• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 9,353 Views, 653 Comments

Prey - Kkat

Ocellus is trapped in a palace infested with a brood of love-starved changelings and their queen who are intent on using her only way home as a means to invade her world.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Going Alone

"I'm generalizing when I say us, of course. I'm not a person. Not like you."

"No!" Smolder exclaims. "Just, no."

Gallus pinches the top of his beak, reining in an aggrieved expression as he stares at Ocellus. She can hear something approaching disgust in his tone. "Explain to me exactly why you have to go alone?!"

Ocellus takes a deep breath.

Smolder and Gallus are standing on either side of Nightmare Moon's throne, framed by the huge, ogee-arched window on the far end of the Throne Room and the moon's gray wasteland beyond.

They look angry.

"I just talked to Luna," Ocellus explains in the calmest voice she can summon. "The next anti-Element is Pride..."

Gallus and Smolder glare. Ocellus falls silent, realizing how that might have sounded. Did they think she was saying they are vulnerable to Pride? Did they think Luna thought they couldn't handle this one?

Ocellus waves a hoof as if that might banish the thoughts she was projecting onto them. "...and it's in the heart of the changeling queen's territory."

Her friends' eyes widen. Ocellus sighs again.

"That's what Luna was investigating while she was gone," she tells Gallus. "Queen Elytra has pulled most of her changelings back to the center of her hive."

"Explains why the trip back from the dungeon was uneventful," Gallus says, accepting that. With a wave of jazz-talons, he adds, "And here I was hoping the magic of friendship was keeping them away."

That earns him a smirk from Smolder. Ocellus is happy to see an expression other than crossness on the dragon's face. She knows that won't last.

"Which means I have to do what only I can do," Ocellus concludes. A thought flashes through her head, and she corrects herself. "And, I guess, Headmare Starlight."

Ocellus braces herself. Not so much for her friends' response, but because saying this will make it real. "I have to sneak into a changeling hive."

Her friends couldn't follow her because only she could transform herself into a love-starved changeling. The last thing she ever wanted to become again. Even just in disguise.

Smolder steps towards her, arms out to her sides. "No way! That is way too dangerous, Ocellus! I... we won't let you go alone."

Simultaneously, Gallus sits down. "Right. Alone then," he says, accepting what Ocellus just said without further argument. "But first, make another saddlebag like yours."

Smolder turns to stare at Gallus. "What?!"

Gallus raises his eyebrows. "She's right," he tells Smolder. "I don't like it, but Ocellus is right. We could never pass as changelings. And any other plan leads to a fight we would lose. But..."

Gallus turns to Ocellus, his voice uncompromising, "You're not walking into the queen's lair with exactly what she wants. Smolder and I will stay here with Greed and Envy." He thumps his chest feathers. "We'll guard them with our lives."

Smolder flies over and lands in front of Ocellus, putting on a big smile. "Hey, how about you pretend to be a drone and I'm your prisoner! And you're bringing me to the queen."

A bolt of fear shoots through Ocellus. "No!"

Gallus says dryly, "It won't work."

Smolder huffs. "Why not?"

"Because they're changelings," Gallus retorts. "They sense love, remember? You two go in there, and they'll sense how you feel about each other in an instant."

Ocellus nods as Gallus outlines the exact dimensions of her fear.

Smolder's eyes go wide again, taken aback, her body language showing a sense of betrayal. In another situation, that look would worry Ocellus, or provoke a protective anger. But the lovebug realizes immediately what it means... and she finds it kinda cute.

Gallus knows how Smolder feels about her because Smolder told him.

"Come on, Smolder," Gallus says, rolling his eyes. "Ocellus can literally taste how you feel about her. She probably knew before you did."

Ocellus smiles at Smolder.

Smolder's mouth hangs open but nothing comes out. She closes it, her eyes shifting left then right. Ocellus can see a blush rising behind the orange dragon's scales.

"As for Ocellus..." Gallus continues.

"huh, what?" Ocellus feels suddenly trapped. She looks to Gallus, but the griffon is still focused on Smolder.

"I just watched Ocellus risk Equestria, not to mention her leg, to save you," Gallus comments. "Safe bet she feels the same."

