• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,490 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 15 - The Darkness Within

Chapter 15 - The Darkness Within

For most ponies the use of magic beyond that of what is considered “normal” magic or the innate magic abilities each tribe posses has become an outdated practice, save for those wishing to stand out or to study more exotic magic. These individuals were often scouted in advance by institutes like Celestia’s Axhool for Gifted Ubicorns or by various organizations that continued the study and use of specific magical practices and knowledge, though the longer Equestria was at peace the smaller these groups had become.

It was a double edged sword for such practitioners, as with no real reason to push themselves thanks in part to the careful machinations of Princess Celestia, her pupils and the Equestrian Parliament meant to ensure Equestria was safe and secure had also resulted in fewer ponies feeling the need to expand beyond the small parts of the world they had grown up around and any greater understanding about that wider world.

Even the populations of major cities had become stagnant, with fewer ponies choosing to leave their hometowns and instead simply finding a way to follow their destiny where they had always been. It provided stability of course, but it also had spread a sense of quiet complacency in the greater Equestrian population. It was why towns like Ponyville still had issues such as the Zecora Incident, something that had embarrassed Celestia no small amount and had led to her and her sister having a very long conversation about pushing their subjects to be more… adventurous. Or at least more open to change.

Princess Luna herself had always been a proponent for magical research and had she not fallen to Darkness herself, may very well have been the one to found the legendary School for Gifted Unicorns. Among the Thestrals there were even conspiracies that the school was originally penned by the Lunar Diarch before her sister eventually brought it to life as a way of feeling closer to her banished sister. Whether that was true or not though, neither would say.

This desire to expand the arcane knowledge they held is what lead Luna to conduct a series of interviews, asking the various mages and soldiers that had witnessed the power of Cyrell first hoof just what it had felt like. What sort of feelings it elicited or memories it brought back. If they could describe any sensations being close to him while wielding the various “elements” as he called them to try and find a connection to the thousands of years worth of research now available to her, in hopes of better understanding this mysterious Paracausality. Luna was a mare of great knowledge and refused to believe that this power could not be understood beyond better and perhaps could even be learned by a powerful enough sorcerer, maybe even an alicorn like her sister, herself or likely Twilight Sparkle.

And so the Lunar Princess had set about interviewing every pony she could, even recording her own experiences after the demonstration Cyrell and provided shortly after meeting him. She pulled out various times and scrolls from the archives detailing long forgotten magical practices and the recordings Starswirl ahd made about his theories of magic and it’s own nature and connection the the world at large. This was the most exhilarated she had been since her return and acceptance by the Equestrian populace! She could not keep the ear to ear grin off her face as she delved into her newest project, ecstatic to have new mysteries to solve and ponder.

At least, that’s how it had started anyway. When asking about the Light powers Cyrell wielded she got many Interesting responses, many that also mirrored her own observations. Luna had broken each down to correspond with the elements Cyrell had described: Solar, Arc and Void.

She had even asked how one gained these powers, and was surprised to learn that while Cyrell could always use them in one regard or another since his rebirth as a Guardian, he had travelled to different locations and sought out different guardians to learn new ways to wield his Light. He had described an event called the Taken War and how he had travelled to a planet on the doorstep of his Universe’s Sun to a forge where other Titans had honed the Solar Light into that of the hammer she often saw him wielding.

The Solar powers she had come to find out often gave those nearby who were allied with the Titan bursts of healing and even boosted their inner resolve, like a flame had lit itself within their very hearts! One soldier that had been injured during a less substantial mission to help them become accustomed to the Lightbearer had mentioned how they began to see their wounds heal after accidentally diving into a spout of flames created by the Titan. Others among the Pyromancers mentioned how the flames had enveloped them and increased the potency of their own magical fire.

The strange power known as Void was also interesting to hear about, as it is the only of the three that was not connected to a source she or any pony else could relate to something observed in Eques. Perhaps Cyrell describing it as Dark Matter or Space was not merely him struggling to quantify it, but a literal answer of some concept she was yet unaware of. The possibilities had made her so giddy!

One mare mentioned that the strange purple Bubble Shield the Titan made when entered almost seemed to wrap itself around her. Her whole body had this sensation of something cool washing over it and some bites a hint of purple energy surrounding her being. Cyrell had called it an Overshield, apparently the powers of the Void were potent in the creation of shields and in explosions alike.

Finally she had been curious if Arc would find any similarities to the early accounts of Unicorns studying the natural abilities of Pegasi and their weather manipulation. Since most ponies were naturally saturated with magic the lightning often used by pegasi in storm clouds was relatively harmless, though when used against non-equestrians the same could not be said.

