• Published 23rd Aug 2020
  • 3,631 Views, 338 Comments

Half-Life: Pastel Paradise - I aint no damn brownie

Equestria is in danger. It’s up to the crowbar-wielding physicist, Gordon Freeman, to save the day.

  • ...

I Was Born With My Feet in Motion

? days earlier..

“Oh I don’t like this.” I said as I hammered a nail into one of the wooden planks, blocking it from moving too much and allowing.. something to get inside. I held my hoof on the other side of the plank and hammered another nail into the wood. When I finished, I dropped my hoof to the floor and admired my handy work.

Looks good, but I’m not done. There’s more where that came from.

New plank. I hammered two more nails.

Another plank. Two more nails.

One more plank. Two more nails.

I moved to the next window. Plank, nail nail. Plank, nail nail. Plank, nail nail.

Next window. Same process.

Next window.

Door. 6 planks, 8 nails.

This is going to take a while.

Plank nail. Plank nail. Plank nail.

Next window.


I dropped the hammer on the floor and fell to my haunches. Finally. I’m done.

I flipped the hair out of my eyes with a swing of my head and stood back up. No time to rest. Not now. Not until it’s all over.

I walked into the back room, swinging open the doors. “Are you two okay?” I called out into the darkness. Turning on the lights revealed two foals rubbing their eyes from the sudden brightness.

When nopony said anything, I reiterated. “Are you guys okay?”

They both nodded. Sighing in relief, I went to the next bullet on the mental list.

“Have mommy and daddy gotten any better?” I asked, clinging to some form of hope. Any good news.

They both shook their heads, and I turned to the metal cage. Two ponies stood inside, the mysterious crab creatures resting on their heads. They scraped and clawed at the bars, desperately hoping to escape; but they couldn’t. I made sure of it. Those bars are reinforced steel.

It’s quite easy to disassemble an oven and rebuild it into something different, you know.

Sighing again, this time in sadness, I turned around and made sure the door was shut. I locked the aforementioned doors, turned the lights back off, and sat down. As I did so, I let out a grunt.

“This sucks.” The colt said, putting his head in his hooves.

His twin sister nodded, doing the same motion.

“I know.” I muttered. “It really, really does. I’d love to be able to laugh and smile but.. now’s not the time.” I chuckled slightly.

It was.. almost poetic.

I’m usually in a very good mood. I’m usually the one that can cheer others up. I consider myself good at it, but I like to stay humble sometimes.

-I’m pretty good, not to toot my own horn. Humbleness out the window, I’m pretty great at cheering others up.

But anyway.. poeticism. It’s ironic. Poetic. Whatever I said previously.

I’m usually the one that can make others happy. But now I’m the one in dire need of some cheering up.

It’s just all.. messed up. It really is.

Why didn’t I listen to.. what was his name. Freeman? Yeah.

Why didn’t I listen? He.. he knew. He always knew. Nopony listened. Why? Why didn’t we listen? Sure could’ve saved us all a lot of trouble.

He was already an alien. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for him to know something we didn’t.

But no. Forget him, he’s crazy. None of them even bothered to sit down and listen to what he had to say. They threw tomatoes, they called him crazy. They ran him out of town.

Now, I know. He didn’t even leave. Not until a few days ago, at least, to go on his quest. But..

He could have.

By all means, he SHOULD have. We treated him like dirt. We don’t deserve his help at all, no matter the case.

He’s.. he’s so selfless.

He’s willing to save a world that doesn’t want him to come back alive.

While thinking all of this, a tear fell down my face.

We could’ve been good friends. I could’ve helped save the world with him. Why didn’t I go? Why didn’t I? Did I not believe him? That couldn’t have been it, but.. I just.. I didn’t believe it. I even made up some excuse when I was asked if I wanted to tag along.

I didn’t believe in the invasion, AND I lied to my friends. I sure am a good pony, huh?

As I was about to continue wallowing in my own misery, I snapped my head up upon realizing something.

Maybe it’s not too late to tag along. I can.. I can ask for forgiveness. Maybe I can get to wherever he’s going in time. Hopefully?

Wouldn’t hurt to try..

Steeling my resolve, I stood up on wobbly legs.

I was still tired, but I didn’t care.

I had to move. Really move.

But okay. It shouldn’t be too hard. Think of a joke. Come on. Come on.. the group should be in Canterlot by now. Rainbow Dash had told me the plan just in case I needed to find them.. and I sure am glad she told me. I wasn’t at the time, but hoo boy, it paid off.

Think of a joke. Come on.

Oh, wait. How am I going to bring the foals with me?

This is an issue that needs addressing.

“Are you hungry?” Luna asked her sister, her own stomach growling slightly.

