• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 9,354 Views, 653 Comments

Prey - Kkat

Ocellus is trapped in a palace infested with a brood of love-starved changelings and their queen who are intent on using her only way home as a means to invade her world.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Playing With Fire

"Did we make that in one of the labs?"

Ocellus sits on the floor of the Throne Room, her saddlebags beside her. She tugs open the flap and reaches in, trying to ignore the green glow. Okay, from now on, anti-Elements in one bag, her supplies in the other.

The changeling nymph fishes out her lantern first. The moment she and Gallus had spotted the patrol in the Grand Hall, Gallus had put out the light and stuffed it in her bag. She doubts he realized which one.

Setting her loyal little lantern to the side, Ocellus reaches in again. This time, she brings out the moonsilver needle. The blue smoke roils lazily in the bulb.

"Ocellus...!" Gallus says warningly.

She glances at him. "I just want to study it. No eye-sticking."

Her friend nods, his eyes still a little narrowed. The blue griffon sits down across from her. "Okay. You sit there. And I'll sit here, ready to wingbeat you if that thing gets anywhere near your eye. Deal?"

Ocellus finds herself feeling thankful for the offer. She smiles. "Deal."

The two sit. Ocellus examines the needle, leaning close (sometimes enough to get a warning feather-ruffle), turning it about, willing it to give up its dark secrets. After several very long minutes, she determines it doesn't have any. It is exactly what it looks like.

"Dark essence," Ocellus announces with grim curiosity. "The drones are injecting themselves with dark essence."

Gallus gives her a blank look. He blinks, then raises a talon to his beak. "Uh... I may have slept through that class."

Ocellus smiles. "You didn't. Or if you did, I did too. I learned about it from Luna after I came here. It's what Nightmare Moon created the entire palace out of. She turned it into marble, glass, furniture, goblets... everything." The changeling looks over at Nightmare Moon's throne, once again taking in its gothic opulence. "She was really very artistic."

Gallus smirks. "I support creepy home decorating as a supervillain fallback position."

Ocellus is struck with an idea. This is pure dark essence. Enough to create something of real power.

Gallus watches as Ocellus gets up, walking towards the near wall. "So how does the stuff Nightmare Moon used to create chairs turn a changeling into... what we fought?"

Ocellus shakes her head. "Try not to think of it that way." She stops in front of the oil painting of Nightmare Moon's Seal. In a turquoise flash, she takes her dragon form. "Dark essence can be used to create anything." She pauses to lift the painting off the wall. "As long as it has a blueprint to work off of."

Gallus' eyebrows rise. "Define anything."

"Objects, creatures..." she answers as she flies over to the alcove with the three onyx pedestals. "Even things with powers."

Ocellus sets the oil painting on the middle capital just as she had before, then returns to where Gallus is sitting. She looks up at the mirror, checking to see if Luna has returned. When she sees her own dragon-form reflected instead, she whispers to Gallus, "I'm pretty sure Luna created the Tantabus out of this stuff."

Gallus stares, dumbfounded, as Ocellus picks up the needle and flies back to the trio of columns with it. He takes a moment to process that. "So primordial stuff of creation, able to make literally anything imaginable... and Nightmare Moon used it to create chairs? For creatures who didn't exist."

Ocellus nods, putting the needle on the first capital and stepping back. "And then she used it to make creatures to sit in those chairs."

Gallus gets up, walking towards her. "But Luna's sane now, right?"

Their conversation is interrupted by a flash of pitch-black fire rising from the first column. The needle dissolves upwards, becoming blue smoke and oily black droplets with sparkles of cerulean light. A lot more sparkles than the contents of the hall stand, Ocellus notes.

Gallus makes a sound as the smoke and oil vanish into bright, spectral flashes above the pillar.

Ocellus turns to watch the third pillar.

Flashes of spectral light above. Smoke and oil pouring out of the ether. The oil spinning into tendrils that weave together. Ocellus finds the process still eerie, but not as menacing as the first time. Rather, it's fascinating.

"What?" Gallus finally asks as the blue smoke is absorbed into the newly re-created seal.

Ocellus lifts it up, examining it. Then shows it off to Gallus, holding it in one draconic claw and the oil painting in the other.

Gallus' eyes dart between the two. "Whoa, now that is cool! Creepy as everything else, but cool."

He flies up, giving Nightmare Moon's Seal a closer look. "So, what is it? Other than really nasty-looking jewelry. Because if that's all it is, it really doesn't go with your... anything."

