the halls was taking the day off to recuperate. I would have to apologize for that, and I voiced my concern to Celestia. When I told her she was taken aback by my request.

"Forgive me, I just didn't expect kindness from a necromancer."

She stated, with a hint of guilt in her voice. I would've felt offended by this, but I was being offered courtesies that could be in jeopardy if I ran my mouth as I pleased.

"It is not wise to base other's intent on their set of skills or gifts, your highness."

I stated. It was as close to a verbal jab as I was willing to take with the sun goddess. She nodded sagely before continuing our conversation as we headed to what I assumed would be a dining room.

"You're right, and again, We are sorry if I may sound rude or say something to offend you. I really don't mean to..."

Luna added. They looked like they wanted to ask more questions, but their desire to not be invasive was stopping them. I must admit, I don't think I had ever had a conversation like this. Most of the interactions I've had with travelers were short and even then they were pretty rare. I remembered my father's warning, "stay away from sun goddesses" but I knew that I had nothing to fear from Celestia. She possessed a motherly demeanor, not unlike my mom. And Luna was very welcoming and kind. They wanted answers, and I saw no reason to deny them.

"Princesses, is there more you wish to ask?"

If she wanted answers, now was the time. Luna hesitated a bit before speaking.

"Necromancers study dark arts, poised with an insatiable hunger for wreaking death and destruction wherever they go. Your soul should be tainted with the vilest darkness, yet the only times that you've taken life was to feed and protect your family. Not once did you revel in causing death. I want to know how and why?"

She asked. Her question was loaded, but I figured that I'd give her the same explanation my father gave me when I asked the same question.

"Necromancy is one of, if not the most powerful school of magic. It is the study of how magic intertwines life and death in a natural balance, a balance that can be harnessed. To understand it, you must first recognize that there are five aspects to necromancy, flesh, bone, blood, soul, and life force, or how my father called it, spirit. When most people think of necromancy, they think of rending flesh, breaking bones, consuming blood, enslaving souls and snuffing out the life force of others. While those are all things that I as a necromancer can do, they only represent a small fraction of what I can do. I have the power to heal grievous wounds, restore missing limbs, and save others from the clutches of death. Not only that, I can create a bridge between the dead and the living. granting a few moments the living with the power to speak to those that have long since passed. As for why I have not fallen to an insatiable bloodlust, we must return to the concept of balance. There can be no death without life, and life without death is meaningless in the long run. Knowing that life has value, has made me lose my taste for taking it without a valid reaso. However, that is not to say that I am discouraged by this to take the lives of those that cause pain, misery, and suffering to others without a good reason. They are the one's who's flesh I tear asunder, whose bones I shatter, who's blood I take, who's souls I devour and who's life force I take from them. Their souls are fused with mine and become part of the collective that is me. They hold no power over me and they will remain my slaves until the day I die."

I explained as we walked into a large room with colorful windows and a long table filled with an assortment of fruits and other things that I did not recognize.

"I had breakfast prepared for us. If there is anything in particular you would like, I can have the cooks prepare it for you."

Celestia kindly offered. I was unable to answer as my nostrils were being assaulted by an assortment of sweet scents that were new to me. I picked up the small of fruits and warm milk, but there was another scent I could sense that was devilishly enticing. I had picked up the scent once before that one time we entered Moonshine City, but it was nowhere near this strong. I didn't reply to Celestia as my body moved on its own, closing the distance between me and the table of strange delicacies. I sniffed the air over several of the plates and trays on the table and was astonished to find that scent came from small, disk-shaped, bread-like pastries that were adorned with some sort of white foam and strawberries in the shape of a smiling face. I tilted my head in confusion. Next to the stack of sweet-smelling pastries was a bottle with a red cap and what seemed to be a brown, viscous, semi-transparent fluid that smelled faintly of honey, but its scent was sweet and easy on my nose. The collection of aromas was intoxicating and I began to salivate at the thought of what they would taste like.

"Is everything alright Azazel?"

Celestia asked, her voice was mirroring my mother's again, and I was almost inclined to call her that. Were it not for my late parents' sacrifice. I wheeled around to look at them, Luna was looking at me with curiosity, while her sister was giving me that motherly look that would make my heart sink just that little bit more.

"What is this? Its scent is incredible!"

I exclaimed, pointing at the plateful of sweet-smelling foodstuffs. Celestia gave a warm smile and chuckled lightly into her forehoof.

"Those are called pancakes. Would you like to try them?"

She asked coming to take a seat at one end of the table. Luna simply shook her head at this with a smile of her own before going to the other end of the long rectangular table. I nodded before eagerly sitting down on a large pillow laying on the floor, my wings fidgeting in anticipation. Celestia sat down and used her magic to levitate one of the plates with a stack of four of the pastries she called pancakes. She also levitated the bottle of brown liquid towards me.

"This is called syrup, you can add it to your pancakes to sweeten them."

I took the bottle in my hand as I eyed the thick fluid. I looked at celestial raise a fork and small round-tipped knife with her magic and cut out a stack of four triangles before carrying them to her mouth and eating them whole. I decided to follow her example and did the same, except I used my hands. The cutlery was a little small for me, but I managed to cut out the triangles and skewer them with my fork. I carried the food into my mouth as the sun goddess did and my eyes rolled back into my skull as I melted when the soft and sweet pancakes hit my tongue. As I chewed a moan that could've been confused for a manticore's purr escaped my lips as my wings went limp and drooped to the floor.

"Oh my stars...~"

I couldn't help myself. I had never had something that tasted so good in my life. It had a perfect mixture between sweet and salty, neither taste overpowering the other, and the sliced strawberries added a whole other texture that made the experience just amazing. Celestia had been watching my reaction and was barely containing her laughter, while Luna watched with wry smile, shaking her head.

"Try using the syrup."

Celestia suggested, covering her grin with a forehoof. She didn't need to tell me twice. I opened the bottle and poured some of the syrup on my next forkful of pancakes. And immediately shoved it into my mouth. My mind shut down with the overwhelmingly good taste. I threw all notions of etiquette out the proverbial window as I craved for more. While I cannot shapeshift completely like my mother, my body can assume minor changes. In this instance, my mouth sprouted rows upon rows of teeth as my lower jaw split down the middle with the sound of breaking bones and shifting flesh so I could devour the pancakes whole. Although it was normal for me when I got excited to use shapeshifting to let my parents know of how I felt, Celestia and Luna seemed very disturbed at my transformation. After I finished, my forked tongue lapped up the remaining nectar of the goddesses from my three pairs of lips. As my jaw shifted back to it's usual shape I have out a content sigh before noticing the faces of horror the princesses were making.


I deadpanned. The princesses were about to say something, but before they could get their next thought out the doors to the dining hall were thrown open. I turned around on the seat to see a visibility upset unicorn storm in. It was slightly taller than all the other ponies I had seen before, but no where near Celestia or Luna's height. It seemed to be wearing a white suit over it's alabastor coat, but I couldn't tell if that was the case with the collar of said suit seamlessly integrated into it's figure. It had a sky blue tie that matched his eyes and a mate golden mane that draped over his eye. It made a beeline for Celestia and when it got near her.

"Auntie Celestia, we have to speak immediately! Why was I not informed that the creature was in the castle!? What in Equestria made you think bringing a monster into the castle was a good idea!? Why-"

His barrage of questions was cut short by Celestia's hoof being firmly planted parallel to his mouth. He was clearly a stallion. His voice, sounded similar to the teenagers that would come near our forest, distinctly masculine, but carrying no real authority. His posh accent made me cringe as it reminded me of the nobility that would send the Astral Guard chasing after me and my father if we were ever caught near Moonshine after our little... incident there.

"Good morning dear nephew, thank you for asking if I slept well. I rested well, how about you?"

Celestia replied with profane levels of profanity I thought only my mother was capable of. The stallion seemed to short circuit, as he backed away a few steps before trying again without so much aggression, but making it clear that he was still upset.

"Good morning auntie, I slept well. You too aunt Lu-"

He froze and opened his eyes so much I though his skull would break the moment he laid eyes on me. He clearly wasn't expecting me, and I decided to capitalize on the opportunity to teach this petulant noble just who in the nine hells he's talking to. I channeled magic into my vocal chords and let my demonic voice and appearance do the rest.

"For someone so small, you've got a really big mouth. Wouldn't you agree Princess Luna?"

Luna caught wind of what I was doing, and played along while trying to keep her giggling to a minimum.

"Oh I do agree Azazel. Our nephew Blueblood has a tendency to forget that he would benefit from keeping his thoughts to himself most of the time."

She stated deviously. Blueblood's eyes shrunk to near pin pricks as I stood to my full height and made a show making my footsteps loud and intimidating as my wings flared out. I made a point of covering his only exit with my body. He scurried backwards into Celestia's side and made himself as small as he could as I closed the gap between us. I craned my face near his and gave my little speech.

"Hmmm, Blueblood. You know, where I'm from. The blood of unicorns resembles a glowing, white milky substance that is worth a lot of coin if you know who to sell it to. But I wonder... W̷̙̑h̴̘͑ȃ̵̟t̸̺́ ̴̗̒p̶͇͛r̶͙̀o̴̮͌p̸̛̯e̴͇͐r̶͍͌t̵̺̂ḯ̸̬ë̴̼́s̸̠̋ ̵̘͛ď̵ͅo̴͚̅e̷̗̔s̶͉̄ ̸̥͛t̷͖̓h̷̺͆ẽ̶͇ ̴̝̂b̸̙͒l̴̤̏õ̸̼ó̶̞d̶̰͘ ̶̝͆ỏ̷̲f̴̪͐ ̷̭̕p̷̹̿o̷̡͆n̸̠͝ḯ̴̭ȅ̸̖s̴̠͝ ̷̩͋h̴̛̗a̴̰̅v̴͍̕e̵̟̎ ̶͈͒t̴̺̍o̴̢͆ ̶̝̔o̴̰̿f̶͔̓f̷̼̃è̶̮ṙ̷̢?̴̮̑ ̷̘̽E̴͕͘s̴̭̈́p̵̫̾e̸̕͜c̴͍̓i̴̬̽ä̶͇́l̶̤̽l̸͙͝y̷̘̽ ̷͎̍â̸̺ ̷͎̊u̸̪͛n̵͍̏ì̵̗c̷̪͗ò̴̡r̸̨̀ń̶̪ ̶̼̔s̸̮̃u̵̪̎č̴͙h̷̢̾ ̵͉͝a̶͉̓š̸̲ ̵͚̈́y̵̩͑o̷̙̿u̵̠͛r̶̘̋ś̵͓ë̷̡́l̵̲͌f̷̤̿.̴͚̌.̶͙̌.̵͉̅ ̴͈̎s̶̳͊ö̶̦ ̶̥͂t̴͎͂e̷̞̽l̶̤͆l̴̜̚ ̵͛͜ṃ̶̓e̸̪̓,̷̠́ ̷̑ͅB̸̯́L̴͖̚U̴͕̓E̵͖̒B̴͉̑Ľ̵̰Ǫ̷͠Ö̵̱́D̸̞̊.̵̨̓ ̸̤͆C̴̨̏A̴̮͊R̵̤̓Ẻ̴̦ ̴̲͘T̶͈̀Ȯ̸͕ ̵̰̓H̷̪̒E̷͇̚L̷̳̈́P̴̨͊ ̶̪̈M̴̨̀E̷̢͌ ̶͈̽T̵͎͆Ė̷̖S̸̽͜Ţ̵̏ ̷̹́M̸͈͆Y̴̫͊ ̷̟͊T̴͖͐H̷͌͜Ë̸̮O̷̲͆Ṙ̴̪Ỳ̷̢!̷͓̐?̵͖͝!̸̧̋?̶͆ͅ

(What properties does the blood of ponies have to offer? Especially a Unicorn such as yourself... so tell me BLUEBLOOD. CARE TO HELP ME TEST A THEORY?!?!)

I poured too much magic into the last part of my statement, as it was nigh unintelligible. Fortunately, my message got across. The main indicator was the shivering unicorn silently weeping in terror as he held onto his aunt for dear life. Celestia looked at me with concern. So I took a chance and looked straight into her eyes as I gave her a wink and a mischievous smile. She gave me the "are you kidding me!?" look before rolling her eyes and sighing.

"Blueblood, I'm trying to make a good impression on our guest. Come see me later in the evening, ok?"

Celestia said softly to her nephew. To this he nodded and bolted under my legs, and before I could even turn around to watch the coward flee he was gone. The clip clop of hooves off into the distance made me giggle manically to myself. Content, I turned back to Celestia, who was none too pleased with my behavior.

"For what it's worth, I simply wanted to show your wonderful nephew some demonic hospitality."

I stated with the most innocent smile I could manage, but I knew that it was coming off as a shit eating grin. Celestia was staring daggers at me, and just before she could say anything, Luna burst into a manic laughter she had been stifling ever since I got up from my chair. We both turned to look at Luna with shock as she had been laughing so hard she had fallen off her chair, and even as she hit the ground she kept laughing hysterically. After a few seconds of watching Luna laugh herself to death I began to laugh myself as Celestia simply rolled her eyes as she shook her head in disapproval and went back to her pancakes.

Once everyone finished eating, I was taken to my quarters. It was the room that I had been imprisoned in the night prior. The guards took the bonds off my bed and after wishing me a good night's sleep, Celestia and Luna left me in my room by myself. I locked the door to my room and got in bed. As I began to think about the following day, I began to drift into sleep. I was very intrigued and excited to meet the famed Elements of Harmony. Celestia and Luna spoke very highly of them, and I was particularly interested in the element of magic. Maybe they could teach me of magic that I am not familiar with like my... my father. I hadn't thought much about what happened the night prior. What had happened to my parents. It just felt so... unreal. It felt like a dream that started out as a nightmare that devolved into something good and pleasant. For now, I'd just have to go to sleep and make sure that I was dreaming. Make sure that when I woke up, I'd be in my bedroom snoring my body's exhaustion away. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fall asleep. I could hear my parent's voices. They were screaming when they were holding up the barrier that protected us from the Astral Guard's holy embers. I began to cry at the memory. The pain in my mother's eyes. The regret in my father's. As I cried, the stress I didn't even know I was holding began to melt away, only to be replaced by a burning rage. If I ever found my way home, I would rain down on the Astral Guard and this Queen Solaris with the power I would gain in this world. I swore on my parents death that they would know despair. I swore they would feel my pain a thousand times over. I wanted their screams for mercy to be heard by all, and helped by none as tortured their souls for what they took from me. When sleep finally found me. I dreamed I was standing in our forest, near the edge of the treeline that had a clear view of Moonshine city. From what my father had told me, The city had been named that way in honor of Queen Solaris' late sister. Princess Umbra, who had died fighting valiantly to defend her country against the Elven Kingdom a few decades ago. I've never seen Solaris in person, but my mother and father knew her. They disliked her, and I never understood why my father would make a deal with a traitorous whore like her. I was raptured from my thoughts as I heard
many footsteps in unison, marching to an unheard beat. Thinking quick on my feet, I leapt into one of the thick trees and stayed as quiet as possible. Surprisingly, it held my weight, and I was able to keep my wings tucked against my back and at the ready should I need to fly away. As the marching got closer, I could hear what sounded like... singing? When they came whithin view, my body tensed as I recognized the silver armor, their weapons... their leader. My eyes narrowed as I stared daggers at the man I despised to no end. He was walking infront of his men, and when I heard the lyric to their stupid little jingle. I felt the souls whithin me wailing for vengeance.

"No more they kill, no more they mame, no more they terrorize. The spawn of hell
is Astoshan and he's been pulverized. By Deus Vult and his flaming blade, demons are swiftly slain. together we march home, as saviours of the day!"

The men sang in unison with glee, one of them playing the tune on what looked to be a flute of some sort. To me it didn't matter, they were going to die for this mockery. As the last few soldiers marched past me, necrotic energy flowed through my hands. I dropped from the trees and snuck my way behind them, holding an invisibility spell. I walked behind the two guards that walked in the rear of their formation and grabbed their necks from behind. I drove my necrotic energy through them and they died in my hands before they even knew what was happening. I pumped magic into their bodies and whispered the curse of undeath along with the touch of death hex.

"Ego mortem dominating... ad tactu mortem..."

The corpses then convulsed for bit and I let go of them. I retreated behind a nearby tree to watch the madness unfold.
Three armored bafoons went to check their fallen comrades and upon you hung the bodies they too died, falling on their brethren. The younger soldiers began to panic as the older ones just looked in horror. Deus noticed what was happening too late for him to save himself or his soldiers. The pile of bodies began to rise, and with a bone chilling shriek the corpses obeyed my next two commands.

"kill the humans, and disarm Deus."

The corpses, ignoring all pain and exhaustion, lunged onto their friends and tore the few that wouldn't succumb to undeath limb from limb. Deus tried to fight them off, but being outnumbered thirty to one made it near impossible to hold his ground. My corpses distracted him long enough for me to get from behind, and using my brute strength i grabbed Deus' sword arm and tore it right off. When he fell to the ground, screaming agony at the loss of his limb, I took his holy weapon and walked toward him.

"H̸m̶m̶m̵.̸.̸.̵ ̴y̵o̶u̸ ̷k̸n̴o̷w̷,̸ ̷i̷t̶'̷s̶ ̶f̴u̵n̸n̵y̴.̵ ̷t̸o̷ ̷t̶h̸i̶n̶k̸ ̷t̶h̴a̷t̴ ̶o̸n̷l̸y̵ ̴a̴ ̶d̵a̶y̴ ̵a̴g̶o̴,̸ ̷I̸ ̴w̶a̴s̵ ̸w̶e̴r̵e̵ ̵y̸o̶u̵ ̴w̶e̵r̸e̸.̶ ̷a̷t̸ ̸t̴h̵e̸ ̶m̶e̶r̸c̶y̴ ̸o̶f̷ ̶a̶n̴o̸t̴h̵e̶r̸.̶ ̵h̵u̴n̵t̴e̶d̴ ̸b̷y̴ ̷s̴o̴m̸e̸o̷n̸e̷ ̵t̷h̴a̶t̵ ̸d̸e̶t̶e̷s̵t̵s̷ ̷y̸o̶u̸ ̵f̵o̶r̸ ̴e̵v̵e̴n̸ ̷e̸x̶i̷s̶t̶i̸n̵g̷.̷ ̶w̶h̷a̵t̸ ̶w̴a̸s̵ ̸i̶t̷ ̷t̸h̶a̸t̷ ̴y̷o̵u̴ ̷s̴a̶i̸d̸ ̴t̶o̷ ̷m̶e̸ ̸b̸e̶f̴o̸r̸e̶ ̷y̶o̸u̶ ̵t̷r̸i̷e̸d̶ ̸t̶o̴ ̴k̵i̷l̵l̵ ̶m̴e̵?̷"

(Hmm.. you know, it's funny... to think that only a day ago I was where you were... at the mercy of another. Hunted by someone that detests you for even existing! What was it that you said to me before you tried to kill me?)

My words held nothing but disdain for this vile human that was looking up at me with sheer terror.

"I-I... I Killed you!!! I Killed Astoshan and that witch! How are you alive!?"

He spat out blood as he protested in disbelief.

"H̴̤̋o̷͍̓w̶̨̑ ̶̺̏d̶̝̐o̵̯̿e̸͈͝s̷̨͋ ̸̲͐ị̴̏t̵̫̀ ̶̛͜f̸̫̍e̸̺̊é̶̫l̸̡̀?̴͉̃ ̴̛̦T̷̻̉o̷̍͜ ̶̺͛h̸̯͑ả̸̼v̷͘͜é̷̝ ̴̻́t̶̬̒h̶̞́ȁ̸̢t̶̲͐ ̷͓̓w̷̧͆h̴̰́ī̴̠c̶̟̈ẖ̸̓ ̷̳̐y̴͕̎o̴͈̍u̶̳͑ ̷͚̽h̵̡̅a̷͎̓t̵̻̑ȩ̶̊ ̶̺̒c̶̜͒ö̸͉m̷͔̉è̸̫ ̷̬͌b̵̬͋a̴̛̟c̶̛̬k̶̛̙ ̶͈̑F̶̪̍R̵̜̅Ō̶̤M̶̘͑ ̵̬̒T̷̺̎Ḩ̶̉Ë̷͇́ ̵͕̊D̷͕̐È̸̞A̸̧͂D̶̬͆!?!?"

(How does it feel? To have that which you hate come back FROM THE DEAD!?!?)

I raised the blade over my head with the intent of bringing it down with enough force to cleave a mountain.

"Ą̷̞̤͇̈́̑Ņ̶̻̹̪̒͌̍̀̕Ý̴͕̰ ̷̲͖̮̳̃̅͘͠͠Ĺ̷̹̯͚̇͐͆̄Ä̵͖́̕S̷̲̯̦̀Ṯ̴̖̩͒͋̀ ̵̳̜̫̺̫̾̋̓̀W̵͍̟̗̑͐̑͠͝O̷̢̢̮͙͐̄̏͘R̸͖͉̬̒̽́̚D̵̛͎̹͐Ŝ̸̝̤͖̪̮̀̄̈́!̶̫͔̓̃̀̀͘?̶̹̗̍̎̅͌!̵͓̓̄̆̓?̷̢̙̹̩͋"


I brought down the sword with all my hatred onto this bastard, but just before I could see his skull open, the world seemingly slowed down to a halt. I couldn't move, all I could do was try and look around me. There was nothing, no sound other than my own thoughts and breathing, and that's when I heard the sound of hooves trotting behind me. To my surprise, Luna walked around me and stood just behind Deus' frozen form.

"Azazel? Is this truly what you want?"

I couldn't answer her, I couldn't move.

"Is the death of this creature the only thing you can do to avenge your parents?"

I really wanted to say something, but no matter how much I willed myself to move, I couldn't. The, the world faded to black, only Luna's glowing horn was visible in the void. I was released from whatever she was holding me in, and I noticed that the sword I had in my hands was gone.


I growled before continuing.


Luna simply looked at me with unwavering resolve. Her horn glowed again and we were sent an area in front of my house. the place where my parents died. I could see my mother and my father from the side creating a barrier, along with another me, with his arm elbow deep into an all too familiar bag. It was the night my parents died. Deus was blasting a stream of holy fire at us while mom and dad were creating a dome of raw magic to block out the flames. Then, I saw the scene I was all too familiar with play out before me.

"Be strong Azazel, remember to fight for what is right, to live and live like only you can..."

My mother's whisper was a cacophony of echos that no matter how much I covered my ears, the sound would not be lessened. It was too much to bear. I began to sob as my ears burned and my heart could take no more.


As if on command, the echos stopped. My mother, my father, and my double vanished along with the dreadful noise. I could hear the crickets chirping and the gentle breeze rustling the trees around us. The peaceful environment did nothing to take away the pain. I lay broken on my knees crying like a baby that wants his mother. I felt alone. I didn't even notice that Luna had moved next to me as I lay there on my knees, covering my face with my hands and hiding behind my hair.

"Azazel... This path that you're choosing to walk. I know it far too well to allow you to repeat the mistake I nearly made. You will find no peace this way. I nearly lost everything that mattered to me. What your mother and father did was for you to have a chance to live a life that is worth living."

Luna's gentle tone was soul nourishing to say the least. She placed a hoof on my shoulder and began to stroke my back. I finally began to relax, but I still was far from ok.

"I... I feel lost... Mom and dad always knew what to do.... they... they always knew what to say.. they were the only people that... that..."

I was struggling to get the words out as it was, and before I could finish, I broke again into another fit of uncontrollable sobs. Luna moved her hoof onto my arm, and pulled on it for me to face her. As she gently tugged my hand off my face and gave me a hug that I didn't know I needed as badly as I did. She caressed my hair with her hoof as she let me cry out my frustration and grief. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity as she whispered assurances that everything would be alright and strokes my hair. I felt exhausted. After I calmed down enough to stop crying we broke the hug and sat under the night sky to watch the stars. I wanted her to keep holding me, but i didn't want it to get awkward between us so I simply stayed out and kept my hands to myself.

"Thank you... I... I needed this... Thank you."

I said to her, looking at her beautiful dark blue eyes. She smiled at me and silently laid her head on my shoulder as we resumed to watch the stars. Was this what Luna and her sister meant by the magic of friendship? I could nearly wound or sickness of the body, but a magic that could heal wounds of the heart and soul? This is something I wanted to harness. With a power like that I could honor my mom and dad's wishes. I swore it on their graves that I would fight for what is right, to live and love as I only I can. For my mom and dad. I will harness the magic of friendship!

Author's Note:

I've decided to color Azazel's demon voice in red for future chapters to avoided dwelling on it for too long as he will be using it for the following chapter. if you guys have any suggestions be sure to let me know in the comments. Have a merry Christmas!!!