• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,925 Views, 70 Comments

L.O.V.E. - VeryEpic

Countless numbers of genocide runs have been committed, each of them no different from the last. Until suddenly, Sans remembers, and the timeline begins to deteriorate...

  • ...

1 - Last Judgement

Author's Note:

Note: This story is on hiatus until further notice. It already has been for over a year now, but I never put a notice here and I figured it was kinda overdue. The reason behind it is that the original reason I got into the MLP community was because of the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020. When that ended, I gradually began to leave the community as life returned to normal. Now, I’m heading off to college in a few months time and that’s going to be a massive change for me. If I somehow find the time to get back into the community and continue this there, then I will be extremely surprised. I’ll still drop by from time to time though, make no mistake.

Important: Just so you're aware, a lot of music is used in this story. All of it is entirely optional if you'd prefer to read in silence, but, much like Undertale, the music plays a big part in making the story whole. The music should be played until there is either another video to play or you see a - sign between paragraphs. This also means that music should be stopped:

Also, if you're reading on a PC, you can make the music automatically loop if you're a slow reader. You just have to right click the video and the option will be shown. You hopefully shouldn't need to use this, though, since I try to line up the music with the story so that it ends at the right moment (or at least close to it). This isn't always possible however, since most people read at different speeds, and I doubt I read at exactly the same pace as you. Usually though, the music should end where it's supposed to, or you should stop the music yourself.
Anyway, looping is there if you need it, but hopefully you shouldn't :twilightsmile:

None of the music used is mine, so if you like what you hear, feel free to go check out the rest of the creator's music!

This chapter was mostly written as a prologue to the events of the rest of the story, but I didn't want to just copy and paste the original Sans fight. I tried to make it as original as I could while also trying to make it feel like it fit into the original game.
You also might notice a significant lacking of MLP in this chapter. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten what website I'm writing this on.
There won't be a strict upload schedule for this story, since that's partly what caused me to get burnt out of my previous story. I eventually finished it, but it took a while and I don't want the same thing to happen with this story.

Anyway, things are gonna be getting a lot more intense later down the road, while also having a few 'Sans in Equestria' slice of life style chapters. If that's what you're looking for, I hope I don't disappoint :)


Harderlovania V2 by BatCheevs

Harderlovania Insane Mode by TheOmegaLink

Sans trudged through the snow, the bitter cold bouncing off him without effect. Even though he couldn't feel the cold, he could still sense the chill in the air.

It seemed quieter than normal. Usually, Sans would see other monsters strolling through the forests whilst on his sentry duty, but today... nothing. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen anyone other than his brother since he had met the human.

The human. What was their name?

Chara. Sans could swear he had never been told the human's name, but for some reason, that name seemed to stick out in his mind.

Continuing to walk through the snow, Sans was still yet to see another monster, until eventually he reached Snowdin.

Empty. Not a single soul in sight. Even the shop and inn seemed desolate compared to how they usually were. Sans looked around at the empty town, and was suddenly struck by panic.


With a click of his fingers, Sans quickly teleported to the front of his house and swung open the door. Just like the rest of the town, empty. Papyrus was nowhere to be found.

It's ok, Sans told himself, He's probably just gone to see Undyne.

Sans left his house and began moving in the direction of waterfall, walking along the edge of the icy river. The blocks of ice that usually flowed along the gentle stream were nowhere to be found. Slowly, Sans was beginning to piece together what was happening, and his desperation to find his brother rose.

Nearing Waterfall, he spotted something laying in the snow. Something red, contrasting with the bleak white of the ground. He knew what it was, but he didn't want to believe it. Not yet.

Reaching down, he picked up the red scarf. Papyrus' red scarf.

Gripping the scarf tightly, a gust of wind blew along the snow, scattering speckles of dust into the air. Sans' eyes went blank, staring down at the red cloth in his hand as the remainder of the world vanished around him.

"Heh," Sans chuckled to himself. A few more seconds passed, and he released his grip on the scarf, letting it float gently to the ground. He let out another faint laugh as he watched it land, the snow cushioning its landing as it moulded around it. By now, the air had grown even colder around him.

His fingers clicked once again, and he teleported away to the furthest reach of the kingdom.

The Judgement Hall.

A place built for good, to reward those monsters that performed acts of kindness and repent their sins. Yet here he was, waiting to be the judge, jury and executioner of the real monster.

