• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,490 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 16 – Salvation

Chapter 16 – Salvation

The Badlands, a simple but apt name for the arid stretch of wasteland that separated Equestria from nations like Minos and the former Storm Kings dominion. A scorching desert miles and miles in every direction, devoid of any traditional greenery and little in the way of life in any form as well. To most it was just as it appeared, nothing more than a simple dessert that held no value to any but the most stubborn of traders and caravans. While it lacked the notoriety and history of the Saddle Arabian’s own Grand Dune Sea Desert, to some with access to certain forgotten historical texts it was both an ever present reminder of past failures and a looming threat that was to be monitored as closely as one could without raising the suspicions of the public.

Equestria’s official stance was to heavily discourage anypony from entering the miserable pile of sand and cracked earth, purely for their own safety and well being, of course. In reality it was both home and prison to the only force in modern history that had ever come close to truly usurping the Alicorn Diarchy from its lofty position, both figuratively and literally, in well over two millennia. The only other “force” of course being the erratic Lord of Chaos and Mischief himself and the Father of Monsters Grogor. It was here where the brood of Queen Chrysalis had emerged after centuries of silence, and where they subsequently had limped back to upon their defeat by the combined efforts of the Royal Crystal Family and the Elements of Harmony.

Since then, border patrols for the area were quietly doubled, and new detection methods to help avoid further changeling covert operations had been in place well before it spread to the rest of the country. To this day the Crown has no idea where in the vast stretch of this sandy void the Changelings have set up their home, the risk of any investigation drawing too much attention from their quarry and the citizenry alike being too great, to say nothing of the potential loss of valuable personal. The only thing they do know is that it must be either deep within the Badlands or possibly even beneath it.

And while Celestia and Luna loved their little ponies dearly, they had a tendency to react… poorly when such operations were conducted in the past. To say nothing of the speculative drivel certain untoward “news” outlets put out to drive up hysteria to sell their mediocre papers, as Luna would put it. So border security was the only logical next step, and had thus far proven acceptable in preventing further espionage.

But all of that was about to change, and the Equestrians could not hope to be prepared for the storm that was brewing unseen on their doorstep.

The Obsidian Castle, home of the Changeling Swarm and the seat of their power, was every bit as twisted and vile in its form as the one who currently ruled from it. Its halls were designed much like that of a typical insect hive, with the various pathways to key locations mixed in with numerous looping halls and rooms that lead in circles. it also had the unique ability to alter itself at different intervals, moving halls and rooms to new locations on a whim. The denizens had all long since learned to memorize the standard locations the various dens and other facilities the castle was host to would change between, including the newest wing for the recently arrived guests of the Queen.

Under normal circumstances outsiders would only gain entry to the castle as unwilling prey, blindfolded and taken directly to the podding chambers below so that their Love could be siphoned over time and stored for the Swarm's use. The pods would disorient those placed within, making it easier for the Changelings to manipulate them with their transformative magic and psychological manipulation tactics.

A few sessions every week for a couple months, if done properly, could ensure a steady flow of Love into their stores and bellies alike. The problem was acquiring new “donors”. Being trapped in the BadLands had made their survival a harsh one, relying on raiding the random caravans that dared make the journey through their territory, or some hapless would-be adventurer who did not heed the warnings of the Guard. The former had long since learned that no price was too steep for security if it meant avoiding the hungry gaze of the Swarm, and while the latter were well and truly doomed through their own ignorance and hubris before they even stepped a hood into that cursed land, they were also in short supply in the modern age.

This was why the Invasion of Canterlot had been so carefully planned out! Queen Chrysalis Swarm was barely getting by, Hunger always gnawing at their bellies. It made them both hungry and weak, as well as more susceptible to disease and injury. Chrysalis had gone to great lengths to ration their supply ahead of the invasion, allowing her troops to drink deep of the Love they had prior to their attack at the wedding and making them more than a match for the unprepared Royal Guard. they would be expecting weakened insects with chitin that could easily be broken, instead they were faced by Love-Charged warriors that could weather blow after blow and continue to fight on.