Smolder watches the etheric lights flash, pouring out blue smoke and tendrils of oily black. They fall upon Gallus' saddlepack, sinking in, weaving new substance into it.

"Can we take these home with us?" Smolder asks when the three onyx pillars are done.

"It only makes things out of dark essence," Ocellus tells her as the nymph pulls the saddlepack off the third capital.

Smolder's disappointed expression is short-lived. "I have a powerful urge to dismantle the entire palace and turn it into gemstones," she says with a grin.

Gallus, who was examining the painting of Nightmare Moon's seal, looks up with alarm.

Smolder notes quickly, "That's not Greed. That's just normal dragon."

Ocellus gives Smolder a smile then flies over to Gallus, delivering his saddlepack and fetching her own. Gallus holds his pack open while she dumps the two anti-Elements into it.

Gallus puts his talons on her shoulders. "Good luck. Don't do anything stupid. Stay safe."

Ocellus awws, "But I wanted to challenge the queen to a duel."

Gallus blinks, then shakes his head, chuckling. "Right. Crossword puzzles at twenty paces?"

"I'll get all the vertical before she can get the horizontal!" Ocellus declares happily. This is good. Her friends are leaving her in high spirits before facing what she has to do next.

Ocellus waves to both of them. "I'll be back soon. Then, we get Wrath together."

With that, Ocellus leaves the protection of the Throne Room, leaving her friends behind.

This time, the way she must go does not take her back to the Grand Hall, but rather farther down the hallways beyond the Throne Room. She walks a while, checking behind her just to make sure neither of her friends are following. She opens her receptors, tasting for traces of love in the cold air. There are none.

Ocellus finds a secluded place to transform. She does not want her friends to ever see her as a love-starved drone.

This is just a disguise, she reminds herself as she closes her eyes to concentrate. Just a form, no different from any other. She's not love-starved anymore. Far from it. The hardest part will be pretending to be so. She'll have to school herself not to think about Smolder, not to think about any of her friends, so her feelings won't betray her.

There are enough depressing things to think about that keeping love sealed away shouldn't be hard. She considers thinking about being trapped here on the moon after destroying the portal, living in this place alone after she gets Gallus and Smolder safely home.

Ocellus thumps herself on the forehead. She can't think about that. The thoughts of loneliness and despair are intrinsically tied to the loss of those she loves. She cannot think about no longer having them without thinking about them.

Gallus. Smolder.

This plan has a huge flaw.

Gallus was sent to the room with Envy. Smolder found herself near Greed. If one of her friends is here and has appeared near Pride, her ruse is going to fail the moment they meet. But she cannot worry about that right now. That's a problem for future Ocellus.

A flash of turquoise.

She doesn't want a mirror. She doesn't want to look down at her own hooves. But she has to.

They are black. She sees the floor through the holes in her forelegs. Short, drone-length forelegs, not those of a queen. The transformation worked. The part of her that doesn't want to just die is thankful.

She spreads her ragged wings and flies, hating the droning buzz of her own wings. Already, she can feel her hatred towards the sound racing against her need to get through this as fast as possible.

She darts ahead down empty hallways where the wall sconces have been replaced by wrought-iron, standing torches. Some of them ignite with familiar blue flame as she approaches. Most do not, leaving the passageway darker and gloomier than most others.

The other part of this disguise will be pretending to be a drone -- a non-individual.

That shouldn't be too hard, Ocellus thinks painfully. When was the last time I really felt like an individual?

It is a terrible thought. She shoves it aside.

Instead, Ocellus wonders about Gallus' question. Why doesn't the changeling queen just have her drones collect the anti-Elements and open the portal herself?

They literally have Pride right there in the hive... but then, how would a drone resonate with Pride?

Ocellus thinks back to her days under Queen Chrysalis. At best, they had communal pride, pride in the hive. But without individuality, they had no pride of their own.

I had no personal self-worth. If I had tried to use Pride back then, what would have happened? Ocellus recalls how Gallus was driven away from Envy by the way it made him feel. Envy and Greed augmented her friends' resonant vices. Would it have even recognized me as a creature?

It strikes Ocellus that maybe changeling drones simply cannot use Pride. It might even reject them. The same wouldn't be true for Greed and Envy, but if the changeling queen doesn't really know what the anti-Elements are, she might be operating under the assumption that changeling drones couldn't utilize any of them.

