• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,720 Views, 966 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

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Come Fly With Me Finale

Author's Note:

And that's all she wrote for this spat of updates. Back to your regularly scheduled content.

Also don't forget that patrons and subscribers both get a chance to request more of this story and my other request fics!

Thanks again everyone!

The pair walked along in silence, neither overly concerned with the potential dangers of the wasteland. After all, the road was clear, and fairly well traveled so there wasn't much of a reason to be too on edge. Add to that the gentle twang of a guitar coming from Janey’s pipboy and Twilight was downright relaxed despite the circumstances.

“You know I always say that news whether good or bad brings us closer together, but I’m not sure what to think of this rash of strange happenings. Speaking of which, we are getting reports from all over the wasteland of people having weird dreams,” Mr New Vegas announced. “Normally I’d take such news with a grain of salt, and remind you all to boil your water but I’m seeing similar reports roll in from NCR soldiers and even a member of Caesar's legion.”

Twilight perked up and listened closer.

“From one corner of the Mojave to the next, nearly every settlement has relayed reports of a strange female voice speaking to their citizens in a language that no one can understand,” Mr. New Vegas continued. “We currently have no explanation on its source, though my money’s on someone dumping psychoactive chemicals in Lake Mead again. Stay safe out there folks, and now, Nat King Cole with you’re nobody until somebody loves ya, and that somebody, is me.”

With that, the music came back on.

“I haven't had any strange dreams, though I don't dream. Probably just something in the water,” Janey muttered.

I wonder if that’s Luna. Twilight thought. Though if it is how could that strange guy back in Novac understand her while everyone else can't?

The questions swirled around in Twilight's head, distracting her so much that she was barely even aware of her surroundings changing. The hills rose up around them, and the overpass leading into the Repcon test site drew close. Though Janey was a bit more aware of what was going on, she didn't notice anything amiss, nor did she spot anything out of the ordinary.

Together they passed under the bridge leading over the road, only for Twilight to stop, and suddenly sniff the air.

“That smells like-” Twilight muttered only to stop when she heard something move above her.

On pure instinct, she threw herself backward, ducking under the safety of the bridge. In front of her, where she had been standing a second earlier was hit by a molotov cocktail, the explosive detonating upon impact and scattering flaming liquid everywhere. Janey was just far enough away to avoid the majority of the splash, though a light spattering of fire clung to her coat.

“They are where Vulpes said they would be, attack! For Caesar!” Shouted a voice.

“For Caesar!” Echoed many more voices.

Twilight didn't even hear this, as she was busy backpedaling madly, her eyes wide with terror. Though she had escaped danger, her instincts were screaming at her to run, to abandon Janey and not look back. This instinctual response even had a voice, and it bellowed a demand for her to flee as fast as possible. She resisted that urge furiously, but the temptation remained, clouding her mind and leaving her confused.

That was until she stumbled out the other side of the bridge, and a pair of molotovs were thrown down at her from on high. The attacks were predictable, however, Twilight was conflicted, and unfocused, meaning the deathclaw didn't even see them coming. One hit her square atop the head while the other clipped her arm, with the second one thankfully not breaking and merely bouncing off. The other that hit her in the skull, however, shattered, spilling burning liquid all over her body.

With a horrified scream of panic, the deathclaw took off running, all conscious thought completely vanishing. Down the road it went, disappearing around a rock and presumably continuing on into the wasteland. Janey saw none of this, as she was busy fighting the remaining legion soldiers advancing on her from the small outpost at the end of the road.

Half had flamers while the other had incinerators, with one even wielding a heavy version of the projectile spitting fire weapon. He was the most dangerous of the bunch, though even still, he was armored only with leather, and old-world sports equipment. Meaning the large caliber slugs fired at him ripped through his midsection, tearing open his belly and spilling his guts on the warm pavement.

While he lay dying on the ground, Janey was already drawing a bead on the next guy while at the same time dodging fireballs. They had started their advance from some distance away, and though they were moving quickly, Janey was only just barely in range. Giving the courier the time she needed to fire the rest of her shots into the next incinerator-wielding Caesar's legion soldier.

While he fell, Janey’s gun clicked empty, and the courier quickly holstered it, switching tactics. Grabbing a grenade from her belt, she pulled the pin and tossed it in front of the oncoming wave of attackers. She then primed and tossed a second far past the first, the bomb landing amidst the group of flame weapon-wielding soldiers.

The ensuing detonations knocked back and confused the first three, before outright killing two and leaving behind only one. Though his allies were piles of meat, the third legion soldier pressed on, shrugging off the shrapnel that was now stuck in his side and face. Janey had created enough space and was about to reload her revolver when a bold legion member dropped down from the bridge above.

He rolled upon hitting the ground, but even that wasn't enough to save him completely as Janey heard something crack upon impact. She didn't have time to figure out which of his legs were broken as she pulled a long combat knife from her boot and buried it in his neck. A kick to the chest sent the gurgling soldier onto his back, the courier hastily reaching for her weapon, eager to reload the revolver.

She was interrupted when a molotov sailed past her, exploding on the ground only a foot or so away. Cursing under her breath, Janey pulled her coat up around her face, shielding herself from the fire. There simply wasn't enough time to reload, so Janey changed plans once more, her hand reaching around and grabbing something she hoped she’d never need.

Ripping one of the wires out of the strange can, she threw it at the three remaining legion soldiers advancing on her. One of them tried to grab it and throw it back, but only managed to find it a second before it exploded, his fingers closing around the metal object. The explosion was unlike any traditional bomb, with a powerful eruption of plasma ripping apart everyone unfortunate enough to stand too close. Which in this case, were all three of the remaining legion soldiers that had been opening up with their flamers.

Janey didn't make it out completely unscathed, however, as the other two had gotten close enough to unleash a torrent of fire. Though only just barely in range, they were still enough to scorch Janey’s jacket and singe her eyebrows. As she stumbled back from the scorching heat, and resulting explosion, Janey noted that several fires were now licking her duster.

While furiously patting them out, Janey heard the distinct tinkling sound of something metal bouncing off concrete from behind her. Trusting her instincts, Janey threw herself forward with as much force as she could muster, narrowly avoiding the explosion. Bits of rock, and metal went flying, with some burying themselves in Janey’s flesh though none struck anything vital.

“Fuck fuck, fuck,” Janey muttered under her breath.

Stumbling back under the cover of the bridge, she fumbled around for a stimpack and clumsily jabbed it into her leg. She thanked her lucky stars that although her clothes were in shambles, her backpack was still holding together, and her duster was mostly intact. Stepping further under the metal archway, Janey tossed the empty syringe aside and watched as more grenades were tossed down.

Having seen them well in advance, Janey was able to sprint out of their effective radius, making their detonations useless. Noticing that they were all tossed over one side, Janey backpedaled to the opposite end and pulled out her last two grenades. Pulling one pin than the other, she lobbed them both up and over the lip of the bridge, both clearing the distance but not by a lot.

There was a confused cry of panic before two detonations went off in rapid succession from one another. The closest legion soldier was turned into a fountain of blood, while the other was sent flying over the other end of the bridge. Janey didn't watch him reach the end of his flight, however, as she was already ducking back into cover once more.

While she waited for confirmation that they were all dead, she reloaded her revolver and looked around for any sign of Twilight. Thankfully the deathclaw’s senses had returned to her, and though she was sporting several new burns, the apex predator was limping back into view. Janey held a finger up and pointed to the bridge above her, catching Twilight's attention just in time.

Twilight nodded back, ripping an engine block out of a car and hefting it like a football. With her arm cocked, she slowly walked up to Janey, only to pause and whip the hunk of metal. The enormous hunk of rusted steel slammed into something with enough force to turn him into a fine red mist.

With that, Janey breathed a sigh of relief, as did the still-distant Twilight.

“See anyone?” Janey shouted.

Twilight shook her head.

“Then hurry over here,” Janey yelled.

Twilight hastily scampered over to her, receiving a stimpack the leg the moment she was in range. With her burns healing up, Twilight breathed a second sigh of relief, her wide eyes narrowing slightly. As panic dissipated, realization dawned, and she pointed urgently to Janey’s backpack.

“Shit that's right, the isotope,” Janey exclaimed.

Hastily unslinging the leather bag, she reached inside and pulled out the green jar.

“Shit that was close,” Janey muttered.

Twilight grabbed it, and stared at it a little closer, inspecting it for any small cracks or other damage it may have sustained. With the deathclaw distracted, and Janey busy hooking new explosives to her belt, a legion soldier leaped down from the bridge. He had a lit stick of dynamite in each hand and a wild, expression on his face.

“For Caesar!” he screamed, lurching forward.

Janey was the quickest to react, the woman sprinting as far and as fast as she could muster in what little time she had. Thankfully the legion soldier had shattered both of his ankles during the jump so he was really only able to awkwardly tumble forward. Unfortunately for Twilight, the deathclaw had far more bulk than her companion, so although she was able to flee the scene she didn't get far before the sticks exploded.

The twin detonations sent the deathclaw flying while sending shrapnel into her tough hide. Landing on her chest with a crunch, Twilight struggled to gather herself in the aftermath of the explosion. Her ears were ringing, her world spun, and she struggled to figure out which direction was up.

“Twilight, get up! Twilight!” shouted Janey.

Reluctantly Twilight stood up, only to see Janey screech to a halt a dozen metres away from her. The courier then popped a pill and hastily pulled her gas mask over her head. The sight confused Twilight until she realized what was in her hands.

Looking down, Twilight noticed that the container was cracked, and a small amount of the glowing liquid had oozed out. Now aware of the true danger she was in, Twilight took off running, sprinting towards the Repcon facility. Janey tried to run after her, but the deathclaw had far longer legs and was easily able to outpace the human.

