• Published 23rd Aug 2020
  • 3,632 Views, 338 Comments

Half-Life: Pastel Paradise - I aint no damn brownie

Equestria is in danger. It’s up to the crowbar-wielding physicist, Gordon Freeman, to save the day.

  • ...

Four Brave Champions

Dawn of the Black Day

0 days remain


I woke up quickly. I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock and threw off my covers. I grabbed my glasses, cleaned them, and tossed them on my face. I put on my undershirt and pants, and grabbed the HEV from its place in the closet. I unzipped the back and stepped inside. The auto-zip function did the rest.

“Welcome to the H.E.V. mark IV protective system, for use in hazardous environment conditions.

High impact reactive armor activated.

Atmospheric contaminant sensors activated.”

I felt a quick, but sharp, pain as the suit pricked a needle into my spine.

“Vital sign monitoring activated.

Automatic medical systems engaged.

Defensive weapon selection system activated.

Munition level monitoring activated.

Communications interface online.

Have a very safe day!”

Seems everything is in working condition.


Imagine there was like, rock music playing during that process. Or something.

I focused on the numbers in the corner of my vision.

Health: 100. That’s good.

Suit power: 53. Not so good. I need a charger.

Sadly, I don’t think there are any chargers in horse world. I guess I just have to work with what I have.

I grabbed my crowbar off the bedside table and hung it on one of the hooks. The HEV suit has a bunch of little hooks on the back of it for any bigger weapons, while it has a bunch of hooks on the front for any smaller weapons/tools. I kept my crowbar on my back because it allowed quick access, but it wasn’t a top weapon so I didn’t need to put it on the front of the suit.

I may not have any other weapons, but I’m keeping it there because I’m used to it. I don’t want to accidentally reach for something and not have it there.

I opened the door to my bedroom and walked out. I stared longingly at the interior before closing the door slowly.

I walked to the restroom, did my business (the suit had removable parts. Neat, huh?) and started brushing my teeth.


Why don’t I have a helmet?

The other scientists got helmets, so why not me? I feel like it would be quite important.

But whatever. It’s not like it mattered in the facility, right? I wasn’t exactly swimming in radiation.

I spit in the sink, washed my mouth out, and lightly trimmed my beard. I left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen.

Cheerilee sat at the table, holding her head in her hooves.

“You alright?” I asked. She looked up at me with puffy eyes. Had she been crying?

“..Not really, Gordon.” She said, looking down at the table again. “I’m really worried. About you. About Equestria.”

Oh. That.. makes sense.

I sat down at the table and put a hand on her hoof.

“Hey.” I said. She lifted her head and looked at me. “It’s gonna be fine. I got this. We got this. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Do you, Gordon?” She asked. “Do you have this?”


I don’t know.

“I... I hope, Cheerilee. But talking like that won’t get anything done! We’re gonna do it, even if it kills us.” I said, steeling my resolve.

She smiled slightly. “You’re right. I’m.. I’m being dumb. Everything will turn out okay.”

“Don’t call yourself dumb. Your feelings are understandable, Cheerilee.” I lightly scolded.

She stood up, and wrapped her forelegs around me tightly.

“Gordon?” She asked.


“Stay safe.. Please.” She whispered.

I nodded my head.

“Of course.” I muttered.

Damn. I’m supposed to be having therapy today, not her. Heh.

“Do you all remember the plan?” I asked the group. They all nodded.

The sun beat down on all of us. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. It was rather hot, but I crack that up to me wearing an insulated super suit. The trees were lush, the grass was green, and the world was fucked.

I got a good look at them.

They all had saddlebags. Well, Spike had a backpack. But they all wore bags.

Spike’s bag had a baseball bat sticking out of it. One of Dash’s bags had a baton sticking out of it, and Applejack had what looks like a frying pan. I guess they all took my advice. This is good.

“Oh! I almost forgot,” Spike said, pulling off his backpack. He reached in and pulled something out.

Is that a crossbow?

“This is a crossbow. Who wants it?” He asked. I was right!

“I’ll take it.” I said. Spike nodded, and handed it to me.

Hell yeah. Daddy’s home, bitches.

Spike handed me a bunch of magazines. “I stole these from the guard station. Let’s hope they don’t notice.” He chuckled nervously.

Horse world strikes again. This time by having magazines.

I shook my head. Not the time, Gordon. Not the time.

I put the crossbow on my side hook, and put the magazines in the magazine slot. Yeah! The suit has a slot for magazines! It’s handy.

