• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.


This story is a sequel to Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures

Vocanctus, a city on the ocean protected by a Legendary Pokémon.

Every year, a festival is held to give thanks to that Pokémon and prayers for another year of protection. But as the celebration begins again, dark and dangerous forces look to cause mayhem and take the power of this Pokémon for themselves.

To stop it, our heroes must help a young girl overcome her demons and find her voice once again. If they can't, the whole region will soon find itself facing great peril.

Edited by KingJoltik

On TvTropes

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 63 )

So the Dazzlings are priestesses? Or at least one is intended to be and they don't know which one and their anger is more from a lack of an official answer? I dig it, it will make Adagio and Aria a lot easier to symphonize with.
So Octavia and Vinyl are from the same city as the Dazzlings, I dig it.
And we're about to have a party!
So this Guile guy, what's he's deal? What is he trying to do?
Alright, let's see what's gonna happen.

Vinyl slumped over while Hopper ran over and jumped into Flash's arms, the trainer hugging him tightly as Vinyl returned Palpatoad.

AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I can't take it! The image is too cute! :fluttershbad:

Hold on. The other two aren't, you know, dead, are they? :twilightoops: Anyone else getting the feeling that they'll show up again?

Great start so far. It looks like this time you are using someone from the manga as the main villain. I don’t know anything about him beyond that though so I am sure this will be exciting. Also, Flash’s battle with Vinyl was fun, and I can tell it is based on the opening of the third movie like how the battle at the beginning of your first movie was based on the first.

I actually felt really bad for Sonata in this. Apparently losing her sisters due to a disaster like that is tragic. No wonder she apparently hasn’t sung since then. Though I won’t be surprised if it turns out Adagio and Aria are alive. I am guessing they aren’t dead since the character tags mention “The Dazzlings” instead of just Sonata.

Should of used this for the title theme.

For the epic Pokémon something like this.

10339940 First one was good. Second one I'd use Movie 3's theme for it.

Comment posted by GamePlayer64 deleted Jul 18th, 2020

This will be fun! I want to see what happens in the story with Sonata, Flash, and the gang. I bet after this story, we'll see Vinyl and Octavia later on in the main journey.

What did you think to the backstory of the city. Hope you enjoyed it.

I did, although it feels like there is a lot that was not said.
Octavia nodded in agreement. "Her name is Sonata Dusk, and her sisters were called Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze."

"Were?" Doc asked, everyone gulping as they had a feeling they knew where this was going.
"They died a year ago, on the night of the last festival. They were out on a yacht when some kind of accident occurred. Their boat was pulled under and only Sonata was found the next day."

*looks to the character tag. They ain't dead, Guile has them captured and has done something to them in attempt to summon and control Sirenity. This is gonna blow up so badly in his face, I'll prep my popcorn to pop.
That being said, I feel bad for Sonata, she was kind of written off by her sisters as the airhead and she seems to be viewed as the least qualified of the three in terms of the necessary charisma and will to fill the role.
I guessing Octavia and Vinyl are at least step-sisters, maybe full sister. Gonna be honest, I was kind of hoping that Vinyl was actually mute, it would have been cool to see a train use sign langue to convey their pokemon's moves.

The backstory for the city was cool. This Sonata is very different from the usual versions of her, which is understandable considering what happened to her sisters, or at least what appears to have happened to them, I still hold on to my theory that they are alive.

10351116 I think I might have been taking inspiration from the EQG Persona Sonata for her situation and personality.

That would make sense to me, because as I was making my comment before I thought of that exact story myself and how Sonata was portrayed there. At least here Sonata wasn’t crippled in an accident.


I still hold on to my theory that they are alive

you and me both

Let guess Guile faced Ash and Pikachu in the past. Didn't he.

Hmm, this feels eerily similar to the Latios and Latias movie. Also, Flash and Sonata 's interactions feel strongly ship tease-y even though I know Flash is not ending up with her.

The city's backstory was nice. And we have Sonata interacting with Springer before she eventually befriends Flash. Especially with Black, White, and Guile after her. It'll be interesting to see what happens next. And I bet Guile has more than a Surskit, so it'll be interesting to see his main fighter.

Also, why does Cloyster know Teleport? I think you made a mistake there. If anyone could potentially learn Teleport, it would be Malamar.

10351381 I think this will answer your question.

Huh... I didn't know that. Curse you, early Kanto.

He ship teased SunSentry in the last movie, why not ship tease FlashDusk in this one. I at least had the kunhunas to actually follow through with my ship tease.
Although at some point it would be nice for someone(please let it be Spike) to spell out to Twilight that she's Peanut Butter and Jealous for Flash

Can I hate Guile? Because I hate him... oh please don't make him the Dazzling's father...
I'd say dick move on the Dazzling's father part leaving after a festival never to return, but it does take two to tango and if their mother never reached out...
So Novo is the political head of the city? Well given that sirens are priestesses, mermaids make sense as the politicians.
Love the bonding between Flash and Sonata, but if Sonata were to travel, I think she take Flash's suggestion, (heck bring Skystar with them too) as Sonata already has a connection with Octavia and Vinyl.
I do have a mostly irrelevant question, is mayor of Vocanctus a hereditary position?
Looking forward to what happens next...

That was very nice. Flash and Springer officially make friends with Sonata and learn more about her past from her. I really liked how she and Sirenity took them underwater with them and we saw all those different water Pokémon.

I was surprised to see Novo and Skystar in this. I wonder what will happen next?

I'm Flash Sentry and this is partner, Springer.

You forgot to include “my” before “partner”.

I had just been released from hospital after I was given the all clear.

Put “the” before “hospital”.

Flash found himself able to enjoy their trip as they winding through a barrage of tunnels.

I think you mean “winded”.

I want to be the strongest trainer ever, but without my Pokémon...heh, that dream would even come close to coming true.


Hmm, is Skystar going to be important later on in the story? I don't see a character tag for her, so I'm guessing not. Then again, Octavia and Vinyl don't have tags either. I still don't think those two are dead though. Then again, that's what a lot of people thought when you killed off Moondancer in your Yugioh series. Your mind is so hard to read, you know that? :applejackunsure: I guess the more willingly I accept that the easier it will be for both of us to enjoy your stories. :twilightsmile:

...I just had a thought... is Black and White brainwashed Adagio and Aria...:twilightoops:

Flash managed to start helping Sonata. That's good. Now we'll have some fun at the festival before Guile starts acting.

We are about to have the Fun and Games, just as The Bad Guys Close In

Once they had been shooed away from the games section for quote/unquote 'cheating', they headed over to an arcade.

So, no one thought of a way to design games that take Pokemon abilities into account? If that's the case, why do they allow Pokemon to play those games?

You know I had a weird feeling that Black and White were brainwashed. Anyway, I guess Black and White had time to prepare considering how much better they battled against all those Pokemon compared to how Flash and Springer took them on so easily earlier. I'm drawing a huge blank on what's going to happen at the climax, but I'm sure it's going to be good.

He took out his Pokeballs and threw them into the air, unleashing Skyler, Riptide, Prongs, Viper and Hopper.

I half expected Viper to look around and jump back into his Pokeball with 'Nope'!

"Welcome aboard," Doc finished with a small nod.

I think he should have said something to the effect of, "You are certainly welcomed, but I think you'd be better off traveling with people you know from here."

This caused the others to come to a stop, confusion on their faces. This confusion intensified when Malamar picked itself up and unleashing a bunch of Psycho Cutters at them, the explosions forcing them all back before Malamar turned to the two and flashed its chest lights.

I'm calling it right now, Black and White are Adagio and Aria mind controlled via Malamar

Archibald Kaito


10373729 Go read In Pokemon We Give Thanks. It's the chapter after the Applewood Gym Battle.


I'm drawing a huge blank on what's going to happen at the climax, but I'm sure it's going to be good.

Well, if I were to hazard a guess, this Archibald Kaito guy is gonna try to use Sirentity, but his attempts will ultimately fail, he'll take it out on Sonata, Black and White, weakening his control over Black and White, all the while Flash and company try to calm Sirentity and manage to break the mind control on Black and White revealing them to be Adagio and Aria.
Flash will free Sonata, and in the end Archibald is going to do something stupid which will result in his death at the metaphorical hands of Sirentity. They manage to get Sonata, Adagio and Aria back for the festival and who the priestess is ends up being revealed, and our heroes head out to re-new their adventure as Sonata (and possibility Adagio and Aria )will travel the world on her/their own or with Vinyl and Octavia. And Sonata will give Flash a kiss on his lips as they leave making Twilight jealous and as Flash looks on love-drunk, Twilight pulls his ear to bring him back to reality, why she is still unaware that what Twilight feels is jealousy and Doc will make a comment to Spike saying something like, "You know, as bright as your sister is, she needs some times spelt out for her." To which would reply, "Preaching to the choir" all the while Twilight is pulling on Flash's ear while chewing it off (metaphorically).
But that's my guess.

10373759 If you don't know the Pokemon games or show, you won't know it. But he's pretty famous. You might know him better as Archie.

I think that it is self-evident that I don't know that much concerning Pokemon

Well, now Guile’s real identity is out. I remember when “Archibald Kaito” was first mentioned in passing I figured he would show up eventually. I tried looking his name up in Bulbapedia but nothing came up, so I don’t know where it comes from, but I do recognize his other name, Archie, a lot better, the leader of Team Aqua. Makes total sense that a guy like that would be after Sirenity.

The rest of the chapter was good too. Feels like we are nearing the climax. The first movie was six chapter long, so I am guessing this one will be similar.

Once they had been shooed away from the games section for quote/unquote 'cheating', they headed over to an arcade. Everyone quickly rushed over to a game, Flash playing Sonic the Sandslash, Spike trying Munchlax-Man several times, but unable to get past the first level since the Ghastly kept getting him. Even Sonata got in on the fun, thrashing all challengers on a Ludicolo dancing game she was a master at.

Those all sound like awesome games for the Pokémon world. I would especially want to play the Sonic one.

Sonata smiled back while shaking her head, "I'm afraid the only people allowed to know that song is our members of my family. As the last surviving member, I'll have to teach it to the next generation." She then gave a coy smile, "The only ones getting to learn it will be my kids and their father." Only Springer noticed the girl's eyes shift to glance at Flash as she said that, quickly looking away before she was caught.

Well, if it wasn’t clear before it is certainly clear that Sonata has a crush on Flash now. It’s cute, but too bad for her Flash is already taken, since Twilight’s got dibs on him. Hopefully she won’t be too upset about it and can find someone else in her life.

:ajbemused: That was not an invitation to mass fan guess.

"And who are you," the proad lord said,
"That I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat
That's all the truth I know"

Of course, Sombra would be involved.

By the way, is Twilight taking Flash's determination to help a friend at face value or is she mistaking it for something more romantic? If the latter, she sure isn't expressing it very clearly. :applejackunsure: Then again, you aren't exactly making it clear whether Twilight's feelings for Flash are romantic either. I mean, even their most shiptease-y (not a word, I know) moments can fall either way. Heck, Sunset and Sonata seem more overtly romantically interested in Flash than Twilight is. If you're trying to go the subtle route with Flash and Twilight's ship in this series, you might be taking it a touch too far.

"I had two very good teachers," Guile pointed to Black and White before nodding at them. Sonata's eyes went wide as she saw them take off their helmets, her pupils shrinking at the next sight as they revealed their faces.

Called it. Now where's my cookie!

now seeing a bulky looking man and a dark skinned women with green hair looking down at him. Both were wearing similar black clothing with a stylized S on it. "Morning sleepyhead," the women giggled.

Wait... Doom and Chrysalis are behind this.. well technically Sombra is...

"It didn't work," Guile growled, "One night, the three of us snuck in here and I had Adagio sing the song....but it didn't work. I then tried Aria, but that didn't work either. I then tried them both, and even that wasn't enough."

Given all the focus on Sonata in this story, I shouldn't have been surprised that she's the actual intended priestess.

"No more Mr. Nice-Guy."

This is you being nice... you are a bastard that deserves to be devoured alive

The battle to rescue Sonata and Sirenity was on, with possibly the fate of all Vocanctus on the line. Would our heroes win, or would Guile Hideout accomplish his goal?

I highly doubt you'd displace a culture you've put so much into, and while this will have an actual effect on the story, it wouldn't be a Pokemon, or any shouen anime movie of a currently running series, if for the most part the status quo before the movie didn't return to what it was before... I've seen all the Dragon Ball and DBZ movies that came out before Battle of The Gods and I've seen all the Digimon Seasons 1,2,3 and 4 movies, and the first three Pokemon movies, I think I got a sufficient understanding of the rules of the genre.
But it should be an interesting fight


Then again, you aren't exactly making it clear whether Twilight's feelings for Flash are romantic either. I mean, even their most shiptease-y (not a word, I know) moments can fall either way. Heck, Sunset and Sonata seem more overtly romantically interested in Flash than Twilight is. If you're trying to go the subtle route with Flash and Twilight's ship in this series, you might be taking it a touch too far.

Twilight in this story always struck me as someone that needs to have her own emotions spelt out for her by someone else, especially in the department of affection, love, etc.

Nice! The final battle begins! I like how the entire town got involved when they heard Sonata and Sirenity were captured. It not only gives the heroes their own army but also shows how much everyone cares about the two of them.

So, Team Shadow was responsible for Guile the whole time. That actually reminds me, in the previous movie we never really found out who it was that left Doctor Mechano for dead and set him on his path as a villain, but I’d bet money it was Sombra. That would mean Team Shadow was responsible for both antagonists of the films thus far, which is a nice touch.

It looks like I was correct with my guess that Adagio and Aria were alive. It was the character tags that were the biggest hint for me. Though now that Sonata knows that she is the priestess I wonder how that will affect her plans for the future?

"You really care about her?" Twilight asked, looking up at the night sky.

I remember Twilight seemed a bit jealous in the previous movie when Flash and Sunset were close, especially when Sunset stole his first kiss. Now she seems to think Flash has genuine feelings for Sonata. If she doesn’t want to lose him then she should make her move eventually.

And the look in its eyes said it all. They now glowed a bright red, while its body remained still.

Glowing red eyes. That’s almost never good and almost always evil.

Well, if she does have feelings for Flash, she's expressing them so subtly that I might need them spelled out for me.

We know she will love him, she might not be there just yet

Oh no! The former leader of Team Aqua from the Advanced series! I thought Ash and his friends defeated him with the help of Groudon!

"Wait...that's it!" Twilight turned back at the hypnotized Pokémon and yelled at her owl Pokémon, "Owlicious, Mind Force!" The giant owl nodded as it began to charge up the attack to fire at a Lokelpie.

That took her long enough to figure out. :ajbemused: I'm just saying that if I were dealing with brainwashed/hypnotized enemies, the first move I'd try would be the one move that can counter mind control.

"OWL!" He cried at the blow, smacking him down behind Twilight, she and Shine trying to run to his side, only for Malamar to land between them.

I should have known it wasn't going to be that easy. :ajbemused:

And...cliffhanger. :ajbemused: Okay, then. I guess we're waiting another week to see how this ends.:twilightsmile:

Nice fight though. Good on Sonata for firguring out how to stop Guille. Now the bastard needs to be devoured alive...
I get the feeling that Guille's defeat will benefit Sombra a thousand and six times eight million times more than if Guille was sucessful.
A cookie to anyone who gets the two refences I made... okay three cookies.

That was intense. I really liked how Flash’s entire team was fighting Mega Gyarados together, and while they were busy Flash fought Guile all by himself instead of a traditional Pokémon battle. It is great that Sonata got control again and managed to free Sirenity and stop the wave. I admit I was expecting this to be the last chapter, considering the length of the last one, but I guess we still have 1 or 2 to go.

I've have over a year's experience training wit this blade.


This allowed Springer the thrust his Aura Sphere at the beam, hitting it head-on as the Fighting-type move cut through the Normal-type one before hitting the Gyarados's face.


The whole chapter was badass! Those final clashes happening at the same time were awesome!

Downed off screen by Sirenity ... I was hoping for a more visual end of Guile, but I'll take that.
Glad to see the Dazzlings back together, and while Aria and Adagio act like they are never coming back, they are such tsunderes, they'll come home with their sister.
Oh and I see poor man's Skystar (I jest but yeah Silverstream is the poor man's Skystar) and Geb (a cookie to any that get the connection)
Twilight not being jealous and needing that spelt out for her, :yay:, but Flash being a dense harem anime M.C.:facehoof:

Random Questions
1) What will Adagio's, Aria's and Sonata's Pokémon's be?
2) Who is Jessi Nowack? Should I know her? Nevermind looked up, a parody voice actor... I'd say 'seriously?' but it should be stated that I am of the school of thought that it would have been more interesting if Vinyl was mute and communicated non-verbally, so yeah take what I said will a pillar of salt.

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