Finally, they would arrive, nearly having completed their slaughter.

"You've been busy, huh?" Sans would say, only to be met with silence.

He would continue talking to them, judging them for their actions, and all the while they would remain silent. Were they ever really human?

"If you take another step forward, you are really not gonna like what happens next," he'd threaten, but even then Chara would stay silent, taking one last step forward, "Welp. Sorry, old lady. This is why I never make promises."

Sans' eyes would close, recalling everything that the human had done. They deserved this.

"It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, kids like you... Should be burning in hell."

And with that, the skeleton's last stand would ensue.

He knew he couldn't kill them, not directly. Every time he did, they'd come back newer and stronger, knowing all of his movements and attacks. He needed them to reset. Every attack he performed, he'd stall them for longer and longer, getting more and more tired. Sans would give it his all, but eventually the human would prevail, resetting the endless loop of slaughter once more.

This was how every reset would play out, unchanging. Reset after reset would occur, and Sans would never remember how many times he had watched his brother die.

Until, something changed.

Something within him snapped, like a lock keeping him confined to reality had popped open. Sans could remember every timeline that had occurred, even after they had been erased.

Sans knew everything, and now he was more determined than ever to stop it.

The forests of Snowdin were just as quite as they had been in previous timelines, only this time, Sans knew exactly what he had to do. He had told Papyrus to stay at home, and to not come looking for him no matter what happened.
He could only hope he did what he was told. Sans didn't want his brother seeing what was about to happen.


The sound of a branch snapping interrupted the silence, and it was finally time for Sans to make his entrance.

"Heya," Sans said as he appeared from the treeline, "Bet ya weren't expecting to see another monster so soon, huh?"

Chara gave an expression of confusion, which amused Sans somewhat. Messing with their head was a good start in getting them to reset. He needed to show them the consequences of their actions.

"I heard that a human had left the Ruins, and I kinda had to come check it out seeing as I'm a sentry and all, but you don't need me to tell you that, do you?" Sans explained, attempting to be as passive aggressive as he possibly could, "Heh, been a while since anyone's been in there, or been out of there. Thanks to you, it seems like no one's gonna be coming out of there for a long time, huh?"

For a second, he thought he saw a glimpse of panic on the human's face, before it was once again consumed by the cold, demonic grin he had grown so used to.

"Now that I think about it, it's probably gettin' pretty dusty in there. Don't suppose you have anything to do with that, would you?" he asked, only to once again be met with silence. He expected nothing else, "It's a shame Toriel ain't around to take care of the place anymore."

Chara, now wielding the toy knife that they had found in the Ruins, stared straight into the skeleton's eyes, seeing through their smile. By now, they had caught on to what was happening, even if they didn't understand how it was possible for him to remember.

"Look, you know what's going on here, and I sure as hell do too. I don't know how, but I remember everything that you did. I'm not expecting an explanation from you, you're not exactly the talkative kind, but I'm warning you kid..."

Chara continued staring into Sans' hollowed eyes, expectantly.

"One more step, and I'll see to it that this is the last timeline you live to see," Sans threatened.

He didn't expect the human to comply. In fact, he was already prepared for the fight that was to come, having brought a bottle of ketchup with him in case of an emergency. Much like he expected, Chara took another step through the snow.

"Heh, alright. Let's see how determined you really are, dirty brother killer," a loud gust of wind broke the silence, and Sans closed his eyes. He would end this now, or die trying.

The two stood surrounded by nothing but snow and ice, snowflakes falling from the trees as wind shook their branches, "It's a pretty cold day out here. Snow is falling, the wind is howling. On days like these, monsters like me..."

Sans reopened his eyes, the white pupils that usually glowed brightly absent from the sockets. Both of his hands remained in his pockets, but he was ready to fight until the end.

"Can't afford to not care anymore."

Without a single movement, a pair of gaster blasters formed behind the skeleton. The two blasters fired, locked on the seemingly defenceless human. Having fought Sans many times by now, Chara effortlessly dived out of the way of the attack, before quickly dashing forward and swinging their knife.

Sans slid through the snow, easily dodging the blade, "Our reports show a massive anomaly in the time space continuum. Timelines jumping left and right, stopping and starting. Heh, most of that's your fault isn't it?"

