• Published 4th Feb 2022
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Kirby Star Allies: Friend Hearts are Magic (REMASTERED) - The Kelduo

After a magical mishap, three Star Allies are teleported into Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Light Rises and Darkness Falls (Kirby)

"That's it, Kirby!" Button Mash exclaimed after I used Sword Dive to cleave a sandbag that totally didn't come from his closet where it hid alongside other video game objects he made himself. "Now it's time for you to learn how to do a custom combo I call the Single Slash String! You see, the initial slash and final slash in a natural combo always do the most damage, and the initial slash delivers the most hitstun, which means you can string together many..."

"Uh, Button Mash?" Fluttershy asked. "Why are you focusing only on his Sword Ability when he can gain many different Abilities from swallowing many different things?"

"I'm not focusing only on the Sword Ability," Button deadpanned. "I'm just teaching Kirby everything he needs to know to be a great Sword Ability user, because that's the ability he has now, and he usually doesn't change abilities during a boss battle unless the boss makes him lose the ability he has and can give him an Ability due to the aftermath or overall nature of its attacks. And because Chrysalis can transform into anything, there's no telling what other Ability he would be able to get, so why bother training with possible Abilities when you can train with a guaranteed one?"

Fluttershy hummed. "Well, I suppose you have a good point. But the Mane Six and I will be battling alongside Kirby, so he can copy from us. Wouldn't it be a good idea to train him in, I don't know..." She flared her wings. "Maybe a Feather or Wing Ability?"

Button widened his eyes, then face–hoofed. "Dear Nova, you're right! I can't believe I forgot about that!" He looked at me. "You heard her, Kirby. Ready to earn your wings and train with the Wing Ability?"

I nodded. "Poyo!"

But before I could pluck a feather from Fluttershy's wing, a little white bunny hopped over to us.

"Angel Bunny?" Fluttershy knelt down so that she was at eye level with the bunny. "What are you doing here? And what's that in your paws?"

With a disturbed frown, Angel Bunny eyed me closely. Then it gave me an old, worn-out piece of paper with some writing on it.

"Hmm..." I read the paper, which must have been a letter.


You and your friends have humiliated me for the last time. My new acquaintance and I challenge you, your friends, and the six famous ponies to a battle in Ponyville Square at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Expect no mercy from us!

Your greatest enemy,
Queen Chrysalis

So, the time has come...

"Poyo." I dismissed Angel with a nod.

My body glowed with a heart–shaped aura, and I pulled out a pink cell phone. I called Roborygon.

"Hello, Kirby. What is it?"

"Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo! Poyo, poyo."

"...Understood. We're on our way!"

I hung up. Even though I can't talk well, my serious tone of voice got the message across to Roborygon.

"Um, Kirby?" Fluttershy squeaked. "That letter... Could it mean...?"

"Uh huh." I hopped on her back. After adjusting my Splash Sword hat, I pointed my sword towards Ponyville Square. "Poyo, yah!"

"Oh dear..." she whimpered as she galloped off to our destination.

"Hey!" Button Mash ran after us. "Wait for me! I can help tell you and your friends what to do if you need it!"

An hour passed.

I stood firm in Ponyville Square, ready for battle alongside the Mane Six and my friends Gim, Meloetta, Rocky, and Roborygon. Seeing us prepared to fight, any and all bystanders hid in their homes, some peeking out their windows to watch the upcoming battle.

Two figures appeared at the edge of the horizon.

As they approached, we were able to see who they were. One of them was Hyness, and the other was a pony fully concealed by an old gray cloak.

They came to a stop several meters away from us.

We stared each other down for what seemed like an eternity.

Finally, the cloaked pony spoke. "Starlight Glimmer may not be here, but you will more than make up for her absence. After we are done with you, all that's left will be a group of beaten, bloodied creatures begging for the sweet release of death. Because right here, right now..."

