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Lost Loyalty

Five months have passed since Turquoise arrived at Beacon and things have been quite a challenge. Turquoise and her team were relaxing in their room since it was the weekend and there were no classes today.

“ What do you girls want to do today?” Turquoise asked.

“ We could have a sparring match,” Rainbow said.

“ We always do that,” Sylvia said.

“ We could go to the city and see if anything is going on,” Sapphire suggested.

“ Beats sitting around here all day. Sure let’s go,” Turquoise said. After getting dressed the girls left for the City.

As soon as Turquoise and her team arrived in the city they saw people setting up banners and stuff.

“ What is going on?” Rainbow asked.

“ Don’t you know? Everyone is setting up for the Vital Festival,” A woman who was older than the girls with long pink hair and pink eyes said which surprised them.

“ Hey Rose,” Sapphire said.

“ You know her?” Sylvia asked.

“ Of course. Girls meet my big sis Rose,” Sapphire said.

“ Nice to meet you,” Turquoise said.

“ You three must be Sapphy’s friends. Nice to meet all of you,” Rose said before inviting them into her shop which was empty at the moment. “ Let’s go upstairs and continue talking,” As soon as the girls were upstairs Rose came back with some refreshments for them. “ So tell me about yourselves.

“ I’m Rainbow Dash,” Rainbow said.

“ I’m Sylvia,” Sylvia said.

“ And I’m Turquoise,” Turquoise said.

“ How are things at Beacon?” Rose asked while sipping her tea.

“ Pretty good so far,” Sapphire said.

“ So which one of you is the Team Leader?” Rose asked.

“ I am,” Turquoise said.

“ Aw I thought you would be the leader Sapphy,” Rose said a bit disappointed.

“ I don’t mind who the team leader is. if anything I’m glad it’s Turquoise. She is very smart and caring. She even came up with the best possible team attack involving my semblance,” Sapphire said.

“ Oh, may I see it?” Rose asked.

“ I wish we could show you but this place is too small for us to do that,” Turquoise said.

“ There is a sparring ground behind the shop. we can use that,” Rose said. A few minutes later the girls were standing on a small field with training dummies and stuff.

“ How come you have your own training field?” Rainbow asked.

“ Because I used to be a huntress before I decided to go into the fashion industry,” Rose said as she remembered her old team. “ But anyway show me your team attack.

“ Sapphire, you ready to show her Cupid’s Arrow?” Turquoise asked.

“ Ready when you are,” Sapphire said. Sapphire used her semblance which had her blow a kiss that manifested into a slow-moving pair of red lips. Turquoise then fired one of her arrows from behind it and sped it up thus making the lips hit their target quicker.

“ One thing about being a team leader I learned is how to make the best of everyone’s skills. For example, when Sapphire demonstrated her Semblance for me I noticed that it moves at a slow pace which in combat would give the enemy ample time to dodge it. When I combined one of my dust arrows with the kiss not only did it travel faster but it also absorbed the properties of the dust I used in my arrow,” Turquoise explained.

“ Not a bad idea. I’m sure you girls will win the tournament no problem with that,” Rose said.

“ Tournament?” Rainbow asked confused.

“ That’s right your kingdom is still new so of course, you wouldn’t know about it,” Turquoise said before going into an explanation of the Vital Festival. “ The Vital festival is a festival dedicated to all the kingdoms of the world. The biggest part of the festival is the Vital Tournament where students from the other academies come and fight for the glory of their school.

“ Sounds like fun, when will the tournament be?” Rainbow asked.

“ The tournament won’t be for another couple of months and only the teams with the best grades and fighting abilities will be allowed to enter,” Rose said.

“ Well, we should be good to go since all of us including Rainbow have at least a B+ average,” Sylvia said.

“ And let me tell you helping Rainbow with studying was not easy since the traditional methods don’t work for her,” Turquoise said.

Two months earlier there was a big test about the history of Remnant coming up in a week and Rainbow was singled out by Professor Ark as someone who would fail this test since she just sleeps through class. Professor Ark reminded his class that this test counts for 75% of their grade and to study hard before they left for the day. Turquoise sensing Rainbow’s anxiety decided to help her study. Turquoise and Rainbow spent the next four days studying with no success. Turquoise tried everything from books to lectures to highlighting which resulted in Rainbow doing a crude drawing of Turquoise and finally flashcards but nothing worked.

