• Published 12th Mar 2021
  • 5,901 Views, 45 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - AmethystMajesty25

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings team up with a crew of street racers to take down a crime organization.

  • ...

Enter SH1FT3R

The racers were all feeling confident and revved up their cars as the crowd continued cheering from the bleachers.

Tony’s crew and his new friends were all in deep trouble and Echo alerted them, “Tony's cover's blown! Layla Gray knows he snuck into her race! Frostee, please tell me this isn’t as bad as I think it is?”

Frostee answered, “Oh, he's in trouble. I once saw a video of a guy who cut her off in traffic. Layla ran her car into his trunk, through the seats and out through the windshield. And that was her prom date!”

“She's completely insane.” Sonata added as she twirled her fingers together on each side next to her head.

Cisco ensured his friends, “Tony’s got this, no problem, guys. Look.” Cisco showed them the map of the race onscreen and said, “He just has to drive through the tunnels and the construction site, jump off from one garage to another, and race back to the finish line in a car he’s never driven with a bunch of outlaws trying to destroy him with spy weapons. He’s good!”

Echo exclaimed, “Forget about busting into SH1FT3R, those two will be lucky to live.”

“I’m starting to wish I had time to modify Rainbow Dash's car before the race starts.” Donnie said after thinking about it.

Rainbow glanced at Layla and Tony while they did the same. The lady held both flags up and moved them down, signaling the race to start.

“Let's peel some paint.” Layla vowed as she and the rest of the drivers hit the gas and raced off in the SH1FT3R racing course.

The race cars were racing against one another as Tony drove up right next to Layla’s car.

“I think you should know, I really hate party crashers at my races.” Layla informed Tony as she steered to the right and hit Mitch’s car that Tony was driving.

“Yeah, well I was really hurt that I wasn’t invited.” Tony told her as he hit her car back with Mitch’s car while Rainbow watched them fight.

Rainbow Dash appeared onscreen in Mitch’s car and asked, “T, need any help?”

“Nah, I got this. Besides, I'm sure Mitch won't mind a few scratches.” Tony answered as he slammed Mitch’s car right into Layla’s car.

“Okay,” In Rainbow’s mind, she thought, “There’s got to be a way to get pass these two.”

“You think that hurt?” Layla grunted and slammed right back into Tony, giving Rainbow Dash the chance to surpass them.

“How is she even doing that?” Tony asked until he saw Rainbow passing by him and Layla, “Hey!” He exclaimed.

Rainbow told him onscreen, “Sorry, Double T. It’s every racer for themselves. But hey, at least you can say the winner’s your friend.”

Tony shifted his focus back on the road until he saw the tunnel and Layla was going to get him crashed on the side. He screamed and pulled over, leaving him in last place. Tony caught up to her while Layla saw Rainbow Dash in front of her and Tony catching up right behind her. Both of Layla’s opponents showed up on her screen.

Layla asked them, “You two came to play?”

Tony answered, “What’s that? That’s just standard LA driving.”

Rainbow replied, “And I'm just used to driving around in New York City.”

“Yeah, well here’s something you don’t see on the freeway.” Layla said as she pushed a button on the control pad and smoke pellets were launched from the back of her car. Tony struggled to maintain control. By the time he was able to see, he veered right into a tunnel. Back to the audience, Donnie and company were watching closely.

Echo panicked, “Oh, no! Tony’s in the wrong tunnel.”

Donnie was memorizing the map and told them, “Actually, it might pay off for him.”

Tony continue driving in a different tunnel and stated, “Time to get back on track.” He drove Mitch’s car a bit faster and he jumped right off from the top tunnel.

“Yee-hee! Woo!” Tony shouted as the car landed right behind Rainbow’s car and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

Rainbow exclaimed, “What?!”

Donnie and the others cheered as Tony caught up to the other racers.

Layla asked Tony onscreen, “Still wondering why you weren’t invited?”

Tony answered back onscreen, “Hey, I’m keeping up.”

Rainbow commented, “At least you’re putting up a decent race.”

“Are you though?” Layla said as she surpassed a racer with its car and it started shooting paintballs from the back while Tony started spinning out of control after the paintballs hit the car.

“Don’t puke! Don’t puke! Don’t puke! Don’t puke!“ Tony yelled while struggling for control and not to vomit.

Then, that same racer tried to take Layla out and pulled out a metal fist from the front of its car and it punched Layla’s car from behind.

“Oh, you wanna fist bump?” Layla pressed another button and pulled out two mechanical arms with razor-sharped, saw blades at the end. The driver was frightened as his car got close to the saw blades and took out the metal fist. He struggled to control his car and flipped sideways after that.

Rainbow saw what Layla did to the racer and commented, “She’s completely out of her mind.”

Tony saw the wreck and manage to avoid it, but he got all excited, “Yeah-yeah! This is my kind of race!”

While the racers were continuing to race around the course, Tony steered left to the tunnel and caught up with them.

Tony spoke to Layla onscreen, “What’s the matter, Layla? You’re so quiet all of a sudden. Afraid of a little competition?”

Layla replied, “Sorry, uh, are you talking? I’m too busy winning right now.”

Rainbow appeared on Layla’s monitor and said, “Not for long.”

She caught up to Layla and the southern racer asked Rainbow, “You think you can beat me?”

Rainbow answered, “I’m sorry, did you say you something? I was too busy winning to pay attention.”