According to reports Twilight had made when she had first studied the different forms of Light Cyrell used she mentioned how Arc in particular was the most familiar of the three, the resonant energies in the air appearing strangely similar to the very same magic used when pegasi conjured lightning in clouds. The newest princess theorizes that this could mean that any form of Arc energy used in proximity to a pony, even if they are not recognized by Cyrell as an ally, would be just as resistant. I. Theory anyway, the fact that Cyrell’s powers seemed to denote who to harm and who to help simply by virtue of who he himself views as friend or foe was sow thing even Twilight could not begin to explain, as the only possible way that could happen is if the power itself had a mind of its own and could interpret his intent in Real time. A feat many scholars of the arcane had tried to accomplish for thousands of years with no success, and many devastating failures.

All of this had been rather tame in comparison however, to the reports she had received on the Dark was Cyrell wielded. Stasis. In almost every case she found that ponies were always slightly unnerved. Veteran soldiers like those that followed Cyrell during the Shadow Swamp strike had been able to get used to its effect, but their reports from the first few times experiencing were… concerning.

Most of the abilities Cyrell possessed were always “ready” to be used at a moment's notice as he described it. One second he would start charging at a dummy, the next he had rocketed towards it with a burning Hammer ready to crush its armored head. The speed these abilities could be called upon was staggering! But despite this they were still detachable, or atleast the energy itself was, by anypony trained in the art of Mana Control. Most guardsponies received at least a basic rundown of this technique and mages were all but required to master it. For most of the Light elements the results had simply been generic “Solar is warm, arc is static”etc etc.

When asked to describe Stasis when inactive the guards said it felt like they could hear whispers, just at the edge of their hearing. No words or phrases came through just noise really, but it was enough to make them uncomfortable. When these Stasis powers were in use however they described bone chilling cold, and a sense of dread that was palpable and almost paranoia inducing. They felt as if something was watching them for the shadows or that some unseen force was leaning behind them just out of sight.

When I’m full force it would oftentimes cause mages to lose focus as they felt the dark power reaching out to them, attempting to establish contact through their own spell craft. One mage actively tried to scan the Titan at one point while fully embracing the Dark power and her subsequent interview was both enlightening and terrifying.

She described hearing a voice, asking her to come to it and to embrace it. That in it was life, that it was their… Salvation. The mare had quickly ended her spell and immediately the connection was lost. But even by the time of her interview she reported having moments where it seemed like that connection was still active, like an echo reverberating through a canyon. She was monitored for the next week before undergoing scans for dark magic corruption and mental manipulation before returning to the Guild Hall.

As Luna reread her findings on this Stasis power she began to grow more concerned that she and her sister might have been too lenient. It was clear that they needed to know more about this power, and Luna was determined to get those answers sooner rather than later. Which meant meeting with Cyrell and requesting access to this Dark powers origin, the Splinter.

Luna sighed as she rubbed her temples with her forehooves, pushing back from her desk and standing up to leave the modest office she worked out of when Night court was finished. Slowly she began to make her way down the numerous dimly lit halls, the scent of lavender drifting from the wall fixtures that she lovingly replaced each late afternoon before her duties began. The pleasant aroma was a small comfort for Luna as she continued her march toward Cyrell’s room. The Titan could sometimes be found going through his records, notes and theories from the individual responsible for the device that brought him here. With any luck tonight he would do the same and allow Luna a chance to perform her own research in this Darkness the Titan wielded. He had mentioned to her before that it had been an act of desperation that forced him down the path of using it. For a time he had even considered forgoing the ability all together. But over time he had grown to master it. Each new attempt tempering it and allowing him to wield it more and more like the powers he had already.

At the time Luna had hoped that this Stasis was just a misunderstood magic, something that had been a similar issue when it came to Dream Magic in the early days of Equestria. But she could not deny that this was seeming to be less and less the case the more she learned, and she dearly hoped her newfound friend could help put her fears to rest. If not then she would do for him what none had. Even able to do for her, and save him from the Dark Power that could very well be subtly manipulating him without his realizing. Luna’s eyes begin to blaze with determination as she quickens her pace towards the guest suites.

She would not let another kind soul be warped by foul magics, not now and not ever. This she swore to herself in the dim halls of Canterlot Castle.

