• Member Since 31st Oct, 2016
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I've always been a lover and writer of fanfiction, but it wasn't until I got into MLP that I really found something I loved writing about. Hope you all enjoy.



This story is a sequel to Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures

A darkness threatens the world of Pokémon, and only the strongest of trainers has what it takes to stop it. Flash Sentry and his friends have been chosen, entrusted with this task by the Legendaries of Equestria. Not only must they fight to protect their home, they must also train in order to fulfil their dreams and desires. As the Equestria League approaches, one question is on everyone's mind: Who will be the Equestrian Champion?

Edited by KingJoltik

On TvTropes

Chapters (52)
Comments ( 524 )

serious, fatal or even permanent harm

Wrong order, it's harm that will take a long time to actual recover from (serious) harm that can't be recovered from (permanent) and then harm that leads to death (fatal). Twilight, you are the smart one, how do you not know how a tricolon crescendo works!

"I lost to him!" Flash screamed in her face, his eyes twitching as his face turned red. "Again and again I keep telling him he's wrong, and again and again he keeps beating me! I promised Grand Hoof I would beat him and show him his way is wrong, but I couldn't!"

not only that Flash was spiritual broken, and the loss of Hopper was the straw to break the camel's back

And as the rest did the same, they all saw five figures walking up to them, a sixth flying back to join the group. Their features were blocked by the light of the sun behind them, only Twilight, Doc and Spike all recognized five of the outlines, Twilight speaking up as they watched the sixth one walk up. "Flash?"

And Twilight was able to put him back together... yes I crediting Twilight, because Flash needed her to see his true power.

Wooo! 2021 is off to a great start already. :twilightsmile:

Well that sure is quite a way to start the final story!

Truth be told, the one thing I didn’t fully enjoy about the final arc of the previous story was how there was no resolution to Flash’s feelings after the tournament, since Hopper’s departure took center stage. This fixes that though and gives the kind of resolution that was needed.

Flash’s anger and resolve to get stronger than Lightning almost consumed him, and I am guessing that Hopper’s departure, despite being presented as a bittersweet farewell previously, was what pushed him over the edge. Flash lashing out at his friends and saying they were holding him back was the most obvious sign that something was seriously wrong with him. Honestly, there have been a few times in this series where I have felt they were holding him back and deserved a lashing, but this was not one of them. Luckily, Twilight managed to talk some sense into him.

The reveal that Rarity’s gift to Flash was his new clothes was actually very clever. I agree, I loved Flash’s old design but something about his newer one just makes it feel even better, since he seems more mature.

I initially thought that the way Flash was going to surpass Lightning was that Lightning was going to become complaisant due to his victory and neglect getting stronger, but Twilight’s explanation that he’ll hit a limit by only focusing on physical strength and Flash will surpass him with strength of heart probably fits the overall theme better.

You're willing to cause your Pokémon serious, fatal or even permanent harm,

I think that sentence would flow better if you swapped the placements of fatal and permanent. Fatal, means death, so it is the worse kind of “permanent” harm there is.

Big Score...gad you're here.


Okay, I think you just made me cry. This was a great opening chapter.

"Is he still missing Hopper?" Spike asked with a glum frown.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no! You just brought up Hopper, and it's giving me Mando season 2 flashbacks. Good gosh! I'M STILL NOT OVER IT! :raritycry:

Yeah, in my mind, Flash isn't exactly the most emotionally open person either. It's a good thing that Twilight can be just as stubborn as he is.

"Exactly. You, not Lightning. Because you're not just strong, but you're also brave, caring and loyal. Even if Lightning beats you a hundred times, me, Springer, the rest of your team and every other friend you've made know that you are the one worthy of being the next Equestrian champion. The only one who doesn't know that...is you."

Twilight couldn't help but be reminded of her brother when she saw that look, remembering all the times seeing him wear it.

Yeah, if anyone would have any semblance of an idea of what makes someone a worthy Equestrian champion, it's Twilight.