“ You are hopeless,” Turquoise said.

“ Hey it’s not my fault you are a lousy teacher,” Rainbow shouted.

“ This is how my mom taught me,” Turquoise shouted back.

“ Well she must have also been lousy at it because this is not helping at all,” Rainbow shouted. Things were getting heated until Sapphire and Sylvia intervened.

“ Turquoise why don’t you go take a break we will deal with Rainbow,” Sylvia said which prompted Turquoise to leave. As soon as Turquoise left Sapphire and Sylvia decided to have a little talk with Rainbow about her outburst.

“ What is wrong with you?” Sapphire asked.

“ Nothing is wrong with me, it's Turquoise who is wrong and useless,” Rainbow said.

“ She was just trying to help you and this is how you repay her? By insulting her and her family,” Sylvia said.

“ Well she was of no help to me at all,” Rainbow said.

Meanwhile in the Cafeteria Turquoise bought a drink from the vending machine to help calm her nerves after what just happened. As she was drinking Twilight saw her all by herself and sat with her.

“ Hey, Turquoise why are you here all by herself?” Twilight asked.

“ Rainbow and I had an argument,” Turquoise said.

“ What happened?” Twilight asked, feeling very concerned.

“ Professor Ark is giving us a big test on Remnant History that is worth 75% of our grade and he singled out Rainbow as one of the students who will fail. I tried to help her study since her grades don’t just affect her but the rest of Team T.R.Q.S as well,” Turquoise said.

“ What kind of methods did you use?” Twilight asked.

“ The traditional kind you know books. Lectures. Highlighting. Flashcards those sorts of things,” Turquoise said.

“ Well, there’s your problem. You see I have been one of Rainbow’s closest friends for a while back in Eques so I can tell you the traditional methods won’t work,” Twilight said.

“ Then what else can I do? I don’t know any other things I can try,” Turquoise asked.

“ One thing Rainbow taught me when I was helping her study for her Wonderbolts History Test is that everyone has their own way of learning stuff and luckily for you, I know exactly what Rainbow’s way is,” Twilight said.

“ I’m all ears at this point,” Turquoise said. Twilight whispered something into Turquoise’s ear which confused Turquoise.

“ How exactly will that work?” Turquoise asked.

“ Leave all of it to me,” Twilight said. Unbeknownst to them, Professor Valkyrie was listening to their conversation and left to confront Professor ark about it. As soon as she found Professor Valkyrie she looked slightly upset.

“ You told one of your students they were going to fail before the test even started?” Professor Valkyrie said.

“ Well, what do you think is going to happen, Nora? All miss Dash does is sleep in class. She barely retains anything I said so of course, she is going to fail,” Professor Ark said.

“ Ok, Jaune let’s make a little wager. If Rainbow fails your test then I won't question your boring teaching methods ever again. But if she passes me and the girls will be giving you a little makeover followed by a blind date with someone we chose,” Nora said vindictively.

“ You're on,” Jaune said. Meanwhile Twilight and Turquoise were having a little strategy meeting with the rest of Twilight’s friends minus Rainbow.

“ How exactly will any of this help Rainbow study?” Turquoise asked.

“ Back in Eques Rainbow would observe her surroundings while flying and that included what was happening on the ground. So all we have to do is combine all of our study methods and perform a reenactment on the ground,” Rarity said.

“ Luckily I read up on the entire history of Remnant as soon as our kingdom unified with the other kingdoms,” Twilight said.

“ But where are we going to set all of this up? There is not enough room at Beacon and the Emerald Forest is too dangerous and obstructing to set things up,” Turquoise asked.

“ Luckily there is a wide-open field between Vale and Mistral,” Sunset said.

“ All you have to do is make sure Rainbow flies over that field and she should retain all the information before the test,” Twilight said. As soon as the plan was decided Turquoise decided to return to her Team’s room to discuss the plan with Sylvia and Sapphire. As soon as she got their Sylvia and Sapphire had some bad news.

