• Published 12th Mar 2021
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Equestria Ninja Girls: Spy Racers - AmethystMajesty25

The Turtles, Rainbooms, and Dazzlings team up with a crew of street racers to take down a crime organization.

  • ...

Ghost Town Grand Prix

On a bright, morning day, Tony was in his car and he’s focusing on the road as the engines of his car roared. He asked, “Ready?”

Frostee answered, over the com-link, “Hit it, T.”

Tony hit the gas and just went as fast as he car could go. When in truth, he was stationary on top of a large custom made hauler.

The driver of the van honked the horn of his van and rudely shouted, “Move your truck, moron!”

Donnie announced over the com-link, “Starting Phase 2.”

Two wind cannons popped and blew high powered winds at Tony's car

Tony continued driving his car and asked Frostee, “How are the diagnostics?”

Frostee answered again over the com-link, “The car’s running great, Tony. Test the spy system.”

Tony pressed a button and all sorts of modifications popped out of his car.

“Everything is all green.” Twilight told him.

Tony informed the tech geniuses, “This car is race ready!”

“Okay. I’m bringing you back in!” Frostee replied over the com-link as Tony was brought back in and his car was secured right by the other cars.

“That testing area is sick! My car is primed.” Tony cheered, feeling excited for the next race.

Rainbow reminded him, “Don’t start thinking your faster than me.”

“Wait until I load your new lightning kit on. Check this out.” Echo pressed a button and the rainbow lights started flashing from her car. Everyone laughed and whooped while dancing to the car’s tunes.

“Ooh, I like how that light dances off my sweet, new spy watch.” Frostee laughed.

Sunset contacted Frostee over her spy watch, “Looking slick, Frostee.”

Frostee replied, “Right back atcha, tiny S.”

Tony sighed, “I could get use to this spy life.”

Gabby added, “I said the same with being friends with Ninjas.”

“Hey Cisco. What's up with you and Sonata down there?” Tony called his friend.

“Ah...,” Cisco laughed, “Pushing this truck to the limit... of changing lanes safely.” Cisco drove the hauler to the right lane smoothly.

Sonata called them, “Betcha you didn’t even feel it.”

Both Cisco and Sonata snickered while Tony and the rest of his friends were eating sone froyo.

Tony answered, “That was so smooth, I didn’t spill my froyo.”

“Froyo?!” The duo exclaimed and frantically searched for the froyo.

Cisco asked Sonata, “Where did Ms. Nowhere say that self-driving button was?”

“Here it is.” Sonata said, pressing the button and the AI appeared on the screen.

The AI greeted them, “Thank you for activating self-driving mode. I am now self-aware.”

Cisco and Sonata were surprised as Cisco asked, “Whoa! You can talk?”

“That is correct. I am basically alive.” The AI answered while the duo listened and started getting freaked.

The AI continued speaking, “I was a police officer, and the government inserted my mind into this truck so that I could drive you around.”

Sonata clung to Cisco in fear. However, Frostee was playing a prank on the pair while everyone struggled not to laugh.

Frostee spoke through the mic and continued speaking like a ghost, “My name was Sergeant McGuire. I had a family. All I want to do is hold my child.”

Sonata jumped into Cisco’s arm out of sheer terror.

“But now my hands and feet have been replaced with tires. I AM A MONSTER!” The AI exclaimed.

Cisco carried Sonata into the back in a panic attack.

The AI shouted, “Look away!”

The duo exited from the driver cockpit and arrived to their friends in the surveillance room.

Cisco alerted everyone, “Guys! Guys! Yo, this truck is haunted!”

Everyone laughed and the couple realized that Frostee played a prank on them by pretending to be a ghost AI, which scared Sonata into Cisco’s arms. And they were not happy.

Sonata crossed her arms, feeling frustrated and said, “Not... funny.”

Casey snickered, “Yo, on the bright side, you were in Cisco's arms.”

Cisco and Sonata blushed as Rainbow Dash took a picture of them from her phone and joked, “You may now kiss the bride.”

Sonata approached Rainbow with anger and was almost ready to punch her while Cisco looked at the security footage from the front of the hauler until Ms. Nowhere suddenly appeared onscreen, making a jump scare on Cisco as he frightfully gasped.

Ms. Nowhere announced her presence onscreen, “Hello! Is everyone there?

Donnie replied, “We’re here, Ms. Nowhere.”

“Good. You two need to get ready. This is the big time. The show. Going undercover in a SH1FT3R race is no joke.” Ms. Nowhere informed everyone in the hauler.

“Yeah... Well, we’ve done it before, so I think we’ll be alright.” Tony informed his boss.

Rainbow also told Ms. Nowhere, “Relax Ms. Nowhere, we got this. You got nothing to worry about.”

Ms. Nowhere got serious and informed the team onscreen, “Listen, hotshots. Shashi used his last SH1FT3R race as cover to infiltrate a billionaire’s yacht and steal one of the keys.”

Echo wondered, “Whatever those are.”

Casey suggested, “Seriously, you guys think they’ll file a report to the police? At least then we could have a clue what the key could be.”

Tony vowed, “That’s what we’re going to find out.”

“Because our guys are...” Frostee started singing, “Spy Racers!”

Ms. Nowhere ordered Frostee, “Please stop that.”

Frostee couldn’t help it and continued singing, “Living dangerously! Finding out about the key. Yeah!”

Sonata suggested him, “If you want help with the song, I’d be happy to help.”

“Thanks, girl. Now, are you gonna stay in Cisco's arms all day?” Frostee asked.

Sonata got off of Cisco’s arms and the duo looked away while blushing.

Tony felt confident and said, “Frostee’s song is right. I am an awesome spy racer.”

“Yeah, but we’re Ninja Racers.” Donnie reminded him while Sunset and the others liked the sound of that.

Rainbow pointed herself and said, “I’m going to win this race this time.”

Tony rebuffed her idea and replied, “No, I will. But at least you can say the winner is your friend.”

Rainbow shouted, “That's my line!”

Ms. Nowhere exclaimed to them onscreen, “Wrong! Your mission isn’t to win. the race. Your mission is to stay on Shashi’s tail. At some point today, Shashi is going to steal another key. And when he does, you two should be right behind him. The rest of you: Search the area and find Shashi’s target.”

The Ninja Racers arrived in a ghost town where the next SH1FT3R race was held. There were hundreds of people attending the event including new racers. Tony and the rest of his friends exited the hauler before Layla drove pass the crowd and parked by Tony’s crew’s hauler.

“Nice rig.” Layla complimented.

After that confrontation, a driver with a parachute backpack walked pass Tony and Tony asked Layla, “Whose that?”

Layla answered, “Santiago. He’s the best driver in South America.”

Rainbow questioned her as well, “And why is he wearing a parachute?”

“You'll see.” Layla replied again before glancing at Scadan who was sparring against his bodyguard until he spotted Tony’s group.

Layla informed Tony’s crew, “That little guy over there is Scadan. And his bodyguard with him is Muscles. Recognize them from your adventure at the border?”

Scadan glared at Tony, feeling bitter about the Ninja Racers’ stunt back at the border while Muscle shook at the sight of Sonata.

Layla resumed, “He’s got a grudge against you for jacking his Yoka.”

Tony ordered his friend, “Frostee, Yoka me.”

Frostee gave him a Yoka can and Tony started drinking it. “Mm-mm!” Tony smirked at Scadan and Muscles.

“Gggggrrrr!” Scadan growled and punched Muscles out of frustration and anger.

Then, Gabby glanced at a vehicle that’s playing music to the crowd. She asked Layla, “What is that?”

Layla answered as the driver got out of her car, “The Woofer. She blast music so loud it can blow your eardrums.”

Sonata nodded, “I like music, but I like my hearing more.”

Aria and Adagio rolled their eyes and Adagio said, “Tell us about it.”

“I bet Vinyl Scratch can take on the Woofer someday.” Sunset said while the rest of the ninjas nodded.

Another driver was drifting her car around on the sand like a circle and the crowd cheered.

“That’s Touge-Dori. Her tuner takes turns like no one else's. And she’s great at nobodies like you off the road.” Layla stated her facts.

Rainbow commented, “Hope she likes being knocked.”

Layla resumed speaking, “Meet Bonegrinder.” The driver drove in a monster truck and it crushed a car.

“He looks more comfortable at a demolition derby. I like his style.” Casey commented while Rarity and Fluttershy hid behind the rest of their ninja friends, feeling scared and shivering with fright.

Raph calmed them down, reassuring the two girls, “Relax girls. It’s just a monster truck. I’m gonna drive one of those someday.”

Last but not least, a driver sat on her car and was ready to show off her skills as Layla introduced the Ninja Racers to the driver, “And PizzaRave.”

“Did someone say pizza?” Mikey asked while searching for pizza boxes.