They had made a desperate gamble and it had resulted in their forces taking over the most powerful nation on the planet's very capital city, their Alicorn rulers detained and victory well within reach! That is, until that BRAT of a unicorn had to ruin everything by seeing through Chrysalis’s disguise and freeing that pink menace!

Now all the Changelings could think about was the shame of their defeat and the aching in their bellies. With the increased border security they had been less and less successful in sneaking scouts and collectors to help restore their devastated stores of Love. Now they were on the verge of starvation… or at least they were until their guests had arrived.

The first scouting party to see the bizarre object floating above a rocky outcrop in the middle of the Badlands had thought they were beginning to hallucinate due to malnourishment, but seeing the occupants clambering out snapped them out of such thoughts.

They watched as the bipedal insectoids had angrily clicked at some strange round golem that was clearly distressed and in disrepair, as it began to collect strange blue wisps of energy into itself. The larger of the creatures would then fill a mask it was wearing with this substance before nodding to its companions who brought out more of the golems in varying sizes to do as the first one was, each hovering from spot to spot and drawing out more brilliant blue wisps.

The Scouts had no idea what to make of the scene, and opted to instead report their findings as quickly as they could. Luckily they managed to sneak away undetected, and delivered their report straight to Queen Chrysalis herself. She became especially interested in the strange wisps of energy the scouts had seen the odd creatures harvesting, after they made mention that even from a distance they could sense traces of the same magical nourishment that changelings normally receive from consuming Love.

Most creatures assumed that Changelings feasted on Love, that is the emotion itself, and while that was true in a way it was not the only reason they sought it out. Like most things on Eques, emotions were often charged with magic in their own unique way, with certain emotions linked to the various kinds of magic that a creature can wield. This magic was the true nourishment the Changelings needed to survive, as they themselves could not grow their magic otherwise without consuming it, they had simply adapted the ability to procure it from emotions and as a result developed a “preference” for certain emotions in kind. Emotions such as Love and Joy held vast amounts of harmonious magic and were perfect for healing and growing Changelings at an increased rate, while Anger and Sadness could yield no magic at all to starling amounts of Dark Magic which would cause a changeling to become sick and frail or corrupt them into something else entirely. There were in the past Changelings that could consume these darker emotions but they had long since either adapted to the more positive emotions, or had met an untimely end due to their interference being more noticeable and their tendency to outwardly attack their prey like a standard army would and being devastated. The largest of these ancient Dark Magic Changeling Hives once called the Badlands home as well,and it had been their destruction that caused the land to become the miserable place it was today.

But now… now there was an opportunity to rid themselves of that dependence and all they would need is access and knowledge pertaining to these golems and their masters. Chrysalis pondered the path forward for some time, keenly aware that further conflict of any kind would only hasten the Swarm's demise. Trickery and theft would not aid them here, so perhaps she should use the strategy of her enemies instead? These creatures clearly required this substance themselves and were, as far Chrysalis could tell, unknown by the rest of the world. Even after searching through the vast records of her people she could find no mention of such a species that had ever existed on Eques. Either this was an extremely secretive society or they were something else entirely. For Chrysalis their origins were of little interest, she needed to feed her people and restore her army and the solution had quite literally just appeared on her doorstep.

It was time to welcome her new neighbors and see if they might, to borrow an Equestrian phrase, “lend a cup of sugar”. So it was that the first envoys of the Changeling Swarm would set out to meet with the collection teams of House

In the years since the Whirlwind the Fallen had been forced to seek supplies and ether on a myriad of different worlds, with all kinds of climates and unique quirks. Their own resilient nature, no doubt enhanced by the knowledge gained by the Once Great Machine when it had blessed them long ago, allowed them to traverse these worlds as easily as their home planet before it fell to ruin and decay. Still, just because they could survive In this blasted desert, didn’t mean it was a pleasant experience.

The harsh cold and irradiated surface of Europa was not exactly a paradise, but at least you could make a fire in the cold, and some of the ancient human structures still had working facilities that allowed them to warm themselves while on patrol or Scavenge Ops. Rituks hoped that after they were done with this wasteland that they might find a more relaxed climate, like the European Dead Zone or the ruined city of Old Chicago as the humans had called it. They at least had wind that was cool instead of scorching and full of sand, he thought bitterly to himself.

