• Published 11th Mar 2020
  • 3,307 Views, 74 Comments

There's a Pony In My House! - WhispersInTheDark

The new aliens have made themselves at home. My home.

  • ...

A Special Guest Star

It was a week before I saw any ponies at my house again. I heard a knocking on my front door, and when I answered it, I saw the biggest pony (comparatively) I'd seen yet. She was all white, with a tiara and other golden apparel, and she was smiling at me. "Are you Carl?"

"Umm...yes. Who are you?"

"My name is Princess Celestia. But you can just call me Celestia. May I come in?"

"S-sure," I said as I stepped aside. I was amazed. Even as out of touch with the pony situation as I'd been, I recognized the name. "Have a seat anywhere." I cleared a space on the couch for her, as she sat daintily down. "Can I get you anything?"

She smirked. "A beer would be nice."

I stared at her. "Seriously?"

She cocked her head and smiled again at me. "Yes, is that so strange?"

I shook my head. "No...no I guess not. One beer coming up." As I was returning with the drinks, her horn lit up and a glow surrounded one of the cans, and it floated over to her. I stood there staring. I'd never seen their magic before, but I'd heard about it. She took a sip, then patted the space next to her.

"Please. Have a seat."

I sat down warily. I'd never been in the presence of royalty before, so I wasn't sure how I should act. I finally settled on, "So! What brings you here, your Highness?" Nailed it!

She took another dainty sip of her beer and said, "I just wanted to talk to you. Word has gotten around you have been pretty free with the ear scratches and belly rubs."

"Umm...I suppose. It's just been with Fluttershy and that other pony."

"Rainbow Dash?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that's her name. They were both pretty insistent." I looked intensely at her. "That's not a problem, is it?"

She laughed, a lovely tinkling sound. "Not at all! In fact, it's most welcome, considering we can't give them ourselves."

Something was bothering me. "It said on the news we humans are not to be doing that, because you ponies will never leave us alone if we do."

She frowned. "A vicious lie, I'm afraid. When was the last time a pony showed up at your door?"

I thought for a moment. "It's been almost a week, to be honest."

She smiled triumphantly. "There, you see? You're one of the few humans nice enough to perform that service, yet you haven't been bombarded with ponies seeking your attention."

I looked down at my drink. "Well, if you don't count that crazy party where they surrounded me, I guess that's true."

She gazed gently at me. "I did indeed hear about that. I've spoken to all the ponies involved, and I promise you, it won't happen again."

"...I didn't really mind..." I said quietly.

She cocked her head at me. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

I faced her fully. "I said, 'I didn't really mind.' The ear scritching, I mean. It was kind of fun, actually." I sighed. "And I miss Fluttershy and Rainbow."

She scootched closer and placed a hoof on my shoulder. "You really are a remarkable Human." She leaned closer. "Do you want to hear a secret?"

I nodded.

"They miss you as well," she said with a smile.

I smiled back, but it was a troubled one. "Then, why haven't they come by to see me?"

She sat back and sighed. "Fluttershy felt guilty about the party, and Rainbow Dash felt guilty about telling all those ponies about your ear scritches and belly rubs." She took another sip of her beer. "Despite how that evening ended, with them both falling asleep on your lap, they weren't sure if you were a bit angry with them." She shrugged. "We're all still a bit naive when it comes to reading Human body language."

"I see. Well, tell them I'm not mad, and I'd love to see them."

She took one last pull at her beer and stood up, then went to the door. Facing me, she lit her horn and the door began to open. "Tell them yourself," she said with another smile. There, standing next to two ponies in armor flanking my doorway, were Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash! I got up from the couch and approached them both.

"Hi. I missed you guys."

They came all the way in past Celestia and smiled. "We missed you too," said Fluttershy.

I couldn't wait another second. "How about I see to those ears?" I smirked. Fluttershy turned and translated for Dash, then they both almost bowled me over. I used both hands to give them good scratches, as they closed their eyes and leaned into my hands.

Then I looked up and saw Celestia watching us with unmistakable envy in her eyes. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw sweat starting to form on her brow, as she bit her bottom lip, never taking her eyes off my hands. I thought to myself Why the hell not? as I watched her.

"Would you like an ear scritch, your Highness?"

She knocked the other ponies out of the way and cried, "Me dammit yes!"

Comments ( 23 )

shame it ends here
the idea coulda been utilized more
there's a whole cast of pones to rub

"Would you like an ear scritch, your Highness?"

She knocked the other ponies out of the way and cried, "Me dammit yes!

:rainbowlaugh: Just full of laughs. I agree with 10172539, this could have been utilized way more.

So they actually aren't sorry for invading his life and forcing him to takecare of them, and just want to take adantage of him, and he's fallen in love with the ones qho don't give a single shit avout him or what he wants so they can exploit him more. I thought it was going to end better, but instead they just make him their bitch. Dissapointing.

When you thought you finally got rid of those princesses... !

She knocked the other ponies out of the way and cried, " Me dammit yes! "

Luna, did you put on your sister disguise?

Excellent finishing line.

It was a short chapter, but it was no less amount of adorable.

10172565 Ponies are socialists. :trollestia:

No, nothing like that. He just gets annoyed with women, having had a baby sister bug the hell out of him.

This Story reminds me at a line from the hitchhiker..
.... mostly harmless.

Carl. First ambassador to Equestria based solely on willingness to skritch.

Hahaha! She knocked her subjects away for ear acritches.🤣🤣


Gasp! He was gay the whole time!

Lol...no, just a bit of a malcontent.

Why didn't you add all of it? I mean all of the mane six? It would be pretty adorable and fun to read

I just wanted a relatively short and fun tale, with only a few of them. But that's not a bad idea...maybe a sequel?

I definitely wanted to read that!

Funny and cute from start to finish. Thank you for writing.

lol nice story, maybe i'll try using this concept

EDIT: just realized I sort of did

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