Everyone looked up as the barrel blasted off into the sky and exploded. PizzaRave pressed a button and fired lasers at the remains of the barrel.

Echo commented while looking up, “That’s so PizzaRave.”

“Love to see her equipment.” Twilight suggested.

Layla asked Tony and Rainbow, “Nervous?”

“Heck no! I’m not nervous. What about you, T?” Rainbow asked him.

“Nervous? I wasn’t even driving my own car last time. This race, I’m completely un-nervous.” Tony stuttered while Layla smirked.

Tony stuttered again, “Dis... dis-nervous? Un... nerve... ed?”

Layla left after hearing the sounds of a car engine roaring coming to the race.

Gabby facepalmed while Cisco told Tony, “Bet you’re glad that conversation was interrupted.”

“What was the opposite of nervous?” Tony asked everyone.

Twilight answered, “I believe calm is the word that you're looking for, T.”

After the awkward conversation, the crowd started cheering as a nice, silver race car rolled right into the ghost town and parked in front of Tony’s crew.

Shashi with sunglasses exited out of his vehicle looking and smiled at the crowd while Tony and his crew glared at him.

Raph grunted and crossed his arms, “Well here comes Mr. High and Mighty.”

“Take it from us: He's more pleasant to be around than Shredder.” Aria told Raph.

“Girl, a pack of hungry bobcats are more pleasant than the Shredder.” Applejack reminded Aria while the other two Dazzlings nodded and agreed with the cowgirl.

Shashi jumped on top of his car and stood in front of the crowd, asking everyone, “Who’s ready to race?!”

The crowd cheered and applauded in response.

Shashi pointed his finger at the new SH1FT3R racers that Layla mentioned earlier, “We got some new blood in the SH1FT3R line-up today,” Shashi looked at Tony and Rainbow, “We’ll find out if they can hack it,” He pointed his attention to the TV monitor, “Each lap is 25 miles. More if you get lost in the mines. First one to four laps wins. Now get ready for the hottest track on the planet! It’s race time!”

After hearing Shashi’s speech, Leo nodded, “I'll give him credit. The guy knows how to work a crowd.”

Shashi locked eyes on Tony, fiercely looking at him and said, “I’ve never raced a Toretto before. Let’s see if you can live up to the family name.”

Minutes later, the race was all set and the drones were launched as a means of keeping track of the other racers.

Frostee start communicating with Tony through the com-link, “Alright, T and Rainbow. Looks like you guys will head out of town, enter the mines - I don’t know what happens in there - then you come out, there are some switchbacks, jump over some dunes, and then you’ll race back through town. Sound good?”

Rainbow replied, “Yeah.”

Tony answered, “Awesome. What did you say about the mines?”

Everyone started their engines. The crowd continued cheering and the drone counted down starting from red light to yellow right. Engines continued to roll, waiting for drivers to hit the gas.

“Hope those cars have a decent roll cage!” Layla told Rainbow and Tony as the light went green, the competition was on. Th drivers hit the gas and their cars took off.

Shashi shouted, “Here we go.”

Layla cheered, “Yeah!”

Scadan passed by other racers and took fourth place with Bonegrinder and Touge-Dori behind him. He cheered, “That’s what I’m talking about!”

Frostee reminded his friends, “Okay, Tony and Rainbow, you’re entering the tunnels. Remember, you should be tracking Shashi.”

As the cars entered the mines, the drivers struggled for control on the steep drop.

Tony exclaimed, “Whoa!”

Rainbow shouted, “Hang on!”

“Okay, time to try out some of this new spy gear. Ooh, night-vision.” Tony suggested as he pressed a button and night-vision mode was activated. “Ha ha! Yeah! Now who can see in the dark?”

Rainbow commented, “So cool.”

PizzaRave got in front of the duo and switched on high-powered light.

Tony covered his eyes and shouted, “Ah! Lugnuts, my eyes!”

Rainbow closed her eyes as well, “I CAN’T SEE!”

Tony and Rainbow were blinded by lights until PizzaRave accelerated forward and the lights were gone. The duo was able to see clearly, but they were about to collide with the walls of the caverns.

“Whoa! Aargh!” Tony and Rainbow screamed as they drifted their cars.

The rest of the Ninja Racers heard their screams from their com-links and Gabby asked them, “Guys, what’s going on?”

Ms. Nowhere reminded the two racers, “Remember, neither of you are suppose to be winning the race.”