Throwing away her cloak, the pony transformed into Queen Chrysalis.

"We will overcome the obstacle that is you, and then I will conquer Equestria as its malevolent overlord. And rest assured that we will make you..."

The Queen turned to Hyness in anticipation. As a response, he wailed at us...


And the battle began.

The ponies focused on Hyness as instructed by Roborygon prior to the arrival of Hyness and Chrysalis, and my team and I took on the evil transforming bug pony; being able to easily adapt, I was more fit to take on a fellow adapter, while the Mane Six was better suited for a less versatile villain.

Chrysalis transformed into a creature that looked like a lion with a scorpion tail and dragon wings, and lunged at me. I jumped right over her and clung to her back, which I slashed repeatedly with my sword. I had to jump off to avoid her scorpion stinger, but in doing so, I got hit by a stray ball of purple energy that Hyness had tried to blast Pinkie Pie with.

While Gim punished Hyness by throwing Rocky at him, Twilight saved me from being pounced on by Chrysalis by pulling me away with her magic. After a quick poyo in thanks, I raised my sword to the sky, where it became cloaked in light. Then, as Chrysalis tried to pounce on me again, I swung my sword at her, sending a wave of energy and water that stunned her for a while, which left her open to a punch in the face by both Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

The two got ready to punch her again, but she transformed into what looked like a green crocodile with a hide of rocks, so they held their hooves in pain after hitting such a hard surface. She snapped at them, only for Gim to throw his blazing yo-yo into her open mouth, roasting her maw.

"That's a spicy meatball!" Roborygon quipped, leaving himself open to an ice spell from Hyness, which successfully encased him in ice.

Chrysalis slammed him with her tail, freeing him from the ice. He fell apart, but he quickly pulled himself back together. "Oh," the queen said, a blank expression on her face. "Your body can take more than I had anticipated."

"Rule number one of fighting someone with the ability to change the shape of their body..." Roborygon changed into the shape of a capital T. "Don't bother trying to break them."

Button Mash could be heard exclaiming in joy, "Ohh! He just T-posed! Someone grab some Neosporin, because Chrysalis just got burned!"

"Silence, colt!" Chrysalis briefly returned to her normal form to fire a laser at the window of Button Mash's home (only for Rarity to deflect the beam away with a reflective gem), then turned back into a rocky crocodile.

Twilight switched her focus to Chrysalis, telling me that physical attacks aren't as effective on "cragadiles," as she called the rocky crocodile form Chrysalis had taken on, so we should use elemental attacks and other indirect attacks like lasers instead. Our strength and speed gave us a huge advantage, because we were able to get in lots of good hits while swiftly avoiding the slow attacks of Chrysalis in her cragadile form.

But without warning, Queen Chrysalis turned into what looked like a cross between a panda bear and a bumble bee. It looked a lot scarier than you'd think. She lunged at me with her two pairs of front claws, and I guarded with my sword. However, the combined might of her claws knocked away my sword, making me lose my Splash Sword Ability.

"Ooh, I wanna try!" Pinkie Pie grabbed the sword with her tail and threw it at Hyness, who was casting a lightning spell. The steel part of the sword caused the lightning to be directed towards Hyness, zapping him with his own spell.

Before I could get the sword back, he destroyed it with sharp spears made of magic.

"Poyo..." I pouted before dodging left to avoid a stinger jab from Chrysalis.

"Here, take this!" Fluttershy plucked a feather from her wing and tossed it my way.

I swallowed it and gained the Wing Ability, a colorful headdress of feathers replacing my Splash Sword hat. Taking advantage of the enhanced flight it offered, I flew up to Chrysalis and rammed into her chest with Condor Head. Still ramming her, I sailed towards the ground, pinning her between it and my head. I flew off of her just in time for her to get blasted by a big ball of energy that Rarity had deflected from Hyness.

