• Published 31st Aug 2020
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A Noble Death - LSTS Connor

Spartans never die, they go missing in action. Now armed with a new body the 'Hyper-lethal Vector's' journey hasn't ended yet

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Chapter 8

If you asked any marine and or ODST whether the Spartans had it easy with their high tech armor and superhuman augmentations they would of course answer yes. But if you asked the same question to any Spartan they would most likely ignore you and go off and on what normal people would call a suicide mission and come back with more kills than you could count.

So when it came down to the imminent battle Six would undertake where she was massively outnumbered, outmagiced, and deep behind enemy lines with little to no hope of getting reinforced and or extract. Six was wondering just how many bodies it would take before the enemy started thinking of her as a demon instead of a soldier.

‘Heh… just like 117’

Having left the group behind, Six was all on her own now moving along the street, looking for a way in. She circled the compound like a stalking wolf, her strategic mind going over every possible entry-point and way to hunt her prey. There were guards everywhere along the outskirts of the compound, each one armed with a spear and or sword. Six couldn’t help but a little sorry for them as she doubted they could even scratch her armor if they even got past her shield.

But one should never underestimate your enemy as many cocky soldiers lost their lives that way and Six was not planning on joining them. And after several minutes of circling, she had found her entrance.

The main entrance to the compound.

The heavily fortified and manned entrance to the compound with patrols, sandbags, and what looked like crossbow armed air support in the form of a flying object approaching the town hall. It was the perfect place to draw attention to herself

‘Time to kick the door down’

And kick the door down she did as she lunged at the closest guard her wings once again in front of her face. The guard barely had time to scream before the spark of life had already left his body, leaving the guard to collapse to the ground dead.

His partner was barely able to sound the alarm with a yell before a knife was embedded into his skull. It had really hit the fan now as the sound of running hooves filled the air, the sound of a siren going off following shortly afterward.

Six had kicked the hornet’s nest... but when had overwhelming odds ever stopped a Spartan?

“Who knew Equestria would be this easy to invade? '' Was all that Kommandant Mobius of the 4th Infantry Battalion ‘Ribbon’ could think having been given the all-clear that the city had been taken and was safe for him to enter. He had just arrived above what was supposed to be the new HQ for the region of Las Pegasus or soon to be renamed to mnemonica Martynova. With the Equestrian military pushed out of the city and the Queen herself leading the takeover of Canterlot victory seemed assured, all that was missing was the piece of paper saying so. But when he had entered the city's airspace and began his final approach to what would be his ticket up in the ranks the alarm siren could be heard.

Deciding to watch whatever was happening from above until it was dealt with he laughed out loud when he saw a lone figure with two dead lings lying behind them surrounded on all sides by his glorious Changeling Heer. His troops had steamrolled through the local garrison in only an hour, one more suicidal guard wouldn’t stop them. If anything it was free love for his troops and revenge for killing two fellow lings. Then what could only be described as a nightmare incarnate was witnessed by the Kommandant.

A single private stepped forward, an angry scowl on his face upon seeing the two bodies, fangs glinting in the sun. “Pony! We have you surrounded! Surrender now or be annihilated!”

The said nothing in response, the only sound cutting through the air being the dripping on green blood off of their wings. The Kommandant ordered his carriage closer, he couldn’t recognize the armor that the pony was wearing from any VOPS intelligence reports he had read through.

He wanted to understand his enemy and having a pony in unknown armor decide to attack his base alone, did not bode well. It was either a really stupid mercenary or a secret weapon. After all, although it could never be confirmed by any VOPS operatives, there was a rumor of a highly trained and elite Unit in the Equestrian military. They were just rumors however but the Kommandant didn’t completely dismiss the idea that they may be dealing with this unit. If they even existed in the first place.

The seconds dragged on as nopony or ling moved as the Kommandant got closer to the stand-off.

The ponies' menacing unmoving statue began to slowly unnerve soldiers. The sound of dripping blood still being the only thing breaking the silence.


A ling stepped forward, hoof cuffs in hand. The Pony remained unmoving.


The soldiers tightened their grip on their weapons as the Kommandant’s carriage was floating just above them, it’s shadow surrounding the Spartan.


The lone ling stood in front of the Spartan, her only movement being the slight tilt of her head to look down at the smaller soldier. The imposing statue of Six looking down at him caused an involuntary shaking in fear to manifest itself.


Then as if the very heavens themselves had just split open a massive *boom* was heard as the eastern horizon turned a light shade of pink.

The soldier standing just in front of the Spartan yelped in fright before being cut down in one fell swing of the Spartans wing. The other soldiers and the Kommandant were brought out of their staring at the pink horizon by the sound of the soldiers’ body hitting the ground.

“Attack!” Yelled the Kommandant before he started sending message after message trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

Meanwhile on the ground below the battle had just begun. They attacked from all directions, weapons poised to strike a killing blow. With revenge and rage flowing through their green blood they would annihilate this pony who dared to kill their comrades.

Six however didn’t move, her stance still low and her wings extended. A renewed green shade covering her armored feathers.

The sheer amount of hooves impacting the ground as they charged at Six caused the ground to shake as if an earthquake were upon them.

Then as if time itself stood still, the Spartan made her move.

She jumped right towards the approaching soldiers.

Then what only could be described as a bloodbath soon followed.

Every movement was calculated. Every flap of her wings was lethal. It was the combination of years of combat and training which led to this perfect movement of death.

The edge of her feathers cut through their chitin as if it were butter. The sounds of bodies hitting the ground never ceased as she moved through the swarm with the occasional sound which sounded like glass being struck filling the air as the pony was surrounded in a golden glow.

This wasn’t a battle. It was a nightmare.


The bodies kept piling up and all the Kommandant could do was watch in horror as his beautiful battalion was cut down by this demon of a pony. He and his troops had led the defense of the capital during the darkest days of the changeling civil war. Because of his leadership, his soldiers lead the changeling race to unity and glory. They had faced overwhelming odds against the Veltix swarm of the north and won. And it was all coming undone right before his dark blue eyes. And all the while one message from the queen herself was heard.


It was weak...strained...broken. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what had happened. Their attack had failed.

Their Queen was defeated.

The ponies had won… and there was only one last thing to do before any more needless changeling lives were lost. So with a heavy heart, Mobius gave the order for only the second time in his career.


Two steps left, horizontal strike

Another body hits the ground.

Duck under the sword, continue strike into the exposed chest.

Another soldier gives his life.

Horn glowing, prioritize caster. At range, throw dropped Spear.

More fear instilled into their hearts. This was the cycle Six had created. From soldier to soldier, body to body. Her heart was heavy, this isn’t a fight between soldiers... it’s a massacre. Every hit to her shield was weak and swiftly dealt with. Their magic bolts were about as strong as a Covenant plasma pistol, but every time one hit her shield their caster was swiftly dealt with.

Is this how it felt to be the Covenant? To have an overwhelming advantage. It made Six sick to her stomach. All this bloodshed. Some may have called her hypocritical for she had fought against an entire army alone and slaughtered thousands. But there she was against an enemy that wanted nothing more than genocide because of their fanatical beliefs.

These people...these insectoid soldiers weren’t like that.

Just give up already

Six would still fight, she would still kill in Defence of others but at this point she wants them to run. Just like when she took down those militia groups. Fighting the Covenant was one thing, fighting fellow humans who had the option and the will to surrender was another. And she hoped these guys would do the same and just give up.

So when she heard the insectoid shout above her and saw the soldiers start running. She was glad to see them run and she doubted they would return. And soon the sky was filled with retreating soldiers, their buzzing wings carrying them away from the Spartan once they had retreated a set distance away from her.

The stomps of retreating hooves were music to her ears as it meant an end to this pointless bloodshed.
The ground was littered with bodies and her armor was covered in green blood, she doubted that most of them would ever forget the image of her covered in their comrades' blood. The carriage above left her line of sight as more marching hooves could be heard in the distance.

From the front line behind her, she had however realized after following the sounds. Had her attack done more than just distract or was it the fading pink in the sky? Perhaps both or maybe they were calling for reinforcements. Whatever it was she would be ready as she lowered herself back down into a pouncing position.

She watched her motion sensor like a hawk. The seconds ticked by as the marching got closer then after an agonizing wait, a yellow marker appeared at the tracker’s edge.

Well I guess it’s option one then

Standing back up straight Six made her way back to the main entrance stepping over the bodies she had made.

Did she feel guilty about what she had done? No, this is war there is no time for guilt. If anything she felt sorry for the soldiers that they were sent against her to die.

Did she regret her actions?
