• Published 31st Jan 2021
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Forbidden Places - Starscribe

A group of clandestine explorers stumble into Equestria, emerging from the portal in strange new bodies. Riches and fame await them, if only they can find a safe way home before the magic becomes permanent. It's not as easy as it sounds.

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Chapter 20: Kaelynn

Apparently waiting in a tank could get worse. Kaelynn could've been waiting in a tank without proper water circulation. While their desert journey had at least had enough volume that the first few days weren't so bad, the transport tank aboard the Bright Hawk was far smaller. While cheers shook the top of the ship, suggesting rescue in sight, Kaelynn was left to simmer in a gross tank, feeling increasingly like fish soup.

But then she heard footsteps, or hoofsteps anyway. She sat up, shifting her weight beside the harness. She wasn't wearing it—hauling that stupid thing around had put significant strain on her scales, causing discoloration and bruises that ached whenever she touched them. Better to give herself a chance to heal.

That cheering hadn't sounded like they were getting raided by pirates. Besides, would she really be the first target if they'd lost after all? She was helpless in a tank, just like she had been during the fight.

The door banged open, and she sat up, holding her breath, and peeking out over the edge. There were just two people, Blake leading someone who wasn't quite a griffon, wearing a sharp uniform and looking urgent. She couldn't watch them approach, and settled back into the water to wait.

They spoke for a moment in voices she couldn't quite hear, though the words that slipped through were about her. The other voice sounded surprised, and asked Blake several questions he couldn't answer. Finally something hard rapped on the side of the tank. She saw a face appear there just above the water. Slimmer and more graceful than a griffon, with a mane down his back like a pony, but still had a beak.

Kaelynn took a breath, then popped up again above the water to listen. At least if she were in the air she would be able to understand most of what they said, albeit not comfortably.

"Seapony," the creature said, nodding to her in a way that was almost respectful. "I must assume from your present condition that you don't know any of the relevant songs. Do I have your permission to help you onto land for the time being?" He touched something around his neck with one claw, displaying it to her. But it just looked like a bead necklace, or maybe pearls.

Help me onto land? She almost asked, but caught herself. Blake lingering just behind him suggested he was well-meaning, and their group trusted him. And if she said no, she'd have to go back into the tank. She sunk down a little bit, taking a fresh breath of water, then rose, holding her mask in one hoof. "Do I need this?"

It was infuriatingly quiet, but the listener seemed to understand. He shook his head. "You won't need anything. If you've never heard of the Pearl, then... you may find the process slightly uncomfortable. But it will not be permanent. Any hippogriff will be able to return you to your natural shape, or at least any trained to use it on others."

You can make me into something else? She took another breath, then nodded. Just having this conversation made the air burn her face. Of course she wanted to be changed back! Could a necklace really have that power?

The hippogriff reached up, removing the necklace. He extended it towards her, until it touched up against her chest. There was a flash of light, not entirely dissimilar to what she felt going through the portal.

When it faded, Kaelynn felt different. Her tail no longer curled beneath her, and something else touched up against the sides of the tank. More legs? She dropped down into the water by reflex, but there were no longer openings on her neck. She took in a mouthful of water, and tasted just how foul it was. She coughed, jerking out of the water, and rising to her forelegs first. There was a moment of struggling, and back legs settled under her.

She wasn't human again, that would just be way too convenient. But when she took a breath, the air didn't start to drown her. Her eyes focused more easily, and she could see the hippogriff clearly, watching her with sympathy. "Positively deplorable conditions," he muttered, settling the necklace onto his shoulders. "If I thought these ponies had put you here intentionally, there might be criminal charges."

"No!" she blurted, hurrying to the edge of the tank. "They saved my life! Don't charge them with anything unless you do it to me too."

The stranger said nothing, frown deepening.

"Kaelynn, this is Torrent. We've arrived at Mount Aris, and they're escorting us. Also... apparently very magical. You're standing on your own!"

"More than that!" She beamed, flinging herself over the edge of the tank. She fell gracelessly to the floor, but the pain didn't even matter. She righted herself, looking back at the two of them. She was still far smaller than they were, even standing properly. But she wasn't drowning, and the air didn't burn her scales.

Actually, she didn't have scales anymore. Kaelynn glanced back at herself, where she'd been basically a fish for almost two weeks now. She looked exactly like the ponies they'd helped rescue, with a tail and mane made of hair and four legs. The swirling mark from her fin had moved to her butt, exactly where the ponies had it. She didn't have wings, or scales. But after all that time in a tank, being able to "walk" was a superpower all its own.

"I apologize this is necessary," Torrent said. "The Pearl of Transformation cannot imitate the songs you use. But it knows ponies, and this should be better in the short term." He glanced back at the tank, turning up his nose. "The first sign of seaponies in decades, and you almost drown in a broken tank. The queen will be furious."