I looked at the group.

They looked at me.


“So when is it happening?” Rainbow Dash asked.

I deflated, “I don’t actually know.”

They all groaned.

Roughly 3 hours of waiting later...

“I’m gonna go get a snack. Anyone want anything?” I asked. They shook their heads.

I stood up, and entered the house. I walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard.


What was that?

Eh, probably nothing.


That didn’t sound like nothing!

I quickly scrambled to get out of the house, tripping on my own feet multiple times.

“Gordon get out of there! It’s happening!” Spike yelled.

Thanks Captain Obvious!


“Princess! Princess Twilight!” The Captain of the Friendship Guard, Rusty Shield, cried out.

Princess Twilight looked at her subject, and friend. She didn’t like the sound of this. “What is it?”

“I.. I don’t know! These things.. they’re attacking Ponyville! They look dangerous, many have already been hurt!” He explained frantically.

Twilight went full panic mode. Gordon..

The bastard was right!

“Get your troops, and take care of the problem. And while you’re out there? Find Freeman, and take him out!” She yelled. She was not happy.

“What? Ma’am, who’s Freeman?” He asked, puzzled.

Twilight gained an embarrassed expression. Oh, right.

“He’s a bipedal stallion. He’s got a beard, and he looks weird. He wears glasses, and his eyes are green. He’s NOT a pony. He’s got claws like Spike. Speaking of Spike.. Jeeves, go find Spike.” She explained, looking over at a brown stallion.

Jeeves Junior, son of Jeeves Senior, nodded frantically. “Yes Princess!” The young man yelled, rushing off.

“Rusty Shield, go!” Twilight ordered. He nodded.

Twilight sighed. What is she going to do?


Rusty shield ran to the barracks, and slammed on the door. “Stallions, get your asses outta bed! We’ve got a situation!”

They sleep late in the day. A tired man wants to rest, after all. Sadly, it looked like they wouldn’t get their rest.

“Yes, Sir?” A sleepy guard said, rubbing his eyes.

“We’ve got a problem. I don’t know what it is.. but something’s invading Ponyville, and probably all of Equestria. Grab your crossbows and get moving! And if you encounter a biped with a beard, green eyes, and glasses, take him out! Princess’ orders!”

Sir, yes Sir!” They all yelled.

They ran to the weapons room, and grabbed their weapons. They went to grab the spare magazines, but few were left.

“Where did they all go?” One guard asked.

“I don’t know, Private! But take what’s left and GET MOVING!” Rusty Shield ordered.

They all scrambled to get their shit.

Life has a funny way of going about things.

Some people call it Murphy’s law. Which states that, “If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong.”

I call it.. being Gordon Freeman.

Because god damn, if life doesn’t love to fuck me.

I rushed out of the house, and instantly had to smash a headcrab with my crowbar. Oh, how I missed you guys. Not!

I looked back up at the group. They looked pretty grossed out at the display of violence. I walked over to them, and smacked a headcrab out of the air when it jumped for Rainbow.

“Watch yourself.” I said. She nodded fearfully, pulling out her baton.

Spike took out his bat, and Applejack took out her frying pan.

“Ah think Ah believe ya now..” She said, voice muffled slightly.

“Gee, I wonder why.” I said sarcastically.

I looked around. I tried to see if the teleporter was.. within sight. It was not.

“So.. if I were a teleporter, where would I be?” I asked myself. Probably in a big city, right?

“Spike.” I said. He looked at me.


“Which city in Equestria has the biggest, most dense population?” I asked. He put a claw to his chin.


“Where is Canterlot?”

“North. We can take the Friendship Express. It’s that way.” He said, pointing off in the distance.

Oh my god. The Friendship Express? That’s so lame.

I held back a chuckle, nodded, and started running that way. Nobody followed.

“Well, come on!” I exclaimed. They snapped out of their stupor and started running after me.

My ears picked up a voice, “Jacob, Sweetie, get the gun.”

“What? Why?”

“They’re back.”

I looked in the direction of the voices casually, but did a double take when I thought I saw a Black Mesa Security Guard uniform.

But.. it must’ve been my imagination. There was nobody there.


Oh, shit!

I tackled a mare out of the way of a headcrab. She was trying to talk to one, the dumbass!

“Hey, watch yourself! These things aren’t friendly.” I explained, pulling her up. She nodded fearfully and ran off.


