• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 12 - Raptor.


Celestia is currently in her bed-chamber as Luna’s beloved moon shines brightly over the blackness of her night. The sun alicorn was left to ponder about these recent events. She held a meeting with the other world leaders, which went rather well despite the chaos that ensued at first, to which Discord was more than happy.

“I can’t tell if that draconequus or Overseer, whatever he calls himself, is trying to truly help us or simply continues to play along until he resets us all.” The white alicorn then lets out a sad sigh. “Oh, Twilight… should I have come with you all to that Ark? I feel I could’ve done more.”

“You’re helping Twily by being here to take care of Equestria in her stead, auntie,” A new yet familiar voice says, which causes Celestia’s ears to perk up as she turns towards its’ source.

“Cadence? Did you teleport into my quarters? What are you doing here in Canterlot? How are things going in The Empire?”

“Careful, auntie, you almost sound like Twilight with all those questions,” Cadence responds with a giggle. “To answer them in order: Yes, yes, I’m here to talk about these recent events, utter chaos, pure and absolute chaos. Fortunately, Shining Armor managed to calm things down with Prince Rutherford’s help, who came to visit us and ask about the Green Obelisk. It certainly helps to have physically powerful yaks on your side to establish order in times like these. Perhaps we could hire some of them for the guard?”

Celestia chuckles, “Indeed, my dear niece. Ah, that would explain why I didn’t see Prince Rutherford or most of the other yaks at our meeting here in Canterlot.”

“Anything important to report? How did the other nations react?”

“Like yourself, Dragon Lord Ember and Queen Novo are the ones whose kingdoms are closest to the other Obelisks. You explained it perfectly, utter chaos. By the way, where is He-”

Suddenly, Celestia’s words are cut off as she and Cadence could hear a commotion outside Celestia’s bed chambers.


“Halt! You mysterious object!” A stallion earth guardspony shouts as they aim their spear towards a certain AI. The scenario occurs just in front of the sun monarch’s chamber entrance.

“Look, love, I’m with Princess Cadence. It’s just that I went off to-”

“You will not say the name of one of the Princesses so casually, creature!” Interjects the brown-coated guard.

“Wow… racist much? Well, I’m just a machine, but still. Look, I’m going to assume that you’re under a lot of- Woah!” Helena shouts as she dodges a swing from the guard’s golden spear. “What the bloody hell?! I didn’t attack you or anything!”

“Be silent!” The guardspony exclaims as they prepare to strike at their foe once more. That is until a golden aura covers the door behind the guardspony. The door opens as the Princesses witness this shocking sight.

“Princesses, please excuse me if I had interrupted anything,” The guard starts as he comes to attention. “This strange creature claims to know Princess Cadence and just flew right into the castle without any proper-”

“She is with us, my dear pony,” Celestia interjects in a motherly tone. “Her name is Helena. The being floating before you is the same entity who has been working diligently to explain those strange objects to us. I take full responsibility for this misunderstanding.”

“N-no! Please, your highnesses, allow me to take the blame,” The guardspony turns their gaze back towards Helena, “Please forgive me; I was performing my duties and, admittedly, have been under a lot of stress as of late. Also, I’d like to correct you on something...”

“No worries, love! Just don’t go swinging that spear of yours at me again. It’s a pain to create another HLN-A Unit and then jettison it off to this installation from Earth. I’m sorry, I rambled there for a bit. You mentioned that you wanted to correct me on something?”

“Ah, yes… you see, I’m not a racist, as you bluntly put it. My special someone happens to be a kirin, a non-pony, and she’s the absolute love of my life. We plan to be wedded within the coming month. I did, however, react poorly to your presence, and I truly apologize.”

“No harm, no foul, love. Congratulations on your wedding!”

“Thank you, Helena,” The guardspony responds, clearing their throat afterward with a forehoof raised to their neck, “Please, excuse my actions and proceed inside.”

Helena nods in response as she floats past the guard and comes face to face with the shocked expressions of The Princesses, Cadence closing the door via her pink magical aura.

“I must say, I thought you’d be angry with that guardspony. I appreciate your forgiveness, Helena,” Celestia comments.

“Nah, no need to worry about it. I’ve always tried to lessen the number of enemies I make. Unless your name’s Edmund Rockwell.”

“We would like to talk about that in the future,” Celestia responds, taking her place on her bed, “For now, I would like to look into something that has been bothering me.”

“Yes?” Helena questions.

“Sunset Shimmer’s world and its connection to ours. I already sent her a letter earlier, and she should be stopping by in the morning.”


Everyone is currently lost within the sweet embrace of sleep. Even Helena had her version of this action as the AI leaned against Twilight in a passive-like state.

Fluttershy could feel something was wrong as the yellow pegasus slowly came to. In a sudden sense of horror, she sees something appear before her very eyes that sends a chill down her spine.

Your Shira - Lvl 103 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80!

Your Didel - Lvl 13 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80!

Your Annabeth - Lvl 31 (Dodo) was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80!

The list continued to go on, and she could even hear the horrifying cries of her tames as she flickered her ears about. Without hesitation, she brings forth her spear via the pegasus’s implant and runs with all due haste to the exit. She swings the door open, and what she sees before her sends surges of sorrow and fear throughout her entire body.

An entity held one of her tamed Dodos within its’ maw as all around it are its other victims' mangled remains. Fluttershy could only stare on in horror as she muttered the words:


The Raptor drops its prey as it launches itself towards the pegasus, who jumps into the air and avoids its strike. However, the Raptor slams itself against the doorframe, which instantly causes everyone else within to jolt themselves awake.

“What in tarnation was that?!” Applejack exclaims.

“Wait a bucking minute, what’s with these messages?! Our Dodos are being killed?!” Rainbow Dash shouts.

“Everypony!” Fluttershy shouts from outside as she is currently positioned on the roof of their home, looking down upon the Raptor who eyed her hungrily. “There’s a Raptor outside of our home! It killed my Dodos!”

“We have to tame it!” Helena exclaims, which causes everyone else to shout in unison:


As this goes on, the Raptor tries to break into their shelter as it claws angrily against the wooden structure.

“We need an ally at our side to increase our strength. A Lvl 80 Raptor is an excellent start! Get your clubs out and whack that thing!”

“That sounds so barbaric!” Rarity shouts in response.

“No, Helena is right,” Twilight says as she materializes her club. “If we can tame this carnivore, it can help us collect meat and hide. Remember everything Helena taught us yesterday, everyone. We have to make drastic decisions on our journey and if taming a Raptor is the start of our success, then fine!”

“I’ll tank it for us!” Spike proclaims as he starts to make his way towards the exit.

“Spike! No! I won’t have you-”

“No, Twilight! Let him go. He’s perfect for taking that thing’s attacks for us as we attempt to tame it.” Helena interjects.


“No buts, egghead. I’ve seen Spike take on a large bird, and some Raptor that’s barely even half of its size isn’t going to stop him. He’s our best hope!” Rainbow Dash exclaims.

Spike was now outside as Fluttershy was still on the roof, looking down upon the Raptor who was currently positioned just behind the structure as she says:

“Spike! It’s over here! Go around the house; it’s trying to get in!”

“I’m coming!”

As the young dragon makes his way around the structure, everyone else comes outside to see the horrifying sight and aid the dragon. Rainbow Dash hops onto the roof with Fluttershy as she bares her club and hops onto the Raptor.

“Giddy up, buddy!” Rainbow Dash antagonizes as she holds onto the entity while clubbing away at its head. The Raptor roars out as it starts to buck her off; however, Rainbow isn’t alone as Spike intervenes and says:

“Rainbow, keep clubbing it while I-”

“Woah!” Rainbow roars out as the Raptor manages to toss her off its’ back before pouncing onto Spike, pinning him to the ground.

As this goes on, Helena instructed Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack to harvest the corpses of the slaughtered Dodos to get their hides and some meat. The AI then teaches Rarity to create a few bolas as she shows her the recipe to forge it.

Back with the conflict, Spike was currently pinned down to the ground as the Raptor tried its best to puncture his flesh. Fortunately, much like what had happened with the Argentavis, the sickled toes of the entity failed to pierce his flesh, but that alone wouldn’t be enough as the Raptor was physically stronger than the young dragon. Fluttershy grits her teeth and hops off the roof onto the back of the Raptor as she copies Rainbow Dash’s actions and holds onto its’ back while clubbing it.

“I’m sorry, Raptor! But I won’t let you hurt my friends!” The yellow pegasus does manage to get some good hits in as the Raptor attempts to throw her off. Having learned from its’ earlier experience with the cyan pegasus, Fluttershy is baffled by the Raptor grabbing her with its’ left arm and tossing her off its’ back. The Raptor then gets off of Spike and rushes towards the yellow pegasus.

“Fluttershy! Watch out!” Spike exclaims while the aforementioned pony is getting back onto her hooves.

The Raptor leaps into the air and prepares to pounce onto the pegasus, teeth, and claws ready to tear into her flesh. That is until a cyan-colored pegasus pushes Fluttershy aside. Instead, the Raptor pounces on top of Rainbow Dash as she struggles under its’ grasp. The sickled toe of its left foot raises over her throat region as the entity growls hungrily at the downed pegasus. The world went into slow motion for Spike and Fluttershy as they both tried to intervene. Sadly, this wouldn’t come to pass as the Raptor’s claw comes down upon Rainbow Dash and what everyone sees next sends absolute chills down their spines.

Tribemember Rainbow Dash - Lvl 10 was killed by a Raptor - Lvl 80!

A tear escapes from Fluttershy’s eye while Spike stares on in horror. The yellow pegasus grits her teeth in anger as she then roars out:

“How dare you do that to her! You deserve... The Stare!”

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