Dragon-Ocellus answers, "It's how we get outside."

Ocellus and Gallus lay on the floor, looking at the crude map in her notebook.

"I'm already looking forward to your turn Mastering our Ogres & Oubliettes game," Gallus says, unknowingly sending an icicle through Ocellus' heart. "This is good."

Ocellus hopes her friend didn't notice her flinch. "I'm really thinking we should save Wrath for last," she says quickly. "So that leaves the other two. I'm thinking..." she pokes a hoof at a large area at the end of the closer wing. "We go for Greed next."

Gallus rubs beneath his beak in consideration. "What do we know about that part of the palace?"

"Not a lot," Ocellus admits. "But we know the palace armory is in there somewhere..."

Gallus interrupts, "Wait, let me guess." He sits up and waves his talons. "Greed is in the treasury."

"No." Ocellus points at the huge room surrounded by tiny ones at the end. "Greed is in the dungeon."

Gallus' brow furrows. "Why does Nightmare Moon's palace have a dungeon?"

Ocellus looks again to the Grand Mirror. She knows the answer, but it really isn't hers to share.

Luna is still not there. Ocellus is beginning to worry.

"It was... for someone," she answers reluctantly, hoping Gallus won't press.

He does. "For someone? What, Nightmare Moon was creating prisoners as well as table guests? Or..." The griffon's expression turned pained. "That's where Nightmare Moon trapped Celestia when she came back, wasn't it?"

"I think so, yes." The question makes Ocellus wonder how Nightmare Moon got Celestia to the moon. And how the Princess broke free. Did the transformation of Nightmare Moon back to Luna weaken the prison somehow?

Those queries find their way in her growing mental notebook titled Unanswered Questions. She puts the new questions at the bottom.

At the top of the list are "Why are there changelings on the moon?" and "Why is Luna in a changeling pod?" Ocellus somewhat knows the answer to the second one: Queen Elytra is feeding on Luna's memories.

And unlike the portal home, the mirror portal must have gone both ways. At least enough for the black tentacles to come through. And apparently enough for royal jelly too. Besides, Luna wouldn't have taken them on a field trip with no way back. Nor wanted to expose them to anti-Elements to return. But...

Ocellus mentally crosses out "Why is Luna in a changeling pod?" and replaces it with "If the mirror portal goes both ways, why didn't Queen Elytra just come through with her army?

The obvious answer was that she couldn't. Ocellus looks at the quiet doorway, thinking of the drones and the way even their magic couldn't breach the threshold. Then to the Grand Mirror. Luna can only see the palace through mirrors. Only appear in them. And the Grand Mirror is the only one stable enough for a long visit. It made sense.

She crosses off the question.

"Why use us?" Gallus asks, breaking the thick quiet that had fallen over the Throne Room.

Ocellus looks up at him questioningly, her mental notebook still open.

"Going with your idea that the evil queen brought us here to have us grab the anti-Elements," Gallus explains, "Why doesn't this queen just have her drones grab these anti-Elements and open the portal?"

Ocellus' wings flutter as an unpleasant feeling rolls over her. "I-I don't know."

Gallus continues. "To me, that sounds like she's afraid of them. And I get that. Boy do I get that. So I totally get why she doesn't try to grab them herself. But it doesn't strike me that she cares about her drones any more than Chrysalis did. So why not sacrifice them?"

Having been just such a drone once, under just such a queen, the thought does not sit well with Ocellus. Not at all.

She adds another question to her mental notebook.

Gallus is strangely silent. The griffon has turned away from her, staring out over the barren waste of gray. Letting the nothingness wash over him. Ocellus puts a hoof on his back, between his wings muscles. Just letting him know she is there.

"Was the moral of the field trip: be thankful for what you have?" Gallus asks quietly. "If so, congratulations Luna. For the first time ever, I'd rather be in Griffonstone."

Ocellus has no response. She rubs his back a little with her hoof. She hopes it is as calming to griffons as it is to changelings. She also hopes it isn't as intimate. Griffons don't have elytra that they have to open to let some creature touch them there; they aren't making themselves vulnerable.

Gallus shrugs away. "Ready to go?"

Ocellus nods, backing up. She watches the griffon struggle with his saddlepack.

"At least this time we are better prepared," Ocellus notes as she puts Nightmare Moon's Seal into the saddlebag not reserved for anti-Elements. "I have the Seal, and I have this."