But before I could close in for another round of attacks, I noticed that Rainbow Dash and Gim were missing. Twilight noticed as well. "Rainbow Dash? Gim? Where'd you go?" she asked, making Chrysalis wary as well.

"Up here, dudes!" We looked skywards, and we saw Rainbow Dash holding Gim in her front hooves. She tossed Gim straight downwards while exclaiming, "Look out below!"

"Juh?" Hyness stopped attacking to look up as well, and he was hit square in the head by Gim, who was spinning around and cloaked in fire as he fell.

The fire also burned away his hood.

"Juh?!" Hyness said, covering his face with his sleeves.

"Oh boy," Twilight muttered.


"Time for an overly dramatic face reveal," Applejack sighed.


"And rightfully so?" Rarity asked.

Hyness took his sleeves away from his face. It was revealed to be blue, with a big nose, crazy eyes, and yellow striped horns like Magolor has.


Chrysalis, back in her normal form, stared in shock and confusion at Hyness, much like the rest of us. "Yes. Rightfully so."

After making a bunch of weird noises and flailing his arms about, Hyness summoned all three mage sisters: the icy blue Francisca, the blazing red Flamberge, and the electric yellow Zan Partizanne.

"Lord Hyness?!" Zan exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're still...? What are you... ohh..."

Before Zan could figure out what's going on, Hyness did the unpredictable: He absorbed the sisters' life force, leaving them as a group of limp husks for him to use to his heart's content!

Chrysalis gasped. "Never before have I seen someone who boasts so little mercy and so much malice..." She donned an evil grin. "Oh, wait, I have seen someone like that: myself! Ha ha ha!"

"Twice the malice, double the fall," Twilight shot back. "Come on, everyone! Let's show those freaks what we're really—Whoa!"

She got cut off when Hyness threw Francisca at her, prompting her to make a shield to protect herself. Then he used Flamberge as a club in an attempt to bash Fluttershy, but Pinkie stopped him with a party cannon blast.

"Oho, are we already at the point where we break out the dirty tricks?" Chrysalis transformed into a giant blue star–nosed mole creature with long front legs and sharp claws. "Good! Now let's see if you can get past the hide of a maulwurf!"

"Kirby!" Twilight warned. "The maulwurf has an incredibly thick hide! You'll need a way to pierce it if you want to beat her!"

"Hmph!" My Wing Ability is best used for ramming things and cutting stuff with feathers, but that wouldn't be very useful against such a huge beast with a thick hide. So I ditched the Ability, which bounced away as a star, and dodged the Queen's attacks as I tried to figure out how to take her down...

Oh, right.

I jumped onto her paw as she tried to slash me, then I opened my mouth and stuck to her paw like a plunger, inhaling whatever hairs on it were loose.

She shook me off after a few seconds, but the deed was done. I gained a blue animal costume that looked a lot like a maulwurf. And because maulwurfs are only found in Equestria, that means... I just gained my first Equestria–exclusive Ability!

Chrysalis let out an angry groan. "I can't believe this! You figured out that you needed to fight fire with fire?"

I gave her a smile that said “It's what I do,” and then I lunged at her.

She swept her claws across the ground, but I jumped over them and made lasting impressions on her belly with my newly copied powers.

We exchanged blows for a while, until...

"AIE–E–E–E–E–E!" Hyness zapped me by bonking the back of my head with Zan Partizanne, which also zapped Chrysalis and turned her back into her normal form because I was clinging to her at the moment. "Wah!" Then he slammed me away with Zan, knocking off my Ability.

"Kirby!" Fluttershy galloped over to me. "Are you okay?!"

"Oh..." I rubbed my head, which ached from the sudden bonk and zap, before giving the yellow Pegasus a nod to confirm that I was okay. "Poyo!"

Suddenly, green lasers rained on us, forcing us to run to cover. The two of us fled behind the fountain, followed by Gim, Rocky, AJ, and Rarity. Everyone else stayed in the fray, either protecting themselves with a shield or dodging the beams. I chanced a glance out from behind our cover to see where the lasers came from, and I saw Hyness spinning the tail of a very surprised Chrysalis, causing her horn to fire lasers at wherever it was pointed.

"Hey, that's my thing!" Pinkie complained as she put on an umbrella hat which somehow protected her head from laser beams.

Gim gripped his hat tightly. "We can't just sit and hide, but it ain't like we can just go Leroy Jenkins and run out there like a madman while they're unleashing a barrage of laser beams on us either! How're we gonna stop them now?"

AJ took a look at Rocky. "Hmm... Say, I think I got me an idea! Are you good at slamming into stuff real fast, Rocky?"

Rocky nodded. "...!" He looked up at Hyness and Chrysalis, and uncertainty was in his eyes. "...?"

"Yeah, that's the only problem," Gim said. "Rocky's super heavy, so he can't run fast or jump high." He held up a finger. "But! We can give him a radical speed boost if we hit him up with something watery or icy, or if a broom sweeps him."

"A broom?" Rarity smiled. "I always have a spare one in my closet. Can someone go to Carousel Boutique and get it for us?"

"Mele!" Meloetta stopped shielding herself with Light Screen and danced off to find the boutique.

Gim turned to Rarity. "But can't you just warp the broom to us?"

Rarity shook her head. "Normally, yes. But summoning is a more advanced spell that requires concentration, and being fired at by an insane wizard and a transforming insectoid monarch is much too distracting."

"Good point."

Meloetta came back surprisingly quickly, the broom in her hands. "Melemele! Meloetta!"

"...!" Seeing the broom, Rocky jumped up to the top of the fountain statue and faced Hyness and Chrysalis. He looked back at Rarity and nodded. "...!"

"You would like me to do the honors? Why, certainly!" Rarity levitated the broom up to Rocky, and held it like a golf club. "Let us have a clean sweep!" The broom pulled back, and then struck Rocky.

Upon contact with the broom, Rocky changed shape into a curling stone with a yellow handle, and he sailed right towards the maniacal duo.

WHAM! A direct hit on Hyness!

He fell to the ground, and Chrysalis slowly lowered herself to the ground with her insect wings. The Queen leered at Hyness. "Next time, give me a warning before you manhandle me."

Hyness screamed random stuff before grabbing her again.

"Close enough."

Hyness held Chrysalis above his head before floating back up. This time, he went much higher than usual. Much, much higher.

We heard Chrysalis laugh giddily. "Ooh, I like where this is going!"

Hyness threw Chrysalis.

And Chrysalis transformed into an enormous blue bear whose body looked like a constellation.

"Rocky, NO!" Gim ran after Rocky in a panic, trying to help him get out of the way.

"Poyo?!" I hurried after Gim, trying to stop him from risking his life.


But it was too late. Chrysalis had turned Rocky into rubble and Gim into scrap metal because of her constellation bear form's huge caboose landing on them.

She got up and walked away from the aftermath before returning to her usual form to look at what she had done. Rocky was now a group of smaller yellow rocks without a helmet, and Gim was reduced to a bunch of spare parts and a flattened baseball cap, glove, and pair of shoes.

"Poyo..." Overcome with disbelief and sadness, I slowly walked up to my fallen helpers. I picked up the remains of Gim and watched him undergo the process of shutting down.

His voice module still had some words to say to me before expiring: "S–stop m–m–mourning, bro... I'm j–just a mass-produced r–r–robot... But the l–locals of this p–place... They're unique... Each one–of–a–kind... And l–l–living... W–worry about them instead... I'm s–satisfied with what I did with my time w–while I was powered on... Just p–p–promise me... You'll give the Queen what she d–d–d..."

Gim was right. I needed to focus on saving the living, special ponies that made up the majority of the population of Equestria.

"Poyo." I put Gim down and did the motions of a Pinkie Promise. I promised that I would give Queen Chrysalis what for. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye...

