• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 17,319 Views, 1,732 Comments

A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

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Chapter 13

Exiting the town hall after her meeting with the Colonel, Six was met with an orange sky as the Sun began its descent below the horizon. Night had fallen for the second time since Six’s arrival and with her technically under ‘base-arrest’, The Spartan doubted that she would see any more action today and decided to call it a night early.

So with the barracks as her destination, Six began to make her way through the base to get some rest. But as the Spartan began her journey another important task would have to come first. And this task became known by the hunger that became known halfway towards the barracks. Six needed some food so she made a detour towards the ‘mess hall’

In reality, it was one of the less damaged restaurants next to the town hall, having been repurposed until the civilian population was allowed to return. The store was abuzz with activity from what she could see through the glass storefront. Soldiers were chatting, laughing, eating you name it. Each and every one of them forming a rainbow of color without their enchanted helmets equipped. For these soldiers there was no war, it was just them and their comrades enjoying a meal. Muffled sounds of conversation filling the Spartan’s ears.

But as the Spartan entered the building, such sounds of conversation died out as these soldiers stared at the massive soldier. For many of these soldiers had only heard the stories from their comrades about the armored Pegasus, never having seen her in the flesh, until now that is.

Ignoring the sudden influx of stares being directed at the Spartan, already gotten used to it from her fellow marines in the UNSC, She made her way through the building and up towards the counter. Some type of salad was being served to the soldiers. Six, feeling only slightly jealous that they got actual food instead of ration packs, grabbed a bowl and made her way towards one of the surprisingly empty tables. Silence permeating the room as the soldiers watched on in curiosity.

This restaurant used cushions instead of wooden chairs on the ground as seats allowing the Spartan the luxury of not having to sit on the ground. Not that it really mattered anyway since she wouldn’t be able to feel either the cushion or the ground through her armor but it was the thought that counted.

Taking a seat on the cushion, her salad on the table in front of her, Six dug in. As the Spartan ate, the sounds of conversation began to start up again all around her. Every now and then Six could hear snip bits of conversation concerning her. Six didn’t care however as she sat alone at her table, munching on her salad.

Luckily for the Spartan however she wouldn’t be sitting alone much longer when a familiar Squad took a seat at her table. It being none other than Spear, Sparrow, and Pixy, the other Pegasus having a guilty look on her face. Swallowing her food the Spartan let a small smile grace her face at the sight of these soldiers, it wavering only slightly when she gazed at Pixy.

“It’s good to see you all again.” Began the Spartan.

“No thanks to you, Lieutenant. Can’t walk around for two minutes without hearing somepony talking about you.” Said Spear with a snort of amusement as he took his helmet off. With the helmet removed the color enchantment broke revealing the blue unicorn with a blond mane underneath. Following their IC’s example, the other two also removed their helmets.

Sparrow had some difficulty removing his helmet, his foreleg having been healed using magic but still leaving it quite sore and hard to move without pain. He still got it off, however, his coat turning a light shade of green, his mane turning black.

Pixy’s coat, however, remained the same color, a stark white. The only visible change in color being that one of her wings became a deep crimson matching her short red mane.

“Even after all these years Pixy. I still believe you dyed your wing.” Said Sparrow in amusement eyeing the offending appendage with a smile and a small shake of his head. Pixy simply stuck her tongue out at the earth pony earning another chuckle from Sparrow.

“Speaking of… Six do you ever remove your armor?” Questioned Sparrow turning his head to look at the Spartan

“In the middle of a city that was occupied by hostile forces until only 8 -or so- hours ago? Never.” Answered the Spartan before grabbing another spoonful of salad.
Six swallowed before continuing. “It would also take a while to fully get out of my armor. Way too long in the middle of a war.”

“Ah, understandable, don’t want to get caught out of your armor if they counterattack.” Said Sparrow in an understanding tone

“More like ‘this armor may never under any circumstances be allowed to fall into the hands of the unauthorized personnel’” Corrected Six before taking another bite.

“ Yeah guess that works too, buddy.” Added Pixy with a laugh only to seemingly regret her word choice and start backpedaling. “ Oh I...eh didn’t me-“

“It’s fine...buddy” interrupted Six with a smirk on her face causing the Pegasus to laugh nervously but smile warmly back at the Spartan. Six really couldn’t stay mad at Pixy. Not that she was, a Spartan doesn’t hold grudges because of a mistake. Unless your Covenant but that's self explanatory. And with the way Pixy tried to backpedal, it was safe to say she learned her lesson when talking to Six, and what buttons not to push.

After that exchange, the group continued eating the Squad talking amongst themselves as Six listened in silence, Pixy's mood having risen considerably. She had nothing to contribute and just wanted to keep to herself. Some habits as a lone wolf never go away and when you’ve been one for as long as Six has those habits became a lifestyle.

Until Noble that is.

Six once again found her thoughts drifting back to Noble Team as she looked at the squad sitting with her. They were no Spartan team that’s for sure, their demeanor certainly proved that. But that didn’t really matter to her. They would have each other’s backs through thick and thin. Just like what Noble did for her during the Fall of Reach.

Shaking her head slightly to rid herself of those depressing thoughts Six instead focused on finishing her food instead of thinking about her lost friends. It only took several more minutes for the Spartan to finish her food and say her goodbyes to the trio. Exiting the building onto the moonlit street, Six began to make her way back towards her original destination looking to get some much-needed sleep for the super-soldier. After walking for roughly 10 more minutes Six had made her way into the barracks. At its entrance was a scroll showing who was given which bed.

Finding the name ‘Lieutenant Six’ on the scroll, she made her way towards the room it pointed out. And when she reached her destination Six found herself quite surprised at the sleeping arrangements she was provided.

Instead of just being given a standard bunk with the rest of the Privates, she had been given a room all to herself. Whether it was because of Command Sergeant Wild’s Intervention, the Lieutenant Colonel’s distrust meaning this room was probably under surveillance. Or simply because the ponies saw her as a hero, Six could not tell.

The room was quite small and bare. The only objects being a wooden table, chair, and bed for the Spartan. Six sighed at the sight.

Sometimes I hate that I weigh half a ton with this armor.

Author's Note:

Do you have any idea how close I was to calling this chapter

It has been done

Fun Fact!
Mjolnir armor weighs 1000lbs
A Spartan-III weighs 200-300lbs unarmored
A Spartan-II weighs 300-400lbs unarmored
And Math dictates Rainbow dash weighs 168lbs

I wonder what you'll do with this info?
Maybe figure out how much Six weighs?
Who knows?

Well I certainly don't!