"Great. I'm sure that will help a lot," Gallus comments as Ocellus reaches down and scoops up the royal jelly sprayer. "Do you even know what it is?"

Ocellus nods. "I've seen one of these before. Remember that thing I used to stop the spraying fire? Just after I found you?"

"How could I forget?"

"This sprays a faster-drying stream of the same... goo." Ocellus turns the odd weapon over in her hooves, examining the clear tank. The transparent material isn't glass. The tank is dented slightly -- not cracked -- from hitting the Nightmare Moon in the head. The cylinder is half-full of glowing green queen spittle, a barrier similar to the surface of the orbs keeping the liquid under high pressure.

Gallus considers that, holding out a talon. "So a drone armed with one of these could take down multiple creatures with a wave of the nozzle?"

Ocellus doesn't answer. It isn't really a question. The griffon is just working things through aloud. Finally, he concludes, "What I'm looking at is a changeling weapon of war."

The changeling looks at her friend. That is an odd tone for Gallus. But the griffin sets her mind at ease with an off-talon explanation.

"Some of my homework made me look at the griffin weapons from before King Grover."

Ocellus nods, understanding all too well how a class assignment can seep into extracurricular activities. And Gallus' observation is certainly not wrong. This could incapacitate multiple... prey. Leaving them ready for feeding.

She turns the changeling "weapon of war" around, her ocelli tracing over the hose and nozzle. The changeling nymph frowns as she gives the trigger switch a closer look. It is small, sharp and hook-like, looking difficult to manage with a hoof. And the trigger is built far enough back from the nozzle that it would take a separate hoof to trigger while aiming... but that wasn't how the drone who attacked her was using it.

"That... would be really scary if she could make her sick-up in bulk," Gallus adds.

Ocellus scowls up at him. "It's an oral secretion, not sick-up." A pause. "And she can."

"I retract my lack of terror."

Ocellus points towards the three onyx pillars. "Those artifacts are all over Nightmare Moon's Palace. And if they can make anything out of dark essence so long as they have a plan, I imagine they can also do so with a sample."

Gallus falls back to his haunches. "At what point does this stop getting worse?"

Ocellus holds the hose, trying to figure out how the drone was using it. Realization dawns on her with the taste of ashes.

"Here," she says, holding the royal jelly sprayer out to Gallus. "You'll be able to aim and fire this with your talons much better than I can with my hooves."

Gallus blinks, not taking it. "Okay, I'll bite. Why would Queen Elytra make her weapon easier for griffons to use than her own drones?"

Ocellus sighs. "She didn't. It's meant to be fired by flexing their foreleg muscles. But I can't grip it the way they can because my forelegs don't have holes."

Gallus stares a moment longer, then takes the changeling weapon of war. "Hurrah," he deadpans, "I get the vomit cannon."

Ocellus whines slightly. "Can we not call it that?"

The room is pitch black.

Faint blue light pours in from the arched doorway as the door creaks slowly open. Ocellus and Gallus peek their heads into the opening.

The griffon whispers, "Changelings can't just become darkness, right?" The nymph shoots him a look, growling slightly.

"I'm going to shoot it," Gallus decides.

"Shoot what?" Ocellus asks. "The darkness?"


A few goblets of glowing lime arch through the air. One impacts a chair, tipping it backwards as the jelly washes over it, hardening into resin before the chair's back can hit the floor. The others splatter against wooden barrels that line slate shelves.

The illumination reveals walls of barrels, a table with a few goblets and a candelabra, several urns on the floor, and a stone archway with stairs leading down. The palace buttery.

With a flash of green, one of the goblets transforms into a black carapaced drone.


Gallus gives no chance to attack before encasing the drone in bioluminescent resin. "I'm about ready to start shooting every goblet I see, just to be safe."

Ocellus can't blame him, but worries about the limited jelly in the tank. She moves in cautiously, her body shivering. The freezing cold bites at her ears and gnaws painfully on her membranes. Any drink in the barrels must be frozen solid. Her teeth chatter.

The stairs down will take them into the dungeon's wing. Despite the descent, Ocellus knows the buttery is one of the only rooms in Nightmare Moon's Palace that is actually underground. Instead, the stairs trace the moon's uneven surface which falls away into a shallow valley on the back side of the palace.


Ocellus jumps, spinning as two more bangs sound behind her. Her heart hammers; her breath is caught in her throat. She sees Gallus picking up the remaining goblets and beating them a few times on the table.