“ Where is Rainbow?” Turquoise asked.

“ She quit the academy and left,” Sylvia said.

“ Why would she do that?” Turquoise asked.

“ She felt like her bad grades would hold us back so she decided to quit being a huntress and go back to Eques,” Sapphire said.

“ No this is bad. We need her,” Turquoise said.

“ Why bother she most likely already left Vale,” Sylvia said.

“ We should at least try to find her,” Turquoise said before running off along with Sylvia and Sapphire.

Meanwhile by the docks, Rainbow was waiting for the next boat back to Eques while looking at a photo with her and her friends in it.

“ Sorry girls but I’m not cut out for this. See all of you back home in four years,” Rainbow said to herself while crying. Turquoise and the girls arrived just in time to stop Rainbow from leaving.

“ Wait Rainbow don’t leave,” Sylvia said.

“ Why bother staying? I'm not an egghead like Turquoise or Twilight,” Rainbow said.

“ True but it takes more than brains to be a huntress,” Sapphire said.

“ Give up already. You girls can make it without me. I’m just holding you all back with my lousy grades,” Rainbow said.

“ Rainbow, we don’t care about grades, we care about you. You are as important to the team as me, Sylvia, and Sapphire. We rather fail with you than succeed without you,” Turquoise said.

“ I care about you girls too which is why I'm leaving so you girls can have a better chance at making it to your second year,” Rainbow said. Before Turquoise could say anything else her scroll rang. As soon as she answered it there was no visual just audio.

“ We have your friends. If you ever want to see them alive again, be at the ruins by the border of Vale and Mistral in one hour,” A deep male voice said.

“ Oh no this is bad,” Turquoise said.

“ Turquoise help us,” Rarity said in the background dramatically before the connection was cut off.

“ This is bad, we must do something,” Sylvia said.

“ You girls go ahead I’m just going to stay here and wait for my ride back to Eques,” Rainbow said.

“ Listen Rainbow even if you don’t want to be a huntress anymore don’t you want to go out doing one last mission?” Sapphire said.

“ Fine but this is the last time,” Rainbow said before grabbing everyone and taking off. They zoomed over the field and within thirty minutes arrived at the ruins where a mysterious figure in a black cloak met them.

“ Glad you girls could make it,” The figure said.

“ Released my friends now,” Rainbow said.

“ I will release them but only if you answer three questions,” The figure said.

“ Fine let's hear them,” Rainbow said.

“ First Question. What was the original name of the man that rescued Salem from her tower?” The figure asked.

“ His name was Ozma obviously,” Rainbow said.

“ Correct. Next question. Who created the creatures of Grimm?” The figure asked.

“ The God of Darkness made them,” Rainbow said.

“ Correct. Final Question. Why did the gods leave this world after wiping out humanity?” The figure asked.

“ They left because Salem lied to the rulers of the other kingdoms about stealing immortality from the gods and led them against them,” Rainbow said before realizing she managed to learn everything she needed.

“ You did it Rainbow,” The figure said before dropping the deep voice and removing her coat revealing Twilight.

“ Twilight? You're the one who kidnapped our friends?” Rainbow asked before it was revealed that the kidnapping was staged.

“ No one was kidnapped, darling. With the help of our teammates we set all this up to help you with your big test,” Rarity said.

“ So all that stuff below us?” Rainbow asked.

“ That was our doing,” A girl with blonde hair tied in braids wearing a western outfit said as she and a girl with long pink hair and green eyes with yellow wings on her back wearing a white dress with armor approached the group.

“ So Rainbow do you still want to quit?” Turquoise asked.

“ Not anymore you girls help me a lot,” Rainbow said.

“ And After that Rainbow managed to ace her exams more,” Turquoise said.

“ What happened to Professor Ark?” Rose asked.

“ Professor Valkyrie and my Mom dressed him up in a fancy black dress with a fur coat and a blonde wig styled in a fancy style and forced to go on a date with someone by the name of Flint Coal. We haven't seen much of him for a while after that,” Turquoise said.

“ In any case, it was nice meeting you girls. Take good care of my little sis for me,” Rose said before Turquoise and the girls left to return to Beacon.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter.