• Published 31st Jan 2021
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Forbidden Places - Starscribe

A group of clandestine explorers stumble into Equestria, emerging from the portal in strange new bodies. Riches and fame await them, if only they can find a safe way home before the magic becomes permanent. It's not as easy as it sounds.

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Chapter 77: Blake

Blake's instincts went wild. He glanced back the way they'd come, desperate for some other avenue of escape. But there was nothing, other than back into the tank he already knew wouldn't get them out.

He didn't need an introduction to know who this was—if her regal bearing wasn't enough, that six-pointed star cutie mark and crown of white gold was enough to make it clear.

Vesper slumped in his grip, dropping down to the ground in a weak bow. Blake imitated her almost as quickly. Violence was impossible here, and there was no way to run. Even if there had been an escape tunnel inches away, they were in no condition to flee. He'd been beaten so badly he didn't think he would be running for another few days.

The others imitated him, except the seapony male. This wasn't their first time getting arrested. Respecting local customs was the first step to a smooth release. Otherwise they'd be just another set of obstinate westerners, for the police to hit with every punishment their law would permit.

Unfortunately, it didn't look like the Alicorn was impressed. She walked past them without a word, eyes intense. She looked down at the unicorn's remains, horn glowing briefly. The pile of crystal vanished in a faint flash of light. She bent down, picking up a hand drill in her magic, and turning it over.

"Wait there, please," she said, continuing through a set of open doors. Blake stood awkwardly, which made him the first. Kaelynn came next, glancing towards the open hallway, then back at the princess. He pointed at the other seapony, and she shook her head once.

It was the only communication they needed.

I don't think the rest of us would be able to get out faster anyway. They had only one hope left now; Twilight Sparkle's mercy.

The Alicorn was not gone long. A cloud of damp metal shards floated through the air beside her, along with the drill, and fallen spear. Finally she spoke, her tone flat and face unreadable. "Several days ago, Princess Luna informed me of something troubling. Somepony in Canterlot was holding a pair of seaponies hostage. She couldn't tell me where, only that their friends would likely mount their own rescue."

She advanced on Kaelynn, tossing the drill onto the ground at her hooves. "This tank was sealed from the outside, and was drilled from within. Were you a captive here, friend?"

"Yes," Kaelynn said. "Worse. She planned on forcing Tellin and I to breed against our will. She forced us to perform for her visitors, and didn't feed us if we said or did anything she didn't like."

The princess listened without objection, her face remaining that impenetrable mask. She glanced back to Tellin next, her attention just as focused. "To you as well?"

He hesitated, tail curling nervously under his body. His wings twitched irregularly too—clearly he didn't know how to use them. "I didn't think of myself as a prisoner until... Kaelynn came. Morningtide took care of me. She gave me somewhere safe to stay, where the Storm King couldn't find and kill me like the others." He lowered his voice to a fearful whisper. "You know how much he hates us! I know I don't look like a fish right now, but if he saw me he'd still kill me."

Twilight clicked her tongue, then reached out to pat him once on the head with her hoof. "My little pony, the Storm King has been dead for a long time. You were never in any danger." She walked away from him, pacing down to the end of the hall.

As she did, several guards emerged at once, bursting out from above. They weren't wearing city uniforms, but bright yellow and orange vests, along with spears. They saw the princess, then looked to each other before deciding what to do. They bowed, but not very deeply. "Princess? You caught the invaders!"

"Not exactly," she said, flicking her tail to one side. "Have you located the mistress yet?"

They shared another nervous look, before their leader stepped forward again. "I, uh... not yet. We're still searching. I felt magic from up here, and thought she might've gone to intercept the invaders herself."

Twilight shook her head once. "I saw no pony here. Continue your search. Consider these ponies taken into the custody of royal justice."

He stepped forward again, nodding towards the seaponies. "Those two are guests of the house. I know Mistress Shimmer would want you to leave them here. She will have words with you when we find her."

"She may address me in the castle," the princess said. Her horn flashed, and she nodded to the door. "That is all, little ponies. Continue your search."

They left, shooting her dirty looks as they retreated. But like Blake, they could clearly see this wasn't a fight they could win.

"Why?" Ryan asked, as soon as they were gone. One word, but it was all they needed.

"This magic was not done by any changeling," she said, very quietly. "That petrification is an ancient unicorn secret, one you could not have cast no matter how much magic you used. It is clear to me that justice has already been done here. A regrettable, painful decision. She was willing to take your lives. It is so often the case that those who refuse friendship often fall by their own choices."