Relief makes her legs wobbly. Gallus finishes, then pulls out his own notepad, ink and quill. After a few scribbles, he sticks identical notes to each of the goblets:

Not a changeling.

Ocellus huffs. Really? Puffing her cheeks, she whispers harshly, "You do know we can change into notes too, right?"

Gallus freezes. Then swiftly caps the inkwell and puts the notepad, ink and quill away.

Ocellus lets out a longsuffering breath. "Come on," she huffs again, waving for Gallus to follow as she moves towards the stairwell.

As Gallus follows, a small smile forms on his beak. "Does that mean you could literally be my homework?"

Ocellus groans.

"I'm not asking to cheat," Gallus persists. "I just think Professor Pie would get a kick out of that."

Ocellus begins down the curving stone steps. She has to admit, Gallus might be right about that. She carefully couches her words. "Okay. If we get home, I'll do it. Once." She hears Gallus ruffle his wings. "But in return, I want you to stop being even more paranoid than I am. I need you to keep me sane."

Gallus falls strangely silent again.

The silence draws out. Their descent takes them past a small, crescent-shaped window. Through it, she can see the stars. And floating among them, home.

Gallus swallows. "Okay."

They reach the bottom of the stairs. The hallway beyond is a disaster.

The ceiling tiles have collapsed, leaving dangling vines everywhere. Walls are cracked. Pillars have crumbled. The far end of the hallway is illuminated by fire -- patches of orange flame consuming furniture and climbing the walls. Halfway to them, the hallway floor has collapsed into the rooms below.

"Moonquake?" Gallus offers.

"That hit only this wing?" Ocellus questions. She is staring at the fires. Their warm light is a stark contrast to the purple carpeting, sapphire columns and cornflower walls. They are the first flames she has seen here that aren't blue.

Gallus watches from a safe distance as Ocellus pulls open the pair of stained-glass doors. After having inspected the frames from back where Gallus is sitting. She doesn't blame him. She really doesn't. But the prickly feet of agitation are crawling up the back of her brain.

She wishes the feeling would go away. She's being unfair. She's feeling paranoid too. And she's not sure it even is paranoia anymore. Just fear.

The doors swing apart to reveal a long maze of shelves filled with bottles of wine. Many shelves are tipped or toppled. Over half the bottles are broken. Sharp glass and frozen liquid cover most of the floor. Fortunately, both she and Gallus can fly.

The remaining bottles hold dark liquid, except for a few scattered ones that glow with an inviting yet alien cerulean light. Ocellus' thoughts return to Professor Rarity's wine tasting class, and she wonders how these wines taste. She's smart enough not to test them.

Gallus flies in behind her, looking nervously at all the bottles. The broken shelves. He swivels the sprayer around, trying to be prepared for an attack from any direction.

The far corner of the room is charred black. Everything in an area the size of her dorm room is burned to charcoal. Some of it is still glowing a deep, angry crimson with specks of bright orange.

A bottle slips from one of the canted shelves, smashing to the floor.

Ocellus' heart skips a beat. Gallus knocks past her, beating his wings, backing away, nozzle pointed at the shattered bottle. Then he aims up at the shelf, as if expecting to find a cat pushing bottles off.

"Gallus..." Ocellus says with measured calm. "It's okay." This time. She remembers the candle in the creepy dining room. How much it scared her.

And that candle was a changeling.

The smashed bottle isn't. If it hadn't broken into shards, she might not be so certain.

Gallus lowers the nozzle, hovering. He lets out a breath. She can see it creating vapor in the frigid air. "Okay, I'm going to say something. I've been trying to figure out how to say it since before we got to the Throne Room, because I don't want to be offensive or say it the wrong way..."

Ocellus cringes inside. This is what she has been worried about. She knows what is coming. But she's pinned in the lights of it.

"...but you changelings are scary," Gallus admits. "Really scary."

He might as well have slashed her open with his claws!

"U-us changelings?" Ocellus squeaks. "Y-you mean like me and them?" She waves a hoof, trying to indicate the hive that has been attacking them. "I'm scary?!"

She doesn't want to hear this. She doesn't want Gallus to associate her with changelings like these. She doesn't want her friends to be afraid of her!

Gallus cringes. "No! Well, yeah. You're not like them, Ocellus. But you could be."

I could be a love-starved monster. Ocellus backs away from Gallus. The dream from the night before avalanches through her mind. Spreading her forelegs, trying to share. Trying to change. But she couldn't. No transformation. Just falling into darkness.

