• Member Since 1st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Revel Montaro

Comments ( 19 )

*slow blink* not what i was expecting when you first mentioned the idea.

Not an unrealistic solution to the problem, i suppose haha. Fills in some gaps—and makes me wonder about the solution reached for the second kid, too, hehe.

Kudos, friend.

Yes, for this story universe I created this is it.
Heh, yeeeah it's a bit far fetched, but not unrealistic. I've actually read articles about similar 'helping'. Now Sunna was born using extracted DNA from one of her eggs and placed inside one of Twilight's. I figured by the time they wanted a second child they had the money to afford experimental treatment.

Thank you.

I'm not one for smut, but it's nice to get some story details. And while not perfect, a close equivalent to pony Aurora might still be possible, now knowing who Human Aurora's biological father is.

Well this came out quicker then expected.
Honestly when you said Aurora had blue hair my first guess for a donor was Flash. To say it being Cadance and Shining was a surprise would be an understatement.
So did Pony Flurry have a younger sibling centuries ago or are they exclusive to the human world?

I'm gonna guess yes, considering it was only Flurry Heart that the Athanatoi turned into an alicorn, meaning Flurry's younger sibling (likely a unicorn or pegasus) would eventually pass on like Shining.

I can see that Shining and Cadence had only one other foal and that child growing up and old while Flurry didn't causing tension between the siblings and their parents. Might be something I get into for the sequel to Gods and Monsters. *Scribbles notes*

i had a thought earlier today about Aurora. wonder if she ever discovered on her own who her actual dad is when she was older, and never said anything either to her moms

I'm going to say unlikely. Much of the background information I used and first hand research I gained was from my cousin who went through artificial insemination for her daughter. When the kid grows up in a loving family with two parental units it becomes less important to them who did the deed and how. All they care about is the love they receive... And who they can manipulate to buy more toys.

A bit rough around the grammatical edges, but VERY hot. The only major advice I’d give is that it would be better to have one big hugely satisfying climax than to have three smaller, equally weighted ones. Or just separate them into individual chapters.

Oh, and a missed opportunity: Twiley never gave Sunny an orgasm! Would have been great if she had. And then maybe freaked out a little about some of her brother’s cum leaking out onto her hand, and then Cadance solving the problem by licking it off.

Thank you for the critique. I'll admit I don't write adult material so this was a stab at it for both story and for fun.

She giggled as he stomped about the living room while she sat on his foot, arms wrapped securely around his leg.

that brings back memories.

“Come on, Twily, give us a little credit,” said Shining with a small chuckle. “We don’t do it all the time and are extremely selective on who we tell and have join us and afterwards always get ourselves tested just in case, because you’re right, the world is a scary place even at the microscopic level.”

He has a point

If you are going to fool around, fool around smart.

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