• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 760 Views, 5 Comments

Kirby Star Allies: Friend Hearts are Magic (REMASTERED) - The Kelduo

After a magical mishap, three Star Allies are teleported into Equestria.

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Chapter 5: A New Guest Star (NESP)

Well, this probably had to be the worst time and place to try that new spell I learned. Why? Because as soon as I cast the spell, the yellow girl woke up. “Ugh, my head…” She got up and looked around in a panic. “What?! I thought there were four of you! And what happened to Lord Hyness?!”

“But there are four of us! Isn’t that right, everyone…?” I searched the area for my three friends. “Oops…” Did my spell affect them too?

“Oops? So you’re saying this IS your fault!” She pointed her spear at my neck, causing me to gasp. “Tell me what you did, and don’t spare me the details!”

“Okay, okay, just don’t hurt me when I tell you!” I told her everything. “After Hyness slapped you away and started going on a rant about being banished, I got tired of the lecture and figured it was a good time to try out a new spell I learned.” I sighed. “But I should’ve listened to what the Gim told me. I think I must’ve screwed up the spell, because it ended up teleporting my friends and Hyness off to someplace that I only intended for Hyness himself to end up.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And that place is?”

I raised my hands defensively. “Even I don’t know! All I had to do for the spell was imagine where I wanted the target to end up, then cast the spell and chant the incantation to send them there. I didn’t have anywhere in particular in mind, just somewhere that a group of heroes would be able to take him down with the power of friendship. Since I was too inexperienced, I accidentally sent Kirby, Gim, and Rocky there along with Hyness.”

“Wow.” She deadpanned, lowering her spear. “You really are inexperienced. I’d be mad at you, but now I’m just disappointed. At least he has just been teleported somewhere and not killed by your spell. There’s still a chance to bring him back… And to the same extent, your allies.” She groaned. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it appears we’ll have to work together to figure out where they are and how to rescue them.”

“I wish I was skilled enough to sense where they are using my mind, but I’m not.” I put a hand to my chin. “We’ll need some help from somewhere… I got it!” I turned to the stars and cupped my hands around my mouth. “Come to us, Warp Star!”

A few seconds later, a big yellow star came to our position. The mage and I got on, me leading it. We soared off into space, where we could even see Pop Star. “Well, I suppose I should properly introduce myself to you,” the mage said. “My name is Zan Partizanne, and I am the leader of the Three Mage-Sisters. I’ve seen your kind around before, so you don’t need to tell me about yourself.”

“Nice to meet you, Zan.” I pointed at our destination as we approached: a white, floating island with a white palace of some sort on it. “There it is! A Dream Palace!” We touched down and entered it.

“A Dream Palace?” Zan asked. “Considering all the white in here, it doesn’t look much like a dream to me.”

“That isn’t why this place is called a Dream Palace.” I floated to the center of the room, and I looked up at a floating, golden staff with a heart at the end. “This is a very special staff. It’s called the Dream Rod, and Kirby uses it to summon special friends of his, Dream Friends. I’m not talking about common helpers like Burning Leo, Chilly, and Blade Knight. I’m talking about one-of-a-kind people like Bandana Waddle Dee and Meta Knight!”

“So, you’re going to use the power of the Dream Rod to summon a friend of this Kirby you speak of?”

“Yeah, and I’ll have you know that ‘this Kirby’ is the pink ball who kicked your butt twice.” I took the Dream Rod in my hand and held it up high. “I call on the power of the Dream Rod! Please, bring us a hero that can find the Star Allies!”

The Dream Rod flashed brightly, then it disappeared. Then, with a mechanical music cue, a strange gray robot appeared. It floated above the ground and had yellow highlights, purple lights for eyes, a black antenna, and yellow fingerless arms and a tail.

Its optical lens focused on me. “An Esper? I have not seen one of your kind since the Haltmann Works Company invaded Pop Star!”

“Actually, we go by NESP now,” I replied. “And this is Zan Partizanne, the leader of the Three Mage-Sisters.”

“Zan Partizanne?” The robot made electronic noises. “My database says that she is a villain, but I am willing to look past that. Greetings to you two!” It pointed towards itself. “My full name is Roborygon Mk. Z, but feel free to simply call me Roborygon. Might I be of any assistance to you?”

“Yes, please.” I held my hands together to plead to Roborygon. “I made a terrible mistake while journeying with Kirby and his other two helpers. See, when we got to Hyness, he started going on some insane monologue. I was bored and couldn’t understand a thing he said, so I tried out a new spell to warp him somewhere that a group of heroes could beat him up with friendship.”

“A new spell?” He facepalmed. “Let me guess: it was too difficult for a young psychic such as yourself, so it went awry and caused not only Hyness but also Kirby and his other helpers to warp to that place?”

I lowered my head in shame. “I’m sorry…”

He lifted my chin up. “Don’t be. Everyone makes mistakes. Now tell me: was one of Kirby’s helpers a robot? This information should help me locate the Star Allies.”

I nodded. “A Gim, to be precise. If I remember right, his model number was 2375.”

"Gim..." Roborygon's eyes turned into stars. “How nostalgic! It's been many years since Kirby's encountered one of them! Anyway, you said the Gim was model GM-2375? Excellent! I’ll send an electrical impulse tuned to that make of the series of robots commonly known as Gim. That way, I can pinpoint his location!” Concentrating intensely, he sent an invisible wave of electricity all around.

About twenty seconds later, his eyes widened. “Yes! I’ve found his location! Thank the stars they weren’t sent to another dimension, or the impulse wouldn’t have reached him.” He headed towards the exit. “I’m off to help them get rescued. It’ll probably be quite a while before I get back, though. Wish me luck, even though I don’t believe in luck.” He changed form into a mini-jet and took off.

Zan and I exchanged looks. She asked, “Now what do we do?”

I answered, “I guess we wait for him to come back.” Silence followed. “So… wanna head back to Jambandra? I wouldn’t mind a tour.”