• Published 8th Jan 2021
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Ark: Friendship is Survival - Pomp-Neigh

Equus, a world of magic and many strange yet wonderous forms of life. However, is this world truly natural? Or could it possibly be... artificial?

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Chapter 41 - Battle For Ponyville Pt:1


The sounds of energy blasts and firing projectiles sound off in the skies of Ponyville as both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker wage war against the Corrupted Master Controller.

Megan Williams watches proudly from below, and those who defended Twilight Sparkle’s castle look at her in pure shock.

“Who… who are you?” Starlight Glimmer inquires, Gallus standing beside her while several other defenders approach. Iron Will and Derpy Hooves are most notable among them.

“Are you the reason why both Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are here? They shouldn’t even BE here, to begin with.”

“That’s not important right now, Starlight, but I do promise to explain things after you all get to safety,” Megan interjects. “Listen to me: I need you all to evacuate everyone within the castle and get them to Canterlot. Lyra and the others will be here momentarily.”

“Why should we trust you?!” Gallus questions with a suspicious expression. “For all we know, you could be another one of that monster’s tricks! Some sick joke just to give us false hope!”

Several bystanders agree with the griffon’s accusation, while others inertly question Gallus’s validation.

“That’s a fair question,” Megan responds. “Sadly, I have no way of earning your trust, only that I am indeed a friend and ally…” The Homo-deus’s eyes reflect her inner pleading. “Please… just listen to me.”

“Oh, gee, that’s very reassuring, friend,” Gallus sassily responds while rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, a booming voice roars out from above:

“Everycreature! Defend thyself!”

Everyone looks skyward as one of the CMC’s purple energy beams is en route towards them, and those words of warning originate from Nightmare Moon. A vibrant lavender light nearly blinds them as the projectile travels closer at frightening speeds, beckoning its targets to shield their eyes in response.

They all expected to hear some form of painful exclamation from the unfortunate individual(s) who had been struck. But upon hearing screeching energy and a feminine grunt instead, Gallus, in particular, opens his orbs and sees Megan William’s extended right hand. In addition, the homo-deus’s actions have erected a multicolored dome all around them as the CMC’s attack struggles against the outer portions of the protective shell.

All the while, infected entities remain at the castle’s boundaries as its ever-present repulsive effects are still active. In addition, Noglin controlled entities are still being held back by the command of the CMC.

“Go!” Megan roars out, gritting her teeth. “Get everyone out of here, now!” The homo-deus then slaps her hands together before spreading them apart, and in response, the dome-shaped protection began to expand itself. A wall of multicolored energy now shields the castle as a whole.

Following affirmative nods, Starlight Glimmer and Iron Will are the first to act. The large minotaur points his right index finger towards the castle while shouting:

“Well?! You all heard her! Come, follow Iron Will,” He gestures with his hands, “Let’s get those within to safety!”

The remaining defenders shuffle towards the minotaur while Starlight fires up her horn.

“I’m good for a few more teleportation spells!” She turns her gaze towards other magically gifted individuals, changelings, unicorns, deer, kirin, and the like. “Let’s transport the young and injured first!”

As Starlight and her fellow defenders approach the castle, the unicorn takes notice of Gallus’s stunted state. The griffon simply stared at the homo-deus before him with a wide-eyed expression, not moving a single muscle.

A sudden light-purple hoof sets itself onto the griffon’s right shoulder, “Gallus,” Starlight starts. “Come on… It’s time to go.”

Gallus glances towards Starlight before looking back at Megan, but what he sees strolling down her right cheek washes away all doubts. A glistening liquid travels down to the homo-deus’s chin before falling to the earth below like a raindrop. But instead of dampening the dirt, the tear bursts into sparkling energy before sizzling away.

“Gallus!” Starlight exclaims, garnering the griffon’s attention once more. “We’re not helping anycreature by standing around and doing nothing!”