And then I realized something. I closed my eyes as I thought about the possible consequences of this battle.

I wasn't battling Queen Chrysalis and Hyness just for myself, or for Gim, or the Mane Six, or even for the entirety of Equestria.

People all around the universe love the ponies of Equestria. If I failed to defeat Chrysalis, she would conquer Equestria, and possibly even the entire planet of Equus.

And I would be letting down people across the universe, no, the Multiverse.

I clenched my fists.

That was the real reason why I needed to fight. To help people EVERYWHERE!

As I had my revelation, Queen Chrysalis was going on a monologue. "Ah, it appears I have made a point. Now you know just what you're up against. You saw what I did to that pathetic little robot and rock, so imagine what I could do to the ponies that inhabit Equestria!" She walked up behind me and raised a hoof. "Now that I have struck fear into your heart, you will be easy pickings!"

My eyes still closed, I spun around and grabbed her hoof with my left hand as she brought it down on me, to her shock. "No..."

Then I punched her gut with my right hand, knocking her back several meters.

I felt a painful tearing feeling in my back, but I didn't think about it. I was too focused on Chrysalis. Opening my eyes, I gave her a stare so intense that it could pierce Coily Rattler's body segments.

"YOU will!"

Chrysalis raised her eyebrows, then she frowned. "Ugh, everyone has a special transformation nowadays! Whatever, I'm still going to make you pay!"

"Huh?" Transformation? I looked down at my arms and feet, but I didn't see any difference. If only I could get a good luck at myself from another...

Suddenly, a reflective shard like from my Mirror Ability appeared in front of my face, almost as if I willed it to appear. Wait... Was that because of my apparent transformation?

I looked at my reflection in the mirror shard. My eyes were glowing white, and... I had sprouted wings like from my Angel Ability! No wonder I felt that back pain!

"Poyo, poyo poyo!" I exclaimed in awe.

Rainbow Dash grinned at me. "You bet it is! Super transformations are awesome, and gaining wings is super awesome, so a super transformation with wings is super duper awesome! But... I didn't know you could get an Angel Ability."

Whoa, hold up... Did Rainbow Dash just understand my poyo? Just to make sure, I asked the Mane Six, "Poyo poyo?", which roughly translated to, "Did you just understand my poyo language?"

Pinkie nodded. "Yeah, I heard the poyo, but at the same time..."

Rarity continued, "It's as if we just heard what you were trying to say directly in our minds and hearts."

Twilight added, "It reminded me of telepathy, except we only heard it..."

Fluttershy said, "When you said poyo."

AJ finished, "So what your mouth said to our ears, your heart and mind translated for our own hearts and minds!"

"Ah, poyo!" I smiled in understanding. Then my expression turned serious. "Poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo... (Translation: All of you guys keep Hyness busy. I've got a score to settle with Queen Chrysalis...)"

Since my new transformation created that mirror shard that let me check myself out, I figured it could also let me use powers I usually only got from gaining Abilities, so I tested it out.

And the test confirmed my guess.

Several sharp Needles materialized in the air around me, and I sent them towards Chrysalis.

She performed an acrobatic flip, and the Needles harmlessly flew right through her holes. "Well, what do you know," she casually said. "There is an advantage to being filled with holes. Perhaps I should thank Celestia for blasting all these holes in me the next time I see her."

Then she fired a big laser, and I summoned a Magic hat that the laser entered. I showed everyone the inside of the hat while wearing a fake curious expression. "Po, poyo poyo! Poyo! Poyo poyo? (Look, nothing in my hat! It's empty! Where did the laser go?)"

I opened my mouth wide, and the laser exited my mouth, heading right back at Chrysalis, who jumped over it and lunged at me. I intercepted her with a Parasol and used it to balance her above my head. Twirling her for a few seconds, I flung her off the Parasol before firing a blast of energy from my hands.