Also, regarding the egg, I bet a cookie emoji that it's a Starvern. If I'm wrong, it's yours.

10610254 Why would a Starvern's egg be blue when Starvern are black.

Is it a shiny? Your answer neither confirms nor denies my guess, so you're not getting your cookie emoji yet. :ajsmug:


I think that sentence would flow better if you swapped the placements of fatal and permanent. Fatal, means death, so it is the worse kind of “permanent” harm there is.

you aren't the only one who noticed it and called attention to that

A great start to the fic and we'll see if Flash's lessons in this will help him finally beat Lightning later. I definitely know that'll happen, but Lightning deserves to suffer at the hands of the villains for his belief in power is everything and it's not worth training weak Pokemon. He'll learn the hard way.

You know, a Starvern might actually make some sense. Although, I admit there is a part of me that is hoping it will be a Dranby, so then when it is fully evolved Flash will have a Champagoon.

I get the want to make Ray a hero, but it feels off putting Human molarity on Pokemon, they really aren't sapient and sentient animals...
like maybe someone pointing out how humans don't impose their moral systems on bugs, wolves, deers, etc, why that works while also pointing out why imposing their moral systems on Pokemon doesn't work... I don't know, but punishing animals for being animals... feels off

Wow, Sunset coming back so soon was a surprise. Admittedly this chapter felt a little filler-y compared to the previous one, but it was still cool to see Ray evolve into an Alpha, and we know how they plan to get to Manehatten.

And as Flash finished off his meal, he wiped his mouth before looking down at the egg that sitting between his feet.

Delete “that”.

This was quite adorable. I wonder if Flash will be running into any of his other friends in the following chapters.

This was great! Loved seeing Sunset again. That whole thing with the Geckolar and Solamander was great and I loved seeing everything happen.

Pleasure to finally meet you, Banshee531. I've been a fan of your stories for the past few years, especially your Pokemon stories. Ever since I read them, I had a few ideas for Pokemon to add to your Equestrian Pokedex, as well their types and evolutions, if you don't mind; I haven't thought of any names for them though. Renamon (normal/ ghost type) ---> Kyubi (fire/ ghost type) with sun stone during the day, Frostail (ice/ ghost type) with ice stone in the crystal mountains, or Darkyubi (dark/ ghost type) with moon stone during the night, and finally Beastmon (dark/ fairy type).
Renamon and Beastmon from Digimon
Kyubi, Frostail, and Darkyubi from Yokai Watch
I hope you like the ideas I shared with you and I also have some ideas other Pokemon Flash and the others can catch, I can even give you the moves those Pokemon may know. And I hope you'll accept the ideas I shared with you.
God bless you.

10622043 I appreciate the efforts and your enjoyment. But it's a bit too late to be adding new Pokemon into this series. I've already written out how the series is gonna go and I've already got a full roster of Pokemon. If you haven't already, go check out my Pokedex blog to see the new Pokemon in the Equestria Region.

I understand. But is it alright I give you some suggests for what other Pokemon that Flash and others can have, and what moves they can use? I have some ideas of what Pokemon from the series I can give you, if you don't mind that is.

10622213 Sure. Just as long as you understand they won't actually appear in the story.

Comment posted by DragonPhoenix032510 deleted Jan 26th, 2021

And I'd like to say I'm sorry if I'm being a bother to you.

If you don't like the idea of Flash catching any of the Pokemon I listed, I understand. But if Flash does catch anymore Pokemon after his egg hatches, I can't wait to see, or read in this case, what they are. Until then, good luck and happy writing.

Yup. I was right, which means no cookie emoji for you.

I see the Pokedad is dealing with his first "quite a handful" kid. I suppose everyone has to deal with them sometime. Amazingly, Flash somehow managed to stay calm and patient through that whole ordeal.