She glanced between them again, eyes lingering on Vesper's limp, her burns. "This will cause friction in Canterlot's ruling families, but it can't be helped. I have no doubt you creatures have an interesting story to tell me. You can share it in the halls of the castle's medical wing, after Princess Luna arrives. I know she will want to speak for you, before I judge your actions here." She glanced down the hall again, nostrils flaring. She could smell the flames.

"Before we go, I give you one chance to be honest with me. Did you harm anypony here?"

Blake stepped forward. He had led this doomed expedition, so it was only fitting he take responsibility now. Besides, he'd done it. "Yes. We tried to get in peacefully, but failed. I burned through a barricade. There may've been some burns to ponies as well, but I don't think any of them were serious. They ran from us."

The princess watched him. She might be the most masterful politician he'd ever seen—how could she keep from showing any sign of what she really felt? "It's noble to care so much about your friends that you'll do anything to save them. I will need to consider whether those actions were merited here." She glanced back at the open door, and the underwater cage it contained. "These ponies were treated terribly. But I don't recall a visit from anyone in this room asking for my help. I don't know what country you think you grew up in, but in Equestria we have rules in place. Ponies may not take affairs into their own hooves to take a justice they think they're entitled to receive."

As she spoke, her attention was mostly on Vesper now. She was the only “pony” among them, though the others shared much in common. "By the time you're recovered, I will need to have a word with the Kirin consulate, and the Changeling embassy as well. There may be repercussions to this. It depends on how much word reaches the other families of this night, and how much of your involvement they believe contributed. Perhaps they'll blame the Crown for removing the troubling head of a house that has long argued for a return to the Solar Council."

She flicked her tail to one side. "But not here. Keeping a veil of silence around our conversation is giving me a headache. Hold still, everypony."

Light enveloped them, and they vanished from the old house.

The next few hours were spent just as the princess had promised, in the capital of Equestria. The castle had its own medical wing, more than sufficient for their injuries. As he had guessed, Vesper had come out of the encounter the worst, with one of her forelegs actually broken. Blake sat beside her bed as doctors wrapped it in a cast, and explained how she needed to take the potion regularly for the next 48 hours before she removed it.

"Wait, give me that one again," she said. "I can take the cast off in... two days?"

The doctor was an older unicorn, wearing a tight coat and with tighter features. She nodded curtly at the question. "If you were expecting an instant regeneration, that magic is in short supply. We keep it in reserve for life-threatening injuries. Yours is not."

"It's not that." Vesper tried to sit up, but her immobilized leg dragged along the hospital bed, so she just flopped around a little. "I've broken limbs before. It took two months last time I broke an arm."

"Arm," the doctor repeated, confused. "Maybe without potions it would take so long. So drink yours, every six hours. A nurse will wake you to make sure you keep to the schedule." She stalked out without another word.

The other members of their group were all here, scattered around the hospital wing. They'd all been pushed into the corner, giving them relative privacy from the other incidental injuries passing through. Mostly they had the room to themselves in any case. Only Kaelynn and Tellin were missing, still off answering questions with the princess about their time in captivity. But neither had been injured, they were just in shock.

Vesper looked over at him, pleading. "Help me sit up? I'm sick of being stretched like this." She already looked better, even if patches of her coat were shaved down and bandaged, covering a few minor burns with ointment. He'd given her those, without even realizing what he was doing.

He helped her anyway, lifting her up until her back rested against the pillows. He had a few bandages of his own, and a tight wrap around one foreleg. It was still getting off easy compared to some of his friends. "I don't know how I can make it up to you," he whispered, finally letting go. "For doing that. I should've been in more control."

"Maybe." She shrugged. "I don't think we would've made it in without a little heat. Without us, Ryan might've lost. We don't know."

"Right." He reached out, brushing her mane away from her face. At least that had survived his eagerness. "Well, I think we can say I'm the worst at leading infiltration missions. That went tits up before we even got to use the fireworks."

"I hope Ryan is okay. I remember what it's like. Killing someone, even if you're defending yourself. I had nightmares about it. Doesn't matter that those pirates had it coming."

Blake glanced across the room, to Ryan's bed. He was actually in it, asleep. For the first time since his group had arrived in Equestria, Ryan was sleeping. Saving the day really took it out of him.

But would it matter? The princess was probably right—trying to do this on their own had been incredibly reckless. How would she feel about their group being the ones to make contact between worlds?

That was tomorrow's problem.

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