The authority of Starlight’s voice causes Gallus to nod in response before joining his teacher towards the castle and getting evacuation efforts underway. But just before he enters the structure, Gallus looks over his left shoulder and towards Megan once more before muttering:

“I’m sorry…”


“Face us, coward!” Nightmare Moon screams out while performing an aerial maneuver, dodging several purple energy projectiles. “We art thy opponents, so leave everycreature else out of this!”

As the AI’s eyes track the dark mare’s form, the CMC comments:

“Ridiculous. You do know no one talks like that anymore, right?”

“Verily. But if it annoys thee, then we shalt not concede to thy ear’s discomfort!”

The CMC was about to respond to the dark alicorn’s words with another attack, but a surge of flames splashes against the AI’s form as Daybreaker’s opened maw is the point of origins. However, a lavender barrier of stitched together hexagons protects Edmund’s consciousness as laughter is let loose from the entity.

“Your attacks are pitiful. You both are but mere Guardians trying to strike at-”

“Oh, will you just shut up already?!” Daybreaker interjects with an annoyed tone before surrounding her form in swirling flames. “‘God this, and God that,’ ugh! You have some nerve to critique my sister’s speech! At least she doesn’t sound like a religious BROKEN RECORD!” Her fiery mane pulsates.

“Hah!” Nightmare laughs. “Preach it, sister!”

Daybreaker roars out before charging towards her opponent like a fiery comet.


The sun Guardian’s form crashes against the CMC’s barrier; her fangs bore as she growls with primal fury. A surge of purple electricity is let loose by the AI in response, sending painful sensations all across Daybreaker’s body. But even so, Daybreaker seemingly tanks the shocking retaliation with gritted teeth.

“Hmm. You’re a sturdy one; I’ll give you that,” The CMC comments as Daybreaker’s left eye closes, and the pain she’s undertaking is all too great. But she still presses against the protective shell with all her might.

“But for how long can you last, I wonder?”


A second form slams itself against the barrier, causing the lavender AI to turn its’ gaze upward. Like Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon struggles against the protective shell with gritted teeth as both sisters try to breach it in unison. However, the dark alicorn also shares her sister’s pain as purple electricity starts to electrocute her body.

Neither alicorn could see it, but the CMC is momentarily taken aback by this action before regaining its’ composure. And following a chuckle, the AI comments:

“Like I said, lowest filth. Both of you combined are nothing compared to my power!”

The two sisters continue to take on unimaginable pain as the ever-present surge of lavender electricity flickers all across their bodies. But even then, and with a pained expression, the sun and moon Guardians smirk in unison.

“I-I can admit that-” Daybreaker tries to say but winces. “M-my sister and I c-can’t beat you!”

“But th-thou hath forgotten something, k-knave!” Nightmare Moon shouts. “Equestria, at this time, h-hath more than two Princesses in attendance!”

The AI’s eyes widen in response, and realization dawns upon it. Then, a third form crashes into the barrier, just opposite of Daybreaker, as the CMC looks to its right and into the eyes of an angered pink alicorn.

“There’s three!” Princess Cadence roars out as the three alicorns strike against the barrier in unison, although the pink alicorn’s form isn’t as drastically changed as her cohorts. In addition, a green aura has surrounded her form, but her horn is alighted with light-blue energy - her usual magic coloration.

Looking at this scenario from a particular perspective, three colorations can be seen around the CMC in a near-perfect triangle formation: blue on top, green to the right, and red towards the left.

The three mares let loose a unified roar, all while the CMC grits its’ teeth in uncertainty. The AI is far too prideful to admit it openly, but inertly, the addition of the third Guardian’s prowess caused the CMC to question the shield’s effectiveness.

Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Cadence all grit their teeth in pain, but their muscles flexed as they continued to push against their opponent’s shell. A series of multiple strikes follows as each alicorn starts to “punch” against the barrier in rapid succession.

“S-stop!” The CMC exclaims, caution present in its’ tone. “I command you to stop!”

“NO!!!” The three mares roar out in unison, still striking against the barrier with their forelimbs.

