• Published 24th Dec 2019
  • 3,266 Views, 43 Comments

Nuclear: The Radioactive Changeling - TheRadioactiveChangeling

A Changeling has been to the past multiple times, and became radioactive. He also is over powered with guns and magic.

  • ...

Panic and Trains (And still whole lot of 4th wall breaking even if it was reworked)

"So what now?" Asked spike, making nuclear confused.

“Your the one who just said, ‘should we go now?’ and now you say that?” Nuclear asked, making spike shrug, and twilight jump.

"GAH! I JUST REMEMBERED MY BROTHER'S CRYSTALLING!" Twilight Panicked as she ran back to the library with spike.

"Wait...Crystalling? As in the Crystal Empire?" Nuclear asked.

"Yeah. That crystal empire. And the reason Twilight's panicking is because her brother is married to the princess of the empire, cadence, and they just had a baby," Rainbow answered as they walked or flew to the library.

That was her brother? Wow...They look nothing alike,’ Nuclear Thought.

Twilight waited by the balcony with spike as the invitation flew to them.

"Spike, It's official. I'm an Aunt!" Twilight hopped with joy.

"Great! Now I'm going to sleep," Spike said as he fluffed his pillow and bed.

"No Sleepy dragon. We're going to the crystal empire! Oh wait...Should we take nuclear?" Twilight asked her assistant.

"I don't care. He's a cool dude. If you are though, You should probably write a note to Shining and Cadence. If you don't, It'll probably take longer to explain to them," Spike answered.

"Good idea...Spike! I said don't fall asleep! Come on, we have to take a note!" She exclaimed as she saw said dragon, asleep in his bed, wake up.

Dear Shining Armor and Princess Cadence,

We are happy to receive your letter, and joyful to oblige to your request to come.

However, I would like to warn you, that we are bringing a special guest with us, and you might be surprised to know, it's a changeling! We found him in my castle working on a machine, and recently he has become a great friend. He does look different then most changelings, but believe me when I say he is nice. So don't call the entire guard on him.

Also, I hope you do not mind if we bring my friends as well? I assume not, but you never know.

Thanks, and See you!

Twilight Sparkle

Aboard the train to the crystal empire...

"So what am I supposed to do when I get there? Like, I know that the royalty would be fine, but what about the civilians?" Nuclear asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure that my brother will make an announcement about you, but if not, we will be around you so they can't really think of many possibilities," Twilight responded.

"Meanwhile, Why did you seem surprised about the crystal empire earlier? You seemed sort of Curious about it when Twilight said Crystalling. Have you been there?" Rarity asked nuclear.

"Well in some previous timelines I went there to investigate if there was something there causing the end. It actually wasn't that bad of a place, but no clues," Nuclear answered but didn't notice the hyperactive pink pony shake up behind him.

"WOW! I still can't believe that you have time traveled! What was it like Going through time? Do you have any other objects that are cool? Do you know about the 4th wall? Yep! I see you reader!" Pinkie pie Hopped and bounced spouting out questions and stuff, confusing most creatures in the room.

"Well... I'd say it's like bouncing inside a Giant machine you not shaped like you. I do have some other deadly and cool objects, and yes, I also see you too reader. Pinkie's not the only creature that can do that," Nuclear responded to pinkie pie.

Did Ya hear that! I'm not the only creature that see's you! Nuclear here does too! Yep. I do see you too. And I'll also say thatI will use my gun on a villain, and that the creator wants to have me put in Equestria girls early, and by early I mean In like the next few chapters With all my powers and guns.

Seriously? Come on dude, We had an agreement! And Since when did you know how to break the 4th wall?
Pinkie and Discord taught me.
Yep that's right:pinkiehappy:
It's one of the best running jokes on this site and in the show, how could we not?
I'm not amused. Let's just get back to the story...Where were we... Ahh, here we go.

...Nuclear responded to pinkie pie, making everypony else confused.

"Anyway...What other objects do you have?" Spike asked.

"Heh, everyone get back," He laughed as he got out of his seat and pulled out a small switch with the words, "Power Suit," Emprinted on it. He flipped the switch and a whirring noise began as a suit appeared over him, with his horn coming out of the helmet with silver streaks of armor being slit down his head and neck like hair. A Mask covering his mouth and eyes came from above the helmet and a chest protector appeared leaving everypony dumbfounded.

"This is My power suit. It acts as a method of defense against tons of things. That and It looks Freaking awesome," He exclaimed.

"No Kidding! What do I have to do to get one. I wanna use it to smash that stupid tirek and chrysalis," Rainbow asked with expression.

"Well, really I don't think you can get one as it's not a thing yet, but if you survive long enough, you can get one!" Nuclear explained, Making rainbow disappointed. He then flipped the switch again and the suit disappeared.

“Heres another thing,” He said as he pulled out the same switch and flicked another lever which, emprinted on it, said “Tesseract” on it. Suddenly a Cube appeared around him, glowing a brilliant blue with sparkles and energy coming from it.

“This is the tesseract. Basically I can either be in this, or make someone else be in this. It’s indestructible from the inside, and outside. It’s basically the world’s best panic room, or best Prison cell!” Nuclear proclaimed.

“Wow...I’m getting a big magical force from this,” Twilight said.

“Right I forgot, this can also be used as a conductor. It generates tons of magical energy for, really anything you want,” Nuclear said as he turned it off.

“Wait, why haven’t you used any of these against the 3 baddies?” Spike asked.

“Well, by the time I get to where they are, It’s too late. The world is toast. I’m always in the wrong place when they do their thing,” Nuclear said before he heard the train go BRRRRR (HAHA) "Ahh! We're here!"

Author's Note:

(The picture used in this chapter I cannot get the link to, for some reason, and if anyone knows the creator of said picture and is able to get to them, I can talk to them about it)

Well that was action packed am I right?
Not really. I mean, yeah they saw the suit but that's really it.
Killjoy. But hey, at least the 4th wall thing happened.
Yeah true
And It was fun!
Whatever pinkie. Anyway, see you guys and girls later!