She protected herself with a shield before shoving me away with her magic, but I pulled her along with me by thrusting a very long Staff through the holes in her body and sticking her to it with Spider webs. When I came to a standstill, I used my Staff to slam her on the ground over and over again.

"I take back what I said about thanking Celestia..." Chrysalis groaned. "These holes are a curse... Ugh..."

She tried to get up, but failed.

After a short pause, she held a front leg in front of her muzzle. "How revolting... Yet also somewhat amusing, seeing as an innocent pink puffball of all things has pulled this off..."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I figured out what she meant.

"Oh..." I motioned for Rarity to get a tissue, which she did. I took it and offered it to Chrysalis. "Poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo... (Sorry about that, Rainbow didn't mean for us to literally beat the stuff out of you...)"

"I know what stuff you're talking about, but you're incorrect. However, I will admit you made a close guess. Allow me to gladly take that off your... Hooves? Hands? ...Whatever they are." Chrysalis uncovered her muzzle to accept the tissue, revealing some icky teal stuff oozing from her nose, which grossed out and disturbed us, especially Rarity. The Queen wore an evil smirk. "Congratulations, Kirby... on your first bloodshed."

My eyes widened as I processed what she said. That wasn't snot coming from her nostrils. I had given her a nosebleed, not a runny nose. And the mention of blood reminded me of one of my least favorite enemies...

After she finished wiping her muzzle, I grabbed Queen Chrysalis by the throat. "Poyo po, poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo? Poyo poyo poyo Zero, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo. Poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo. Po poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, Dark Matters. Poyo... (Listen here, you little poyo. This is by no means my first bloodshed. You want to know my first experience with blood? I fought and defeated the giant eye called Zero, and my weapon was dyed red with his aftermath. He came back for revenge, but I slew him once more with the crystal gun. Both times, I was traumatized by the red liquid that was his blood, but I still got the job done. I hate him, both for introducing me to blood and for corrupting all of my friends with the help of his minions, the Dark Matters. And now...)"

I burned away the Spider webbing that bound her to the Staff, then dismissed the Staff and wrapped her up with a Whip that was electrified with Plasma.

"...poyo PO, poyo poyo poyo Zero poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo! Poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo! (...I hate YOU, for reminding me of Zero by cruelly speaking of blood, and intentionally using the word in a way that makes me look like a monster! You are a manipulative, lying poyo who deserves a fate worse than death!)"

I yanked on the Zap Whip, causing Chrysalis to spin around like a top.

"Poyo poyo poyo poyo... (The next time I'm here in Equestria and I see your ugly mug causing agony and terror among this lovely country's peaceful citizens...)"

I pounded her with a Hammer, abruptly stopping her spinning. I glared her dead in the eye.


Coughing up more teal changeling blood, the evil queen laughed, despite the bad shape she was in. "You really think... begging for mercy... will help you? Don't you know... you are an obstacle in my path? And when an obstacle insists on staying in my way..."

She bared her fangs and...


...broke them on my Metal head. "Ouch..."

I held a Bomb infused with wind under Chrysalis. "Po, poyo poyo poyo... (Oh, I wasn't begging for mercy...)"

The Bluster Bomb exploded, sending her straight up into the sky.

"Poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo... (I was offering mercy. But you turned my offer down and tried to attack me again, which means...)"

While she was in the air, I reached her with a Hi Jump. Her eyes widened in fear as I started glowing brightly and the world shook around me.

"Poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo... (You get to see the full power of my strongest, most destructive regular Ability...)"

My friends, and everyone who was watching from their windows, hid behind something so they didn't get caught in the attack.

And rightfully so.


I created an enormous explosion, and it sent Chrysalis far, far away. Strangely, it didn't destroy anything in the vicinity, but that's the nature of the Crash Ability. Instead, only Chrysalis and Hyness were launched, the Mane Six merely feeling a strong gust that resulted from the blast; as my friends, they weren't harmed by my Crash Ability. But as a bad guy, Hyness was close enough that he was shoved to the ground by the force of the explosion.