Finally, their determination and efforts start to bear fruit as a series of cracks starts to form within their respective portions of the barrier. These cracks give way to several pieces of the shielding orb falling off, but most importantly, every alicorn now has a prime opportunity.

Daybreaker fires up her horn with a mischievous toothy grin, and as if Nightmare Moon and Cadence had read her mind, they too alighted their horns. The Guardians aim their horns into each breach and let loose their powerful energies.

“Graaaau-auuuu-auuugh!” The CMC roars out in seeming pain as its very being glitches in tandem, flickering in and out of existence. In addition, the protective barrier became a double-edged sword as it kept the combined prowess of the three princesses within, which further bolstered their combined efforts.

The three alicorns nod in unison before flapping their wings and moving away from the sphere. Their combined powers continue to dance within the globe as even the CMC’s silhouette could be seen within, sometimes glitching now and then. All accompanied by the AI’s glitching exclamations.

The lavender sphere filled with multicolored energy then breaks apart and explodes. The explosion sends a wave of red, green, and blue energy all across the skies of Ponyville, but as is natural for an explosion, It disappears moments after. A cloud of white is all that’s left where the CMC and its barrier once floated.

“D-did we win?” Cadence inquires, her fur ruffled and wounds present on her body as the electricity from the barrier had assaulted her all along, in addition to her fellow alicorns.

“We cannot say for sure,” Nightmare Moon responds, flapping her wings to stay aloft and positioned at Cadence’s left.

“Maybe not the war, niece,” Daybreaker comments, floating at the pink alicorn’s right side. “But I think we’ve won this-”

Suddenly, a series of lavender hexagons manifest themselves before forming another Corrupted Master Controller. This causes the three alicorns to grunt in annoyance, but what they see now causes absolute caution to consume their bodies. Unlike the last AI, this one is practically the same except for the outlying fact that it is more heavily armored.

“Congratulations… you’ve beaten but a copy of me,” The CMC chuckles, “That’s hardly a setback at all.”

“H-how?!” Cadence inquires in disbelief, her fellow alicorn bearing their fangs. “How could you still be here?! We saw you blow up!”

“The stupidity of that statement baffles me,” The AI responds. “I am not a being that you can just buck or blast away. You equines have no idea what you’re truly up against.”

As if to truly emphasize their point, the CMC teleports in a pillar of mechanical sparks before plastering itself onto the very dome of Equus. Its’ armored gaze now stares downward and on full display for all on the installation to see.

“Survivors! I grow tired of your pitiful resistance!” The CMC’s voice causes the land to shake, and various life forms on the Ark are forced to close their ears in response. “My other selves have offered you friendship all across this installation, but each one of you has spat in our face!”

“Friendship? Is that what you’re calling it, Edmund?” The echoing voice of Megan Williams responds.

The homo-deus’s face and head become etched into the Ark’s dome as well, and because of this scenario, the sky is now covered in a blend of lavender and yellow colorations. The two entities face one another, and everyone else upon the Ark could see this for themselves.

“Having your Noglins attach themselves to victims and controlling survivors is NOT friendship! Spreading the infection that caused Earth’s demise is anything BUT a friendly gesture! This is madness!”

“Bah! I don’t expect one such as you to understand my vision. You, who wield the powers of a god, squander it! Just like that damned Helena Walker! You two don’t deserve this power, nor shall you uncover its’ secrets! Secrets meant for ME ALONE!”

“You just don’t get it, do you, Edmund?! These so-called ‘powers’ and ‘secrets’ that you crave already belong to another! And you are nothing but a pawn in someone else’s game!”

“Silence! No one controls Sir Edmund Rockwell! I am the greatest mind in history! I am a god! And It is all of YOU who shall be pawns in MY game!”

The entire Ark’s dome flickers and deactivates in response, following that outburst, and rays of scorching sunlight crept through. And in that very moment, the residents of the Ark as a whole could feel the sudden temperature rise due to one fact:

There is no longer a dome to protect them all from the real sun.

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