Start | Cyrell sat at the edge of his bed staring out the large bay windows. All across the sky were stars, planets and galaxies all strewn around the twilight campus like a finely made painting. Darkness engulfed the room, the only light that of the stars and the full moon that bing above the night sky. The only sound was that of his own breath - quick and ragged as he fought to regain his composure and calm his racing heart. Cyrell like many warriors throughout humanity was often haunted by the recollections of his last, be they tragedies or failures. While seeking the counsel of other guardians and professionals did much to help him come to terms with his feelings, it did not mean he was free of the sting those memories could cause when they would return every so often.

Selene was nestled in the crook of his neck, beginning to hum softly as he clenched his eyes shut, sweat pouring down his head and back. She was used to this by now, Cyrell had always been a light sleeper and the nightmares didn’t help any. The two sat there without saying a word or moving from the comforting embrace. Eventually the raspy panting of the Titan petered out as he regained his composure and pinched the bridge of his nose. He could really use a bowl of spicy ramen right now…

It was at that moment that a series of knocks sounded from the bedroom door across the room. The sudden booming sound immediately shatters the peaceful quiet and is under the human and ghosts collective scrutiny. A quick glance to one another is quickly followed up waits a call from Selene.

“Who is it? Who’s out there?” She calls, floating slightly closer to help her voice penetrate the wooden barrier. Her eye narrows as she speaks, it’s light blue glow piercing through the darkness of the guest room they had been occupying since they came to the lofty castle.

A second passed before a reply came, muffled by the door slightly, “It is Princess Luna, I must speak with you and Sir Cyrell regarding a recent development” came Luna’s response. There was a slight hesitation when the reason for this late night call was mentioned, but neither ghost nor human paid it any mind. The Lunar mare was often her harshest critic when it came to the myriad changes that one thousand years had brought to the Equestrian language.she probably was just making sure she didn’t say a word wrong or something.

Slowly Cyrell ambled to the door, grasping the knob and pulling it open to reveal the mare herself. A curt nod was his only response before he once again returned to the bed and sat down, Luna glancing over to Selene with a raised brow. The ghost for her part simply shrugged her two upper front shell pieces before floating over to the Moon Princess.

“Welcome Princess, to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” Selene chirps taking a spot level with Luna’s head rather than Cyrell’s now that he had gone back his prior spot.

“I was reading the reports and interviews I Had gathered, about the ”paracausal” abilities that our ponies had observed and their reactions to it” Luna began, walking into the center of the guest room, “it has been a most fascinating project and I am eager to learn more myself…” the Princess slowly trailed off as her eyes drifted to the large Full Moon flooding in from the large windows.

Selene rolled her eye as she huffed at the mare, “Yes, I recall you mentioning that earlier but now is really not the time for experiments, with all due respect Princess. Surely your experiments and questions can wait until Cyrell has rested?” Selene asked, floating in front of Luna's muzzle to look into her eyes, or as best she could with only one eye herself, before continuing. “Not all of us are used to being up this late and you will receive better results when he has had time to rest and recuperate”!

Luna was at a loss for words briefly, glancing over to Cyrell who had a troubled look on his face. Luna took a deep breath before she turned and looked back at Selene saying, “Yes, I understand my little ghost, but research and testing was not my motivation in seeking you and your charge tonight.” She declared, moving forward and using her magic to summon a set of papers. “It is the details in THESE reports that have made me concerned for not only the ponies who were interviewed…” she pauses briefly, casting a short look back to Cyrell who is still staring out the window, “but also for the new acquaintances– new FRIENDS– I have made”. Luna holds the papers as Selene tilts herself to one side, an odd gesture that mimicked her partner who often would do the same when confused, before beams of light began tracing over the documents.

Selene quickly read and reread the reports, before realizing why the dark alicorn had felt such a grace needed to see them this soon. She looks back to Cyrell, then over to Luna, before floating to him and bumping into the large titans shoulder saying, “C’mon big guy, I think you ought to read this…”.

Silently Luna would drift the papers to the bed, with Cyrell slowly picking them up and beginning to read. A few minutes passed, silence once again reclaiming the room as the three sat together in the two inter-dimensional guests sleeping quarters.

After going through each report Cyrell placed the papers down, his hands clenched into fists, before he loosened them with a long sigh. The man slowly looked toward Luna, and she could see Light in his eyes. It illuminated them not unlike his little companion, but there was more there than Light. There was just exhaustion, fear, and questions.

And there was pain.

For Luna those eyes were all too eerily similar to ones she had seen a long, long time ago looking back at her in her own mirror.