When I landed, Hyness looked at me and wailed. "Juh?! JAAAAAHHH!!"

He used the mage sisters and himself to form a wheel, and the vile "Friend" Circle (more like Fiend Circle) rolled my way.

I summoned a wooden Hammer with colorful highlights. It grew to double its original size, becoming more festive, then triple its size, turning golden. Then, sidestepping out of the way, I held it at my side, and...


I clubbed the four clear out of the atmosphere.

I looked back at the Mane Six, who were coming out of hiding from behind the fountain and staring at me in awe.

"Well..." Twilight glanced around. "Now that things have calmed down a little bit... I'd like to ask you something, Kirby..."

"Poyo. (By all means.)"

Twilight took a deep breath...

And then all of the Mane Six started bombarding me with questions.

"How did that blast not hurt us?" "How'd you do that cool transformation?" "Could you copy all those Abilities you used during your transformation?" "Can I see another magic hat trick?" "Why are we able to understand you during that transformation you have underwent?" "How're you so dang tough?"

After listening to over a dozen questions they threw at me, I looked down at the ground in thought. The “How” questions they asked really got me thinking. "Po... poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo... poyo. (I... don't know. There's a lot of things about me that I don't understand. I just chose to accept the things that make me, well... me.)"

I looked up at the sky as I put a hand under my chin.

"Po... poyo Magolor poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo... poyo! (But... I once heard Magolor make a guess about me. He had a theory that I was created... from my home universe's God!)"

The ponies gasped, "WHAT?!"

I nodded. "Poyo, po poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo Ancients, poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo Ancients: Magic poyo Tech poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo Dark God poyo, poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo... (I know, sounds crazy. But he said that the God absorbed positive and negative energy during his existence. While worshipped by the Ancients, he absorbed a lot of positive energy. But a war broke out between the two tribes of the Ancients: the Magic clan and the Technology clan. This caused the God to absorb a lot of negativity, and sometime after the Technology clan banished the Magic clan and the God, who was then called the Dark God after all the negativity he absorbed, to the edge of the universe, all the positivity must have gotten released from the Dark God's body...")

"And all that positivity became you?" Twilight concluded.

"Uh huh... Poyo. (Uh huh... If my friend Magolor is right.)"

Pinkie added, "Wait a minute... If you're made from positivity that the Dark God absorbed... Does that mean that he's your daddy?"

"...!" I stopped to contemplate the genius that is Pinkie Pie. "Poyo poyo, poyo... Poyo poyo poyo... Poyo poyo poyo... poyo! Poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo... Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo! (Oh my poyo, you're right... I'm the son of a God... And that makes me a demigod... of positivity! That explains a lot. Including why I had this transformation when I realized that I had to fight for the sake of everybody... I must have tapped into my inner positivity demigod to maintain peace for everyone!)"

I shook myself out of my stupor.

"Po, yo. Poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo Dark Lord. Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo God poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo Jamba Heart. Poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo! Poyo, poyo poyo poyo. Poyo... Poyo poyo! Poyo poyo, poyo poyo! Poyo poyo, po, poyo poyo... (No, wait. That isn't important right now. Hyness mentioned trying to summon a Dark Lord. Now that you've got me thinking about it, that must be the same God that Magolor was talking about. That also means my dad's the one who's been corrupted by negativity and is trapped in the Jamba Heart. If Hyness releases him, he'll wreak havoc on the universe! I can't let that happen, but I don't want my dad to stay trapped in there or to die either. I love him... And that's what I gotta do! If negativity makes him bad, then positivity will make him good! But the Dark God won't want to accept my love, though, so I may need to beat it into him...)"

"Well, whatever the case, just know this..." Rainbow Dash grinned. "You've got us cheering you on, so you better not lose!"