Tony told her, “Don’t worry! We’re not!”

Shashi was still in the lead with Layla in second place. Then, Scadan drove passed Layla and he hit Shashi’s car from behind before Scadan skidded to a halt.

Scadan yelled, “Janey Mack!”

PizzaRave was heading towards Scadan’s car and screamed before she drove off the road. She ejected out of her vehicle and pulled out her parachute before Tony and Rainbow Dash saw her gently gliding down.

Meanwhile, a couple of drones from Twilight and Frostee were scouting the area of the ghost town.

“Okay. Let’s look at some potential targets for Shashi’s heist.” Frostee said as the drones started scouting around the ghost town.

Cisco got an idea and suggested the gang, “Ooh, what about the bank?”

Echo rejected his idea and replied, “Nah, man. What would be in a busted, old, bank vault? It wasn’t guarded in the first place. We don’t have eyes in the mines. Shashi could pull a sick heist in there and we’d never know. Why don’t you guys get some drones in there?” Echo suggested the tech geniuses.

Donnie answered, “We do have some little ones, but they have limited range, we’d have to drive them in there...”

Echo ordered, “So? Go!”

“I don’t want to go in there! I heard the miners hit radioactive uranium, and now there’s a bunch of mutant ghosts down there!” Frostee pleaded as Sonata hugged Cisco in terror.

Cisco bluffed, “What? Man, you're crazy.”

“Why do you think it's called a ghost town?” Frostee asked Cisco.

“Because...” Cisco thought about it for a minute until he gave up and exclaimed, “Oh man! I was trying not to think about why!”

“Just go, fools!” Echo shouted as everyone except Echo left the hauler. She then contacted the rest of the Ninjas and Allies over the com-link, “Yo boys, help Cisco and Frostee search what’s inside the mines. The girls and I will search the area around this ghost town.”

Everyone agreed that it was the best course of action.

Sunset suggested Echo over the com-link, “How about me and Aria stay around here as backup?”

Aria added over the com-link, “Plus, wouldn't hurt to have some company.”

Echo thanked the two, “Thanks, girls.”

Frostee, Cisco, Sonata, Gabby, and Donnie exited the hauler and rode on Cisco’s truck to head for the mines, but Muscle was spying on them without them noticing.

Muscles informed Scadan over the walkie-talkie, “The girl is all alone in Toretto’s hauler.”

Scadan replied in an angry tone, “Perfect! That daft stook stole our rig. Now we’ll steal his. He’ll be whopper bawling before it’s all through.”

Back to the race, Tony and Rainbow drove right passed Layla and they both cheered while Layla grunted. Shashi saw the pair gaining on him fast and told them, “C’mon, let’s see what you two got.”

Shashi poured on the gas, leaving them in a cloud of dust. Thinking quickly, the pair activated the grappling hooks and sand tires and skidded safely across the road.

Rainbow sighed, “So glad for this spy gear.”

“Yeah! Whoo! Yeah!” Tony cheered as Layla came up from behind and passed them.

Layla told them, “Took that turn too fast, small times.”

Rainbow and Tony followed Layla while Santiago followed the Woofer, but he ejected himself out of his car and used his parachute before his car crashed after taking the fall. However, Tony and Rainbow avoid the car just in time.

Tony asked everyone over the com-link, “Uh... Hey team, did we pack a parachute in here?”

Cisco answered, “No, but I put in spare underwear.”

Rainbow told Tony, “Relax T. I got your back.”

“And how exactly would you having my back help? It's not like you can sprout wings or run super fast.” Tony commented and Rainbow wanted to tell him, but she knew it was too risky in case any of the racers overheard her.

Then all of a sudden, the monster truck driven by Bonegrinder appeared from above the cliff and was ready to smash Tony’s and Rainbow’s car, but they reluctantly moved out of the way. After that, Scadan fired some paintballs on the back of Tony’s, Layla’s, and Rainbow’s cars.

“Nobody filches my Yoka!” Scadan yelled while continuing to shoot paintballs at his enemies.

Rainbow mumbled, “This guy knows how to hold grudges.”

Layla bumped into Tony and he got too close to falling.

“Tony!” Rainbow yelled as she was about to use her geode, but she stopped when she saw Tony regain control.

Tony drove his car backwards while Scadan continued to laugh while firing paintballs at the front.

Layla looked at Tony’s car and commented, “Your car’s turning into a work of art.”

“Yeah, well...” Tony was about to say something until the Woofer drove by and blared her music very loud right next to Tony as he covered his ear.