The Servitor before him was mangled and poorly maintained, but it would still be more than able to find and collect ether without issue with the right motivation. He kicked the wretched idol to force it back to its task, as it had taken the opportunity to lazily drift on the dunes as he and the other guards wallowed in this miserable heat. He clacked his mandibles as he gestured toward the floating scrape drone to move forward toward the next scan site, the servitor complying immediately as its lone eye passed over the Arc spear he held in his lower arms.

As they slowly plodded toward their next stop, the servitors eye suddenly sprang up from the ground to look over the flowing dunes before them. A sea of sand was all Rituks and his fellow Fallen could see, before suddenly right in front of the Servitor sprang a gout of green flame! He and the other Fallen quickly readied their weapons as a strange insectoid creature was left behind as the green flame dissipated. Rituks had seen plenty of other insects, as the humans called them. He had found some old books that detailed various species from before they had experienced the same undoing as a result of playing host to the Once Great Machine.

Its chitin was a deep midnight black, the light causing it to appear like crude oil all along its body, its limbs all appearing blunted as it clearly walked on all fours, if its stance was any indication. Large cyan compound eyes stared back at Rituks multiple smaller eyes, which was bizzare along with the rest of its physique. A single horn jutted from its head, while wings and a strange membrane were also visible on its back and body. Two long pure white fangs just barely poked out from under the lips of its upper jaw, clearly this creature was a hunter. Rituks didn’t know what to make of it as he took a couple steps back at the odd things sudden appearance.

The creature seemed to be examining him and the others much like he had it. The two stared at one another as the other fallen with Rituks glanced at him, waiting for him to make the first move. Rituks for his part was still trying to discern just what that move should be, when suddenly the creature lowered its front legs and spoke.

“Greetings'' it hissed, an elongated forked tongue poking out as it spoke in a language similar to that of the humans, it raised its head and stared into his eyes once more, saying “Our Queen wishes to welcome you to our humble home and discuss the nature of your… harvest with your leaders.” It said, head slowly turning to each of the Fallen before it.

Rituks was shocked! Never had he thought he’d see a creature like this, let alone hear it speak the same bizzare language as the humans of Earth. Yet here was just such an impossibility before him, and requesting an audience between their leaders no less! Rituks slowly motioned for the others to stow their weapons, this was an opportunity that would likely help elevate all of them in rank if these native creatures proved useful.

Giving the best bow in response he could, he replied, “You seek to meet our Kell, to do that we must first speak with Revoks” he said, turning and motioning toward the creature to follow him and the squad, “Come, we will show you to them and they will rely this invitation to our Kell.”

The group slowly began to trudge back across the desert sands toward the Skiff they had arrived on, wide grins plastered on their faces as they imagined the fine reward that would await them for their diplomacy.

Chrysalis beheld the Eliksni “Kell” with mild interest, while Eques was no stranger to bipeds; it was not every day one saw bipedal insectoids walking around. His armour and weapons were strange and haphazard in their make and design. Clearly they had been scavenging to survive for a long time if the ramshackle visage before her was any indication. Despite this, the sheer size of this creature alone would intimidate even the most steadfast of changeling warriors; it had given Chrysalis pause herself when she first watched him enter the meeting room.

But she could muse on the physiology of her new guests later, for now there was business to attend to. With the deftness of a well trained monarch, such as she was, she bid him and his entourage to sit at the finely decorated meeting table before them, herself already seated at the head.

Revoks sat beside Suriks as they took to their seats, the Captain having played the role of both diplomat and historian prior to this meeting between the Queen of the Changelings and the Kell of House Salvation.

“Well met Queen Chrysalis” rumbled the giant Eliksni through his rebreather, “Revoks has told me much of your prior conversation” the Kell nodded towards her as he spoke, before clasping his upper hands together on his chest. “He also mentioned you had an idea for a…” he paused momentarily as he turned to face toward the Captain. She watched with mild amusement as Revoks shrank ever so slightly under his superiors gaze, she was beginning to like this Suriks more and more!

