• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,753 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(4-1) Radiant Hope

Queen Chrysalis, the former ruler of the changelings, was alone in a forest at the base of a large mountain. She was making her way to retrieve a certain bell, a task given to her by Grogar, so that they could defeat the adversaries they had in the rulers of Equestria. However, she talked to herself as she made her way, letting the empty forest know that she would have her revenge on Starlight Glimmer.

"Do you hear me, Starlight?" she spoke, hoping the unicorn could. "You'll rue the day you took my throne from me! I will destroy you! Just you wait until I see you again!"

"Wouldn't you like to destroy her sooner?" a quiet voice spoke behind the queen.

The queen stopped in her tracks. "If you know what's good for you," she told it, "you'll leave now while you can."

"You could have your kingdom back by this time tomorrow and enact your revenge on this 'Starlight' if you so chose," the voice, a female's, continued.

Chrysalis paused at that, debating on whether or not to entertain the voice behind her. Finally, a turn of her head, she asked, "How so?"

What she saw behind her was a pony. Or, at least, that's what it looked like. She couldn't quite tell because it was covered head to hoof in some ragged brown cloak, seemingly seeking to hide its identity. As well, the voice that spoke from under it was soft, lacking the malice that even Cozy Glow had.

"You only need to help me take the Crystal Heart and bring Sombra back."

Chrysalis scoffed at that, realizing that whoever she was speaking to was delusional. "That fool Sombra is dead. The Elements of Harmony saw to that."

"He's not dead. In fact, I know where he's hiding."

"Even if that's true, he still lost to those six because of his arrogance, and I don't plan on the same outcome happening to me."

"He lost because of a fluke," the hooded pony told the queen, having heard about his battle. "He went out of his way to try and destroy the Elements. What exactly do you think he could have done differently?"

Chrysalis didn't have an answer for that, but remained skeptical of the strange voice. "If he would have worked with us, he wouldn't be in whatever state he's in now."

"Even if you all would have been working together at the time, the exact same outcome would have happened. But I know a way we can win with just you and Sombra."

"No, thank you," she told the voice, turning back around to continue on her way. "I already have an excellent plan for how to take back what's mine."

"You'll really put your trust into Tirek and a filly? Even after I offered you your kingdom back tomorrow?"

The queen paused at that.

Shining Armor was alone in preparing for the Crystal Faire that evening. Normally, he would have the help of his wife, his sister, and her friends in preparing for the most important day of the year, however, today, the group had been called by Princess Celestia to Canterlot for an important meeting, leaving him alone to prepare. If what his wife told him was true, it was about Sombra, which, in turn, would make the job in preparing for the Faire more important. Still, he was confident he could get it done. Besides, they had promised that they’d be back for the actual event.

It was actually much easier to prepare for than most would have expected, albeit much longer with only one pony there. He simply went through checking on his subjects, making sure they were setting up their stands that would contain food and games for the Faire, occasionally helping out if there was anything they needed. Shining Armor almost thought his job was enjoyable, if a bit boring. It seemed most of the ponies already knew exactly how to set up, and Shining Armor was hardly needed for anything. He almost wished there was more he could do.

As though he had wished for it, his evening became much more exciting when he heard a mare scream.

"It's Chrysalis!" a purple coated mare yelled while running away, causing multiple other ponies to copy her. "Everypony get to your homes!" Shining Armor, however, galloped towards the scene without a second thought. After what she had done to him, there was no creature he hated more than the former queen of the changelings, and had wanted badly to take her out himself. He quickly caught sight of her, the queen having a smug smile pasted on her face, and didn't even give her a chance to speak before letting out a blast of magic at her.

"Chrysalis..." he spat through gritted teeth after the blast.

"You've always been so brutish, Shiny," Chrysalis told him, trying to rile him up as she used her own magic to stop herself from getting hit. "What would Cadance think of all that anger you have?"

Another blast of magic came her way, this one more powerful, which she expertly dodged. The former queen took a quick glance around, noticing all of the crystal ponies had gone into their homes. This was going perfectly, exactly as the mare said it would. That pony she spoke to yesterday explained that she had to lose against the prince. More importantly, she needed to distract him for a few seconds, maybe a minute at the most, so the Crystal Heart could be taken and Sombra couldn't be stopped. After that, the rulers of Equestria would come rushing over at the prince's request and be turned to stone by the shadow pony.

The queen took the time to enjoy the moment, changing into Princess Cadance. "Why are you trying to hurt me? I thought you loved me, Shiny!"

"Gaah!" Shining Armor yelled, closing his eyes and shooting off a third blast. The queen laughed at that, easily dodging him once again. She hadn't even attacked yet, but still knew he was no match for her. His want to hurt her as badly as he did clouded his judgment and made his movements extremely predictable. However, as much as she enjoyed tormenting him and as much as she wanted to continue the game, she knew she had to get on with the plan. Still, she decided to get one last dig in.

"I wonder, how do you feel knowing that Flurry Heart will be my slave?"

That comment set Shining Armor over the edge. Chrysalis watched as he let off another predictable blast, this one stronger than the previous ones, and let herself get hit by it, taking care to soften the blow. However, while she was down, she hadn't expected to be hit a second time, and then a third.

"I will not let you hurt my family again!" the stallion screamed as he stood over her, the rage burning inside of him, looking like he wanted to tear her apart.

Despite the pain of the last two blows she received, the queen still put on a smug smile. "Haven't you noticed something missing?" she asked him.

Radiant Hope quietly made her way through the castle to the throne room, carrying the Crystal Heart with her. It only took a few seconds to steal, and nopony was there to watch her do it, seeing as they were all hiding in their homes at her suggestion. She also had the good fortune of Princess Celestia choosing now to call Princess Cadance away. It would buy her a bit more time in helping Sombra prepare for what to do.

Quickly, after casting the former king’s spell, she made her way down to his study. She didn’t know what to expect, but wasn’t shocked to see spiderwebs and dust atop statues of himself in the place he hid. Despite these things, the room was relatively quaint and simple looking, looking almost pretty despite the dust as sunlight shone down the stairs.

After taking just a moment to appreciate the room, she spoke aloud. “You can come out,” she said. “I know you’re here. There’s no need to hide from me Sombra.”

She went back to being silent again for a moment, waiting for his answer, receiving silence. She expected this much, however. It had been quite a while since he’d heard her voice.

“Fine. You may not recognize my voice, but you won’t have forgotten my face.” She pulled the hood of her cloak off of her head, revealing her purple coat and light bluish grey hair. “Look at me, Sombra,” she continued. “Do you recognize me? What’s my name?”

More silence came. No creature beside Radiant Hope was in the room. It had been empty ever since the princesses left with what they found.

“Sombra?” she called out, looking around, expecting him to appear. “You don’t have to hide from me. I won’t hurt you. I’m here to help you.” She looked around again, not seeing any movement from him, and started to become worried. He was here. She knew he was here. Where else would he be?

“Sombra?” she asked again. “Where are you?”

No creature answered.