“Eh.” Celestia replied. “I could go for some cupcakes-“ She began, but was cut off.

“Well you’re in luck!” I said as I hopped out of a nearby vase, holding a tray of cupcakes and balancing two foals on my back.


Upon not hearing any reaction, I opened up my closed eyes and looked around. Princess Celestia and Luna looked at me as if I had 7 heads.

It.. it worked. It really worked. I’m here.

“Where’s Freeman?” I asked, setting down the kids. “I changed-“

“He’s on the alien planet.” Princess Luna said. “With Spike.”

..My eye twitched.

I missed it. I missed my chance. I screwed up.

He.. he’s gone. And I can’t apologize for what I did.

“Sure you can!” Celestia said, handing me a paper and quill. “We can send him stuff. Have anything in mind?”

Wait, did I say that out loud?

“Yes.” Luna said, going back to whatever she was doing.

“Oh. I feel like we’ve done that joke too much, though.” I replied, putting a hoof to my chin.

“Indeed we have.” She replied, ripping duct tape.

I shook my head, grabbing the quill and paper. I sat down, adjusted my spot upon being uncomfortable, and wrote out a message.

Dear Gordon...

Hey! It’s Pinkie Pie! Sorry I couldn’t come on your adventure :( but I had a lot of work I needed to do! I had been putting it off so I could bake cupcakes, but the job I had been putting off was baking cupcakes so in the end it didn’t really matter but then Mrs. Cake got mad at me for making the wrong cupcakes and I had to do it all over again! Crazy, right?

But you probably don’t want to hear me ramble on. So- no, I’m getting sidetracked.

Anyway, enjoy the cupcakes!


Pinkie Pie”

I shook my head.

No. No, Pinkie. You’re gonna apologize.

I moved the piece of paper away and grabbed a new one. Let’s not mess it up this time.

“Oh, you’re done?” Celestia asked. I wasn’t really paying attention, so I just nodded. Autopilot, eh?

“Were you gonna send the cupcakes with you?” She asked as well.

“That was the plan,” I said, actually paying attention this time. Too bad I didn’t pay attention to that first thing. Hope it wasn’t important..

I’m not myself today.

Against my knowledge, Princess Celestia put the cupcakes and discarded note in a pod and sealed it, quickly tossing it through the portal.

When I finished my revision letter, I folded it up. Clearing my throat, I turned to the cupcakes, only to notice that.. they were gone.

“..where are the cupcakes?” I asked, turning to Celestia.

“Oh, I sent them with that note you put to the side. I figured I would help you out a bit.” Celestia said, her relaxing voice making it impossible to even be angry at her.

Didn’t mean I couldn’t be surprised though.

“You WHAT?!” I yelled, jumping 5 feet into the air. “Why would you-!”

“Was I not supposed to do that..?” Celestia said, sounding genuinely hurt. Come on!

I sighed, landed, and closed my eyes. “It’s no big deal. Send this letter and.. let’s just hope he gets both.” I muttered, holding out a piece of paper.

Celestia nodded, opening another pod. She shoved a water bottle inside, along with my note, sealed it up and tossed it into the portal room.

I hope Freeman got it. I’m really betting on that here.

“Uh, fuck, gotta move!” Gordon yelled and began running, not noticing the pod appear next to him.

He ran right past it, and had been none the wiser as to its important contents.

That’s.. that’s a huge weight off my chest. I hardly lie to ponies, and this is why.

But now that I apologized, I’m happier!


My hair stayed flat.


I frowned, but sighed. “Anyway, Princess.” I started, drawing the attention of both the celestial beings. “Do you know where Applejack and Rainbow Dash are?” I asked.

Princess Luna nodded. “They’re down in the secondary ballroom. The map on the wall can tell you where it is; they’ve made it into a safe-house for refugees. You should take Young Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake to it. Maybe they can play with some foals their age.” She said, and smiled.

I nodded, and put them on my back. Once I did that, I turned to the princesses and bowed. “Thank you. You don’t know how much better I feel.” I muttered.

One message failed, one didn’t. 50/50 chance of success isn’t so bad.

Who am I kidding. That’s terrible.

Let’s just hope it’s my lucky day.

“Pish-posh. It’s nothing.” Princess Luna said. “But I do have a question.”

My ears perked up. “Hm?”

“How did you appear in that vase?” She asked, nodding her head towards the object in question.

“Trade secret.” I said, and giggled.

I skipped off down the hall, leaving a confused set of sisters in my wake.

Now.. to that safe-room. Pound and Pumpkin can stay in a safe environment, and I can hang out with my friends! Yay!

