• Published 2nd Jan 2020
  • 13,752 Views, 500 Comments

Warfare - Rated Ponystar

A private of Equestria's army writes down his experiences in the war against humanity (Negotiations-verse Prequel)

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I Recover In Ponyville

June 2nd, 1422 E.F

I realized I haven’t written in this for a while now, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been doing everything I could with physical therapy to get me back into fighting order so I can kill the humans. Equestria knows they need every soldier they can get now.

The past month has been nothing but a demoralizing day by day process of learning which battles were lost, which towns were obliterated or occupied, how big were the number of dead, and how closer the armies were getting to us. There have been very few victories and those only happen because Princess Celestia or Twilight was there. Everypony is afraid that the war is over and that we’re all going to die. That the humans will destroy us like they did to the non-ponies when they fled Equestria. I remember the announcement from Celestia herself about how the human navy sunk all their ships and exterminated them. Humanity is a cruel monster that cares nothing about itself and just wants to take everything they can with their greedy hands.

They already ruined this world with their actions. We cannot let them ruin Equestria.

I keep telling them to let me fight, but they say I’m not ready. That I haven’t adjusted to not having wings anymore or the other injuries might cause serious harm to my body. I don’t care if I don’t have wings anymore! I’ll rip their faces off with my teeth if I have to!

They’ve taken everything from me. My comrades. My princesses. My lover.

They’ve taken my home and my family.

Clousdale surrendered to humanity just two weeks ago and I still can’t believe it. The home of some of our greatest heroes, warriors and generals of renown, and it surrendered without a fight. It’s not the only one to do so, but it hurts knowing my home betrayed us. I don’t even know if my family is even alive. Did they get executed for fun? Did they rape my sister or mother before tossing their bodies in some factory to use them as glue? Did they burn our church down because it didn’t worship their heathen gods?

I don’t know, but I can’t let it get to me except to fuel me into getting better. My family might be dead, but I can’t worry about that. This war is bigger than them. I’ve seen the strength and evil of these invaders and I know that unless we stop them then everything is lost.

Death would be better than such a fate.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


June 4th, 1422 E.F

Rumors are going around about how the ponies captured or being held control over by humanity are being treated well. Some are suggesting that maybe the humans will be merciful if they are captured. I can’t believe what I am here, but these are civilians who don’t know what we are really fighting against. I’ve seen the way they wage war. The brutality and outright horrible things. They claim to have made some rules of war a long time ago at a place called Geneva, but it's a load of manure. There are no rules to war. Just killing and surviving. Millions are dead because of them, both soldiers and civilians. How can we just expect mercy from these monkeys?

I went out to walk around Ponyville for a bit. I’m not well enough to fight, but I can travel around at least. It’s...tough getting used to the feeling of not being able to fly. Like a part of you is gone forever. I see the looks that some ponies give me, but I hate it. I hate being pitied. Some look at me as a hero, but I’m just some unlucky wingless pegasus who managed to avoid getting killed while better ponies died.

Why am I even alive? Why didn’t I die with Thundershot? I don’t care if there is an afterlife or not anymore. I feel dead already inside. I don’t even have a home or a family to go home to now. The only thing keeping me going is the need to protect my country from these bastards. If I didn’t have that...

The town has seen better days. I can say that much. I used to grow up hearing about how great Ponyville was from the Crystal Tower of Friendship to Sweet Apple Acres owned by the Element of Honesty. A place of happiness and importance. It’s barely got a smile to its name. A large memorial is always updating on the souls of ponies who have died in this war. The economy has ruined many businesses and the houses are being prepped for any future bombings. I even hear that the farmers are suffering with their fields being nationalized so that the food can feed the army.

It just feels like utter depression made whole in my mind.

I wonder what it's like for all the other places in Equestria that are still standing?

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


June 8th, 1422 E.F

I’m still getting this news, but it sounds big. There was some kind of incident in Canterlot last night. What I’m hearing doesn’t make sense, but it sounds like members of the Royal Guard and Army were fighting each other last night. Apparently, there was infighting like a coup or revolt. There are rumors going around that Princess Celestia is dead or nearly died. Others are saying she faked her death before striking back. Some say it's the Resistance led by Lyra Heartstrings. Others say it's Discord again.

There are also rumors of humans arriving in Canterlot and trying to assasinate Princess Celestia. It had happened nearly a few times before the war. Back when humanity allowed the Convention Bureaus to save them from the barrier’s growth.