“Sonata’s right. Music might be good, but just being able to hear is better.” Tony remembered and he was able to escape from the Woofer and joined back up with Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow asked Tony over the com-link, “You okay, Double T?”

Tony chuckled, “I’m golden.”

Meanwhile, the Turtles, Gabby, Casey, Sonata, Cisco, and Frostee were searching through the mines with their flashlights.

“Alright. Time to initiate Operation Bat Drones.” Frostee announced before getting bumped by Cisco.

Cisco replied, “Wait, you made drones that look like bats? That’s creepy, man.”

Donnie reminded Cisco, “They don't look like bats, Cisco.”

Frostee launched the drones and also told Cisco, “They'll just map out the mine using echolocation.”

Sonata reminded everyone, “We already know where Echo is.”

“Please tell me you’re joking.” Donnie wondered.

Sonata laughed, “Duh, your going to use sound waves like a radar in order to map out the mine like bat uses it's scream so it doesn’t slam into a rock.”

Frostee and Donnie looked stunned of Sonata’s knowledge while Cisco just smiled.

Sonata informed them, “I research bats as a hobby when I’m alone.”

Cisco laughed, “Come on, you guys! I know all about sound propagation. You think...”

Suddenly, a pair of glowing eyes appeared, floating in the air.

Cisco screamed as Sonata jumped back into his arms, “Ghost! Ghost! Frostee, you were right!”

Mikey, Casey, Donnie, and Frostee laughed while Leo and Raph shook their heads. As for Cisco and Sonata, they were unhappy for falling into Frostee’s prank.

“Ms. Nowhere gave us drone cloaking.” Donnie laughed before the drone uncloaked and flew off.

Mikey told them, “In your faces.”

Cisco rolled his eyes and commented in an unhappy tone, “Hilarious.”

“Getting comfortable in Cisco's arms, Sonata?” Casey asked.

Sonata jumped down and crossed her arms, turning away from Frostee and Donnie.

Frostee laughed hysterically, “You two should've seen... But you couldn't see drone because of ghosts!”

“Ha! Classic!” Mikey laughed too.

Sonata showed Cisco one her tonfas, suggesting she could hit Frostee as payback, but Cisco shook his head. Just then, the Quartet heard a strange noise.

Sonata told them, “Guys, it's not funny.”

Frostee gulped, “Yeah, now it's scaring me. Kill Ghost Drone Protocol.”

Casey pleaded, “Please tell me the Creep's not here in the mines.”

Frostee questioned Casey, “Who or what are you talking about, dude?”

Sonata crept up behind Frostee with a flashlight on her hand and said, “You can't kill what's already dead, man.”

Frostee, Mikey, Casey, and Donnie screamed in terror as Cisco chased them while carrying Sonata.

Leo shook his head and facepalmed, “Unbelievable.”

Raph crossed his arms and commented, “I can't believe they bought into that.”

“I'm with you guys on that part because this is going nowhere.” Gabby frowned and crossed her arms while she, Leo, and Raph continued to watch the rest of their friends folling around in the mines.

Back in the hauler, Echo was watching Cisco and Sonata chasing after the four jokesters. She sighed, “What a bunch of Double-0 knuckleheads.”

“Yes, but they’re our knuckleheads.” Sunset communicated Echo over the com-link while Aria was more focused on Sonata being in Cisco’s arms.

Echo was searching through the fault lines of the ghost town area from the computer until she found train tracks in the computer monitor. It peeked her interest and said, “Hold up,” Echo scanned them and called Ms. Nowhere, “Yo Nowhere. Why aren’t these train tracks on the map?”

Ms. Nowhere replied, “Let me check,” She then asked Gary the same question, “Gary, why aren’t those train tracks on our map?”

Gary answered, “No one uses them anymore. Besides, there’s nowhere to reach them from the race course.”

Meanwhile, Tony and Rainbow took the road to the left and their cars jumped off to gain the lead and outsmart Shashi.

Tony cheered, “First place!”

“Not if I get there, first.” Rainbow said as their cars were racing neck-to-neck.

Shashi was impressed and said, “It looks like Toretto and his friend came to play.”

Tony called his friend, “Yo Rainbow, you sure know how to handle a car?”

Rainbow replied, “Ha! You should see me on a soccer field.”

Back in the hauler, Echo reminded the two racers over their com-links, “T, Rainbow, I know you guys are awesome, but you should be following Shashi, not beating him.”

