• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,720 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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Bleed Me Dry

Twilight glanced over when she heard the sound of a door opening, followed by booted feet approaching her. Janey seemed a little less shaken up, and a backpack stuffed to the absolute gills with weapons as well as supplies. Following close behind her, and keeping his pistol close was the man from earlier, though Twilight could tell he was still quite disturbed.

“Twilight, this is deputy Beagle. He helped defeat those raiders and as the title implies, helped the former sheriff of Primm,” Janey greeted, gesturing to the man behind her.

Who gave Twilight a polite nod. “Beggin your pardon miss. That was a bit of messy business back there and I lost my cool for a bit.”

Twilight nodded slowly, tapping out her response on a pane of glass. “That's quite understandable mister Beagle. I’m glad to see you’re okay.”

The man seemed surprised when he heard the translation come through Janey’s pipboy. “Well that's mighty kind of you. I hope we can start again on the right foot,” he offered.

Twilight did her best to smile, though it only seemed to unnerve the male even more. “That would be nice. Now, Janey, what do you think we should do next?”

“Well I figured with this whole mess out of the way we can fix up that old robot I saw at the mojave express office, and then mosey on out of here,” Janey replied.

“Well hold on there. Primm doesn't have a sheriff anymore, and if you two just up and leave before we get a new one it won't be long before this whole song and dance happens all over again,” Beagle declared.

Twilight nodded solemnly. “That makes sense.”

“What are you talking about? You’re the sheriff now!” Janey exclaimed.

“Oh no I’m just the deputy. And I can't be a deputy without a sheriff, it's called the chain of command ya know,” Beagle exclaimed.

“Shouldn't we discuss what to do with the raiders that remain within the upper levels of the Bison Steve?” Twilight interrupted.

Janey waved a dismissive hand in the air. “Without a leader or any hope of getting anything out of Primm they will fuck off in a matter of days. The residents just gotta hunker down for a bit and they’ll leave in no time.”

“I don't like that plan at all,” Twilight replied.

“Stole the words right out of my mouth,” Beagle added.

Janey sighed. “I don't like it much either, and frankly if it was up to me I’d board up the exits and burn the whole thing to the ground, but it ain't up to me.”

“And a right good thing it is too,” Beagle muttered.

“What was that?” Janey accused, glaring at the male.

Who raised his hands defensively. “It was nothing. Just remarkin that a sheriff would speed the whole thing up a bit ya know? Why I heard the powder gangers talking about someone in the prison named Meyers who has plenty of experience as a sheriff. He may be a good choice, but with the NCR so close by you may be able to get them to take over the town. Not sure why they haven't helped out already to be honest.”

Twilight caressed her scaly chin with two claws while tapping out a response with the other hand. “That does sound like a bit of a conundrum. Though perhaps we should continue this discussion inside.”

“Right, I don't much like the chance of getting popped in the back of the head while I’m not paying attention,” Janey remarked, glancing over her shoulder. “Oh and I grabbed your stuff Twilight.”

Twilight nodded in appreciation.

“Let's head on over to the Vicky and Vance before you turn out to be a prophet,” Beagle offered.

Together the trio did just that, though Beagle held up a hand before they were able to enter.

“Maybe I should go warn everybody about the giant murder lizard. No offence,” Beagle quickly added.

“I already did, though we can do so again,” Janey replied, rapping her knuckle three times on the door before pulling it open.

Twilight made sure to stand off to the side while the courier and former deputy slipped inside, the door closing shut behind them. Left with nothing to do, Twilight glanced behind her, studying the Bison Steve hotel and casino a little closer. She could see no signs of movement however, though for a moment she thought she saw a shape retreating into the mountains.

Then it was gone, and Twilight turned back to the entrance, which had just opened to reveal a grimacing Janey.

“Come on in. But just try not to make any sudden movements. They don't quite believe me yet,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight sighed, and nodded solemnly.

Together the pair entered the casino, with Janey taking up the lead, and making a point to stand in front of Twilight. Who upon ducking through the door, was greeted with a half dozen weapons pointed her way. Most were little more than pistols, or rather grungy looking rifles, though at least one of them wielded a well maintained shotgun.

“Holee shit,” exclaimed a bandana wearing Primm citizen. “You werent kiddin Janey.”

“Can it talk?” whispered a nervous woman wearing the garb of a merchant.

Twilight shook her head sadly.

“Oh damn. It can understand us?” whispered a third individual.

“Yes. I told you all this before!” Janey exclaimed in an exasperated tone. “Now would you please back up and find Johnson Nash. I got some questions for the old fart.”

The still slightly twitchy citizens of Primm exchanged a look before taking a large, collective step back. Giving Twilight room to breathe, and actually look around, inspecting her surroundings a little closer.

The first thing she noticed were the old slot machines on either side of the entrance and the aged stools sitting before them. Most seemed to be out of order or damaged, though a few appeared to be brand new, and were even polished. A dozen feet beyond the two small rows of slot machines was the casino floor which you had to take a few steps down to reach.

In the center, bathed in lights from a ceiling high above it was an old blue car which was riddled with holes. There were also a table for craps, roulette, poker, and even one designed to accommodate a game of bingo. There were also a few more rows of slot machines, as well as a good number of the citizens who were almost all looking at Twilight.

Suddenly feeling quite out of place, Twilight awkwardly waved at the gathering crowd of humans. Who appeared quite shocked for several seconds before someone jumped up and shouted ‘aha’ at the top of their lungs.

“I knew that report wasn't bullshit!” he shouted. “Pay up Steve!”

Another man grumbled, and dug out a handful of caps which he threw at the other human. “Here, take it, you sore winner.”

Twilight shook her head, and went back to inspecting the rest of the area, noting that it was in better shape than most buildings. There was still some crumbling paint, and the odd hole, but at least all the lights seemed to work in the place. Including the ones which illuminated the bank where chips would have been exchanged which was a caged off area on the back left of the room. In addition there was also a bar, and two other small areas which extended from the main area, though they werent very large.

There was also another boxy robot milling about the area, though unlike the one Twilight had destroyed not long ago, this one wore a cowboy hat. It also didn't seem hostile, and simply ambled around the car in what looked like a preprogrammed routine of some kind.

A rustle amongst the crowd of humans drew Twilight’s attention towards where a dark skinned man was approaching them. Disheveled, and clearly recently woken from a deep sleep, the man was older then most, likely nearing Easy Pete in age. He wore a pair of blue jean overalls, under which was a slightly ratty long sleeve white shirt that was likely from before the war.

“Now what is this about a deathclaw and a dead courier walking in…” he began, only for his eyes to narrow on the trio standing in the entrance of the casino. “Well I’ll be damned. Bob was right.”

“Damn right I was!” shouted the same voice from earlier.

Janey cleared her throat and stepped forward. “There will be time for twenty questions and a press release soon. Right now I got some business to attend to, so the rest of ya can git.”

The crowd grumbled, but largely broke up, though it was clear that most if not all were still paying attention to the continued discussion. Twilight paid them no mind however, merely kneeling down as the human referred to as Johnson Nash approached. The old timer looked wide awake now, and he viewed Twilight with a mixture of curiosity and more than a bit of fear.

“Greetings Johnson Nash. I am Twilight,” Twilight tapped out on the floor.

The dark skinned man shook his head. “That is the last time I doubt Mr New Vegas. Anyway, it's uh nice to meetcha Twilight. What can I do for you two?”

“Well we saved your deputy and took care of most of the raiders giving you trouble so a reward, including a hot meal would be appreciated,” Janey began.

“Right of course,” Johnson motioned towards one of the citizens nearby. “I didn't expect you to take care of this all so soon. Thought for sure you’d hunker down somewhere and wait for morning.”

“I figured it was best to hit them before they knew we were coming,” Janey replied.

“Evidently it worked since you don't look much worse for wear,” remarked the man.

“We even managed to take many of them prisoner in addition to saving Beagle, though unfortunately we were too late to help your former sheriff,” Twilight sadly exclaimed.

The older man sighed, and ran a hand over the short black stubble which covered the top of his head. “A damn shame, but I assumed he didn't make it since these bastards were still around and he wasn't. What about his wife?” Johnson inquired.

Beagle shook his head.

“Damn,” Johnson cursed. “Well ain't that just a cry in shame.”

The citizen from earlier returned with food and in the company of another dark skinned human that was about the same age as Johnson.

“Well would you look at that. You werent lying after all,” remarked the woman, who extended a wrinkled hand. “Name’s Ruby Nash, and it's a pleasure to meet you.”

Twilight blinked in surprise, awkwardly shaking the human’s hand while doing her best to keep her claws out of the way. The deathclaw immediately looked the woman up and down, noting that she wore similarly aged clothes. Around her neck hung a bottle from a rope, as well as a dark grey scarf, under which was a white dress that was older then her.

“It's nice to meet you as well,” Twilight awkwardly replied on the ground.

“Sakes alive woman. You could have at least warned me that you were going to be so friendly,” Johnson muttered.

Ruby merely waved a hand at the man. “Oh don't worry so much you old fart, this one’s kind. You can see it in her eyes.”

Twilight smiled, making sure to keep her teeth hidden within her mouth. “I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

“Yeah that's great, but I could really use some food. So if you don't mind,” Janey interrupted, grabbing the bowl of noodles the citizen from earlier had returned with.