Honestly, I think they should have gone with Spike's idea of calling him Chomp. Beyond that it was … well... a mediocre (as in the original definition meaning middle of the road, just passing) introduction to Astro

10631532 Twilight isn't asking. She confirming.

I know she's confirming Flash's guess, but Flash's guess is wrong. 'Astro' means 'star' not 'space' and Twilight should have corrected him

10631551 Oh, I thought Astro meant space.

10631572 Well Astronauts go into space, not stars. Anyone could make that mistake.

True, but 'Cosmos' is the word for 'space', which is why the USSR used the term 'Cosmonaut', and since they were the ones to get a man in space first, they could coin that term, the USA coined Astronaut in no small part because they couldn't but also as a dick measuring move

Well this was nice. I kinda had a feeling the egg would turn out to be a Starvern, given the egg had a star on it. I wonder if they knew it was going to be a shiny when they gave Flash the egg though?

Astro was cute. A bit of a troublemaker, but cute nonetheless. The way he kept biting everything, I was half-expecting it to be explained that is how he shows affection, like Turtwig or Gible. Bit of a standard storyline with Astro needing to learn to listen to Flash, but still fun. I am excited to see how strong he will get throughout the story like Hopper did. Maybe Flash will be able to use him in his 8th Gym Battle if he is strong enough by then.

So, are you keeping the dialogue as is or are you going to correct it? You don't have to, but you can.

Astro is an adorable and rambunctious new member to the team! I'm betting he'll be a very strong opponent against the other foes Flash faces during the rest of his journey when he learns to stay calm and listen. Betting he'll get at least one Gym Battle in before the League starts, but that depends on the next Gyms types.

Doc sighed at this, "I'm gonna have to call this a win for Spike and Peewee. Sorry Flash."

Well, i know it was a training battle, but at least it was a win for spike xD

This chapter reeks of "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." You maniac! :rainbowlaugh: As for the attack name, eh, I say do what you think is best. I will admit that Aqua Break does feel like a better fit for the attack though.

To be honest, when you were first describing Liquidation, I thought you were gonna have it be a fan made move that only Reptidal could learn, which I would of named Aqua Blade. Kinda like Leaf Blade, but it's a water type move instead.

10642439 Actually, that was the original idea. I was gonna make an original attack for Reptidal that was just like that called Sea Breaker. But then I learned about Liquidation.

And nothing should stop them now...

No way! All three of his Equestria Starters evolved at the same time?! That is beyond epic! I don’t know many instances of something like this happening in the anime, so I am guessing you decided to base it off the famous scene from Crusaders of the Lost Mark, when the CMC finally earned their Cutie Marks.

Nothing is ever going to beat Flash’s team now! With the exception of Springer and Astro (who can’t evolve and is just a newborn respectively) all of his Pokémon have reached their final evolutions. I can’t wait to see the reactions everyone will have when they see it for themselves. Also the Pokédex entry for Reptidal was interesting. I wonder if we will get a chapter showing this “Ocean Champion” contest eventually?

Nothing is ever going to beat Flash’s team now! With the exception of Springer and Astro (who can’t evolve and is just a newborn respectively) all of his Pokémon have reached their final evolutions

Well given Hopper's evolution speed, for see Astro reaching his second form before the end and given everything we have seen Springer will likely evolve before Flash's final square off against Lightning Blitz

I can’t wait to see the reactions everyone will have when they see it for themselves.

I get the feeling that Lightning will try to fane that he's unimpressed but once behind closed doors he'll need to change his pants to brown ones

I wasn't expecting all three to evolve. That was awesome. As for the attack name, I say you can go for the original Japanese name. I remember some early episodes of Pokemon going with the original attack names.

Hi, Banshee531, its been a short while. The page you just finished, loved it, especially the triple evolution. Keep up the great work. And not to get ahead of the story, but if Springer does get over his evolutionary block and becomes a Lucario, I have an idea for what move he could use. I hope you don't mind if it's one of my favorite moves: Dragon Pulse. Think about it and tell me what you think.