That would explain a lot. She makes a few notes in her mental notebook Unanswered Questions.

Ocellus finds herself forming a very different concept of Queen Elytra than she had before. Queen Elytra is clearly very clever. Even ingenious. But she also seems to be impulsive. And in that, she is very much unlike Chrysalis.

Queen Chrysalis was patient and methodical. She made sure every one of her pieces was in place before she made a move. She compromised her enemies before they even knew she existed. And she always had an end game.

Queen Elytra, on the other hoof, strikes Ocellus as an opportunist. When Luna started to open the moon portal, Elytra somehow sensed a chance and jumped at it. The fact she expected Ocellus to appear near Wrath tells the nymph that Queen Elytra had no idea who she would be getting with her spell. She may not have even known exactly what the spell would do. And she clearly isn't prepared to capitalize on the result.

Ocellus realizes she and her friends are an experiment of opportunity.

She pauses at a crosshall, checking her map. In theory, at this point every direction should lead either into the hive or back towards the Throne room.

A chalky stink hangs in the air like old smoke. And beneath it is the faint stench of the hive. The scent of changeling pods and royal jelly. The smell used to make her feel at home. One with the others, safe in the nest. Now it flenses her nostrils raw and electrifies the instinct to run. To fly away as fast as she can.

The walls are covered in peeling, rotting, spider-print wallpaper. Hall benches and sideboards are succumbing to ashen mold. Ocellus suspects the hive has somehow agitated the slow decay of Nightmare Moon's Palace. The changeling pods throughout a hive's architecture may add a component of moisture to the mix that is absent elsewhere.

According to her map, the crosshall shouldn't be here. Ocellus frowns at that. She thinks back to her own hive... No! She cannot call it that; must not think of it like that. Her first hive. Queen Chrysalis' hive. She is no longer like that, no matter how she looks right now.

Queen Chrysalis' hive was metamorphic. The architecture would shift, holes growing to open new passages, closing to seal others. Bridges and ramps forming and dissolving. Making the hive impossible to navigate for anyone without changeling senses. Even Thorax got lost after having been away, the taste markers having changed.

Ocellus opens her receptors, straining to use part of her palate that has atrophied from neglect.

But this hive isn't changeling built. Would the queen's magic even have the same effect on pony architecture of marble, metal and glass? Then again, Nightmare Moon's Palace isn't really made of any of those things, is it? It is made of dark essence pretending to be those things, taking on their forms just like a changeling pretends to be other creatures. Or objects.

Ocellus shivers. She concentrates, but tastes nothing. Neither love nor... the one other thing a changeling's senses can detect.

Ocellus whimpers internally. For the moment, she is so glad her friends aren't here. They would ask questions. She would have to explain. And Gallus would never let her live it down.

She closes her receptors, puts away her map and turns left. The smell in the air grows stronger.

A low growl stops her. The sound builds swiftly, a grinding noise like blocks of concrete rubbing against each other. Then, abruptly, it stops.

Ocellus spins around.

The hallway she just came out of is gone. Where it was there are now only walls with ugly, tattered wallpaper.

Ocellus feels an urge to borrow from Gallus' vocabulary of profanities. At least her question is answered. The map in her saddlebags is dead weight.

She opens her receptors again. Trying to force herself to taste. But there is nothing. Either she has lost that ability or...

Ocellus sighs. Of course there is nothing to taste. There is no love on the moon to feed on.

Things are different for her than other changelings. She lives at the school. Eats meals with her friends. She doesn't have to; she can survive on the love generated by their friendship alone. But it is polite. And it is fun. Well, most of it. The rest is a new experience at least.

But changelings who survive only on love consume an emotion; they do not produce any tangible waste. The drained husk of an emotion that they do exude is something only another changeling can even sense the existence of. A gossamer absence of flavor. A tingling, almost numbing sense to their receptors.

Ocellus passes a fireplace across from a reading nook. The chairs have nearly succumbed to the ashen mold. She coughs as the chalky scent becomes more pungent, mixed with a nasty underlying sweetness, like a drop of cheap perfume.

Are the changelings using the palace's own rot to navigate?