Acting on instinct, Twilight cradled the isotope jar with the crack facing up, so no more of the stuff was able to escape. She knew this ultimately wasn't very helpful, so she poured on the speed, slamming through the doors and knocking them off their hinges. Another doorway was shattered a second later, followed by a mad dash into the basement, package tucked securely under one arm.

Through the halls of metal and concrete, she went, never slowing down, even as her destination came into view. The horrifying-looking ghoul waiting for her looked ready to flee in terror, only to spot the glowing football tucked under the deathclaw’s arm. Realization passed over him swiftly, and he extended a hand, ready to receive the pass.

“Give it to me, then head up to the launch controls in the office. We need to go right now!” he yelled.

Twilight skidded to a halt, shoving the glowing mass into the ghoul’s hands before pivoting and running back out. She barely made it a foot before she saw Janey descending down the ladder a few feet away.

“Did you get it in time?” Janey asked.

Twilight didn't respond, merely grabbing the courier around the midsection and tossing her over her shoulder.

“Hey, what the fuck? I can walk you know!” Janey shouted indignantly.

Twilight ignored her friend’s cries of irritation and kept on running. Heading back up to the first floor, she shoulder-checked several more doors before entering the production wing of the test facility. Here she quickly maneuvered up into the office area, and to a small open area open to the elements.

Facing an enormous dome, and overlooking the entire site, it had a surprisingly pleasant view though Twilight didn't take it in. She merely placed Janey back down, before looking around in search of some kind of big red button to push. The courier, after gathering her bearings, shoved Twilight away from the control panel.

“I’ll handle this, you just stand as far away from me as possible. You’re basically white hot with radiation,” Janey demanded.

Twilight reluctantly obliged, the deathclaw standing there awkwardly, shifting from foot to foot as she watched Janey work. In the distance the dome began to part, revealing a trio of rockets arranged in a triangular shape atop the launch pad. Beside her, Janey bit her lip and looked about in confusion, the courier barely able to make heads or tails of what she was looking at.

“Fuck it,” Janey muttered under her breath.

With a few button presses and a pull of a lever, the destination was set. The rocket’s engines ignited, classical music flooded in from some unseen speaker, and the great journey was ready to begin.

“Wait, what is that?” Twilight muttered.

The deathclaw’s gaze narrowed on the one rocket leaning slightly to the right, a part of the launch cradle having snapped off. Immediately a bolt of guilt shot through the deathclaw, and she instinctively reached out with her magic in order to hold the rocket steady. She recoiled just as quickly, expecting nothing to happen, only for a familiar purple aura to appear around her horns.

“What the hell?” Janey muttered.

Twilight extended a hand and focused, calling upon her magic with newfound intensity. Her magic responded eagerly, the formerly distant energy suddenly right there, as if waiting for Twilight to use it. And use it she did, with the deathclaw summoning all the strength she could muster in order to hold the rattling rocket to the cradle.

The strain was immense, but for some reason, Twilight's store of energy felt almost limitless. Though the true depth of it would be tested soon, as the rockets launched, only for two of the three to swerve almost immediately off course. Pushing herself to the limit, Twilight grabbed the distant objects in her magic and corrected their flight in mid-air, using the lone correct rocket as her guide.

The expenditure was brief, but immense, with the rockets straining Twilight's magical power to its breaking point. Though the entire event took only seconds, to Twilight it felt like she had been locked in magical combat with a stubborn foe for several minutes. By the end of it all, they were flying true, with none having swerved off course, and all sailing out of sight towards some unseen destination.

Twilight collapsed in a heap, her magic spent, a migraine all but punching her in the skull the moment her knees hit metal. As she knelt there, groaning in pain and clutching at her head, Janey cautiously approached the deathclaw. With her arm outstretched, the courier waved her pip-boy around, only to be struck dumb by her findings.

“You should have more rads than a crater right now but… you're almost clean,” Janey remarked.

Twilight chuckled bitterly, though stopped herself when the sound made the pain in her skull double and a new jab of agony to come from her midsection. A hand went to her belly, clutching at where she felt like something was trying to burrow its way out of her insides. It dissipated quickly, however, though the pounding, brutal headache remained, redoubling in strength with each thump of her heart.

“Fuck,” Janey cursed. “You must actually be a goddamn magic pony. Holy shit.”

“Told you,” Twilight whispered.

“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess you just said I told you so,” Janey replied.

Twilight's ensuing laugh quickly morphed into a grunt of pain. Which then turned into a wheezing cough that left Twilight so winded that she passed out. So sudden was the rush of unconsciousness that Twilight didn't even feel her head bouncing off the guard rail and hitting the ground.

Janey looked down at the limp deathclaw and shook her head.

“Well I’ll be damned,” muttered the courier. “She really was magic the whole time.”

Janey frowned. “I’m never going to hear the end of this.”

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