"You think..." Ocellus feels like she is dying. "Do you think I'm going to become one of them again??"

"No! Gah!" Gallus grimaces in frustration. He balls a talon to his face, clinching his eyes shut. "I'm saying this all wrong!"

"No," Ocellus says quietly, nearly whispering. "I think you're saying it right." Her voice is trembling. She feels like her chitin is being peeled off. She wants to run and hide. Bury herself in the rubble of this horrible place.

"No, I'm not!" he barks back. Gallus bites his beak shut, realizing he is shouting at her. The griffon takes a deep breath.

"Listen, I've never been scared of changelings before," Gallus tries again, each word dropping like an anvil. "When I thought of changelings, I didn't think of Chrysalis or black drones with holes in their legs. I thought of you. And I've never thought of you as scary. Heck, with your meditation and Feelings Forums and stuff, I thought of you all as harmless."

"Harmless," Ocellus repeats flatly.

Gallus' ears paste back. His tail curls about himself. "Yeah." He looks away, unable to meet her gaze. Everywhere else, all he sees is the ruined wine celler. "But this place is like a huge, horrible lesson."

"And now?" she asks timidly. Hating to. Needing to. Fearing the answer. She couldn't live with her friends thinking of her as a monster! It would be better not to have friends at all.

Gallus' eyes clench shut. "Right now, changelings terrify me."

Ocellus feels the world drop out from under her. Numbness builds from the pit of her stomach, spreading through her body. She opens her receptors as wide as she can, horrified that she is tasting nothing.

Of course I'm tasting nothing! Ocellus scolds herself bitterly, trying to rein in her own panic. He's not feeling love right now. He's just scared.

A full-body shudder ripples through her. Her breath comes out shaky, creating little puffs of vapor in the air.

"I'm sorry," Gallus says. "But I'm not sure what I should be sorry for more. Letting this hive change how I see you. Or treating your hive as harmless because you don't show off just how fearsome and dangerous you can be."

He's scared. We're both just scared. Ocellus repeats the words like a mantra.

Like a revelation laced with poison, the mantra is broken with the thought: And he's right to be. We are scary.

Gallus looks down. Then flies a little farther into the room to find a place to land that is not covered in broken glass. He touches down on the edge of the scorched zone, then turns and looks up at her.

"Either way, I feel like I've been a crappy friend."

Ocellus stares, feeling gutted. She doesn't know what to say. Part of her wants to break down in tears. Part of her wants to scream at him. Part of her wants to hug him and tell him it is all okay.

It is not all okay. Nothing is all okay.

Gallus turns away from her, staring at the charred floor. His head is bowed. His tail drags through the soot.

This place is every nightmare she's ever had coming to life. More than anything, she just wants to scream.

Gallus walks away from her. Not far. Just enough to give her some distance from him.

Her desire to flee shatters. The void is filled with an overwhelming -- almost primitive -- need to grab this and fix it. To keep herself from losing her friendship.

Ocellus feels like nails are being hammered into her breast. She closes the distance. "G-Gallus?" Her voice is trembling. She has no idea what she is going to say.

Gallus doesn't look at her. He continues to stare down, picking at the burnt remains with a talon.

"G-Gallus, I..." Ocellus feels tears spilling from her eyes. Anger and hurt and loneliness mix into a soup of anguish.

Gallus picks something up off the blackened floor.

In a burst of anger, Ocellus shouts, "Gallus, look at me!"

The griffon turns to face her, silently holding up a scorched moonsilver needle. The bulb is empty.

Ocellus looks past him. The destruction spreads out from a center where the floor has been incinerated down into the marble. The core is shaped like the shadow of a drone.

Let's stick her! See what happens!

The nymph lands next to her friend, staring at the needle. She shudders.

Gallus' eyes are red. He too has been crying. But right now, sadness has been replaced with a look that says I think we're in trouble.

Ocellus nods. She pulls at a memory, finding it difficult. Like it is mired in syrup.

For the sake of my sanity, I'm going to assume that whatever our friend here doped herself with worked as advertised.

She doubts that now. Doubts it very much. The idea was beyond macabre. These drones were toying with raw power, stuffing it into their heads with no idea what it would do to them. It was playing with suicide!

Ocellus feels her hindlegs give out, the personal horror of her friend's fear mixing with an existential one.