Tony groaned, “Alright. Let me see if I can let him pass me...” Before Tony can finish, Shashi rammed his car into Tony’s car and Rainbow’s car from behind.

“Argh!” Tony grunted as his car and Rainbow’s car spun off to the side while the other racers passed by them.

“I bought it.” Echo commented.

Tony and Rainbow sighed as Shashi, Layla, and the other racers were heading towards back to the ghost town.

Back to Cisco’s group in the mines, Donnie informed everyone, “Gathering data from the drones.”

“Dang, there are all kinds of paths to get lost in.” Frostee said while looking around inside the mines.

As for PizzaRave, she was still gliding with her parachute and asked herself, “Is this the end of PizzaRave?”

Back in the hauler, the data was received from Frostee to the computer and Echo found something very interesting from the data.

Echo exclaimed in excitement, “Oh shnap. There’s another exit from this mine, but it looks like it’s blocked by a wall of fire.”

Back to the race, Rainbow Dash and Tony remained on Shashi’s tail.

Tony told Rainbow, “I can pass him. It would be so easy to win this thing.”

Rainbow replied, “I know.”

Back in the hauler, Echo found a train using the abandoned rail system, alerting Tony and Rainbow over the com-link, “Tony, Rainbow, I’ve located the target. It’s a train. Shashi will use one of those secret tunnels to get out of the mountain. You have to stay on his tail.”

“We are!” Tony shouted.

“We’re working on it!” Rainbow added.

The two racers were following Shashi as he appeared onscreen in Tony’s car, “You’re not living up to the Toretto name, Tony! Dom would be so disappointed.”

“Uh-oh.” Rainbow said, over the com-link to Tony.

“Sorry, Echo. He’s totally leaving his outside open. I gotta pass this guy.” Tony vowed.

“Tony, wait. That’s not the plan.” Rainbow informed him over the com-link, but Tony ignored Rainbow and drove his car right up to Shashi, going neck-to-neck with each other.

Shashi waited and let Tony to pass him, only to let Layla ram into him, resulting him going down to an alternate mine shaft.

Layla said, “You just got rope-a-doped.”

Rainbow saw what happened and said, “Seriously, she makes the Joker look sane.”

Tony’s car spun out of control and Tony screamed as Echo chimed in through the com-link, “Tony, you’re off course. Layla and Shashi are heading the other way.”

“I know!” Tony yelled as his car crashed and had his vehicle wedged in. “Er... Where did you guys put that clean underwear?”

As for Layla and Shashi, they used the secret route blocked by fire. Without hesitating, the two racers exited the mines and reemerge outside without getting hurt. After that, Layla and Shashi head to the train tracks where the train is.

Back in the hauler, Echo called her friends in the mines and ordered them, “Cisco, Frostee, and everyone else in there. Get Tony out. Layla and Shashi are heading for the train.”

“You heard Echo, let’s move!” Leo shouted as the gang head back to their vehicles to help Tony. Then, Echo heard an alarm beeping and observed the surveillance footage to the right. She saw Muscles with his crowbar behind his back, but it slipped from his hands and fell on the ground. Muscles picked it up without no one noticing and walked to the back of the hauler. However, Sunset and Aria noticed him from afar and spied on him from the Party Wagon.

“What are you up to, big boy?” Echo asked.

Muscles used his crowbar and opened the backdoor of the hauler.

Aria contacted Echo over the com-link, “Echo, the big guy is trying to break in to the hauler.”

“Don’t worry. I got this.” Echo replied.

Sunset suggested, “But Echo...”

“It’s fine, Sunset. I can handle this.” Echo responded before turning off her spy watch and adjusting her cap, “You want in? Come on in.”

Cisco’s group went back to their vehicles and rushed to help Tony.

Frostee looked through his tablet and said, “Mapping fastest route to Tony.”

Donnie spotted the closest tunnel and informed everyone, “He’s close.”

Minutes later, the Turtles, Casey, Gabby, Sonata, Frostee, and Cisco found Tony’s car.

Cisco got out of his truck and said, “You’re wedged in good, bro.”

Tony felt upset and put his head down on the steering wheel, telling them, “I ruined the mission. Shashi and Layla totally played me.”

Gabby reminded Tony, “Well, look on the bright side. You got a crew on your side, T.”

Cisco struggled to hook up Tony’s car underneath with a bungee cord and told his friends, “I can’t reach the frame,” He passed the bungee cord to Frostee, “Here.”

