• Published 9th Mar 2020
  • 21,753 Views, 1,728 Comments

I Am Not Sombra - Boopy Doopy

But I am in his body. And nobody seems to believe me about it...

  • ...

(4-4) As Daybreaker Appears

I watched as the group looked at the two sisters, frightened by their anger at each other. I, however, while nervous of the white alicorn, was grateful for the blue one’s appearance. Her being there meant that I should have been safe from Celestia.

I watched as the two stared at each other for an eternity, seemingly waiting for the other to make a move. While Luna looked angry at her sister, Celestia looked absolutely enraged, and had her teeth bared at her. I didn't know what was going through her mind, but it was likely unpleasant.

“You did this, didn’t you?” she whispered, her teeth still clenched. Then she started to yell. ”You brought him here so you could watch me suffer! Because you’re still angry that I banished you!”

Princess Luna looked at her, her angry look being replaced with confusion. “What?” she asked, then shook her head and spoke again. “Celestia, you are being irrational. If you would simply-”

“You’re trying to turn them against me!” she interrupted. “To humiliate me! Because you’re still bitter about what I had to do to you!”

I couldn’t fathom the hypocrisy of her statement. She had tried to get me killed twice thus far because of her bitterness over something I didn’t do. However, before either Luna or I could comment on that fact, Twilight spoke up.

“Princess, we’re not-”

“Silence!" she barked, quickly turning towards the Princess of Friendship. "I gave you an order that you failed to carry out because of this creature, because you’re too blind to see that he’s manipulating you!”

“Celestia,” Luna spoke, bringing her sister’s attention back to her. “You must calm down and let go of the hate you have,” she said slowly, as though speaking to a child. “This will not end well if you continue down the path you are on.”

“Are you threatening me?” the princess spat.

“I am simply asking you to be rational, and to let go of whatever anger you have for either Sombra or this creature,” she told her calmly. “Anger has caused me to suffer, and it will cause you to suffer as well.”

I watched as Celestia began to breathe deeply, taking in the words Luna told her. I hated the fact that I was still sitting next to her in her rage, and hoped that she would finally see how unreasonable she was being to me. That hope faded when she turned to face me, parts of her hair once again starting to turn into fire.

“You!” she seethed, an awful aura surrounding her. “You are the reason for this! You took away the pony I cared the most about, and then killed the friend I held most dear! And now your return has humiliated me in front of my subjects!”

I should’ve expected what she said, but for some reason, I didn’t. I couldn’t believe she was accusing me of humiliating her, and that she was still blaming me for whatever Sombra did to hurt her. With that, all of my anger reached a boiling point.

“You humiliated yourself!” I told her without thinking. “You said I was trying to steal the Crystal Heart when I was being watched by you from the moment I got here, and then, when it was found, you tried to say I put it back as part of some plan to trick you! Do you understand how ridiculous that is?”

“There you go again!” she screamed. “You’re trying to turn everypony against me when they should be against you! Even if you’re not him, he’s probably hiding inside of you, waiting to see me fall so he can take power!”

“I’m not doing anything! I just want to leave! You’re turning them against you. And even if I was, outside of Luna and Fluttershy, the most they’ve done is not kill me at your orders! If you would just help me, I might have already left by now!”

“The one I love is gone because of you! My friend was killed by you! The two most important ponies in my life are gone, and now you’re trying to take more from me with your lies!”

“I! AM! NOT! SOMBRA!” I roared. “I don’t care what happened to you, you don’t get to blame me for things I didn’t do just because I look like someone else!”



The last thing I saw before Celestia blasted me was her changing into Daybreaker.

Luna used her magic to stop the second blast that her sister, Daybreaker, directed at a now unconscious Alex, who had been flung across the room.

"Shining Armor," Luna said with a voice that was both calm and forceful as she avoided a shot to herself by Daybreaker, “please bring that creature to safety.”

"NO YOU DON'T!” she shouted, aiming her blast for the former member of her guard.

“Princess Celestia, stop!” the Princess of Friendship got out, protecting her brother from her with just a moment to spare. “Please calm down! You’re going to hurt somepony!”

“You’re all against me! Even after everything he’s done, you’re sympathizing with that monster! You’ve chosen him over me!”

“We haven’t chosen anypony! You’re just-”

Don’t lie to me! And don't tell me I'm being irrational! I know you think I’m being unreasonable, even though you’ve no idea what I’ve been through because of him!”

Suddenly, there was movement to her right, and Daybreaker turned to see Shining Armor putting Alex on his back. She shot at him with rage, but the prince teleported away before they could be hit.

“RAAAHHH!” she screamed, closing her eyes and shooting at the ceiling, pieces of it falling to the flood. “You and Sombra are plotting to take my throne, aren’t you?" she bellowed, her words directed at her sister. "Admit it! You hate me for what I had to do to you!”

“Twilight,” Luna called, flying up and shooting at Daybreaker, “Celestia is getting out of control. Something must be done.”

Both the princess and Daybreaker knew exactly what that meant. Luna wanted the Elements to be used on her sister. However, the former stood frozen, staring at the latter as she screamed and shot at her student.

Cadance was startled to see her husband teleporting into the Crystal Empire, especially with a certain dark-coated stallion on her back.

“What are you doing?” she asked him harshly. “Why is he here? Chrysalis just told us-”

“You have to get back there!” he interrupted. “Celestia’s going crazy! She tried to hurt me twice, and I think Twilight might be in danger!”

She paused for a second, taking in what he said. She believed much of what Celestia said, especially given what Chrysalis had told her, and wanted to see Alex gone as soon as possible. However, she hadn't expected the princess to dive off the deep end, and especially didn't think she'd attack her former students. Still, she quickly put on a determined look. “I’ll be right there,” she told him, quickly teleporting back to Canterlot to see Daybreaker shooting at her sister-in-law. In a nick of time, she cast a forcefield around the Princess of Friendship and her friends, protecting them from Daybreaker's fury.

“You’re against me as well, aren’t you Cadance?” she seethed. “You sympathize with him, just like they do!”

“I couldn’t care less about what happens to that creature,” she responded, stamping a hoof, “and actually agree with you about him. But attacking my husband and his sister is where I draw the line. This has gone far enough!”

“NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND!” Daybreaker screamed in fury, sending out a blast that was strong enough to break down portions of the walls of the castle. Cadance once again used her magic to protect Twilight and her friends, and then began her own attack against the fiery queen, Luna being at her side.

The Princess of the Night looked down at Twilight, hoping to see her gathering herself and her friends and preparing to use the Elements. Instead, what she got was stunned silence at the scene from the group. The Elements were not going to be used, and Celestia would not be returning to her previous form. At least, not right now, or in the near future.

“Princess Cadance,” Luna called, dodging a blow from Daybreaker and sending off a blast of her own, “Twilight and her friends are in no position to help us at the moment. Without the Elements of Harmony’s use, Celestia will not be returning to us.”

“Okay, so what do we do about that?”


“Her being here will risk not only us, but everypony in Equestria. As powerful as I am, I cannot do what needs to be done alone. I will need your help in sending her away. Do you understand what I am suggesting to you?”

“Yes, I understand,” Cadance answered with determination, gathering her strength