While the two girls continued to race against each other, Tony glanced at the buttons on Mitch’s control panel, “Okay, Mitch. Let’s see what spy gear this thing’s got.”

Tony pressed a button labeled “Bust Out” and said, “Bust out. Let’s try that.”

The computer that sounded like Mitch and announced, “Ejection in five, four... Three...”

“No, no, no!” Tony rejected and pressed the button to turn off the ejection seat.

“Ejection terminated.” The computer said while Tony sighed in relief.

Rainbow told Tony onscreen, “Yo Tony, better be careful what kind of buttons you press.”

The racers exited the tunnel and entered the construction site.

Tony’s friends continued to watch and Cisco told them, “They’re halfway done, headed to the construction zone.”

Sunset said, “Rainbow Dash is going strong.”

“And Tony's doing great.” Frostee mentioned while his friends looked at him with unconvinced expressions.

Frostee added, “Well, he is alive.”

Casey reminded them, “He’s also in last place.”

Gabby said, “No, the guy who got wrecked is in last place. Tony’s in fifth place.”

“Aren’t you little miss sunshine.” Echo commented while Gabby smirked.

Then, Leo and his brothers (back in their human disguises) along with the rest of the Rainbooms and Dazzlings showed up.

Mikey greeted Tony’s friends, “Yo! What up, party people!”

Echo questioned them, “How did you guys get in here?”

Pinkie smiled, “Back door.”

“Plus, we’re also getting tired of Ms. Nowhere and she’s treating us like children.” Raph grunted and crossed his arms.

Aria added and crossed her arms too, “Same.”

Leo asked Donnie, “So, how are they doing?”

Donnie answered, “Could be better.”

Back at the race, Tony was catching up to another racer. Tony and the racer were competing neck-to-neck with their cars.

“Let’s try this.” Tony pressed one of the buttons and a claw came out from the side and clamped down onto the side of the opposing car.

Rainbow looked from the car mirror and saw the two cars behind them. She mumbled, “Maybe Mitch had a chance at surviving after all.”

Tony saw an incoming column and turned left, causing the opposing car to crash.

The crowd roared with cheers and the spies watched Tony ranking up to fourth place on the TV monitor.

Echo cheered, “Yeah! Dump that trash!”

“I hope the other racers are okay.” Fluttershy said, feeling concerned while Rarity felt the same and nodded.

“Oh no, look out!” Frostee suddenly gasped as Tony skidded right off a ramp and crashed right onto another racer.

Rainbow spoke to Tony onscreen, “Okay, that I know was luck.”

Tony replied back onscreen, “Focus on the race Rainbow, or else I’ll be passing by you and Layla to win this race.”

Layla was in the lead while Rainbow, Tony, and another racer were racing in the streets of Los Angeles, trying to catch up to SH1FT3R’s main recruiter.

Rainbow suggested, “T, how about we worry about which one of us wins AFTER we take out Layla. Truce?”

“Truce. Time to play catch-up. Here goes nothing.” Tony nodded as he pressed a button and a grappling hook shot out from the skull of Mitch’s car and it hit the spoiler of Layla’s car.

Layla grunted while Rainbow mumbled herself, “Okay, now Mitch was being stupid.”

Tony started slowing Layla down while Rainbow Dash and the other driver passed. He shouted, “Aw, yeah! Now I’m gonna reel you in!”

“Really? You wanna get closer?” Layla questioned Tony’s tactics as she activated the saw blades again and Mitch’s car was getting close to it.

Back in the crowd, some of Tony’s friends watched with concern.

Casey commented, “Uh-oh.”

Gabby replied with concern, “That doesn’t look good.”

Echo informed her friends, “Tony’s gonna get sawed.”

Cisco covered his eyes and panicked, “I can’t watch.”

“Me too, bro.” Mikey said and he with Sonata, Mikey, Fluttershy, and Rarity covered their eyes too.

Adagio commented, “I hope Mitch has insurance.”

Back to the race, Mitch’s car got close to the saw blades and Tony yelled, “Let go! Let go!” He pressed some buttons and the saw blades were hitting the skull of Mitch’s car.

Tony got rid of the grappling hook and pulled up alongside Layla. She commented, “Lucky punk.”

Rainbow chuckled when she saw Layla getting ticked off. The racers headed towards an empty parking lot and drove all the way up like a circle.

Tony glanced at Layla and then he saw a button that’s labeled “Wind Breaker”.

“Please be something good.” Tony pressed it and the rocket engines gave him an extra boost and yelled, speeding all the way up to the top. He surpassed the three racers and cheered.

Back in the crowd, Tony’s crew cheered for him.

Cisco shouted, “Ha! Yeah!”

Frostee cheered, “Ha-ha! Tony’s in first!”

Back to the race, Rainbow commented, “Ha! That’s what you get for using this morning, Mitch.”

Suddenly, the rocket engines started to sputter out and it didn’t take long for the rockets to run out of fuel.

Layla appeared onscreen and told him, “Looks like you're luck just ran out. You need those rockets for the jump.”

Tony was confused and asked, “Uh, jump?”

“You’re already in a garage. You may as well park,” Layla said and pressed the button to boost her car’s speed. She cheered, “Whoo-hoo! Yeah!”

“Sorry, T.” Rainbow apologized onscreen as she activated her rockets like the others and jumped across the gap.

Rainbow and Layla landed safely and drifted downhill, but the other racer crashed because of the trajectory she landed.