Cyrell began to speak again, his voice so soft it felt impossible to think he was the one speaking “I never told you about Cayde, about the day I watched one of the greatest Guardians who ever wielded the Light, die at the hands of a madman and his pet monsters.” He shuddered, though if it was rage or sorrow Luna could not discern. “I still see him in my nightmares, hear him and Sundance calling to me, begging me to save them. It was the first time I felt betrayed by the Light… the first time I felt powerless”.

Moments passed, feeling like millennia. The silent room began to feel small and suffocating despite its vaulted ceilings. The tension was like a miasma around the trio as Cyrell slowly walked to the window and placed a hand on it.

“For so long we always thought of the Darkness as this evil thing” he began, his voice softer than Luna had ever heard, her ears focused on him as he began speaking again.

“Despite the troubled past of the Dark Age providing ample proof that the Light does not make one a warrior of justice and righteous virtue, despite the silence of the Traveller for so long. It was always the same narrative. The Darkness is evil, the Darkness only destroys it only takes and it is not to be trusted.”

Luna felt her mind tumbling as her worst fears were beginning to take shape right before her, their overeager ambitions had caused the kind giant to be flooded by corruption! She was about to speak before Cyrell held up a hand to her, his head snapping toward her.

“Wait. There is a point to all this you need to hear, one that will explain everything” he said as he slowly turned back to look to the stars. Luna could feel sweat starting to form on her brow, she needed to keep things calm. If listening to his ramblings would do that then she could use the extra time to plan a way to restrain him before seeking the Elements. Slowly she nodded, Cyrell seeing her reflection in the glass.

He began again, “Make no mistake there were plenty of vile monsters that called the Darkness their master, like Dredgen Yor or the Hive. But when I went to Europa on the Pyramids invitation… It gave me Power. Power to stop Eramis and keep the city and the Traveller safe. But you’ve heard that story, you know how that all goes.” He hung his head briefly before turning and looking at Luna.

“There is a voice in the Darkness, something that is either affiliated with it or is a worshiper of it. I’m not sure what exactly, but IT is the corrupting force.” His hand is encased in Stasis, “not the power itself. Just like the Light the Darkness has no moral standing. It neither Good or Evil, Hust or Unjust. To assign such definitions would require them to be held by the laws of the universe, by causality. But they are not, and so just as a Warlord can use the Light to wipe out innocent villages or commit horrid murders” the Stasis crystals shift and shape themselves into a small icy crescent moon in the palm of his hand.

“So too can one wield the Darkness to vanquish evil and protect the innocent, so long as they have the will and desire to do that”

Luna is stunned for some time, all this time she had applied the same factors of magic and how it was connected to the psyche of its users that she never once considered how the Light and Darkness might be different. Paracuaslity had been thrown around, but its elusive nature had been a hard concept to u serata d, though perhaps now she was starting to. She looked back into Cyrell’s eyes and saw small wisps of Darkness at the edges, but also more.

She saw Hope and Love, Faith and Kindness.

She saw a Will that could not be broken.

And like that she felt as if a great burden had been lifted from her withers, though not yet wholly removed. She cleared her throat before speaking again.

“I think I understand Sue Cyrell, and perhaps in time we can talk more on this. I myself have told you much of my corruption but perhaps I should share some of the more lesser known catalysts for my fall. While I have every faith I. Your ability to withstand this ‘Voice’ I fear for my subjects who may not be able to. Who may be susceptible to its siren call… like I was long ago” her eyes sting with tears that wish to be shed, though she holds them in as best she can. “Please, at least promise me this” she whispers, walking up to the towering warrior and placing her wings around him, her head resting just below his chest.

“Please only use the Light around our subjects, it at least is similar to the natural magic we encourage and use. I fear they might be susceptible to the Darkness like I was and I could not bear to see one of my beloved ponies or you for that matter fall to such vileness” she implored, shifting her head to look into those soft eyes again.

Cyrell kneeled down and wrapped his arms around the Princess, nodding his head as the two weary souls once again found comfort in the embrace of one another. Two ageless beings who had been harmed so much and desperately wished to prevent that pain from happening ever again.

Two weary souls and their friendship helping to heal old wounds, even if only a little bit at a time.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay! Things got pretty crazy the last few months so I’ve been slowly trying to reclaim some sense of normalcy. I have to say I really enjoy writing these smaller one on one chapters, it’s an interesting chance to really explore the thoughts and personalities of characters.

For those interested as well though, I currently am streaming every Friday at 8pm CST on Twitch! If you’d be interested in coming by then look me up: Twitch.tv/overlordcornutt