• Published 12th Jul 2020
  • 16,793 Views, 1,096 Comments

The Alicorn Warrior - iAmSiNnEr

Twilight Sparkle was banished from Equestria a long time ago. Now when the rest of the Mane 6 finds her, they find that she has changed.

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Act I - Chapter 24 - Shadows of the Star

The Alicorn Warrior

Written by iAmSiNnEr

Chapter 24 - Shadows of the Star

There are those who indulge in their shadows. They are dangerous.

And then, there are those who deny their shadows. They can be trusted.

And Twilight Sparkle? She denies she has a shadow. She is the most dangerous of them all. After all, those who deny the existence of their shadows are the ones at the most risk of falling.

When sunrise came, the ponies of the town were already awake. They had been awoken by screaming. The screams didn’t come from ponies.

A crowd had gathered at the edge of the town, gazing at the carnage. Dozens of sandworms, coyotes, and giant scorpions had been ripped apart or stabbed to death by some unknown entity. In some cases, some looked like they were burnt to death. And for one or two, some sort of energy had ripped through them, leaving nothing but a few bones or scraps of skin behind.

A few were still alive. Their screams and cries rent the air, causing the crowd to wince. Two brave souls were already out in the sand, putting the remaining out of their misery. Even though no one knew who was the one who had massacred the creatures, a single name was on their tongues.

Sparkle. The only one they knew that had this kind of power.

Twilight crumpled onto her bed, her entire mana reserves depleted. The battle had taken a toll far greater than she had expected. Was it just her, or were voices whispering to her?

“Shut up,” she snapped weakly, letting Alpha fall out of her grip and onto the bed beside her. Kill. Maim. Destroy. “Quiet.”

Your birthright. Yours. “Go away.”

Give in. Power. Be a god. “I don’t care. I just want to sleep.”

Twilight? Are you okay? “I said, shut up!” Twilight snapped as she sat upright. Her eyes widened as she saw who she had shouted at. “Oh, I didn’t-”

“It’s fine,” Starlight smiled weakly. “It’s just...everypony’s worried about you. You stumbled into the house, your eyes bloodshot and carrying scythes that had green blood all over it. Did you have anything to do with…” She glanced outside the window, where the carnage could be seen in the distance. “That?”

“I’m fine,” Twilight forced out, making herself look at Starlight to seem sincere. Scythes? Plural? “You can go.”

“What happened to your eye?” Starlight asked, noticing the scar and the angry red tissue. “You didn’t-”

“No,” Twilight said shortly. “It’s an old injury. Just, please, leave me alone.” You’re not thinking straight.

“You’re not okay,” Starlight said, unconvinced. “I can sense traces of dark magic on you, Twilight. You’ve been using spells you shouldn’t have.”

“What does it matter?” Twilight yelled. “I dealt with the problem! I killed them all! I destroyed them! All that matters is the result!”

“Yes,” Starlight said quietly. “The result. The one that ends in you shouting at me. Where’s Twilight?”

“She’s right here,” Twilight snarled. “And if you can’t see it with your own bloody eyes-”

“Twilight, put down the scythe,” Starlight whispered.

“What do you mean?” Twilight growled. “I already put Alpha down!”

“The other one, Twilight,” Starlight gestured. “The black-colored one.”

Twilight looked at her left hoof where Omega was, dark magic pulsing off it. Her head cleared for a moment, and she hurriedly let go of Omega. As she did so, her memories came rushing back to her in a rush.

During the battle, Alpha wasn’t enough. She had summoned Omega to help her. Without her safeguards, Omega had filtered dark thoughts into her. She had thrown herself into the battle with a bloodlust she normally wouldn’t have had.

And now? Her own friend was scared of her.

“I’m so sorry,” Twilight blabbered. “I didn’t mean to-”

“Shh,” Starlight whispered as her horn lit up. “Rest.” The last thing Twilight saw as she drifted into sleep was her friends at the door, peeking into her room. Spike’s eyes lasted the longest, before everything was black.

“Hello?” Twilight called out to the darkness. “Anyone there?”

Nothing answered, her voice echoing into the darkness.

“Echoes,” Twilight murmured. “I’m in some sort of room.”

Suddenly, her world shook. “What’s happening?!” Twilight shouted in a panic.