I rushed up and smacked the houndeye with my crowbar. In its stunned state, I hit it again. One more time, and it died.


“Jump!” I yelled out. I was the only one that jumped.

Spike, RD, and AJ were all knocked over. Spike waved his finger at the nearby houndeye and it went up in flames.

...that’s still so damn cool.

I rushed over to them and helped them all stand up.

“Okay! So. Crash course. Those are called.. houndeyes, if I recall correctly. They can shoot out sonic booms after giving you tinnitus. There are these other things called.. bullsquids, that shoot toxic mucus and can swipe their spikey tail at you. Avoid that. Headcrabs.. avoid at all costs. Not only do they kill you, they will turn you into a zombie. Uh.. let’s see, what else? Oh yeah! Vortigaunts. They’re these one-eyed bipedal lanky dudes that shoot lightning. I only really recommend getting close to the houndeyes and headcrabs. Wait for a headcrab to jump at you, dodge, and then take it out. With houndeyes? Just bum-rush ‘em and hope for the best. I think that’s it. You got all that?” I explained.

They all nodded at the same time. Look, I doubt you all got that. But I’ll trust that you did.

Rainbow swung her baton at a headcrab that jumped for a nearby stallion. It died in midair. The stallion ran off, like a PUSSY. Rainbow dropped her baton and looked a little queasy.

I walked up to her and put a hand on her withers, causing her to flinch.

“You doing okay?” I asked.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever killed something..” She whispered fearfully.

“Well, these things don’t really have emotions, remember. They’re kinda just mindless monsters, purely designed to cause harm. I doubt they even have the nerve receptors to feel pain.”

She stared at me.

“That make you feel any better?” I asked, elbowing a jumping headcrab.

“Not at all.”

“You get used to it.” I said, pulling out my crossbow and shooting a bullsquid.

“Do you really?” She asked.

“Not at all.” I said, and inhaled.

EVERYPONY! GET YOUR ASSES INSIDE! LOCK YOUR DOORS!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Many nearby ponies sprung into action, rushing off. And subsequently, out of our way.

“Well, come on! To the train station!” I yelled, quickly dashing off. I looked behind me to see that they were following me. Good.

“I’ll lead!” Spike said, rushing up ahead of me. “I know where it is.. and I don’t think you do.” He explained, looking at me.

“Good idea! Yeah, you’re right, I didn’t actually know where it was.” I admitted.

I looked around for anyone in danger. I shot a houndeye off in the distance, and pierced a nearby vortigaunt’s skull with the sharp end of my crowbar. I ripped it out and smacked a nearby headcrab. Dash and AJ were fucking up their fair share of headcrabs as we all rushed to get to the station. I don’t know when that train leaves, but I sure hope it isn’t too soon.

Wait.. is that?

Is that a zombie pony?

Oh shit..

I mean I expected it, but I didn’t expect it at the same time, you get me?

I bashed it over the head with my crowbar and dodged out of the way of its claws. I rushed back in and slammed the tool down again, 3 times in succession. I jumped back, and went back in. 3 more hits, but I didn’t dodge all the way and it swiped at me with claw-hooves.

“Agh!” I yelled, and slammed my crowbar down 3 more times. It finally perished.

Minor lacerations detected.”

Health: 90. Damn it, I can’t be reckless like that.

I turned to face the crew and they all stood there, shocked looks on their faces.

“Relax. It was a zombie. There’s no curing them.” I explained. “I trusted that you all understood the ramifications when you chose to come on this journey with me. We’re going to be encountering many more of these things, so get it out of your system now.”

Applejack threw up.

“Ya.. ya jus’ killed a pony!” She dry-heaved.

“Zombie. It was already dead. Now come on. I don’t know when that train is leaving, and if we get caught up on every death, then we’re never going to make it to Canterlot. I recommend just disassociating! Works for me.” I said, and started running again.

Spike pat Applejack on the withers and rushed after me.

Rainbow Dash sighed and looked at Applejack.

“Look, AJ. I’m not very good at this mushy stuff.. but it’s gonna be okay. The faster we get to the station means it’s faster that this whole thing will be over. I’m not too comfortable with it either, but Equestria needs us. I care about everypony, and that includes you guys. I don’t want anypony else getting hurt. And if you are hesitant to take somepony out.. then that can mean disaster. Now, come on. They’re leaving us in the dust!” Rainbow chuckled.

Applejack smiled. “Thanks.”

On the inside, she didn’t feel much better. Rainbow was, indeed, not good at mushy stuff.