So, Cisco decided to lift Tony’s car using his strength and Raph helped too while Frostee told him, “Don’t drop it on me.”

“Have I ever dropped a car on you?” Cisco asked.

Frostee answered, “Not yet, but...”

“We don’t have time, Frostee. Go!” Raph ordered.

Frostee trusted his friends and connected the bungee cord to Tony’s car. Pretty soon, Tony was rushing to catch-up with Shashi.

Tony asked, “Which way?”

Donnie answered over the com-ink, “Follow the drone.”

Meanwhile, Muscles entered inside the hauler and looked around until the lights were out. Lights were back on and Echo appeared right in front of him. Muscles threw a punch, but the lights were out again and he missed after it was turned on again. He looked around, but started to feel a bit worried. The lights flashed until Echo appeared again and knocked Muscles on the back. The roughhousing continued as Echo started ululating. Little do they don’t know was that Twilight’s drones were recording the fight inside the hauler.

Sunset asked the Rainbooms and the Dazzlings over their com-links, “Girls, are you seeing this?”

Everyone was shocked, but completely amazed by watching a 1-ton man getting beaten up by a 16-pound teenager.

Pinkie cheered, “Whoo, way to go, Echo!”

Back in the mines, Sonata watched the surveillance footage from the hauler and she was more ticked that Muscle was attacking her friend just for payback.

As for Muscles, he landed into the back of the hauler with Echo looming over him.

Echo threatened him before finishing him off, “You’d better run froyo life. Ha!”

Muscles fell out of the hauler and ran away, shouting, “Ah! My brain! It’s freezing!”

“Hm.” Echo hummed before licking her froyo.

Sunset contacted Aria and asked over the com-link, “Never mess with Echo?”

Aria replied over the com-link, “Top of my list.”

Meanwhile, Layla and Shashi drove onto the tracks and behind a train. Once they were close, Shashi planted his car behind the caboose, making it stuck like a magnet.

Shashi informed Layla, “Locked.”

Layla did the same and said, “I’m a go.”

Both members of SH1FT3R boarded onto the train's exterior and prepared to steal one of the compartments with the help of Jun, who was flying in a transverse-mounted helicopter.

“Right on time.” Shashi said as he looked up to see their escape vehicle.

“Extraction inbound.” Jun informed the pair as they ran across the top of the train, until they came across a specific ladder and climbed down. Nacho and Rollie rode down the train via two magnetic lines and secured them to the car.

Nacho and Rollie said in unison, “Locked on. No, I was first.”

Shashi shouted at them, “Guys, come on. Layla, let me know when you disconnect.”

Layla jumped down to one of the train carts and tried to disconnect it, but she struggled to turn it, “Almost...”

Suddenly, the security guard opened the door and shouted, “Hey!” He tried to attack Layla with his night stick, but she dodged it and knocked the security guard out with a kick to his face.

Layla climbed up and shouted, “I thought you said this train was empty.”

“It’s supposed to be.” Shashi shouted back as the incoming guard foresaw his attack and kicked the guard out of the train with a spin kick.

Tony managed to get through the wall of fire and made it through the tracks. He said, “Rainbow, you go ahead and win the race. I'm going to salvage the mission.”

Rainbow asked onscreen, “You sure?”

Tony answered, “As long as I can say the winner’s my friend.”

Rainbow smiled onscreen, “Always.”

Tony hit the gas and made it out of the mines to chase after the train.

Back on the train, Layla was fighting off against two guards while Shashi and Jun looked on.

“I’m cutting the caboose.” Shashi informed his gang as he disconnected the caboose from the train cart while Jun tried to pull it using the helicopter.

“Layla, we gotta go!” Shashi shouted while Layla continued to fight the guards.

Shashi elbowed a guard down from behind and disconnected the train cart connecting to the head of the train. Jun used the helicopter to pull the train cart out and Shashi shouted while holding on, “Go, go, go!”

“Layla!” Shashi called Layla while she used a leg sweep on a guard and did a backflip kick on another. Layla charged forward and jumped way up by using the guard’s head as a stepping stool.

In slow motion, she was far away from Shashi and couldn’t reach him, but Shashi grabbed her arm of her jacket before Layla fell. Shashi shouted, “Hang on!”

The SH1FT3R gang finally got what they wanted and Layla told her friend, “Don’t you drop me!”

Shashi tried to hold on to Layla, but she slipped and screamed. “No!” Shashi yelled.