With a grinding rumble, the hallway seals in front of her. The wall vomits up an oil painting of moonsharks bounding through the lunar surface. A moldy couch pulls itself out of the floor like a rising zombie.

Behind her, the mouth of the fireplace grows like a yawning maw, the stones sliding away, until it becomes the entrance to a room.

There are four guardian drones in the room beyond. One is standing guard dutifully while two others are facing each other across a table. The last is standing on the table, a nasty grin on her face.

Ocellus turns and flies into the room, buzzing past the guards with the disinterest of some'ling who knows where they are going and is supposed to be here.

Behind her, green light flashes. She tenses.

Don't look back! Don't look back! You belong here! Don't look...

"Yesssss!" one of the guardians hisses as she flies out of the room and into yet another hallway. "That's perfect! Now do Ocellusssssssss again!"

Ocellus nearly transforms in shock. Instead, she flies faster.

The hallway behind her seals, shifting the guard room to watch another area.

Ocellus lands, letting out a shuddering breath. Her disguise held up. The four hive guardians paid her no attention, barely noting her passing. She's just a drone. Like all the others.

She looks around. The hallway is a box, no entrances or exits. Just Nightmare Moon-themed tapestries and a couple rotting chairs. The changeling nymph sits down, deciding to catch her breath as she waits for a new opening to appear.

Considering her own issues, Ocellus wonders what would happen if she touched Pride. Without using the protective saddlebag. Would it help her have pride in who she is? Or just magnify pride in how others feel about her? She quickly discards those thoughts. The anti-Element of Pride isn't a healthy sort of pride.

Ocellus' thoughts turn towards Cheer Squad. That was about pride, school spirit. And being part of a group like that is something a creature could take pride in. Something they could call their own. Except... that wasn't why she joined. She wanted to make an impression with the other students that had nothing to do with changing shape. She wanted to be something in their eyes other than just "the changeling". But it was still their eyes she was thinking about, not her own.

How can Smolder love her when she doesn't even know who she is?

Ocellus considers Gallus' girlfriend comment during the fight with Smolder.

She knows how Smolder feels towards her. Love-starved changelings would kill to have that kind of love directed at them. Often literally. But Ocellus doesn't want to leech off Smolder's love. This is Smolder.

She doesn't have to be a parasite. She can be symbiotic. Why hasn't she reciprocated Smolder's love?

She knows she cares deeply for Smolder. Deeply enough to respect the dragon's love and not want to feed if she cannot truly give it in return. If she was counseling any other creature in this situation, it would be easy. She can tell from the taste if love is pure. She knows without questioning if the love she tastes comes from the heart, and if the love is for the other creature or just for what is gained from the relationship.

But Ocellus cannot step outside herself like that. Except for the most intense situations, changelings are blind to the taste of their own love. She cannot know that what she would be giving Smolder is as genuine as what Smolder is giving her.

The air fills with a sickly rustle as the wallpaper of the far wall peels off. The revealed stonework breaks apart, the stones avalanching away like flowing water. An adventurine rod slides into place just below the ceiling as the molding withdraws like a cat sheathing its claws. With a greasy flutter, rotting curtains tumble down from the rod to frame the new opening.

Ocellus stops, shaking her head, scolding herself. These are not the thoughts to be having right now! She gets up and flies through the curtains.

The hall beyond widens into a gallery. Oil paintings of a plethora of sizes adorn the walls on either side of her. Moonscapes, batponies, moonsharks, the palace and more. Even paintings of her world as seen through the skylight in the Grand Hall. Below the paintings are columns with busts or small sculptures of Nightmare Moon.

A lime glow fills the gallery, casting the paintings in diseased colors. The light comes from streaks of royal resin; some'ling has used a royal jelly sprayer (not a "vomit cannon"!) to draw an arrow pointing at one of the many paintings of Nightmare Moon.

Ocellus flies closer, curious.

The moon pendant that the villainess is wearing protrudes slightly from the painting. It is the button for a void barrier, this one already shut down by the hive. At least she knows she is headed the right way.

Next to it is a painting of Nightmare Moon's Palace as seen from the shallow valley behind it. The painting is dominated by the kiss of sunlight on the dome of the dungeon colosseum.