She nearly hugged him right there. "Don't apologize! I'm not mad, this is..." She took a few cautious steps. It was far easier than dragging her weight along the deck, that was for sure. Didn't feel like she was rubbing her tail raw in the process, either. "This is amazing! I can breathe and walk and everything!"

Torrent cleared his throat. "Yes, well. Your arrival will mean more questions than these others, I'm afraid. We have been searching for what became of Acampus for many years. Too many, given your appearance. Your parents must've survived its destruction. You don't actually know Acampus, do you?"

She nodded. "I'll answer anything you ask—after giving me legs, I'll give you my blood type, my bust size—bloody anything. But I don't actually know what Acampus is. I'm guessing you're gonna be hella disappointed when you find out where we came from."

Torrent whipped out a pad of paper, beak opening to overflow with questions. But then they bumped against something, jostling slightly from the impact. The damaged hull creaked under them, and they fell still. Torrent tucked the notepad away. "This kirin told us there were multiple groups of hostages, and that you were in his group. I suppose it makes sense to debrief all of you separately. Every detail you know is precious, and there's some chance the queen will want to meet with you. I'm afraid it would be impossible to refuse if that happens."

She shrugged. It sounded like the hippogriffs were about to take them to the equivalent of a police station and take all their statements. But they'd also given her legs back, so it felt like a fair trade. "I'll meet with whoever you want. But I won't lie. You probably won't get the answers you're hoping for."

They walked up to the deck. The Bright Hawk had indeed arrived, and was moored to a set of docks that extended a concerning distance over open air, letting their ship hang beside them. Along with the ponies she remembered, there were now a half-dozen hippogriffs wearing uniforms similar to Torrent, all of them armed.

Another officer-looking hippogriff stood on the dock, spreading her wings for their attention. "Gather all of your possessions, and leave them here with the dockmaster. They'll be sent after you by the end of day. You'll have time to discuss your share of bounty after your interview."

Torrent hurried over to the dock, leaving the two of them standing with the others. While they waited, Jordan and Ryan appeared from the crowd. Both stared at Kaelynn, but Ryan was faster. "You're out of the tank!"

"I know!" She pranced around in a slow circle, which was much harder than it looked. Just because she could walk now didn't mean she was very good at it yet. She didn't have all the practice walking on four legs that her friends did. "It's amazing! The hippogriffs used a weird necklace-thing, and it was like... bang! Just like the portals, only now I'm not a fish in a world that isn't fish."

"I'm gonna go grab our gear from downstairs and make sure it's together. We don't have much, so... best not to lose it." Ryan turned, darting back the way they'd come.

"Kirin named Blake." It was one of the older ponies from before, the unicorn. "I know they said we should discuss the bounty later, but we've already made a decision. I hope you will support us."

"I'm sure we will," Blake said flatly. "What were you thinking? A share for everyone who fought?"

The unicorn laughed nervously. "No, no. We have no need of reward. But you and your friends... you are stranded here. You may have a long journey home. The others would only ask enough for train tickets home to Equestria. You and your friends take the rest, and use it to return to your homes."

"That is very generous," Blake said. "You guys agree?"

Kaelynn nodded with the others. Whatever passed for money here might be little more than souvenirs soon anyway. But if the portal at Mount Aris was as dangerous as the others they'd found so far...

"Good. I will inform the hippogriffs of our choice." He slipped back into the crowd.

But as he left, Kaelynn saw another shape appear behind them, looming far larger than any other member of the crowd. Galena, who had been directing the ship during much of the trip over. She looked nervously to either side as she approached, keeping mostly to the shadows. When ponies saw her, a few of them retreated, keeping their distance from the huge bird.

"I should stay with you," she whispered, eyes focused on Blake. "Hippogriffs are not as forgiving as ponies. I would not be hanged after helping you, but... prison, maybe. Please. Your changeling promised you knew somewhere far away from this place, where I could escape old debts. Let me join you."

Their “changeling” appeared from the deck a few moments later, dragging saddlebags and satchels and Kaelynn's rebreather too. He stopped in the center, breathing heavily, then looked up. "Oh, Galena. Hi."

Without any words exchanged between them, the group huddled in closer. Hippogriffs began escorting ponies off the ship, and the other prisoners were eager to go first. That meant they had another minute or so before it was their turn, maybe less.

"Did you promise she could come with us, Ryan?" Blake asked flatly.

"She was in the same situation. Felt like coming back with us was a small price to pay to escape," Ryan said.

Blake nodded. "Then welcome aboard, Galena. I think it would be simpler if we just say you've been with us this whole time. Agreed?"

She squealed eagerly. "Yes. With you means no past to explain. If they believe you, I won't have to answer questions."

"Then you're from Manhattan," Jordan whispered. "Big city, cabs and skyscrapers. Steam spitting out of the sewers. Yeah?"

The griffon stared back, nodding weakly. "I will try to remember."

It probably isn't smart to lie to them, Kaelynn thought. But there was no time for that confrontation—Torrent approached again, gesturing towards the ramp. "We're ready for you, second group. The naval office is waiting."

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