“It’s not over yet.” Tony shifted vowed as he shifted into high gear and Mitch’s car jumped across the gap, but the direction was downhill.

“Oh I can’t watch!” Fluttershy covered her eyes and cried while Tony’s crew whimpered.

Tony screamed before firing the harpoon and swinging safely down to the lower level in slow motion.

However, the skull hood-ornament was knocked off.

Rainbow commented onscreen, “Glad that eye sore is gone.”

“I know, right? Whoo-hoo!” Tony said and he was in the lead in the rankings on the map from the TV monitor.

The ninjas and spies whooped and cheered for Tony and Rainbow.

Tony taunted Layla by throwing up a peace sign and winking at her. She exclaimed, “You gotta be kidding me!”

The three racers entered a tunnel and Rainbow reminded Tony, “Remember Tony, doesn’t matter which one of us wins. As long as Layla loses.”

“Then let’s leave her in the dust.” Tony nodded.

Cisco watched them race and informed his friends, “Yo, I think either Tony or Rainbow’s gonna win! It’s a straight shot to the finish line!”

“Yeah, you got this T and Rainbow!” Echo cheered.

Frostee said, “Come on!”

Rainbow Dash and Tony kept close to each other, making sure Layla doesn't get an opening.

As the others cheered for their friends, Sonata and Frostee turned around and saw trouble right behind them. Two big bodyguards.

Frostee whimpered, “Uh-oh.”

Sonata told her friends, “Guys, I think we're going to wish we brought our weapons.”

Tony and Rainbow were closing in at the finish line, but Layla growled and turned on the booster engines of her car to gain more speed.

“Get out of my race.” Layla said as she rammed her car into Tony, who collided with Rainbow Dash, causing all three to spin out control all the way across the finish line. The crowd whooped and cheered as the race ended. It was nothing but spectacular.

Tony exited out of Mitch’s car and cheered, “Haha, yes! I won! I’m the winner! Where is my trophy?”

Rainbow got out of her car and confronted Tony, “No. You mean I won. Guys, you’re looking at a winner right here.”

Then, The pair turnedaround and saw their friends being restrained by SH1FT3R’s goons.

Rainbow gasped, “GUYS!”

Leo told her, “We're fine, Dash.”

Echo added, “But it ain't the best time for either of you to celebrate.”

Layla got serious and told her opponents, “I hate to break it you two, but you both lost.”

Rainbow and Tony were not convinced.

Layla laughed, “Who am I kidding? I love breaking it to you guys.” She tilted her head at the guards, telling them to restrain Tony and Rainbow.

Frostee chatted with Layla, “Hey, this might not be the best time, but my name’s Frostee. Big fan. Love what you do.”

“Not helping.” Raph told him as Mitch's car exploded, which startled everyone.

Cisco said, “There goes the bubblegum.”

Layla walked up to Tony and interrogated him, “Now you tell me who you are and how you got into my race?”

Then, a male voice popped up and told her, “Layla, ease up.”

Out from the shadows, the spies’ main target, Shashi Dar, stepped in and informed Layla, “Don't you know this isn't just some nobody punk racer? This is Tony Toretto,” He then turned to Gabby, “And that's his cousin Gabby.”

Tony and Gabby were surprised that Shashi knew about Dom’s family. He asked Shashi, “You recognized me?”

“I recognized your driving. You’ve got Dom’s instincts.” Shashi answered.

Gabby asked him too, “And what about me?”

“I have a few friends in New York City who’ve told me about you.” Shashi smiled and got close to Gabby, which ticked off Casey.

Gabby answered in an unconvincing tone, “Huh, interesting.”

“And you must be Shashi Dar. I’ve heard you too.” Tony said.

Shashi nodded, “Hmm. I’m impressed.”

Tony informed him, “These are my streets. Nothing happens without me knowing about it.”

Shashi replied back, “I used to think nothing happened in Layla’s race without her knowing about it,” He then turned to see Tony’s friends, “But then these people managed to hack pass her security.”

Tony smirked, “I don’t go anywhere without my crew.”

Shashi understood him well and said, “Just like Dom.”

Layla: Well, it was nice getting to know you, but we're gonna make an example of y'all for anyone else who tries to break in. Get rid of them, but the Rainbow-haired tomboy stays.

The guards let go of Rainbow while Tony and his crew were getting dragged by SH1FT3R’s goons.

Tony questioned her motives, “Hold up. Is this how you treat everyone who wins one of your races?”

“You didn’t win! Who wants to see us race again, right here, right now?” Layla shouted with anger as the crowd roared with cheers.

Frostee cheered, “Do it! Yeah!”

“Encore! Encore! Encore!” Mikey shouted

Donnie informed everyone, “Actually, those cars are pretty busted. I don’t think they’re in any shape to drive.”

Everyone, including Frostee and Mikey, booed at Donnie while Frostee kicked a can at Donnie and it nailed him in the head.

Donnie groaned, “Ow! Hey, it's true! Don't shoot the messenger.”

Shashi quiet the crowd and informed everyone, “Let's take this to the after-party.”

The Ninja Racers were at the SH1FT3R after-party in the rooftop of a tall building, hosted by Shashi Dar. Leo, Gabby, Adagio, and Rainbow Dash stayed with Tony by his side and acted as his muscles while the rest were enjoying themselves.

Tony sat across from Shashi and Layla and he said, “Ah ha-ha! This is the place to be!”

“Yep, you know it T!” Gabby replied.