The truth is nopony knows what is going on and that’s scaring everyone. Including me.

It’s got everypony up in arms at the moment. Civilians are forced into their homes with orders to not come out or they’ll be punished. Soldiers are on every street while everypony is waiting for news about what happened in Canterlot.

I will write more when I find out more.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


June 11th, 1422 E.F

We finally have the full information on what happened. It turns out that one of the military generals, General Valkyrie, had staged a coup attempt with members from the Royal Guard and Military to seize control of Canterlot and order a negotiation with the human armies. Cowards and traitors a lot of them! Princess Celestia was poisoned, but her alicorn biology managed to save her so she made it look like she had died in hopes of getting the conspirators to appear. When they stormed the castle in an attempt to seize it, she and the rest of the loyal forces managed to stop them with Spike the Dragon arriving with other forces as reinforcements.

Most of the traitors died in the battle, but the remaining ones were straight up executed. Their heads decorate a pike on the walls of the palace. A better fate than they deserve if you ask me. According to one soldier who was there, General Valkyrie accused Princess Celestia of dooming the entire Pony race with her actions and that there was no hope of winning the war. She did what she did to save what was left. How dare she accuse the Princess of such a thing! We came here to save humanity from ourselves if there is anyone to blame for all this chaos it's them! Not the princess! They say her last action before Celestia personally killed her was to spit in her face. I wish I could have killed her personally.

The only reason we are even alive and have a chance of winning this war is because of the Princesses. They are the only reason we can even fight and hold off humanity.

What is happening to Equestria where she is tearing herself apart in false accusations while the true enemy lies on our doorstep? All it did was lead to more ponies ending up dead and hindering the war effort.

At least Princess Celestia is okay. She is fine and that’s what matters. If we were to lose our remaining princesses then there really would be no hope left.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


June 12th, 1422 E.F

I met one of them today. Sweetie Belle. One of Scootaloo’s friends. I remember her talking about her...before the invasion and I recognized her description. She was surprised to know that I knew her friend, but nonetheless wanted to know what had happened to her at the battle. I was surprised Rainbow Dash didn’t tell her what happened, but apparently Dash didn’t like talking about what happened. Not that I blame her, I still can’t fully talk about it myself.

I told her of the brief moment of time we spent together. It wasn’t much but I could tell in her eyes that she wanted to know every detail of her friend’s final moments. She then asked how did the battle go...or more accurately how did she die. I didn’t know what to say, but she begged me to tell her no matter how gruesome it was.

In the end, I told her how the Wonderbolts were all killed one by one. Their remains now buried at sea for eternity. She sobbed for a while and held me as I comforted her. I told her I lost somepony too. How I lost Thundershot.

Sweetie Belle told me she just wanted the war to be over. She didn’t care about who won or lost anymore, just for all the dying to stop. Normally, I would say something about how we needed to win, but I felt like that wouldn’t be right so I didn’t say anything. Maybe I can understand why some ponies think this way, but I feel like they can’t see the bigger picture.

Let’s say, by some miracle, humanity doesn’t wipe us out or enslave us. What will we do? Have to adhere to their laws? Their rules? Will our culture, religion, and society have to change because they hold power over us? What will we lose becoming more like them? No, it would not be Equestria anymore. It would be a puppet state or would fall into the same trap as these humans have done. Their entire history is nothing of conquest, enslavement, death, and corruption. I do not want to see Equestria follow the same fate.

She thanked me before leaving, saying it was something that she and her friend Apple Bloom wanted to know for a long time. I remembered that Apple Bloom was Scootaloo’s fiance and asked how she was, but Sweetie Belle whispered I didn’t want to know. Maybe it's best I didn’t.

As I saw her walk away I wondered more and more what our future as a species and as a nation was going to be. Is there a way to save our home? We’ve done it in the past before, but can we pull it off again with the armies of humanity coming closer and closer with each day? How many lives must be lost before we can turn the tide? If we can turn the tide.

The thought that this is the end has crossed my mind more than once, but I can’t believe it. Because then everything would have been for nothing and I refuse to let that happen. Even if it means losing my life.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon


June 19th, 1422 E.F

I heard rumors going around that more and more soldiers are surrendering. It’s gotten to the point that half of Equestria is now under human rule. Worse, there are talks about them planning some kind of major strike.

I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like it. I’ll see if I can find out some more.

-Corporal Halberd Wings, 139th Arial Spear Regiment, 2nd Platoon

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but we're getting closer to the end. 2 or 3 more chapters left.

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