Twilight shook her head slowly before replying. “I’m sorry for my friend. Her table manners could use some work.”

Ruby Nash chuckled. “Oh it's no problem at all. She’d fit right in with my husband here.”

Johnson coughed into his hand. “I was hoping to have a more private conversation. If you don't mind.”

“Just one last thing before I go,” Ruby retorted, glancing expectantly at Twilight. “I got an old recipe for a delicious casserole that makes use of a radscorpion gland. If you find any out there in the wasteland I’d appreciate it if you brought some back to me. I’d even give you some free food if you do.”

Twilight nodded. “It would be my pleasure ma’am.”

“And she has manners too,” Ruby remarked, slapping her husband on the shoulder. “You could learn something from this deathclaw here.”

Johnson shook his head as his wife departed, turning to face Janey once she was gone. “Well then where were we?”

“I think we were discussin what to do about the whole not havin a sheriff situation,” Beagle interrupted.

Janey grunted, and swallowed the noodles she had been eating. “That ain't our business, that's your business. We just need our reward and we’ll get out of your hair.”

“We’ll handle it,” Twilight interrupted, turning to Beagle and jabbing a claw at him. “But first we are going to take care of the remaining raiders still hiding out in the Bison Steve.”

“Like hell we are,” Janey spat, the woman clearing her lips of the noodle residue. “We are done, and now I’m going to take the scrap we agreed on and fix that eyebot before skedaddling.”

Twilight glared down at her companion, her claw rapidly tapping out her response on a floor board. “These people have suffered enough, and the sooner we can reopen the town the sooner their lives can go back to normal.”

“We’ve broken the raider’s backs, all we have to do is wait. Don't you want less blood shed?” Janey retorted.

Twilight snorted in her friend’s face. “I want them all to give themselves up so they may be handed over to the law. That shouldn't be too hard. I’m fairly certain they are already terrified of us.”

Janey scowled for several more seconds before finally releasing a sigh. “I suppose you have a point, but you’re doing the heavy lifting. I’ll announce our presence and back you up but that's it.”

“Fine,” Twilight replied, her claw piercing the floorboard on the last word.

Beagle cleared his throat. “So uh it's done then?”

“No Beagle. I guess our job has only just begun,” Janey muttered as she angrily stomped out of the casino.

Twilight sighed, and offered the man an apologetic shrug before following after her companion.

“Never thought I’d see a deathclaw argue that killing people is wrong,” murmured Beagle.

Twilight shook her head. You don't know the half of it, Beagle.

The pair caught up just inside the Bison Steve interior, with Janey standing there expectantly, her hands on her hips.

“So how do you want to do this?” she demanded.

“Like we talked about. You announce our presence once we get to the second floor and tell them that if they surrender they will be treated with dignity,” Twilight explained.

“Yeah like that is going to go over well,” Janey exclaimed.

“It will,” Twilight insisted.

“Alright fine, but when they rush you in a wave of grenades and gunfire it will be your ass that's on the frontline,” Janey declared.

Twilight released a tired sigh and nodded. “Fine, if that's what it takes.”

Janey nodded and walked off, with Twilight following relatively close behind her. Together they made their way towards the second floor, stopping only briefly to check out a vending machine. Upon finding that it was empty save for some rotten food, they continued on, with Twilight taking point.

Within the staircase Twilight was greeted with more flaking drywall, rotten plaster and garbage that littered the floor. It was unpleasant, though sadly expected by the deathclaw at this point. Thankfully it wasn't long before they reached the next floor and walked out into a hallway.

Which branched off straight and to the left, though the ceiling had long since collapsed, leaving them with little choice but to turn. Where they saw another set of vending machines, a trash can and the usual garbage that littered the area. It was also completely devoid of human activity, though Twilight could hear someone moving about further inside.

Past what looked like a maintenance closet was a larger room, and another set of hallways that branched off from the first. There Twilight stood for several long seconds, claws out and expecting a fight that never came. With a shrug she turned back to Janey and nodded, signalling that she was ready.

“I still can't believe I’m doing this,” Janey muttered to herself.

Twilight snorted, and jabbed a claw down the hallway.

“Just remember that I warned you,” Janey remarked before stepping forward and clearing her throat. “Attention raider fucks! This is the badass who fucked up your boss, wiped out half your fucking gang and is prepared to slaughter the rest of you. So unless you want to join those worthless shits in hell then I suggest you come out and give yourselves up!”

Twilight sighed, and shook her head. “Did you have to be so mean?”

Janey shrugged as she walked over to the doorway they had just passed through, drawing her weapon as she did so. “Raiders understand one thing, and that is violence.”