Tony glanced over to the other drivers, “H-Hey! We know those guys!”

Rainbow greeted them, “What’s up guys! How’s it hangin’?”

The other drivers just glared daggers at them as their response.

“C’mon now, don’t be sore perdedores.” Gabby reminded them.

Tony nervously slurped his drink while Gabby and Layla continued to glare at each other.

Shashi started his conversation with Tony and told him, “I like to take care of people. But don’t worry about them. Let’s talk about you. So you guys heard of SH1FT3R, and thought, ‘We could do that.’ And just stole a car and busted in?”

“Go big or go home, right?” Tony answered as he resumed slurping his drink.

Shashi answered, “Yes! That's exactly right, Tony. Go big, or go home. Now that you all made it inside, you survived the race...”

Tony said, “Uh, I won the race.”

“Actually, no. It was me.” Rainbow reminded Tony, pointing her thumb at herself.

Layla told them both, “Y’all keep sayin’ that and I’ll smack ya so hard, your grandma’s dentures will fall out!”

Gabby didn’t like her tone and glared daggers at Layla, “Watch your mouth there, southern belle! Or I’ll be really to show you how to tango!”

The two girls continued staring daggers at each other for a moment until Shashi spoke up, “Ladies, ladies, let's keep this professional.”

Gabby added, “And for the record: Nana Toretto doesn't need dentures. She always take care of her teeth.”

Shashi replied, “Respect. Anyway, as you can see, we’re all pretty competitive around here. Let’s just say you three tied. So what’s next? What’s your angle here?”

Tony answered, “Hey, I’m just looking to drive fast, have fun. Make some money.”

Rainbow answered too, “Ditto, got boring around Canterlot City.”

Shashi intimidated them with his stare until he got excited and said, “That’s what we’re all about! Gettin’ on that hustle on! That’s why you’re here now. You didn’t wait around for the world to give you something, you went out and got it yourself. You got the fire inside of you.” Shashi stood up and told them, “You see guys, I’ve raced all over the globe. Across the Sahara, the streets of Mumbai, over Arctic ice caps... And one thing I’ve learned is that good drivers are a dime a dozen. But good people, well, they are worth their weight in gold. Once you make it into SH1FT3R, the world is yours.” He motioned out to the city. But then he put his hand on Tony's shoulder and stared him and all of them down, “But you try to cross us, you try to come in here and play us somehow? Then like that, that dream turns into a nightmare...”

After that conversation, Shashi walked off and left Tony, Gabby, and the others feeling uneasy.

Tony nodded, “Respect.”

Rainbow nervously answered, “Dully noted.”

“Wow. He really knows how get the point out.” Gabby thought.

Tony and his pals were walking alongside Shashi and Layla around the party. Shashi asked Tony, “So, what's the word on this Merry Band of Men of yours? They seem to know how to handle themselves.”

Rainbow answered, “Oh, you know it.”

“My name is Leo. These are my other friends, Rainbow and Adagio.” Leo introduced them to Shashi and Layla.

“Nice to meet ya, ladies.” Shashi responded while the two girls nodded.

Tony saw Echo and Casey skating down the skate ramp with spray cans in their hands, “That’s Echo. She built her own electric car that can crush most tunes.”

Echo and Tony gave each other high fives.

Leo told Shashi, “And that’s Casey. He and my brother, Donnie, built their own car to defeat an enemy of ours a long time ago.”

Casey and Leo gave each other high fives as well.

Rainbow pointed her two friends to Shashi and Layla, “That’s Applejack and Rarity. Rarity’s into fashion, while Applejack’s more into farming.”

Gabby replied. “Yep.” She looked at Layla with a sly grin, “And that southern belle knows respect.”

Layla glared at her while Rainbow suggested Shashi, “You so have to try her family's apple cider! It's awesome!”

“I do enjoy a good cup cider.” Shashi answered.

Suddenly, someone spilled their punch on Rarity’s dress and she gasped in horror.

Rarity yelled, “SOMEONE GET ME A TOWEL!!!”

Rainbow gave him advice, “And Rarity’s also a bit of a drama queen.”

Adagio added, “Which is putting it lightly.”

Leo saw Raph and told Shashi, “The guy in the cap is my brother, Raphael.”

“The girl in the pigtails is my sister, Aria.” Adagio said.

Rainbow added, “And the girl with them is my friend, Sunset Shimmer.”

Leo gave Shashi some advice, “And let’s just say, you don’t want to get on either of their bad sides.”

Then, three party-goers rudely shoved the three to the floor. They got up growling and walked up to the party-goers, tapped them on the shoulders, then punched them in their faces and spin-kicked them into the pool.

Shashi was stunned and replied, “Group muscles, nice. You don’t look a lot like your sister, Adagio.”

Adagio told him, “We’re sisters by a different means than blood.”

Shashi said, “You don't have to go into details. I understand.”

“Cisco over there is our resident mechanical genius. Also our resident bottomless pit.” Tony said as Cisco was eating some hamburgers.

Adagio also said, “And the girl with him is my other sister, Sonata. What she lacks in brains, she makes up for it in the love of tacos.”

Leo introduced Shashi to the two party-goers, “And those two dancing, that’s my second brother, Michelangelo.”

Rainbow said, “And the girl with the pink hair is our friend, Pinkie Pie. And these two love to party.”

Leo added, “Along with those two is a friend of ours, April.”

Shashi nodded, “I see. I’m sure they'll all get along with Nacho and Rollie.”