For months, she's felt like she's somehow losing her grip on who she is, or has lost it entirely. And these drones are destroying who they are! Letting dark essence transform them into something else entirely, with no say in what they are becoming. Even kill them. Intentionally throwing themselves away!

Ocellus feels her body trembling. Her thoughts are collapsing into an abyss.

Gallus drops the needle and grabs her before she can start crying, burying her head into his chest feathers. His pungent dander assaults her nostrils. And the taste of boysenberries and salmon and sake permeates her receptors.

"I've got you, Ocellus. Let it out. I've got you."

Ocellus ducks under the toppled column that bisects the hallway. Piles of wreckage create narrows in the passage. The entire level above is rubble, crushing down on this one. The vaulting above sags between snapped ribbings where the ceiling hasn't already caved. Orange light flickers in a doorway ahead, the room on that side apparently ablaze.

More flames flicker at the end of the hallway. The double doors at the end are at odd angles, the frame cracked and pressing down. Even if they can reach the door into the dungeon itself, Ocellus isn't certain they can open it.

The entire wing groans ominously. Dust and bits of rubble rain down between splits in the arches above.

She looks back at Gallus. The griffon has stopped at the fallen column. Ocellus can see that between his saddlepack and the royal jelly thrower, he can't crawl under it. Her friend holds up one talon, signaling for her to wait as he examines the space between the column and the half-collapsed roof above, determining if he needs to take anything off, or if he can wiggle through.

She feels for him. The tight space will only be for a foreleg's length, but phobias don't care.

She considers turning into a bugbear and removing the column, but she doesn't want to frighten him. Which she knows is stupid. He's seen her as a bugbear plenty of times and never been frightened of her.

She turns her gaze forward again. The flickering orange light pouring from the open doorway ahead has grown brighter.

Ocellus wishes she could go back in time and undo the last... no, no she doesn't. Not when she thinks of how Gallus held her. How his love tastes. That love told her she has nothing to fear. She just needs to listen to it.

Much brighter.

Ocellus' brow furrows.

A changeling-shaped mass of flame steps out into the hall.

Her eyes widen and her thoughts crash. Instead of fear, the nymph is overcome with severe disorientation. I'm not seeing this.

The raging, changeling-shaped fire turns and stalks towards her, cackling deeply, its voice like a raging furnace. It leaves burning hoofprints in the stone floor. The air in the hallway is no longer freezing.

Ocellus begins to back up.

I am not seeing this!

Ruined tapestries ignite from the ambient heat as it draws near them. The air becomes dry, smelling scorched and brittle. The fire creature's cackling becomes a deep roar. Ocellus feels her ocelli dry and her membranes shrivel in the blast of furnace heat.

"Changelings can become fire?"

Ocellus hears Gallus scream the question as the monstrosity draws closer. Stunned, she turns to him, her voice rising in denial. "What? No! That..." she gasps, lungs scorching. "That's not even a thing! Fire isn't... fire's a reaction, not a..." She coughs painfully. "It's like running. You can run. You can't turn into running!"

Gallus aims over the top of the toppled column and unleashes a stream of lime jelly at the fire-thing. The jelly hisses, sizzling as it flies through the creature, unimpeded by anything solid. The hallway fills with the acrid, saccharine smell of cooked queen resin.

It isn't on fire. It IS fire!

Ocellus stammers, coughing again, ducking back under the fallen column. "But.... but... "

"I think it's time to go," Gallus insists, grabbing her.

It's not possible! Ocellus feels the world shift sickeningly sideways. She couldn't be seeing this! Where is its brain? How does it even think if its brain is fire?!

Ocellus feels Gallus scoop her up as the griffin takes to the air, flying away from the changeling-shaped mass of flame. She stares at the impossible creature as the floor falls away beneath her. Watches flames flare out in a mockery of wings and sees the living flame soar after them. Unattached to anything burning.

Ocellus has the overwhelming urge to lecture the reality-breaking vision in her best former-Headmare Twilight voice. "You're not possible!" Ocellus shouts at it in rising hysteria. "You are not scientifically possible!"

"It doesn't care!" Gallus retorts.

For the second time tonight, she clings to Gallus as he carries her. Under other circumstances, she would admire his strength and stamina. All the power of a lion and all the might of an eagle.

Gallus wings back through the wine cellar, dodging shelves filled with glass bottles.

With a powerful lion kick, he slams the stained glass doors shut as they shoot between them. The glass rattles and cracks, a few shards of colored glass falling to the ruined floor.

