• Published 12th Jul 2020
  • 16,793 Views, 1,096 Comments

The Alicorn Warrior - iAmSiNnEr

Twilight Sparkle was banished from Equestria a long time ago. Now when the rest of the Mane 6 finds her, they find that she has changed.

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Act I - Chapter 20 - The Assassin and the Showmare

The Alicorn Warrior

Written by iAmSiNnEr

Helped by Skippex

Chapter 20 - The Assassin and the Showmare

A pink colored petal fell to the ground.

A pure white unicorn mare knelt down, scooping up the petal in her hooves. "We're almost there, love," Shade whispered. "Hold on. When we have complete power...I'll save you. Hold, on, Crest, hold on."

“I know you’re there.”

A hooded pony froze as she heard the voice. Impossible! This place is supposed to be secure. I will escape, or my name is not-

“Show yourself,” Illa impatiently said, twirling her blades. “Come out, rebel scum. I’m tired of you all resisting.”

Tr- I am not scum! The hooded pony huffed silently. It is you who is scum, supporting a false princess!

“I know you’re there, Trickster,” Illa repeated. “Your own informant gave you up, telling me where to find you. If you help us access the Crystal Empire, we won’t kill you.”

“Never!” The hooded pony blurted out. “I will never betray Princess Cadance!”

“Very well,” Illa brandished her blades. “Prepare to die, Trickster. Know that at least at your end, you fought well.”

The hooded pony sighed. “Do you really think me that helpless? I am the Trickster, the greatest illusionist to exist! You cannot keep me from escaping!”

“I know that,” Illa smirked. “Which is why I brought help. Lyla, if you may?”

Lyla-? The hooded pony’s eyes widened under the hood as a shimmering wave of magic passed through the cavern, washing over her. “What did you do?!” she shouted from behind the rock wall she was hiding behind.

“Prevented you from teleporting anywhere,” Illa confidently replied. “Now, you have nowhere left to run. Face me for a chance to escape, or die like a coward.”

Escape tunnel probably not found yet, she analyzed the situation. The main exit definitely surrounded. Escape tunnel is past that mare, which means...she came to a conclusion.

Lighting her horn, she fired a spell at Illa. The assassin crossed her blades quickly, deflecting the spell off the twin stiletto knives. “Cheap shot!” she shouted. “Show yourself?”

“Ugh,” the hooded pony muttered as she weaved her spells. Once she was done, she released it, letting it spread into the cavern.

She trotted out from behind the wall, showing herself. “Here I am!”

Illa was quick to react, rushing forwards with her blades, slicing at her. She dodged sideways, activating the first of her six spells. A rock golem peeled itself off the walls, stomping towards Illa.

“Rock golems?” Illa asked. “Really? Your illusions aren’t fooling me, I’m used to them!” She sliced at the hooded pony again, aiming for her neck. The pony backed up in a panic, her hood falling off in the process. As she felt the hood falling, she hurriedly scrabbled at it, but to no avail. NO!

As her hood fell, an azure unicorn mare with a light blue and silver mane, and violet eyes was revealed. Her eyes widening in panic, Trixie backed up.

“Trixie Lulamoon,” Illa stated dryly. “I should have known. Who else would have your skill at lying and tricking others?”

“Trixie is flattered,” Trixie replied. Since she knows now, time to lay on the third-person speak. “That you know of Trixie’s name and of her prodigious skill.”

“Oh, no,” Illa sneered. “I only know you because of the Alicorn Amulet fiasco. Did you know Princess Celestia had notes on that?”

Trixie flinched. “What?”

“Indeed,” Illa pointed one of her blades at Trixie. “Interesting notes, I must say. She even seemed grateful to you a little, helping Sparkle on her journey of Friendship.”

“Shut up!” Trixie snapped, activating her second spell. Arrows, fired from seemingly nowhere, thudded into the ground in front of Illa. “There’s more where that came from!”

“Please,” Illa put her hoof through one of the ‘arrows’, dissolving the illusion. “You’re an illusionist, not a fighter. Surrender now, and I’ll make it quick.”

Trixie activated her third spell, and a roar resonated through the cavern.

“A roar?” Illa was unimpressed. “Like I’d believe you have a dragon down here.”

“No, but Trixie has this!” Trixie slung a stun spell at Illa, but the assassin simply deflected it off her blades.

“You’re just delaying the inevitable at this point, Lulamoon,” Illa started trotting towards Trixie, who was backed up against a wall.

“Trixie will not lose to some backwater assassin like you!” Trixie shouted.

“Backwater assassin?” Illa growled. “I am Lady Shadowcrest’s most faithful vassal and her most loyal! You will not besmirch her name-”

“Yeah, yeah, your Lady Shadowcrest is a treasonous mare!” Trixie shouted, activating the rest of her spells. Her body shimmered as she pushed mana into her spells. I hope this works…

“Not!” Illa retorted. “She’s better than you think!” Reaching Trixie, she sliced at Trixie. Trixie dodged aside, but slipped on an errant rock and fell down, her legs splayed out.

Illa pointed the edge of her blade at Trixie’s neck as she tried to get up. “Oh, no, you’re not going anywhere. Any last words before we arrest and capture you for high treason, Lulamoon?”

“The resistance knows the truth!” Trixie shouted defiantly. “That’s not Princess Celestia, and Shadowcrest is simply just pulling the strings to continue ruling!”

“Very well,” Illa nodded. “Go to sleep, traitor.” She raised her blade, before slamming the flat side of it down to knock the mare out. But to her surprise, the blade passed through the azure colored unicorn.

“What?!” Illa breathed. “Impossible!”

The illusion of Trixie dissolved, and Trixie appeared at the other side of the cavern. “Everything is possible!” she shouted. “Eat this!” She stomped her hoof on the ground, lighting up runes all over it.

The cavern rumbled, sending showers of rock and rubble falling. “You would collapse your own safe house?” Illa said in disbelief.

“It’s no longer safe, is it?” Trixie retorted. “Princess Cadance will find the traitor to the resistance! You will no longer be able to foil our plans!”

“Mark my words,” Illa swore. “I will kill you, Lulamoon. Live your life well, because I’m coming for you.”

Trixie simply smirked as the ceiling of the cavern fell, showering Illa with rubble. Illa grimaced, and lifted the anti-teleportation spell as she teleported away just before a large rock slammed into where she had been.

Trixie stared at the collapsing cavern. Ugh. Another safe house gone...the princess needs to find the traitor, and fast…. And with that thought, she teleported away.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone!

I thought an Equestria update was long overdue, so here you go!

It will be split into two parts, what's happening now and what happened.

part 1 is here, hope you enjoy!