"Poyo poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo! (I've got all my friends to help me. Between our teamwork and my status as a demigod of positivity, no way we're gonna lose!)"

"Okay, bye, have a great time!" Roborygon flew off into the cosmos in the form of a mini–jet.

"Melemele!" Meloetta flew off as well, waving the ponies goodbye.

I took out my cell phone to summon my ride, but I remembered something. "Poyo... Poyo poyo poyo. (Actually... There's something I need to tell you guys.)"

The ponies leaned forward in curiosity. "What is it?" they asked.

I looked at them with a warm smile. "Poyo poyo... poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo. (To be honest... I actually knew about you guys all this time, even before I was sent here.)"

"You... did?" Fluttershy asked.

"Poyo. Poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo. (That's right. In the universe that a friend of mine comes from, your adventures and sometimes mishaps have been recorded in books and films.)"

"Is that so?" Rarity folded her ears back in fear. "Please tell me the writers got my good side."

I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. "Po poyo poyo. Poyo poyo mishaps. (Good and bad alike. That's why I said mishaps.)"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "So you know about, say... the Sisterhooves Social incident?"

I nodded. "Uh huh."

"But also good stuff and adventures like when we visited Starlight's village?"

"Uh huh! Poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo... (Uh huh! And I gotta say, after reading and watching your various antics and adventures...)" Suddenly, I jumped forward and hugged Pinkie Pie. "Poyo poyo poyo! Poyo poyo, Pinkie Pie. Poyo poyo poyo! (I'm a huge fan of you guys! Especially you, Pinkie Pie. We're practically twins!)"

"Aw, I like you too, Kirby!" Pinkie hugged me back. "But why didn't you run up and hug me when you first saw us?"

"Poyo, poyo poyo. Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo? (Believe me, I really wanted to. But I hid my excitement and pretended to not know about you guys because it'd be weird to just run up and hug someone who barely knows you, right?)"

Fluttershy nervously smiled. "Oh, you're right. I probably shouldn't have done that to you when you smiled and said hi to us. Sorry if that was too weird for you."

"Po, poyo. Poyo poyo, poyo! (Nah, it's okay. Bring it in, everyone!)"

So we all shared a big group hug.

After letting go, I looked back where the broken Gim and Rocky were, but they were missing. "Huh? Poyo poyo? (Huh? Where'd they go?)"

"Oh, sorry about that," Twilight said. "While you had your eyes closed in revelation, we took the remains of Gim to Doctor Whooves so he and I could try and repair him."

"Poyo, poyo! Po poyo? (Thank you, everyone! And Rocky?)"

Rainbow shrugged. "Uh, we don't know, actually. One moment his body is there, but when we returned from taking Gim to the Doctor, it was gone!"

"Poyo... Eh, poyo. (That's weird... Eh, whatever.)" I pressed a button on my phone, and a big yellow star flew to me from the sky. "Poyo poyo, Warp Star! Poyo poyo poyo poyo—poyo poyo poyo—poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo. (This is my ride, the Warp Star! Since Roborygon was summoned by a Dream Rod—I could tell because I felt friend energy within him—and came here straight from the Dream Palace, that means this planet is in the same universe as my home, so I'm just taking the Warp Star back to see what I can do about the old man.)"

"Really? That's great!" Twilight rested her hoof on me. "Kirby, we're really going to miss you. So when you're done taking care of things with the Dark God, could you please do us a favor and come back here one more time?"

I gave her a determined smile. "Poyo poyo. (Consider it done.)" I did the motions of a Pinkie Promise before hopping on my Warp Star and flying off.

Author's Note:

If, before you read this Author's Note, you happened to read the chapter in a way that the Kirby's Triumphant Return part of Marx's theme synced up with the Crash explosion... You are awesome.

Even if you didn't, you're still awesome. Never forget that.:rainbowdetermined2: