• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 3,269 Views, 43 Comments

Nuclear: The Radioactive Changeling - TheRadioactiveChangeling

A Changeling has been to the past multiple times, and became radioactive. He also is over powered with guns and magic.

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Way too Nonchalant...and some backstory.

“Seriously? You go to an alternate universe, technically kidnap a 4 girls, bring them to your universe, tell them your story, and make them sell out their friend,” Nuclear said in the interrogation room.

“Yep. Believe me, PB has done much weirder,” Marceline said.

“I’d believe it. This world is pretty weird, and I’ve seen a lot of worlds,” Nuclear replied, intriguing Finn.

“Really? Would you mind Naming a few?” Finn asked.

“Alright, let’s see. There’s the bug kingdom suffering from a godly infection, A world where everything is a cube, a world where there’s a war going on with plants and zombies, a world where people play a game that infects other worlds, a world where one zombie destroyed a utopia just to get his love, a world where monkeys defend against sentient balloons, a world where someone creates and places units to attack each other, a world where magic is something everyone learns, with 8 different classes, and lets not forget the world where you can do literally anything if you download it to something. And that’s only a few of them,” Nuclear said, barely letting anyone process what he was saying.

Marceline, snapping out of it, started the interrogation, “Alright, let’s just get this over with shall we? Alright nuclear, if you have one, what is your plan?”

“Really, the only plan I have is to save my own universe. You’d probably ask why, and the main reason is because, well, it is my universe. Someone without their own universe just becomes an insane maniac that will do anything to get it back. I can name 2 people I personally know that have that same fate,” Nuclear explained. “I feel like you also might know someone as well, albeit on a smaller scale. This world is still very much intact, maybe they lost their home or kingdom or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t in this world for a long time, so if I’m wrong, sorry,”

“Ok. PB! DID YOU GET THAT!” Marceline shouted. She looked at the window and got a Thumbs up from the candy princess. “Alright, we got that, good. Second question, what are you?” She asked.

“Ooh...that is a really good question. In my universe, I what is called a changeling. They’re bug creatures that feed of the feeling of love from any entity they can, albeit my ability to do so has diminished over time thanks to our lovely queen. She cast me out and I was left to fend in the barren wastelands. Surprisingly, this was a somewhat good thing for me, as I learned multiple skills and gained multiple abilities. After about 11 years of being a radioactive wanderer, the entire world went to crap. It was a massive extinction cause by 3 entities. When this happened I was already in a barren area, so not much happened to me. However, at least millions were either killed or injured when this happened, and I got front row seats. Lemme tell ya, it was a heck of a performance. After another 2 years of this, I found a machine that allows me to travel through a spatial realm and travel through time. This allowed me to get to certain areas and hopefully change or stop the doomsday clock. But, 413 tries later, not much changed. I had no idea what I was doing wrong or what I had to do. It was like being stuck on a level in a game, so you restart each time when you get there, hoping to find something to get pass whatever you were stuck on. However, on the 414th try, the machine got wonky and transported me straight into the castle of princess twilight, who was teaching her pupil something, I don’t know. When I gained their trust, they let me in and let me come with them to her brother’s wedding. Then a portal appeared and I’m in my universes’ sister world or something where everyone’s human, than I nearly died from a tree, than I got a fatal disease, but then it was cured cause of my radioactive insides, than you guys kidnapped me. That’s my life story right there,” Nuclear finished his monologue as marceline, finn, and PB were blank faced, absorbing it all in.

“Yeah, my life is pretty massive,” Nuclear continued. “Is that everything?”

Marceline snapped out of it to look at the clipboard given to her, “Well, it was supposed to be one question, but you pretty much answered all of them. I...guess you’re free to go?” Marceline said looking at PB through the window. PB gave her a slow thumbs up as Nuclear got up from his chair.

“You guys have a pretty fun world though. Keep that. It’s really good for any Inter-dimensional tourists,” Nuclear gave a shy thumbs up.

“Can...can you name a few?” Finn asked.

“Uhhh...there’s the dude named I AM ERROR who just kinda hides in a room in whatever world he wants, there’s a dragon monster named jabberwock that wonders the multiverse, there’s a triangle demon that loves anything weird, Then there’s this one green haired kid that has a copy of himself in practically every universe, I think his name was like deku or something? Those are all the ones I can name off the bat. There are a lot more, I just can’t think of many,” Nuclear finished as he walked out. Waiting out was nuclear’s friends Sunset, Rarity, pinkie, sci-twi, rainbow, aj, flutters, and spike the dog.

“Well, shall we leave?” Nuclear said as he opened a rift to their world. His friends were still in shock from all he said. “Come on, don’t leave me hanging! I really got to get going here, to fix my universe?” Nuclear said, getting his friends out of the shock.

“Yeah...Yeah yeah let’s...let’s go,” Sunset motioned everyone towards the rift. After everyone got in, Nuclear sighed.

“Thank god they didn’t ask me to get into how I got radioactive,” He said as he jumped through.

The rift opened right near the canterlot high pedestal. It was near midnight.

“Wow. That was a journey,” Rainbow said as they all got out.

“Yeah, sorry you had to experience Dimensional travel so soon, but it really wasn’t my choice, nor your choice,” Nuclear said.

“Well, nuclear. It was nice to meet you I guess,” Sunset said.

“Yeah. I better get back to my world. It’s the royal crystalling so it’s probably pretty important. Hope I didn’t miss much,” Nuclear said as he closed the rift and opened another.

“Say hi to twilight for me!” Sunset said as nuclear stepped through.

“Will do. See ya another time girls!” Nuclear said as he fully went into the rift.

The rift opened back in the basement of the crystal empire. Nuclear stepped through, almost stumbling being back on 4 legs.

“Woah. Sounds like a hurricane outside,” Nuclear said as he heard the blizzard going on. He flew up the stairs to find everyone panicking.

“Uh, I think that's everything?” Twilight said as she held up a badly stitched together book. Princess cadence looked at it with an eyebrow raised.

“It looks right to me, but... there's only one way to find out!” Princess cadence said as she recited the spell. Nothing happened.

“The spell failed. I don’t know what else to do,” Twilight said as nuclear walked over.

“Maybe I could help out?” Nuclear spoke up as they both flinched at his sight.

“Nuclear!? How are you...What...Who...HOW?” Twilight started freaking out.

“Did you know that the basement has some pretty cool stuff? What’s the problem?” Nuclear asked as cadence regained her confidence.

“The entire kingdom is going to be buried under ice and snow if we cannot restore the crystal heart. Unfortunately, The spell we were going to use has been destroyed, and we tried to recreate it, with little success,” Cadence concluded what happened in the past few hours here.

“Ooh, that is a problem. I could help with that book. Give me a second,” Nuclear said as he closed his eyes and held his hoof to the book. Suddenly the book began to make a white noise as it changed to a static texture. The book seemed to be cycling through everything it had gone through. It all stopped when it was a new book, clean with no dust, no webs, no nothing. Nuclear had performed Time exploit. “Does that help?”

“Let’s see!” Cadence said confident as she opened the book to the page needed. She performed the spell again, and nothing happened.

“Welp. I tried,” Nuclear said as he sat down and pulled out a bag of fritos.

“The spell failed again. I’m truly lost. I don’t know what to do,” Twilight said as she sat down.

“An old student of mine believes he might,” Celestia announced as she walked in with all of her friends and a new dude.

“GAH! CHANGELING!” The new dude yelled as he hid behind celestia’s mane.

“Bruh, I a good guy. Don’t be afraid of me, cause I ain’t gonna hurt anyone here,” Nuclear did a heavy brooklyn accent as twilight looked at him.

“What...What are you doing?” Twilight asked him and he stopped.

“I...I saw that in a movie once and just wanted to try it...” Nuclear said as he sat back down.

“The baby did this?!” Sunburst said as he picked up shards of the crystal heart.

“I tried putting it back together with-” Twilight was cut off by sunburst.

“The spell of Relic Reconstitution. No, that won't do it. The Crystal Heart's been around for millennia. Restoring a relic like this is way beyond one spell. You need to combine it with something else. Something unique to the relic itself. Something that strengthens it and provides it with power...?” Sunburst motioned towards the crystal heart and twilight.

“The Crystalling!” Everyone except for sunburst and nuclear shouted at once.

“Combining that spell with the light and love of everypony gathered for the ceremony, together with... Somnambula's Weather Abjuration to clear away the snow... and a little Fledgling's Forbearance for the parents... Heh. That should curb the little one's power fluctuations,” Sunburst said as he pinched flurry’s cheek. Flurry reflected by giggling.

“I’m not one to be that guy, but you probably shouldn’t pinch the cheek of someone who can destroy an all-powerful relic,” Nuclear said across the table.

“Yeah, that’s pretty fair,” Sunburst said as he stepped a bit away.

“You must be Sunburst. Starlight said you were a powerful wizard,” Cadence said to sunburst who laughed a bit.

“Oh, I'm no wizard,” He replied,

“WHAT!?” Almost everyone shouted.

“But he studied magic his whole life! You should see his house! And since nopony has any better ideas, what do we have to lose?!” Starlight defended her childhood friend the best she could, which seemed to do the trick.

“Well, I had planned on asking Twilight to be our crystaller, but since it seems like she'll be busy...” Shining motioned towards sunburst.

“I'd be honored!” Sunburst said as he jumped.

“Well, what are we waiting for?!” Twilight asked everyone.

“Me to ask what do I do,” Nuclear asked. Suddenly everyone went quiet.

“Couldn’t...Couldn’t you make your own disguise or something?” Rainbow asked.

“Maybe, but I haven’t in a while. I can try,” Nuclear said as he closed his eyes and focused. Nothing happened.

“So I traded in my ability to shape-shift for all these other abilities. I would be mad if not for the fact that those abilities are sick as heck,” Nuclear said as twilight had an idea.

“Maybe go in a literal disguise and watch?” She said as nuclear grinned.

“Perfect,” Nuclear said as he pulled out a pony costume. It was complete with a suit an tie, and a fedora.

“Very very weird and creepy, but alright! Let’s go!” Sunburst said as they continued outside.

Author's Note:


If you haven’t noticed I’ve been reworking a few of the other chapters, plus I’ve been posting stories on my wattpad.

Sorry for those who love this. I just got writer’s block honestly. I’ll try to make at least 1 chapter on here and 1 chapter on wattpad at least every week.