Ocellus knows she has to focus on thoughts that will not cause her love to show. But instead, she thinks back to the battle with Smolder, and finds herself dwelling on the way she protected herself through memory of Smolder's love.

But instead of thoughts that would cause her own love to swell, she finds herself sinking into the memory of how hollow it felt to not sense love from the dragon. How much it reminded her of her dream. Of that mirror with no reflection.

The gallery elbows, but the other segment is shallow. Ocellus turns the corner and reaches the end of the hallway. She half expects to see a mirror there, showing her nothing. Or a painting of a mirror.

Instead, she sees the tall, gaunt figure of a grandmare clock. Black spires and gothic batwings rise up behind a numberless moon-face with silver forks. The clock is silent.

"From one faceless being to another," Ocellus quips, "What makes you tick?"

What makes me tick? Ocellus thinks in response.

Love. Obviously. Any 'ling would answer that.

Then what makes me an individual?

"It's perfectly normal for a changeling to struggle with identity issues," Ocellus says, perfectly mimicking Starlight's voice, parroting the non-advice she got from her one serious attempt at counsel. But is it really?

She isn't like Hyaline, fretting about what color she should be. Nor has she ever been in danger of forgetting she is a changeling and thinking she is a bugbear.

Back when she was much more shy, she would use other forms to hide herself. But she always knew they were disguises. And that hasn't changed -- she still very much knows which form is "her" and which are magical transformations...

Ocellus stares at the clock. The faceless clock.

Slowly, an epiphany rolls over her. She can see it coming. A slow-moving train, and she is tied to the track.

Ocellus can sense the love people have for her, and she knows that sense is real: undisguised and unvarnished truth. She wouldn't be able to eat it if it wasn't. At school, she has close friends who truly love her, in addition to teachers who care about her... it's almost enough to be overwhelming, especially for someone who grew up love-starved.

It's natural for creatures to see themselves, at least in part, by how others see them. Creatures often act the way they do to impress others, or make them happy, or be better than them. But she can tell exactly how her actions and her attitudes and her hobbies affect the love other creatures feel towards her.

With a sinking feeling, Ocellus attempts to examine the things she has done, asking herself how much of her behavior today alone was designed to provoke a positive response or avoid a negative one. How many worries were about losing love?

The very first thing I did waking up was hide so Smolder wouldn't get a bad impression. She would understand if I just told her, but I don't because I don't want her to feel bad about it. I don't want that to dampen her feelings.

That was... that was being kind too. Caring for her friend's feelings. But the nymph cannot trick herself into believing that is all that was.

Maybe start from the most recent.

She ran away from her friends and hid before transforming so Gallus and Smolder wouldn't associate her with a love-starved changeling.

How long ago did she start tailoring so much of what she did based on this?

It is so tempting to behave as the creature she wants those around her to think she is. She's sharing love, but is she still behaving love-starved? Acting however generates the most love? Even to the point of unconsciously shapeshifting to elicit reactions that satisfy subconscious cravings? Like she did with Smolder yesterday?

Not because her friends want her to. Or expect her to. Or would ever ask her to. But because she is recasting herself voluntarily based on what she wants to be in their eyes.

The gothic grandmare clock stares silently back. No tick. No tock.

Ocellus realizes she has given up all sense of who she is. She has no idea how she would behave, or the person she would be, without her friends. She has become a cipher.

No teenk. No tunk.

Ocellus slumps to the floor, burying her face in her hole-ridden forelegs.

I really don't remember the last time I felt like an individual. And I've done this to myself.

A hole opens in the ceiling with the sound of crumpling plaster and rippling concrete. Ocellus watches as stairs unfold from the opening, banisters rising to meet adventurine railings that snake down from the opening above. As the last step kisses the floor, the carpet washes up the stairs.

This would absolutely freak Gallus out, Ocellus thinks. On the other hoof, it is almost a shame Silverstream is missing this. She would love it.

Ocellus does not love the sounds coming from above. The buzzing of wings -- layers upon layers of the familiar droning built into a hurricane. Underneath the sound was skittering.

Ocellus closes her eyes and repeats the mantra: Just a drone. No tick. No tock. Just a drone...

Her own wings add to the buzz as she flies up through the hole and into the heart of the hive.

The air is cloying with the chalk-sweet stench of palace rot.