Cisco and Sonata were watching Nacho and Rollie competing in an arm wrestling match. Rollie beat her brother and laughed, “Ha! Ha!”

“No!” Nacho yelled and he flipped the table with all the food on top out of anger.

Cisco reluctantly caught the table and also caught two hamburgers with a basket on one hand, but he also ate a few chips.

Sonata was amazed by Cisco’s strength and praised him with her starry eyes, “Wow. Can you teach me how to do that some other time please?”

Cisco gave her a big thumbs-up while continuing to chew his food. And finally, Tony and his friends saw Frostee, Donnie, and Twilight talking to the DJ of the after-party.

Tony said, “And those three are Frostee.”

Rainbow said, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Leo said, “And my third brother, Donatello.”

“Our tech geniuses. They were the one’s who got passed your security measures.” Tony told Shashi.

Shashi said, “Looks like they’re talking with Jun. She put in those security measures.”

Jun asked them, “So, you guys are the ones that cracked my OpSec. How'd you do it? Backdoor? Botnet? Mimicked the OTR?”

Sci-Twi replied, “Those wouldn’t have been fast enough.”

Donnie added, “Or reliable.”

Frostee answered, “They’re right. I RATed the system with a VPN, ghosting your encryption.”

Jun groaned, “Argh! I knew that was weak!”

“Ah, don’t worry. DJ Drone will cheer you up!” Frostee cheered and his DJ Drone appeared.

Frostee’s DJ Drone flew up as the owner, Frostee, announced, “You are now about to get rocked by D-DJ Drone!”

The power started to surge from D-DJ Drone and started playing some funky, hip-hop music. Pinkie, and Mikey were killing it on the dance floor while everyone else watched and continued dancing.

“So, we had a great first date. Are we in SH1FT3R or what?” Tony asked Shashi.

Shashi chuckled, “You racers, always moving so fast. There’s no doubt you have the skills and the right attitude.” He puts his hand on Tony’s shoulder and offered Tony and his friends, “How about this: You guys pull a job for me and you’re in.”

“Really? Just like that?” Rainbow asked.

Tony questioned him, “What’s the job?”

Shashi answered, “Well, I have this ‘friendly’ bet going on with a rival crew led by a guy named Scadan.”

Gabby asked, “A bet?”

Shashi answered again, “Yeah, there’s some money in it for the winner, but it’s mostly just for pride.”

Surveillance footage of a map showed the location of the trailer truck moving to the east to transport some Yoka.

Shashi continued speaking in the background, “I bet Scadan that he and his crew couldn’t transport a trailer full of Yoka Spirit Water from Canada to the Mexican Border in less than 24 hours. Layla and I were planning on stopping them ourselves, but if you keep that Yoka out of Mexico, you’re in SH1FT3R. Of course, they know we might be messing with them, so they have some... ‘security measures’.”

On the road, there was a trailer truck transporting some Yoka, but there were two black sedans guarding the truck from the front as its security. The people who were in the truck were Scadan and his big bodyguard. Scadan spoke in a Scottish accent and got a weird orange hairdo while his bodyguard was muscular and wore a black sleeveless shirt.

Tony and company closed in on the rig. Gabby was riding with Tony in his car again, Cisco was driving his truck with Frostee inside, the Dazzlings were riding their motorcycles, Echo was in the Turtle Racer with Casey driving, Rainbow and Sunset were in their respective cars, and April drove the Party Wagon with the rest of the Rainbooms inside.

Sonata commented, “Nice of Ms. Nowhere to let me and my sisters keep the bikes we took.”

Tony replied, “I’ll say. How are we looking?”

Frostee answered while using his laptop, “I got them on radar. We’re almost to the big rig. Shashi said if we pull this off, we get to keep the Yoka, right?”

Rainbow answered through comms, “Yep. That’s right.”

Tony reminded him through comms, “Hey. Frostee, focus.”

“I am focused. On my favorite drink!” Frostee cheered.

Then, a brief, animated montage appeared and Frostee explained to his friends about Yoka with the Yoka theme song in the background.

Frostee explained, “What’s not to like? It refreshes the mind, body and, spirit.”

Then, Frostee imagined that he’s drinking a can of Yoka and shouted, “Yoka!”

Casey reminded his friends via comms, “I told you me and Mikey weren’t the only ones that liked it.

“Well, at least their motivated.” Cisco answered.

“Good. Cause we only have ten miles to get that truck. Leo, you think that rig of yours can hang back? We don't need them seeing us before we strike.” Tony suggested while driving his car.

Leo responded, “Leo: You got it, T. Donnie, let’s move to the side and wait until our friends are in trouble.”

Donnie nodded and drove the Shellraiser aside while Tony and the rest of his friends were chasing after the truck.

“Ha! We’re almost there. We’re going to win the bet! What are you going to do with your money? I’m gonna see a movie! Get myself some buttered popcorn.” Scadan’s bodyguard said and started flexing his biceps.

“It’s a good thing that you’re big. But hold that butter. Shashi never makes anything that easy. Keep your eyes peeled.” Scadan informed his bodyguard while Tony and his friends were closing in fast.

Gabby looked through the car window and asked, “Tony, you sure about this?”

“Of course I’m sure. When have any of my ideas not worked perfectly?” Tony replied.

Gabby answered, “Literally, every time.”

“True, but we got a whole lot of support now.” Tony said as the agency drone appeared up in the skies.