Twilight turned back to the entrance and readied herself, crouching low and extending her claws once again. The thought of being privy to more senseless violence didn't sit well with the former pony, but she had hope that it wouldn't turn out that way. Even still, she had lost a significant amount of faith when it came to raiders, and humans in general if she was being honest.

A stirring from the hallway ahead drew Twilight from her musings, and towards where a skinny, skittish looking raider stood. Alone, and armed only with a baseball bat, the man awkwardly shuffled into the room, only to freeze when he saw Twilight. Who upon realizing that the man wasn't about to get any backup, relaxed and rose to her full height once more.

Pointing back towards Janey, Twilight grunted.

“What, just one?” Janey murmured. “Well I suppose that's one less bullet I have to waste.”

“I uh…” the man cleared his throat and forced himself to look directly at Janey. “I’m here to negotiate our surrender.”

“Well shit,” Janey muttered, holstering her pistol. “That's a hell of a surprise.”

Twilight smiled faintly, and began tapping on the floor. “And what exactly are your terms?”

“Terms? Oh yeah, right,” the man straightened his back. “We want you to let us leave Primm, and we swear to never come back.”

Janey laughed. “Well ain't this just perfect. At this rate I bet we can be back at Vicky’s in time to catch some shut eye before sun up.”

“Not good enough,” Twilight replied. “You need to forfeit your weapons, and be taken into our custody.”

“Hold on a second princess,” Janey interrupted. “Think about what your saying. Now I’d usually be all for slaughtering these psychos like dogs, but they ain't our problem anymore.”

“We will not be slaughtering anyone,” Twilight retorted.

“That's good. Less slaughter is good,” the man muttered, clutching his baseball bat tight against his leather clad chest.

“If we just let them go they will only make problems elsewhere. They need to be reformed, so they may become functional members of society,” Twilight implored.

Janey gawked at the deathclaw, jaw hanging open. “That is the dumbest crock of shit I’ve ever fuckin heard. These assholes are raiders princess! They rape, murder and steal for fun! These kinds of people deserve one thing, a quick fucking death.”

“Hey I’ve never done any of that. Well except the stealing part, but that was just some food,” retorted the emaciated man.

Twilight gestured toward the male. “See? They aren't all like that. They deserve a second chance and to be judged for their crimes in a court of law.”

“Godamnit princess, there ain't law out here to speak of!” Janey shouted. “Not the NCR, not Mr House, and sure as shit not the fuckin legion!”

Twilight stomped her foot, causing a brief rain of plaster to fall from the ceiling. “We are taking these men into our custody and that is final. If you want my help reaching New Vegas then this is my one and only demand. Mercy.”

For several long seconds the deathclaw stared down the human, with neither backing down. Then Janey sighed, and shook her head.

“Fine. If that's the line, then I’m keeping seventy five percent of the loot from here on out,” Janey replied.

Twilight scowled, but reluctantly nodded. “That's acceptable.”

“So uh I don't know if the guys will go for that. They were kinda set on walking out of here,” remarked the man.

Twilight turned and glared at him.

The human quickly raised his hands. “I’ll go check, just please don't kill me.”

The deathclaw waved a hand back the way the raider had come, shooing him away.

The man hastily scurried away, leaving Twilight and Janey alone in the hallway, a tense silence hovering over them. Neither said a word as they waited, with Twilight watching the entrance while Janey ran her thumb in slow circles over the butt of her weapon. The human female’s expression was unreadable, though it was clear she was deep in thought.

Seconds turned into minutes, and Twilight could pick out the sounds of a distant conversation that was growing more heated by the second. It didn't exactly fill the former pony with hope for the future, and she wondered if the raiders were going to make a break for it. There had to be a second exit somewhere, though it would mean treading the partially collapsed roller coaster until they reached the ground. A dangerous prospect to be sure, and one that Twilight wasn't sure was even possible given the age of the train, and the scarcity of replacement parts.

“They won't be coming in peace you know,” Janey whispered, gesturing towards the distant door. “They’ll start by throwing grenades, and molotovs before firing everything they have at us. Then after we've been pinned they’ll charge with knives, bats and whatever primitive weapon they’ve managed to get their hands on.”

Twilight snorted, and turned back to the entrance, ignoring Janey’s pessimism as best as she could. Which wasn't an easy prospect given how much her words had stung Twilight and already doubt festered at the back of the deathclaw’s mind. These humans were indeed foul, but Twilight had seen brief glimpses of goodness in them, no matter how twisted they had become.

Twilight didn't have to wait long however, as the skinny, leather armored man from before reappeared. For a moment he merely stood in the doorway, he then stepped forward and threw his baseball bat against the wall.

“We give up,” he exclaimed, raising his hands above his head.

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