Ocellus opens her eyes to the sight of a huge morphic foyer and swarms of black carapace.

Changeling pods hang from the foyer's only static pillars and grow around a fountain identical to the one in the Grand Hall. Their light blends with the azure flame of torches, filling the foyer with an almost aquatic light. Fabric images of Nightmare Moon and Celestia jump between tapestries, doing battle.

Clusters of drones fly through openings in the ceiling as vaulted arches and ribbing shift as if the roof is breathing. Scores of drones follow up a curving stairwell that twists about like a snake, its head moving between openings. Dozens more enter or vanish through doors and hallways that appear and disappear.

There are over a hundred drones in this room alone!

This is why I had to come on my own.

Drone-Ocellus falls in with a stream of love-starved drones, hiding in the mass of many. Her ocelli watch for an opening with golden trim or an excess of lime green light. Pride isn't here. She needs to go deeper.

This hive is huge! Queen Elytra must have hundreds of drones. Maybe thousands!

But how? The moon is absolutely devoid of love. Are they somehow sustaining themselves off of the plants in the Conservatory? Ocellus thinks the food at the school would keep her going without love for quite a while. But it lacks vital nutrients for a changeling.

Now that she thinks of it, every drone in this hive should be terribly sick.

The nymph slides gracefully between flows of drones, hating how easy it is. She isn't love-starved -- shouldn't it be easier for them to tell? A loathing vibration in her breast wants her to scream at them for not realizing she is different.

Her ears catch the sound of rippling canvas. Ocellus turns to see an oil painting of giant spiders devoured by its frame, becoming an open window. Lime light pours into the foyer from beyond the frame.

With another slide between groups, Drone-Ocellus finds herself in the hissing company of only half a dozen drones as they fly out of the foyer through the window.

The hall beyond is static. Baroque golden trim and filigree climb the walls and weave across the ceiling like spider's webbing. Clusters of empty changeling cocoons line the walls and hang like lanterns.

The point of cocoons is to cocoon somecreature.

Maybe they were made for her and her friends? But that doesn't make much sense -- a changeling queen makes a cocoon around Her victim, not before they are captured.

Before she can ponder further, her thoughts skitter apart like cockroaches exposed to bright light. The taste that strikes her receptors nearly causes her to break form: onion and bitter root and overcooked cabbage. She gasps, shutting her receptors closed as she fights not to gag.

One of the other drones turns and looks at her as she falls behind. His questioning expression shifts into a nasty grin. He turns away from her and shoots forward.

Ocellus slows further, the other drones leaving her behind. She is reeling, the taste clinging to her memory. She knows what she just tasted, and she knows how the hive is sustaining itself.

Queen Elytra loves them.

It is the sickest love she has ever tasted. Possessive, dominating, without a shred of compassion. Like the flicker of love a changeling in arts and crafts might feel for a well-formed pot, but saturated with something deeply poisonous.

Still, it is a form of love. And they are feeding on it. Parasitically. There is no love whatsoever coming from the drones in response. Only obedience. As if that's all she wants from them.

How is Queen Elytra surviving?

What she has found is so completely different from either Queen Chrysalis' hive or King Thorax's that it leaves Ocellus reeling. For a while, the insects of her thoughts scurry about in her head -- ants whose marching order has been disturbed.

Her thought-ants suddenly find a new marching order, falling into a straight line.

The anti-Elements resonate with those who share their vice. Smolder and Gallus both resonated with Greed and Envy respectively, but not in a way that was symbiotic. She hasn't seen yet what happens when an anti-Element finds a creature whose vice is truly in harmony with it.

Ocellus stops flying altogether.

There is a reason Queen Elytra built her hive in this wing, right on top of Pride. It's somehow feeding her.

Changelings are blind to their own love except in the most intense situations. They certainly cannot feed on it. But when an anti-Element resonates nearly perfectly with a creature, the vice is amplified.

Ocellus realizes that Queen Elytra is sustaining herself on her own self-love in a bizarre self-cannibalism only possible because of Pride.

Worse, she probably doesn't even know it.

Ocellus stares down the hallway of golden filigree and empty cocoons.

Whatever is at the end of this hallway, that is where I will find Queen Elytra... and Pride.