After a moment he turned back, continuing “A mutually beneficial partnership while we are here on this planet. I’m interested to learn more of what you and your people can do to aid House Salvation in restoring our Ketch” he said. Leaning towards her as he finished speaking. Chrysalis politely tittered into her hoof at the theatrics, clearly this fellow was used to dealing with powerful rulers already and knew exactly how to navigate the situation.

“Indeed!” Chrysalis said, as she leaned forward herself to match the Kell before her, “I believe you and I can help one another to get exactly what we both want for our peoples. My changelings and I have intimate knowledge of the Badlands and an entire library full of useful historical texts and information on the rest of our quaint planet” she paused to let her words digest in the aliens mind, a small smug smirk on her muzzle as she waited for the next “cue”.

Suriks nodded again “Of course” he said “we would be grateful if you shared with us all you know, but what would we offer in return?We do not yet have enough excess materials or supplies to begin trading and our weapons are clearly useless to any creature that cannot operate them effectively” he narrowed his eyes at the Queen, “What do we have that you would want?” He questioned, ready to lay this pomp and pageantry to rest so that he could return to his duties aboard the Ketch.

Chrysalis’s smile widened, as she placed her front hooves beneath her chin and titled her head, “My changelings seem to believe this ‘ether’ might help to alleviate a problem we have ourselves”. This seemed to shock the Captain, he glanced back at Revoks who simply offered a non-commitment shrug. He turned back and asked “How? Do you also require Ether to grow stronger and prosperous?” He asked the Changeling.

Chrysalis chuckled, as she stood from her chair and beckoned the group of aliens to follow her deeper into her castle.

“We require Love, and more specifically the potent magic that exists in the creation and sustaining of Love” she said as they entered a new chamber that held various pods and one of the House Salvation servitors. Suriks, Revoks and the other Eliksni eyed the room with curiosity as Chrysalis continued by picking up a tank of ether that was lying nearby. “This Ether you harvest contains much of that same kind of magic in a more pure form, and something like that would allow us to not only thrive but to raise an army to enact our righteous revenge against our oppressors!” She declared, connecting the tank to a pod that contained a wounded changeling and allowing the Ether within to flow. Immediately the changeling began to squirm as its body pulses with magic, its wounds healing and body growing larger and larger! The holes in its legs filled in and became sharpened and armored. Its horn became more refined and sharp and its eyes began to likewise glow the same ethereal blue as its transformation concluded with the ether flow halting at Chrysalis command.

The pod then bursts sending bright Orange ichor and wisps of blue ether dissolving into the ground and surrounding wall. The Changeling that had previously been shriveled and frail now stood tall before them, its body fully mended and chitin gleaming as if it had just molted.

Suriks was amazed at the transformation! These changelings could prove quite useful in their own plans for revenge against the Once Great Machine and its puppets. “The question remains though” he said as he examined the newly emerged warrior “How will we procure enough Ether for BOTH our peoples? We would need a significant source to pull from” he gazes back to Chrysalis as her smile becomes hungry and manic.

“Oh I know JUST the place my new friend” she chuckled darkly. “It will provide more Ether and magic than any other on this planet, we need only bide our time to rebuild my army before we take it for ourselves”. Suriks felt a sadistic glee begin to rise in his chest at the thought of finally being able to do what so many Kell’s had failed before.

The two leaders cackled malevolently as a sinister plan and partnership began to unfold in the depths of the Badlands.

Author's Note:

Finally got this one out! I decided to try and take my time with this one to help make sure I cut down on the grammatical mistakes and try to ensure I kept everything consistent with the rest of the story this far.

I hope you all like this new development, I wonder just what that scheming Queen might be up to… I suppose we’ll find out eventually won’t we?

As always thank you for your patience and support of this story, it means the world to me! If you’d like to keep up with me then you can always check me out on Twitter or come by my Twitch streams where I play Destiny 2 along with many other games and even Art streams as well!

Until next time, stay safe and stay happy and I’ll see you again soon.

Eyes up Guardians!