The very air in front of her ripped open. “Twilight! I’m finally able to-” the tear closed, before reopening again. “We have limited time! You must-” the voice cut off as the tear briefly closed before opening. Twilight sensed that this was the final time that the tear was going to open. “Imposter! My sister!” The tear closed for the final time.

“What?” Twilight rushed to where the tear had been. “What do you mean? Who are you? You sound familiar, but I don’t know-”

You are an alicorn. Twilight paused.

Fit to be a goddess. Listen not to the liars and naysayers. If you wished it, you could send the world into eternal Twilight.

Twilight shook her head. “I don’t want that.”

Very well. We shall speak again.

Twilight saw no more.

Somewhere, a white-colored alicorn slumbered. A tear fell, streaking down her cheek slowly.

On the top of the Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia sat on her throne, looking out at the petitioners in the court. Her lips curled up in a wicked smile as more ponies bowed to her, their adoration for the princess evident. As the next petitioner came before her, her power only grew.

In an unknown room, a petal fell from a rose.

In the land of ice, the Traveller sipped at his cup of tea, considering his next move. The age of Maximus was over. He had fufilled his purpose. Maximus would disappear. He looked out from his spot, the tip of the tallest mountain. He looked at the framed picture of him and a yellow pegasus in his hoof. He smiled. With a flick of his tail, he was gone, to take on his next role.

Somewhere in the Badlands, a changeling fled his hive, his wings glistening.

In the depths of the caves under Canterlot, a messenger arrived. The seal broken open, Trixie’s eyes widened as she read the contents of the letter that was delivered.

In her home in the desert, a lavender alicorn slept, her shadows creeping up on her.

Author's Note:

And bam! We have come to the end of Act One of Three!

I hope you have enjoyed the story so far.

I'm so sorry for the delay in posting.

As a reward for getting this far, I'll inform you of the Acts' names.

Act One: Finding Twilight
Act Two: Return to Equestria
Act Three: Regaining Equestria

Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 29 )

Agreed, poor Twilight. I hope things get better for her mentally.

Whelp this is going to be bad

man, the bad guys have gotten some serious mind control hooks into celestia...what became of luna if I may ask?

Dang, so many things happening at once, its heating up fast

So Maximus was Discord

Ooh! I can't wait to see Act 2!

and i'm getting kingdom harts vibes from that chapter start

Who do you think was trying to talk to Twilight in her dream? Unfortunately it looks like the dark magic had Twilight too out of it to recognize who was trying to talk to her.

I cant wait for.... MOAR! thank you for uploading this on my birthday 🎂

Sad face Twilight.

Did we really find her, or did we only find her body?

Simple question and probably pertinent: Will the Acts be divided into different stories and linked as sequels or simply markers for those paying enough attention to notice a division in one large story? (Basically, when you post the next chapter, will we be looking here or for the sequels up button?)

Oh, I'll be continuing in this story, they'll most likely be marked with "Act 2- Chapter 1" so and so forth

So no dividing up the acts, good. Personally, I think that stunt gets annoying. Not enough authors whom seem to know the difference between an act and a book.
Thanks for the quick reply.

I need more!! I love this story. It is the kind of mystery but in your face that keeps you guessing on what is going to happen xp. Keep up the amazing work.

What is the reason for Celestia's OOC behavior in the prologue?

One of the chapters explains it - changelings shenanigans are afoot.

I think we really only found her shell. She had to have hardened out there and stuff the softness away so she’d survive

Hmm. Food pellet. Comment here. Food pellet. Please write more.

Would love to see this continued.

SoonTM I'm trying to write the next chapter during my holidays

edit to my earlier comment: if you wanted to check out something more fleshed out and less contrived, "For Whom the Twilight Falls" is one of my better written works in my opinion, compared to this

Out of curiosity, do you have plans to continue this? Slightly Rocky start, but your style and prose improved greatly throughout this tale!

one day, perhaps, but I'm currently in the big College, I don't have much time to write rn

I'm finally caught up and I look forward to when you'll be able to continue this awesome story!! :twilightsmile:

Great story, can't wait for more.

Death is not failure; it is inevitability, which comes in many forms. The noble sacrifice and the execution of the depraved are but 2 of hundreds of sides to that particular coin

Is there any chance this story will be continued in the future? Because I don't feel motivated reading a story that's cancelled.

I'm at chapter 19 at the moment.

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