Layla used her parachute and landed back on the train safely. The remaining guards inside the train jumped off and landed safely before it headed straight towards the weak, wooden bridge. The head of the train malfunctioned and collided with the bridge, resulting the train and the bridge to collapse. Shashi and his gang could only watch from afar as Layla lifted her parachute from her and saw she was heading for a drop. After ditching her parachute, she thought about jumping off. Only to see she was going too fast. Just as she was ready to accept her fate, Tony drove up from behind.

Tony shouted, “I got you!”

Tony drove up to the front of the train and, reversing his car, colliding head-on with it. He then pressed a button on his steering wheel, activating his car's traction spike wheels to slow down the train to a halt before it can fall.

After a moment of silence, Tony sighed and celebrated, “Yeah! Whoo!”

He exited his car while Layla jumped off the train and landed on the ground safely. While Layla was dusting off the dirt on herself, Tony went to check on her and asked, “You alright?”

“I didn’t need you. I was gonna jump off right before the cliff.” Layla scoffed.

Tony replied, “Oh... Really?”

“Yeah. And it was gonna be awesome.” Layla said as she went back into her car.

Tony ran up to Layla and said, “At least your car is good.”

Layla groaned and drove her car back to the ghost town, leaving Tony behind and dusted him off.

Tony coughed and replied, “You’re welcome.”

Back in the ghost town, Rainbow Dash was celebrating her victory with the winner’s trophy in hand. As for PizzaRave, she survived and was talking to a few people about “Mole People”. As for Muscles, he walked by the Toretto gang's hauler and was met with a glare from Echo, staring daggers right through him.

Muscles whimpered and walked away until he saw Sonata. She crossed her arms and asked in a serious tone while glaring daggers at Muscles as well, “Remember me, punk?”

Muscles saw the fury in Sonata’s eyes and knew he was in for a world of pain.

“Mommy!” Muscles cried and ran away until he found and reached up to Scadan.

Tony drove back to the ghost town after the train incident. He exited the car and his friends ran up to him, but Gabby hugged him to make sure he was alright.

“¿Estás bien, primo?” Gabby asked in Spanish.

Tony hugged her back and answered, “Sí Gabby, I’m fine.”

They stopped hugging and smiled until Scadan called Tony out, “Hey Toretto, you knackered after losing the race?”

Tony turned to see Scadan and answered, “Nah, seeing how the winner’s my friend, my crew won the race.”

Scadan growled, knowing that Tony was right.

“Besides, I have Yoka,” Tony said before drinking some yoka and raised his cup without throwing up. He gruffed, “This stuff is terrible.”

“It’s an acquired taste.” Frostee said.

“Don’t sweat it, T. You’ll get use to it when you drink some more Yoka.” Casey informed before he gulped his can of Yoka.

Then, Shashi arrived at the ghost town and exited his car to confront Tony with Layla following with her friend.

“What were you doing following me out there?” Shashi interrogated Tony.

Tony answered, “Well first of all, you’re welcome for saving Layla.”

Layla scoffed, “I was fine.”

Tony continued speaking, “Second of all, I’m a Toretto. I didn’t come out to race with these clowns any more than you do. I knew there was a score. I want in on the real action.”

The two stared at each other, until Shashi put his hand on Tony’s shoulder and chuckled, “This is perfect. I got a mission coming up that could use the Toretto touch.”

Layla scoffed and walked away with Shashi. Tony and the rest of his crew celebrated after that.

Later in the evening, the Ninja Racers arrived back at their warehouse until Ms. Nowhere and Gary showed up inside.

Ms. Nowhere berated them, “Welcome back, failures! Looks like Shashi got the train car and we didn’t get squat. Gary is furious!”

However, Gary wasn’t angry and told them, “I understand. It’s tough without proper training. We should have...”

Ms. Nowhere glared at him, making Gary stopped talking.

“You blew it!” Ms. Nowhere yelled at them.

Raph got angry and started shouting at them, “First of all, we’re not failures! And second...”

Leo stopped him and said, “Enough Raph.”

Raph crossed his arms and glared at Ms. Nowhere as Tony walked up to her and informed her the news, “Not exactly. We put a tracker on the train car. We know exactly where Shashi is taking it.”

Then out of nowhere, Frostee, Pinkie, Sonata, and Mikey broke the fourth wall to sing their song together before fading out, “Cause we are Spy Racers!”

Author's Note:

Screenshots taken from Season 1, Episode 3 of Fast and Furious: Spy Racers