Back in the agency hideout, Ms. Nowhere and Gary were surveying the scene.

Tony asked Ms. Nowhere through comms, “How we looking, Ms. Nowhere?”

Ms. Nowhere answered, “For the record, I don’t like this op. I don’t like that when you went behind my back, or I don’t like that I’m stuck here with Gary. Your little stunt put me in a real pickle!”

Tony guessed, “And let me guess, you don’t like pickles.”

Ms. Nowhere answered onscreen, “Are you serious? I love pickles! They're spicy and salty, just like me.”

“At least she's better than Shredder.” Aria commented after thinking about the comparison between her and the Shredder.

Adagio told her, “Big time.”

Sonata added, “Hands down.”

“Touchy.” Tony scoffed as Gabby covered her mouth and giggled.

Ms. Nowhere didn’t catch Tony’s answer and questioned him a bit loud, “What was that? What did you say?”

Tony answered, “I was saying thanks for figuring out a way to drop off this spy gear.”

“That’s what I thought.” Ms. Nowhere said in a calm tone.

“Closing in on the big rig. Gotta go.” Tony told her and turned off his comms with Ms. Nowhere. “Is everyone ready? If we pull this off, we're in.” He asked his friends and they all nodded and agreed with excitement.

“We’re good to go, T.” Rainbow answered.

Tony ordered Frostee, “Good. Launch the drones.”

Frostee deployed two drones and it that latched onto the rig.

“Drones in place. Projection is go.” Frostee signaled as one of the drones scanned the side mirror and when Scadan’s bodyguard looked at the side mirror, he didn’t see Tony and his friends’ cars coming right behind them. So, he decided to check out his right bicep and started flexing them again.

Frostee informed his friends, “And we’re clear! They'll never see us driving right up behind them.”

Sonata cheered, “This going to be fun!”

“I love a girl who has a wild side.” Cisco commented while everyone was disgusted they heard that, except for Sonata who blushed under her helmet.

Tony told his pal, “Cisco, do us a favor and keep the flirting G-Rated.”

The Rainbooms, Turtles, and Tony’s friends pleaded Cisco, “PLEASE!”

Cisco answered through comms, “Alright. Sorry that I said that.”

Tony went back to focusing on the mission and informed his team, “Okay, I’m moving in. I’ll hop in and disconnect the trailer. Cisco, get ready to hook up and drive it away.”

Cisco replied, “You got it, T.”

Tony climbed up to his car while Gabby moved to the driver’s seat and took the steering wheel. As the car grew closer to the rig, Tony jumped and manage to latch onto the rig. Little did the groups know, as Tony was climbing up, they started approaching a rough patch of road. When all the cars were heading through the rough patch, one of the drones were starting to shake. Scadan looked at the mirror to his left and saw the drone glitching, knowing that the cars right behind him are going to stop the truck.

“No!” Scadan shouted as the drone dropped after the truck went through a rough patch of road. “We got trouble. Look.” Scadan told his bodyguard as he turned around to see Tony trying to climb up the trailer.

“I’m on it.” Scadan’s bodyguard told him as he got out of the truck and climbed up to meet Tony.

Scadan called his other guards in their black sedans and told them, “We’ve got a problem. Coming right behind us. Deal with it! They can’t stop us making the border.”

The black sedans backed up and started dealing with the rest of Tony’s friends.

“That didn't take long. All right fam, time to improvise.” Echo informed everyone.

Leo replied through comms, “We're on our way back to help.”

The Shellraiser drove back on the road to help out Tony’s crew while dealing with Scadan’s goons in their black sedans.

Tony made it up to the trailer, but Scadan’s bodyguard was already there on top too. After that, the two black sedans started launching explosives right at Tony’s gang.

Gabby, Echo, and Sonata slid back to get behind Cisco's truck for protection while one black sedan moved right next to Cisco’s truck.

Frostee alerted Cisco, “Uh, he's coming up along our side!”

“I know!” Cisco shouted.

The trunk of the black sedan was opened and Frostee alerted Cisco again, “The compartment’s opening!”

Cisco felt annoyed by Frostee’s presence and yelled, “I can see that!”

A turret popped up from the trunk and started firing paintball at Cisco’s truck. The two boys gasped as Cisco closed the side window and it was all splattered with paintball. After that, the driver drove his black sedan in front of Cisco’s truck and started shooting the front window with paintball again.

Frostee yelled, “Aah! We got paint! He's painting us!”

“I'm blind!” Cisco yelled as well.

“I got you.” Frostee said as he leaned out and almost got nailed by a paintball, which hit Sonata’s helmet.

Sonata shouted, “I can’t see! I can’t see!”

“Hold on Sonata! We’re coming!” Adagio informed her and accelerated her motorcycle.

Aria did the same and said, “Let’s go!”

Two Dazzlings caught up with Sonata and helped her. Aria jumped from her motorcycle and landed on Sonata’s motorcycle and took control of the handle.

Sonata informed her sister, “Adagio, I can only take one passenger. Help the boys.”

Adagio nodded and helped the boys, Cisco and Frostee, out to take out the black sedan. She jumped onto Cisco's truck, surprising them.

“Looks like you boys could use a woman’s touch.” Adagio told them as she went inside Cisco’s truck.

Frostee stuttered, “Uh... yeah. A little help would be nice. Please?”

“Where would you boys be without us? Hit the gas.” Adagio requested as Cisco nodded and hit the gas pedal to gain more speed to his truck.

