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Let The Tournament Begin

It was the day before the Vital Festival and Turquoise has been spending all of her free time cooped up in her team’s room working on something. Twilight along with the rest of Team TRQS was very concerned.

“ Is Turquoise feeling ok? She hasn't been around much lately?” Twilight asked Rainbow.

“ We don’t know but ever since her Aunt and Mother tried to pull her back to Atlas she has been less talkative and all she ever does is draw and write stuff,” Rainbow said before pulling out a wadded up piece of paper she fished out of the trash and unfolding it. Twilight recognized some of the writing as calculations for an invention.

“ Based on what I am looking at I'm guessing Turquoise is trying to invent something,” Twilight said.

“ Should we stop her?” Rainbow asked.

“ No, but we should at least try to get her to open up on what she is trying to make,” Twilight said referring to the signs of Turquoise’s frustration. Rainbow and Twilight went to Team TRQSs dorm room and found Turquoise still racking her brain on whatever she was trying to make.

“ Hi Turquoise,” Twilight said with Turquoise not responding. Rainbow was getting irritated and just ripped the pen right out of Turquoise’s cold dead hand which made her mad.

“ Give that back I was getting close to a breakthrough,” Turquoise demanded.

“ Will you just look at yourself, You look more stressed out than Twilight when things don’t make sense to her,” Rainbow said with Twilight taking offense to that.

“ I don’t get stressed out. But she is right, you do look like you're under a lot of stress,” Twilight said.

“ How would you understand it's not like you feel pain after hearing that dreadful sound,” Turquoise said which sparked something in Rainbow.

“ Is that what this is about? Listen you and I are both Fuanus and we both know there is nothing we can do about it,” Rainbow said while Twilight got a look at what Turquoise was working on.

“ Apparently Turquoise is working on something that can,” Twilight said while showing her what looked like a blueprint for a pair of headphones with wolf ears on them.

“ If what Aunt Winter said about the Iron shackles is true then I must find a way to cover that base. Hence my invention the Howling Polarizer,” Turquoise said.

“ Howling Polarizer?” Rainbow said.

“ It's a device that can block out any high pitch frequencies,” Turquoise said.

“ It's no wonder you're stressed out. You're trying to figure out the exact range you will need to program them with in order to do so,” Twilight said.

“ Yes and I won’t be able to find out in time for the tournament tomorrow,” Turquoise said.

“ Let me help you. If we put our brains together then we will have it ready in time,” Twilight said.

“ Thank you Twilight,” Turquoise said before collapsing from hunger and exhaustion.

“ Maybe we should eat first before we get to work,” Twilight suggested. Sometime later Twilight returned with something special for Turquoise to eat. Turquoise suddenly picked up the scent of something delicious and woke up. After seeing that it was ramen with a mountain of meat Turquoise’s eyes glowed with yellow stars while she was drooling. “ Eat up Turquoise because we have work to do. After wolfing down the ramen Turquoise was fully energized and ready to go. Twilight managed to find the exact range Turquoise was looking to block and wrote it down for her. Next came the Assembling Phase which only took thirty minutes thanks to Twilight’s help. Turquoise now had a pair of black headphones with wolf ears that were actually sensors that pick up high pitch noises and tunes them out.

“ Do you really think those things will work?” Rainbow asked.

“ Only one way to find out,” Twilight said before blowing a dog whistle she had for her own dog. The ears on the headphones glowed red before creating a soundproof seal around Turquoise’s ears.

“ They work and hopefully I can mass produce these for all Faunus in the future,” Turquoise said.

“ But do you think the officials will let you use that in the tournament?” Rainbow asked.

“ These are a piece of gear so I would think so,” Turquoise said.

The next day everyone was now in a huge arena connected by a bunch of bridges leading to a bunch of other domes. The Arena was Amity Colosseum which was sitting over the earth at an altitude of 6000 miles. All the teams were in the waiting area waiting for the match-ups while the stands were filled to the brim with spectators and Atlas Guards who were assigned to the Colosseum were standing guard at any and all ways of entry and exit. Before the Tournament would start the two teachers who were chosen to do the commentary took their seats inside the announcer’s box and began speaking.

“ Welcome everyone to the first day of the Vital Tournament. I’m Professor Jaune Arc and as of right now your commentator for this tournament,” Jaune said before Nora who was his co-commentator took over.

“ And I’m Nora Valkyrie, his Co-commentator, and let me tell you this is going to be fun,” Nora said joyfully.

“ Before we decide who is fighting in the first round, allow me to explain how the tournament works for those of you who are new here,” Jaune said before a diagram with people on it appeared next to him. “ First we have the team rounds which will have all four members of each team fighting against another team. And the winners of that round will elect two members to compete in the doubles round which will be a two on two match. And finally, one member from each of the remaining eight teams will compete in the singles match. As soon as the explanation was finished the screen began spinning roulette reels with the acronyms of each team on them until the first one stopped on Team TRQS and the second one stopped on Team CROM. '' And the combatants for the first round have been decided. First up from Beacon, our very own Team TRQS which consists of Turquoise Schnee, Rainbow Dash, Sylvia Quartz, And Sapphire Diamond. Turquoise and her team walked into the colosseum loving the attention. “ And their opponent’s all the way from Haven Academy in Mistral Team CROM which consist of Cherub Jade, Ryuki chestnut, Ochre Oni, and Martin Ao. A girl with long golden hair tied in a ponytail wearing a green Chinese-style dress along with a horse Faunus girl with brown hair with a matching tail wearing a western-style outfit, A slightly obese boy wearing a long overcoat with a baseball cap, and a tall boy with blonde hair and green eyes wearing armor decorated with bronze fish imagery with matching boot walked towards the center where Team TRQS was.

“ A wolf and a pony? this is going to be too easy,” Cherub said.

“ Don’t underestimate us because we will not lose that easily,” Rainbow said.

“ Big talk coming from a bunch of girls who pay more attention to fashion than combat,” Martin said.

“ Prepare to eat those words once we beat you,” Turquoise said. Before the smack talk could continue the holographic reels began to spin which drew both team's attention. The first reel stopped on ice which caused half of the field to bring up an ice-based biome which was an ice field.

“ All right, my home turf,” Turquoise said joyfully.

“ Don’t get too excited, we are also used to the cold,” Jade said. The second reel stopped on the ocean which made the second biome erect an ocean with a wrecked pirate ship.

“ Perfect now I can strut my stuff,” Ryuki said to herself. Both teams' aura gauges appeared on the jumbotron before Jaune began the countdown.

“ 3 2 1 begin,” Jaune said before the fighting started. Jade began running towards the Pirate ship while ochre stood his ground against Rainbow’s relentless attacks without budging an inch. Sapphire was up against Ryuki who was using her semblance pond skater to move around on top of the water like it was solid ground. Sylvia was busy fighting Martin who was trying to keep everyone away from Jade. Turquoise used one of her Glyphs to summon a medium-sized version of the nevermore she and her friends killed in the Emerald Forest. Winter and Weiss who were watching were impressed with how far Turquoise has come. The Nevermore unleashed its barrage of feathers on Ochre who was then knocked over before taking a powerful punch from Rainbow that sent him flying out of bounds and into the barrier which not only sounded a buzzer but also eliminated him.

“ And with an impressive combo from Turquoise and Rainbow, Ochre Oni is out,” Nora said.

“ Got your back,” Turquoise said.

“ But who has yours?” Martin asked as he leaped towards Turquoise with his double jump and his weighted staff. Suddenly a dragon made of fire dust appeared in between where Turquoise and Martin were before striking at Martin and sending his aura below 15% which eliminated him.

“ I do,” Sylvia said as she retracted her sword.

“ And Martin Ao is also out,” Nora said. Suddenly the sound of a powerful melody filled the stadium which caused Sylvia, Rainbow, and Sapphire to feel pain. As for Turquoise her newest invention managed to tune out the melody as she searched around from the sky. Turquoise managed to spot Jade in the crow’s nest of the Pirate ship and switched to bow mode. After firing her arrow it managed to damage Jade’s javelin which also served as a flute. With Jade’s melody now canceled out, Sapphire managed to trap Ryuki in a tornado of water created by wind dust which sent her flying onto the Ice field where Sylvia used her scorching caress to cause the ice beneath her feet to erupt and explode which depleted her Aura below 15% and eliminate her.

“ And it looks like Ryuki has been sent galloping out of the match,” Nora said.

“ And now it's just you and me,” Turquoise said to jade.

“ How can you resist my semblance? You're a wolf which means you should be the weakest against it,” Jade asked in fear.

“ Normally that would be the case but I have a way to compensate for that weakness,” Turquoise said while pointing to her Howling Polarizer.

“ I see. so Sound based attacks won’t work on you anymore. No matter I can still win this,” Jade said before grabbing her staff. Jade and Turquoise fought each other with all they had until Jade lost her footing and fell which resulted in her aura falling below 15% which meant the match was now over.

“ And with an all to nothing victory Team TRQS moves on to the Doubles Round,” Jaune said.

“ I must say you girls are good,” Martin said.

“ Thanks,” Sylvia said.

“ Best of luck in the doubles round,” Jade said before she and her team left. As Turquoise and her friends were leaving Pinkie and the rest of Team CAPR approached them.

“ That was amazing the way you four were like wham and blam and stuff,” Pinkie said joyfully.

“ Thanks, Pinkie,” Rainbow said.

“ So any ideas who is going to be in the doubles round?” Rarity asked.

“ We haven't decided yet since we just finished the first round,” Sylvia said. As soon as they finished talking Turquoise and her team decided to head to the fairgrounds in Dome seven for lunch. Turquoise noticed the matches were also being televised in the domes and noticed the next match was between team CAPR and another Team from Haven called Team SNOW. After sitting down at the noodle stand and ordering the Noodle Guy came back in a flash with four bowls of noodles three normal and one with a mountain of meat in it. The meat one made Turquoise drool while wagging her tail. Before Turquoise could pull out her credit card the noodle guy stopped her while pointing to the remnants of Team RAVN

“ No need to waste your lien, This one is on us,” Nari said.

“ Nari it's so good to see you again,” Turquoise said joyfully.

“ How is the search for a new leader going?” Sylvia asked.

“ Not so good. There haven't been many new applicants and the search was paused for the festival,” A girl with medium length orange hair and golden eyes wearing a red woman’s tunic with brown boots and gloves.

“ Like Amber just said and to be honest I wish we could be out there but the rules are the rules,” Nari said. As they were talking the match between Team CAPR and Team SNOW ended with Team SNOW coming out the winners.

“ Those four must be quite powerful if they manage to beat Team CAPR so quickly,” A girl with jet black hair with purple streaks in it styled in a pair of twin drills wearing a black lolita-style outfit said.

“ You could be right Violet you girls might have a tough fight ahead of you,” Nari said.

“ Whoever they may be we will give it our all,” Sapphire said. As they finished eating Weiss and Winter approached them.

“ Sorry to interrupt you girls but can we borrow Sylvia for a moment?” Weiss asked.

“ I guess but please be quick because we still need to decide who is going to compete in the doubles round,” Turquoise said before Sylvia left with them.

Sometime later Sylvia along with Weiss and Winter were at the edge of the dome away from everyone so they could talk in private.

“ What is this about?” Sylvia asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

“ It’s about that little personal mission you and your friends went on in Mistral. Tell us what did you find out?” Weiss asked.

“ We confirmed that Cinder Fall was my real mother and met her old friend Emerald and took down Raven Winchester. Other than that not too much else,’ Sylvia said. “ Why do you ask?

“ I’m sure Turquoise probably filled you, girls, in but in case not here is the short answer,” Winter said before continuing. “ The Iron shackles are planning to attack during the Tournament and hunt down the maidens.

“ And let me guess you think I am one of them because of my connection to Cinder,” Sylvia guessed.

“ Right on the nose. As the current Winter Maiden, I know that there are two ways to transfer the powers to other people upon death. The first is to take someone’s hand and pass them on and the other is to think of someone before completely dying,” Winter explained.

“ Tell us, Have you ever felt a huge surge of power well up in you?” Weiss asked.

“ There have been moments when we were on the run that a huge amount of power welled up inside me. But that only occurred when I was in extreme danger lately I haven't been able to access it,” Sylvia explained.

“ That's the maiden power or more specifically your mom’s spirit trying to protect you since she is a part of you now,” Winter said. After finishing their conversation Sylvia returned to her team who were waiting for her.

“ Welcome back Sylvia, you're just in time to hear my decision,” Turquoise said.
“ What decision would that be?” Sylvia asked.

“ About who will be representing our team in the doubles round,” Turquoise said.

“ So who are we going with?” Sylvia said.

“ It’s going to be me and Rainbow,” Turquoise said. Meanwhile, Orro of Team SNOW was eavesdropping on the conversation while reporting to his team leader.

“ Looks like they are sending in the Pegasus Tank and the Wolf Princess,” Orre said.

Meanwhile in the hallway Snow was listening on the receiving end of the scroll.

“ I was hoping we could get the chance to take those two abominations out,” Snow said before hanging up and showing an evil expression on her face.

Author's Note:

Thank you raven618 for letting me use team CROM for this tournament they were perfect for this round. If anyone else wants to submit their team for the next round there is still time since I plan on writing a match that will demonstrate Team SNST's abilities since I feel everyone deserves to see them in action.