Riptide needed this confidence boost, now onward to gym #7 and to settle the score.

Main take a ways

"That'd be me," another voice said, the group turning to see a pair of teens walking up to them. The first was a boy about their age, with white skin and hair that was two different shades of green. He was wearing a cream shirt with gray swirl patterns designed to mimic waves and brown pants. He also wore a necklace around his neck. The other was a girl slightly younger than him, with pink skin and hair that was two different shades of blue. She was a dark pink shirt and a purple skirt. The boy had his own Reptidal walking with him, "Hey there, nice to meet you. Name's Terramar."

Yay we got Terramare and Silverstream now, so will see Smolder, Yona, Ocellus and Sandbar?

"What are you doing to my Reptidal?!" yelled the voice, all looking up to see a teen around the same age as Doc. He had dark blue skin with a light blue lower jaw along with the front of his neck. His hair was light blue with dark blue tips and was wearing a dark blue leather jacket with black pants.

why am I not surprised this fucker is here, should we expect Salix with a Vipeacon, and other members of the Cult of Shadows?

Twilight just raised an eyebrow at this, blinking as Sonata slowly walked away. "All mine?"

Finally someone is starting to spell Twilight's emotions out for her... but I expect Spike to be the one to basically shout it out. But it's sweet that Sonata pulled back, but if Twilight doesn't realize it soon...

Wow... just... wow. I had hoped that Riptide would win the title of Ocean Champion. after reading his Pokédex entry last chapter, but I didn’t think it would happen the chapter after he evolved! That was awesome! Wait until everyone else hears about this! Let’s see Lightning even try to say Riptide is a worthless weakling now, he’ll get what’s coming to him.

I admit, seeing Wingill appear in this was a massive surprise. Though he is obviously a lot less sympathetic here than he was in the Chronicles series, and that is saying a lot considering he joined The Cult of Shadow there, whereas here he seems to just be an asshole for the sake of being one. But he got exactly what he deserved in the end. He messed with the wrong trainer and Pokémon and paid the price for it. No asshole is ever going to beat Flash and his team again, and next time Flash and Lightning face off, I hope Lightning suffers ten times the humiliation Wingill felt here.

Also, seeing Silverstream and Terramar here was great! I especially liked how Terramar was such a good sport and helped Flash and Riptide train, which ultimately helped them win the whole thing. Maybe in five years Terramar’s Reptidal will be the next Ocean Champion? Also, the return of the Dazzlings was another great addition here. It was actually really mature of Sonata to recognize that Twilight is a better match for Flash than she was, and assure Twilight that he’s all hers and she won’t interfere with them. Now if only Flash and Twilight could realize that themselves!


so will see Smolder, Yona, Ocellus and Sandbar?

I can’t speak for Smolder, Yona, or Sandbar, but Ocellus already appeared way back in the first story. She was working for Thorax.

"That'd be me," another voice said, the group turning to see a pair of teens walking up to them. The first was a boy about their age, with white skin and hair that was two different shades of green. He was wearing a cream shirt with gray swirl patterns designed to mimic waves and brown pants. He also wore a necklace around his neck. The other was a girl slightly younger than him, with pink skin and hair that was two different shades of blue. She was a dark pink shirt and a purple skirt. The boy had his own Reptidal walking with him, "Hey there, nice to meet you. Name's Terramar."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Silverstream was the older sibling. :applejackunsure:

"Say hello to the Coral Stadium," Terramar announced, "For three days every five years, the currents shift and reveal this natural creation.

Sure doesn't feel natural. :twilightoops:
Okay, I was sure that with Riptide being recently evolved, he still had a ways to go before he was ready for this, but I guess he was ready. I was actually betting on Terramar to take the tournament, but I guess not. :twilightsheepish:


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Silverstream was the older sibling. :applejackunsure:

You’re right, Silverstream is confirmed to be the older sibling. But it was only confirmed via Twitter and this is an AU anyway so I think a small change like that doesn’t matter much in the long run.

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