Frostee gave Cisco directions and shouted, “Left! Faster! Slower!”

Cisco had enough of Frostee’s constant yelling and suggested him, “Maybe just clean it off instead?!”

While the trio were struggling to drive, Tony was grabbing a spy glove to fight Scadan’s bodyguard.

He asked Tony, “What is that?”

Tony answered with his determined look on his face, “You’re about to find out.”

As Tony approached the big bodyguard with his spy glove, the truck rode through the rough patch again and Tony slipped, making him lose the spy glove. Tony reached for it, but it was too late.

“Oh no.” Tony groaned.

Welp, he had no choice and started fighting against the big bodyguard head on. While that was happening, Aria grabbed the spy glove from the ground that Tony dropped.

Aria told her, “Sonata, I’m going to get you aboard so you can help Tony.”

“Right. Just don’t scratch my bike.” Sonata replied while Aria nodded.

Aria took control of the motorcycle and gave her sister the spy glove while Sonata held on and put the spy glove on. As for Tony, he’s continuing to fight against Scadan’s bodyguard. Tony managed to punched him in the face, but the bodyguard blocked Tony’s second punch by grabbing his fist and he punched Tony, making him almost fall from the truck. He struggled to hold on while his friends were focusing on dealing with Scadan’s goons driving black sedans.

Echo informed Cisco, “Stay close to the rig.”

Cisco’s truck was getting rammed repeatedly by the black sedans and Cisco whined, “I’m trying, but I’m being rammed.”

“You're in a truck, ram it back!” Echo encouraged her friend through the comms.

“Oh, right.” Cisco remembered and floored the gas pedal hard, causing one sedan to collide and crash.

Adagio asked him, “What does my sister see in you?”

Leo told Cisco through comms, “Nice job. We’ll deal with the other ones.”

Casey cheered, “Woohoo! Next stop: Yoka.”

Muscles approached Tony while he continued struggling until Sonata jumped up from the motorcycle and climbed onto the ledge of the trailer.

“Hey, T. Mind if I help you out?” Sonata asked him.

Tony nodded, “Yeah, sure. Why not. Take out the big guy while I figure out how to get the trailer out of that truck.”

“You got it T.” Sonata answered and she jumped up, landing on the rig behind the bodyguard.

Scadan’s bodyguard asked her, “Who are you?”

Sonata answered as she charged the spy glove, “The girl who’s gonna give you a black eye.”

The bodyguard attacked her, but Sonata slid under him and punched him with her charged spy glove. Meanwhile, Cisco cleaned off his window so he could see Sonata beat up the bodyguard.

Cisco wondered, “Can that girl make me fall anymore in love with her?”

His daydreaming came to a halt when Adagio got protective, pulling her sword out and holding it at Cisco’s neck.

Adagio warned him, “Just keep your eyes and hands to yourself, and we won't have a problem. Am I clear?”

Cisco started sweating, “Umm...,” He gulped, “Yes ma'am. I'll be focusing on the mission now.”

Sonata kept giving Muscle one kick and punch after another. She said, “Typically, all brawn, no brain. Good thing I've got my eyes on one whose both in heart.”

The bodyguard looked at her and Sonata suggested him, “How's about you give up, Tiny. And those bruises will be the only thing you get.”

Scadan’s bodyguard growled until Tony used his spy gadget to pin the trailer below the bodyguard.

Muscles turned around and saw what Tony was doing. He said, “Ha! You missed.”

“No, I didn't.” Tony said and he swung around, making the bodyguard tripped over the line and Sonata jumped over it.

Scadan’s bodyguard got up and charged right at Sonata, only for her to use her spy glove and she punched the bodyguard with a lot of force from the spy glove. He fell down onto the trailer in defeat.

“Glad Cisco ain't stupid.” Sonata sighed while Aria saw the whole thing and she was impressed.

Meanwhile, Tony set the charge underneath the trailer that was connected to the truck and order Cisco, “Cisco, fire in the hole!”

Tony and Sonata grabbed on as the device exploded and knocked the trailer into the air while Scadan’s bodyguard fell out of the trailer and onto the ground. Cisco moved his truck underneath and it latched up. The bodyguard got up and shouted at the teens from a far distance, “Hey!”

“Oh, maybe next time, big guy.” Tony said while his friends whooped and cheered, moving the trailer out while Ms. Nowhere and Gary watched from their surveillance drone.

“Not bad.” Ms. Nowhere commented as she took a bite out of a pickle from the pickle jar.

Gary glanced at her and asked, “Can I have a pickle?”

“Get your own!” Ms. Nowhere answered and she resumed chewing.

Gary looked back at the computer screen, feeling sad and said, “Those are mine.”

Hours later, Tony and his friends arrived back at the abandoned warehouse, they opened the trailer and took a look at what’s inside.

Frostee, Mikey, Rainbow, and Casey dropped their jaws in awe and looked at the beauty of what’s inside the truck. A truck load full of Yoka cans and a giant Yoka head shining from the sunlight.

“The mother lode!” Frostee cheered.

Casey said, “It’s like a dream come true!”

Mikey replied, “Ditto!”

“So awesome!” Rainbow shouted.

While Frostee, Rainbow, Casey, and Mikey were salivating the moment and the others celebrated, Gabby went to check on her cousin who was feeling worried.

Gabby felt a bit worried about him and asked, “Tony, you okay?”

Tony sighed, “I just realized that we’re undercover with a bunch of criminals, and if they find out... your lives are on the line. I don’t know, it’s kinda crazy.”

“Not as crazy as what we go through on a daily basis,” Leo told them as Gabby and Tony turned to see him walking up to them. He continued speaking to the Torettos, “Trust me when I say this was a normal Tuesday for us.”

Gabby suggested her cousin, “I can vouch and show you the scars to prove it.”

Frostee said, “And we just dislodged a 70,000 pound trailer at 80 miles an hour.”

Sonata added, “And I just beat up someone whose twice my size and body weight.”

“The bottom line is, we know crazy.” Cisco answered while everyone nodded.

Tony laughed, “That was crazy! I set off the charge and it was like,” He imitated the sound of an explosion, “And you caught that trailer with your truck.”

“Nice job, handsome.” Sonata kissed Cisco on the cheek, causing him to faint and Frostee got caught.

He struggled to get up until he managed to get off of him. Frostee got up and breathed heavily while Cisco continued dreaming about that kiss earlier.

Tony exclaimed, “How did we even do that?!”

Gabby chuckled, “You can’t stop family, primo.”

Echo reminded her best friend, “We got your back.”

“Yeah, if we can stick together, we can do anything.” Rainbow said as she wrapped her arms around her best friends, Applejack and Rarity.

Tony chuckled, “I couldn’t have asked for a better crew. Old... And new.”

Frostee handed everyone a can of Yoka and Pinkie cheered, “A toast... TO NEW FRIENDS!”

Everyone raised their Yoka cans and celebrated until Ms. Nowhere showed up with Gary holding up binders.

Ms. Nowhere told the teens, “Team, I don’t like how you did it, but I like that you did it. So, congratulations on a job well... done.”

Gabby and the rest were surprised that Ms. Nowhere was actually congratulating them, for the moment at least. “That was a roller coaster ride of a compliment.” She said.

Echo admitted, “I got admit, I like this spy stuff. It’s as if I was made secretly to mess with other people.”

April embarrassedly giggled, “Ain’t too different from what we do.”

Leo and the others nodded as Cisco regained consciousness and fixed his composure as he stood up.

Ms. Nowhere took a deep breath and told them, “Now look, I don’t wanna be caught with our pants down or hands in the cookie jar, or whatever the saying is again, so we need to get serious about training. Gary, give everyone their binder.”

Gary handed the Toretto gang some binders except the ninjas.

“No need for binders. We already know the basics when it comes to being a ninja.” Leo reminded Ms. Nowhere and Gary.

Ms. Nowhere replied, “Fair enough. Anyway, I’ve put together a beginner’s spy course. If you check your...”

Echo stopped Ms. Nowhere after she finished reading her binder. “Hold up, Nowhere. Seems like we’re doing an awful lot for you. What’s in it for us?” She asked while Tony and his friends nodded.

Ms. Nowhere glared at Echo, “What do you want?”

Frostee grabbed everyone’s binders, “Well, for one...” He dropped them and used them like a stepping stool, “How about we fix this dump up?” Frostee pointed at the abandoned warehouse, “Looks like an abandoned rat food factory.”

Ms. Nowhere sighed, “Fine. I suppose Uncle Sam could splurge on some ferns and an inspirational cat calendar.”

Fluttershy cooed, “Awww.”

Ms. Nowhere reminded them, “But only the essentials.”

Few hours later, the warehouse was redesigned and reconstructed into a hideout for Tony and his crew.

Tony shouted, “Guys, welcome to our new home!”

Everyone cheered and started enjoying themselves in their new hideout. Echo, Casey, Mikey, and Rainbow were skateboarding in the skate ramp, Frostee, Sunset, and Donnie were playing video games, Cisco and Raph were sparring in the boxing ring, and Tony was riding a mechanical bull until he fell off while Gabby and Applejack laughed.

Then, the garage door opened and Layla walked in to see Tony and his friends enjoying themselves in their new hideout.

Layla asked everyone, “So, this is your place?”

“It’s a work in progress.” Echo replied as Sunset nodded and they resumed spray-painting their respective cars.

Frostee rode on his skateboard and told Layla, “Yeah, we got a boxing ring for Cisco, I put a bunch of computers in a giant Yoka head, Echo’s got that engine with like a...,” Frostee pointed at the lamp hanging on the ceiling, “Boat sail on it that’s... ‘art.’ What do you think?”

“Subtle.” Layla commented after looking around the place. She walked up to Rainbow and Tony to give them their phones, “These are from Shashi. Layla: Welcome to SH1FT3R. We’ll be in touch.” After that, Layla noticed the mechanical bull right behind them and asked, “Y’all got a mechanical bull?”

Tony answered, “Yep, that’s right. And you are looking at the garage record-holder right here. Six seconds.”

Layla crossed her arms and questioned Tony, “Six seconds. A-And your proud of that?”

Rainbow told her, “We got someone who’d last longer.”

Applejack pointed at herself, “Me.”

Tony asked the country girls, “You two think you can beat my time?”

“Step away from the bull.” Layla got on and started riding the mechanical bull. She cheered, “Woo-hoo! Yee-haw! Uh-huh!”

“I’ll go next when she’s done.” Applejack informed her friends as they nodded in response.

Layla was having fun riding on the mechanical bull while Tony and his friends watched in the Ninja Racers’ new hideout.

Author's Note:

Artworks provided by Jebens1

Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 2 of Fast and Furious: Spy Racers