Ocellus feels herself arcing through the air in freefall as Gallus hurls her and spins around. She barely has time to brace before slamming face-first into the cushioned back of a couch. The impact knocks the couch over, sending her rolling off of it, coming to a stop against a pillar of onyx.

Gasping, she looks up and sees the face of the moon. With moonsilver forks. She's at the foot of another grandmare clock.

This one, she notes, isn't ticking.


Ocellus pulls herself up, looking over the toppled sofa to see Gallus spraying resin down the split between the stained-glass doors. The room beyond is glowing brightly.

Smart, she thinks, physically but not emotionally sore at being tossed like her lantern.

Fire washes against the glass. But the fire abomination doesn't seem to have any strength. It can't crack the sealing resin. It cannot even break the glass.

"Get the cracks above and below too!" she calls out to him. If the... fire'ling has no mass, it might be able to go under the cracks.

Gallus nods, then turns to target a hole where one of the panes shattered. A vaguely hoof-shaped gout of flame is worming through. The normally fast-hardening resin dries on contact, blocking the hole.

Ocellus sits back, unable to do anything but watch and hope the sprayer doesn't run out of jelly before Gallus can finish.

"Ocellus!" The voice from behind her makes her jump. She spins, looking around. Then down at the shards of a shattered mirror.

"Luna!" Relief floods through her despite the mounting heat. She stares down at the eye of Luna looking back at her. "I was worried. Where did you go?"

"I am sorry. I felt something through the mirror. I was trying to investigate," Luna says. "I did..."

And she is gone. If a full hall stand mirror cannot sustain her long, it is probably a miracle Luna was able to talk to her at all.

The room is blazing with light now. She hears the sprayer sputtering. Gallus backs up to her, sweating profusely in the mounting heat.

"It's out," he says, and for a moment she fears he means the fire'ling. But she sees the sprayer's tank is empty. Gallus pulls it off, tossing it to the floor.

But it could be useful later, Ocellus thinks. If they could get more of the enhanced, quick-hardening jelly. And figure out how to refill it. But they can't count on either, and Gallus' ability to move around in the palace has already been hampered once by carrying the extra bulk. She doesn't blame him.

Ocellus turns towards the doors, but the light coming through the glass is too bright to look at.

"I think it's trying to melt the glass!" Gallus looks to her in a panic. "Does stained glass melt?"

Oh yes. Yes it does. Ocellus nods.

"...lus! Take the door to your left!" Luna calls to her. "There should be an..."

Ocellus blinks. "Left!" She turns. There is no door. But there is a broken armoire. One door hangs off a single hinge, and through it she can see a hole through its back and the wall behind it big enough to climb through. "This way!"

"...ful. And watch out for... moonsharks..." The last word is muffled, reminding her of how Smolder will muffle her words when she is embarrassed about something.

"What did she say?" Gallus stammers as Ocellus runs for the armoire. She throws it open, clambering through, Gallus right behind her.

"I think we've given the fire'ling the slip." Gallus looks back around what's left of the corner. "But not for long. If we're going to really do this..."

Ocellus hovers before the massive door of carved purple stone. Intricate lacework of silver and adventurine create a mosaic of stellar imagery.

The shimmering magical lock hovers before it, suspended by ghostly chains. The indentation on its face matches the Seal in the changeling's hooves.

Physically, she feels ready. The room beyond the armoire was a bathroom. There was a horrifying stain on the far wall among a sea of broken tiles. A stain that churned and atrophied, manifesting another bat-pony specter.

"Nightmare Moon's version of a first aid kit?" Gallus had suggested as the roiling vapor healed them. "Because when you're ruler of eternal night, even your medical supplies should be subservient."

Ocellus agreed, not voicing her suspicion that with the decaying of the palace, something has gone disturbingly wrong.

Physically, she is ready. Mentally? Outside that door is the most absolute of deserts.

Ocellus pushes the Seal into place. The chains collapse from the lock with a loud, metallic SHUNK! The lock vanishes and the door swings open.

Ocellus quickly learns she was wrong about being ready. Luna had warned her the air was thinner, but she is still caught by surprise as opening an exterior door causes an outrush of air.

The changeling nymph is blown through the exitway, hurling into soft regolith and sliding to a stop several yards from the exterior steps.

Ocellus is thankful she managed to close her eyelids the instant before impact. Her eyes are spared being full of moondirt. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for her mouth.