“Anytime.” Rainbow said, running off. “Hey guys! Wait up!”

Applejack shook her head and chuckled.

That crazy pony.

I rushed up to the ticket booth at the train station, only to find a dead guy inside. Damn it!

“How are we gonna get on the train now?!” Spike yelled.

I sighed. “Crime.”

I rushed up to the actual train, intending to sneak on.

Something hit the back of my suit. I looked back and saw a bunch of royal guards.

“I hit him!” One yelled.

The god damn.. MILITARY!!

I shot the bastard with my own crossbow and ran towards the train, intending to just GET OUTTA THERE.

“Let’s get going! Avoid the guards!” I yelled. The crew all nodded, and ran alongside me.

I ran towards the train, hoping to stowaway on like, a cargo cart or something.

Only to find that the train was already moving. Ope.

I ran after the train, hoping to catch up. Since the ponies are ponies and can run faster than me, they caught up to it and jumped on one of the open-sided cargo carts. They grabbed Spike’s hand and pulled him up, and stuck their hooves out for me.

“Gordon, come on!” Rainbow yelled. Damn it, this is just like those shitty movies!

I avoided an arrow that came for my head, and kept running.

I tried my hardest, but I couldn’t catch up. They were getting too far. The caboose is coming up.

Wait, the caboose! Don’t they usually have guardrails?

I pulled out my crowbar and waited for it to come up. Come on, hands.. don’t fail me now.

As it zoomed past, I stuck out my crowbar and latched onto a bar. The thing hooked on, and I flew into the air.


Okay.. now what?

If I can climb up.. I can use that door to enter the train. Good plan, me.

I used what little upper-body strength I had to pull myself up the length of my crowbar. I sighed in relief when I finally grabbed the railing and pulled myself over, standing near the entrance door. I fell to the floor in exhaustion.

Holy shit, that was intense. I’m so exhausted, too. I could just lie down here.. and slee-

No! Gotta keep moving.

I swung open the doors to the caboose and was tackled instantly by a zombie. I stuck my crowbar in its mouth to hold it off, and kicked it with my feet. It flew over the railing and onto the tracks. I stood back up, and gained a more defensive position.

I smacked a nearby headcrab into a wall and it died. These things are weaker than I remember.

Or maybe I’m stronger. Who knows.

I made it to the end of the train car and swung open the next door. Cargo..

What’s the point of the caboose if you can’t even GET to it?

I climbed the ladder and stepped into the cart, surprised at how soft the inside felt. I pulled back the tarp to see what was inside.



Not gonna question it.

I continued through the odd landscape and jumped to the next train car, only to be blown back. I grabbed the edge of the pillow cart, which put too much strain on my shoulder, and finally dislocated it. I yelped in pain as I pulled myself up.

“Minor dislocation detected. Morphine administered.”

So, don’t jump on a train. Physics don’t allow it.

I hyped myself up.

“Okay.. Gordon. Be a man, be a man, be a man!”

I popped my shoulder back into place and let out an ear-piercing shriek. That hurts WAY more than I thought! Shouldn’t the morphine be-

There it is. Sweet relief..

I walked back through the pillow paradise, and slowly stepped onto the next cart.

This one contained coal. That’s more realistic.

The next cart contained gemstones.

...I did not steal any.

The next cart was more pillows.

And the next one was an open-sided one. It just contained a few crates.

The next was another open-sided one. This one contained exactly what I was looking for.

I slammed down into the cart through the roof entrance. “I’m back.”

Something hard collided with my head, and everything went black.

You know..

That was probably a bad decision on my part.

Author's Note:

Fuckin’ finally! Out of the first arc and into the next one! Only after the length of my entire first story. Awesome.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I’m not very good at writing action, so forgive me if it’s a little.. underwhelming? I guess? Yeah.

Title reference: Castle Crashers. Title of the main theme.

Think I’m gonna start including the specific reference in the A/N now. It’d work better, and I won’t have to shoehorn in an awkward way of mentioning it.

One more thing: the part where Gordon thinks he sees someone named ‘Jacob’ in a Black Mesa security guard uniform is a reference to the story Black Bloom by BronyCommander. That guy‘s a chad and the least I could do is give him some more exposure for all he’s done for me. I recommend checking it out.

Tell me of any mistakes! Criticism is welcome in any form! Constructive, destructive, neutral, anything! Hope you have a good day, and..

Thanks for reading!