Oh, I’m gonna be so happy to see Dashie and AJ. I feel like I haven’t talked to them in forever! It’s only been a few days, but gosh, those days were miserable! I spent one of them crying and the rest of them panicking. I only got around to boarding up the entrances recently for some reason; I don’t know why that wasn’t the first thing I did. But who really cares. Sementics. Semtics? Semantics? Semantics!


I didn’t use that correctly, did I?

Twilight would know. Oh, yeah! Where’s Twilight? She sure has been absent from the whole ‘aliens invade and everypony is dea-‘

..everypony is.. sleeping. Sleeping for a while.

They won’t wake up soon. But that’s okay. They will eventually.

After all. Nopony can.. d-die in equestria.

Oh, shoot. I made myself sad. Again.

Come on, Pinkie. They’re just taking a nap! And the infected ones.. the cure will be found soon! Everything will be okay!

It always is in the end, after all.

Oh, wait. I’m here. Stop being sad, Pinkie! It’s time to put on a presentation! Make everypony happy!

I kick open the double-doors and jumped into the air, “HELLO, EVERYPO-ny..”

My voice goes silent as I realize what kind of party I had just crashed. Slowly setting Pumpkin and Pound Cake on the ground, I giggled nervously.

A lot of ponies woke up. A lot of ponies that were in clear agony. A lot of ponies that had been sedated for their own safety; whose lives I just put in jeopardy.

Uh oh.

You screwed up, Pinkie. What did you just do?

I don’t know what I just did. I just wanted to make a big splash and cheer some poor ponies up. Like anypony would-

Well you bucked it up, Pinks! Do you know how many lives you just put in danger!? How many lives you probably just ended, because they clearly don’t have enough nurses to help everypony?! Do you even REALIZE?!?

I-I know! But I didn’t mean to-

That doesn’t matter! You. Bucked. It. Up. Like always! You always mess things up, Pinkie.

No I d-

Yes, you do! Admit it. You’re useless, Pink. A liability. You’re good for the occasional party, but nothing else. Haven’t you ever noticed that the only people that laugh at your jokes are foals? Little kids? You’re not an entertainer. You’re a clown at a foal’s birthday party!

Shut up! There’s nothing wrong with-

What? Nothing wrong with being a clown? Good defense. Clown.

That’s not what I-

What then, Pinkie? What?

Just.. stop.

No. I won’t.

I don’t want to hear it anymore.




Shut it.

Clown. Pinkamena Diane Pie is a clown.

Shut up.

Pinkie is a clown. Pinkie is a big ol’ clown.

Shut up!


“Shut up!”

You’ll always be a clown, you know. A useless entertainer. You’ll never be anything more-

“Shut up!!” I yelled, and ran out of the room. I need to get away from here. It’s not doing me any good to stick around.

I don’t want to abandon those poor ponies; but I feel I would do more harm than good.

It’s for the best that I just.. leave it all alone. That’s what anypony would do.

“The buck was that?” I asked myself out-loud. I flipped the rainbow mane from my eyes as I turned back towards the door.

Pinkie came in with her hair straight, shouted, started crying, yelled ‘shut up’ and then ran away. That was.. very confusing.

“Is.. is Pinkie okay?” Applejack asked, coming up next to me.

I turned to her and shrugged. “I don’t.. think so? Her hair was straight. And.. we all know what happened last time that was the case.” I muttered.

“Why? Why? Why?! Because you've been lying to me and avoiding me all day, that's why!”

I shuddered at the memory. Pinkie can be rather scary when she’s bat-shit insane.

..like just recently.

“I’m gonna have to go see what’s wrong with her, aren’t I?” I asked.

Applejack shook her head, “Of course not. Ah don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but ya’ve kinda got a huge injury on your backside, Sugar. Ah don’t think you should be walk- wait, what ARE ya walkin around fer?” She realized mid-sentence. “Go sit down! That looks like it really hurts!” She demanded, pointing towards an open chair. Looked rather comfy.

“You know.” I said, turning to her as I felt my injury flare up. “I had forgotten about the injury. But you made me remember it.. and now it burns. Do you have painkillers?”

Applejack sighed, but tossed me a bottle of pills. “Rainbow, you are one odd individual.”

I grinned, but winced as the burning got stronger.

This actually really hurts.

Author's Note:

You probably noticed that I uploaded 3 chapters at once instead of the normal 1.

Uh.. Merry Christmas?


I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for being so late. I’m sorry for not updating. I just.. I got some writers block, the holiday season stressed me out.. it’s all just a mess. I’m sorry you all had to wait. I’m sorry I’ve been so absent.

I hope you enjoy these chapters.

Ily all, and..

Thanks for reading!