The changeling nymph blasts a cough, expelling as much of the pale dirt from her mouth as she can. The inside of her muzzle feels textured in grit. The taste burrows into her tongue -- like a morbid offspring of ash and chalk.

She hears Gallus flapping his wings above her.

"Eh, are you okay?"

Ocellus coughs again. "I hate the moon."

Ocellus groans, rising from the regolith, coughing and spitting profusely. But even when she no longer feels the grit against her cheeks and tongue, or coating the roof of her mouth, she can't stop tasting it. She yearns to run back inside and find the fountain or the nearest functional sink.

"Not a huge fan myself. You don't think Luna was serious about moonsharks, do you?" Gallus asks, sliding oddly in the air before landing next to her. "I'm thinking we should walk, because flying is... weird."

The moon doesn't look any more hospitable from the outside. But the windows had shielded them from the smell. She doesn't even have a reference for it. The closest words she can conjure to describe it are chalky, bitter and most of all spent.

Ocellus looks around. The palace itself is beautiful, rising up against the black of space. Dark, regal spires topped with crowns of arctic blue rise above walls of lavender and plum, reinforced with graceful flying buttresses. The topmost spire's crown weaves sensuously upwards to a bright crescent moon that shines like the beacon of a lighthouse.

"She's already on the moon," Gallus notes dryly. "Isn't that redundant?"

Ocellus bites back the urge to praise him for the proper use of "redundant". Even as Nightmare Moon, Luna really was an artist. Idly, she wonders why Luna hasn't spent more time with Professor Rarity.

Ocellus turns and looks at the post-apocalyptic wreckage of the back wing.

"I don't want to risk it," she says, spreading her elytra and beating her wings. And beating them harder. And harder.

Ocellus is panting as she finally lifts off the regolith. She feels much lighter, but there isn't as much air to push against. Once she gets moving, she finds it difficult to change direction. Flying on the moon reminds her of the time Professor Pie took them ice skating. Like the air is slick.

After several minutes of overcorrecting, the nymph finally gets herself moving in the right direction. The wing ends in the dungeon, the upper floors of which form a grand, domed colosseum.

Or it did. Even from here, she can see there is almost nothing left of the dome. What surprises her is that the debris is scattered outwards across the regolith.

"This wasn't a moonquake," Gallus calls up to her, noticing the same. "More like an explosion."

She looks down to see Gallus has given up flying. The griffon flew only high enough to land on top of the nearest broken buttress. As she watches, he leaps from one high point to the next, keeping well above the surface of the moon. Gallus makes jumping look a lot easier than flying.

As they reach the collapsed colosseum that forms the upper reaches of the dungeon, the cause of the destruction becomes apparent.

"That's not a moonshark," Gallus says needlessly. "That's a dragon."

Ocellus pulls up short. Well, she tries to. The slippery air doesn't cooperate, and she finds herself arcing towards the towering shape of the dragon. The creature is at least thirty feet tall. Ocellus once accompanied Smolder on a visit to the Dragon Lands; she has seen full-grown dragons before. And while no (ex) Dragon Lord Torch, this one is big even by adult standards.

The dragon raises her head, blotting out part of the sky, and ROARS. The moon seems to shake with her might.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ocellus sees something moving through the regolith. An enormous shape -- although enormous has suddenly become very relative -- glides beneath the surface, ash-grey fins coursing through the moondirt.

The dragon turns her massive head towards the movement. A huge fist comes down, claws digging into the moon's surface and pulling something out.

That must be what Gallus looks like fishing, Ocellus thinks wildly. But what the dragon has torn from the moon is no fish. Nightmare Moon clearly designed her moonsharks based on quarry eels!

Ocellus flaps her wings, slowing but not stopping. The weak gravity of the moon is pulling her downward. She realizes she is going to land in the colosseum. With the dragon.

The dragon opens her maw, showing rows of deadly teeth. And breathes. A geyser of flame cooks the gray and black moon-cousin of the quarry eel.

In the light of the fire, Ocellus can make out the rich, fiery scales of the dragon. The deep purple of her spines. The beautiful buttery yellow of her horns.


Ocellus' ears fold back flat against her skull. She knows what she is seeing. Smolder once told her about the magical malady that dragons can suffer if they allow themselves to become too greedy.

The anti-Elements resonate with their vices. They draw creatures vulnerable to them.

Smolder turns towards her, the dragon's eyes burning with fearsome and unnatural golden light.