A barrage of bones appeared in the sky, positioned down towards the ground, before plummeting into the snow. Chara weaved between the projectiles, barely breaking a sweat. Sans wasn't bothered by their lack of effort, however, as this time, he hadn't used his strongest attack first.

Chara swung their knife yet again, but Sans dodged it just as easily.

"Part of me wants to believe that something else is going on here, what with my memories returning and all, but all of these issues stem from you, kid," Sans explained, before the ground began to rumble and shake.

Chara looked at the floor, grinning, before the bones that had previously plunged into the snow shot out of the ground. The human leapt into the air, before the bones descended into the ground again. Immediately after landing, the bones shot out from the ground for a second time. Chara jumped into the air each time the bones re-emerged, until eventually they stopped, allowing them to swing their knife.

Sans slid out of the way of the attack, the blade almost grazing him. He let out a sigh, "Look, kid. You don't have any idea what you're doing. All this messing around with the timeline, it needs to stop."

This time, a barrage of bones appeared behind him, before flying towards the human at a speed that would pierce the flesh. Chara dodged most of them, slicing her way through the occasional bone, but a few seemed to graze past her, cutting their arm.
The last bone whizzed by, and Chara launched forward to deliver another attack.

Sans dodged once again, giving the human an amused shrug, "If you keep going on the way you're going, the timeline will break. There will be consequences that not even you can fix."

Just like he expected, the human showed no signs of remorse or regret.

Sans raised his hand, and multiple gaster blasters formed in the sky, each taking their turn to fire. Chara weaved in and out of their blasts, never making a single mistake. Each and every blue beam fired left a charred black mark in the snow.

"Heh, like you'd care. That's your end goal isn't it? To have that much power that the damage you cause is irreversible," Sans explained, feeling anger building up within him.

Several bones raised from the ground and began mowing their way through the snow. Chara leapt over each of them as they passed by, almost elegantly, before a gaster blaster formed in the sky. Seeming to catch them off guard, the human's smile vanished from their face as they were engulfed in the blue beam.

Sans let out a sigh as the beam subsided, leaving the human visible once again. They had dropped to their knees, greatly injured from the blast, whilst still clutching their knife in one hand.

His heavy breathing began to return to normal as the fight began to wind down, but he could never be too sure. He had seen their tricks in the previous timelines, and ultimately, that was what always caused his death. He really couldn't afford to let his guard down and he knew it.

"Kid," Sans began, looking down at the unmoving human, "I know you didn't answer me in the other timelines, but I know that somewhere deep inside you, there's a good person waiting to be released."

Much to Sans' dismay, the human remained immobile in the snow.

"Through all the timelines that I can now see, there's one where I might've even called you... A friend?" Sans asked. He knew that this had never worked before, but hopefully this time it might have more of an effect, "C'mon, buddy. Do you remember me?"

Chara's breathing began to accelerate, and for a moment, Sans thought that he had gotten through to them. Finally, the genocide would come to an end.

The human got up to their feet, but continued to hold their knife at their side. Sans stood, waiting for their next move patiently. Even if they decided to spare them, he'd still have to end up killing them. If they really wanted to change their ways, they'd reset.


Sans slid out of the way of the blade with a disappointed sigh, "Welp, guess you like doing things the hard way, h-"


Following their second attack, Sans dodged with a shrug. He had grown to expect a second attack by now, seeing as how he had died to it so many times, "Heh, did you really think you could-"


The white pupils of Sans' eyes grew smaller with fear as the blade tore through his shirt. He slowly turned his head to look down at his chest, and a red fluid had begun leaking out onto the rest of his shirt. This couldn't be happening. Not again. There's no way.

"Heh... Heh heh..." Sans chuckled to himself as he raised a hand to his wound.

Chara smiled proudly as they raised their knife, blood coating the tip of the blade.

"Three attacks... In one turn..." Sans said between breaths. He didn't understand how it was possible, but at this point he was willing to believe anything was possible, "Heh. Shoulda known... A kid like you wouldn't... Play by the rules..."

Sans suddenly began laughing. He didn't seem to be laughing to hide the pain, but rather he seemed to genuinely find something funny. The hand that had previously been held over his wound reached into his blood soaked shirt and pulled out a bottle of ketchup, a vicious slice stretching across its middle.

He took a few sips from the broken bottle, before returning it to his pocket.

"Always knew ketchup would save me one say," Sans joked with a wink, "Now let's get serious."

A single one of Sans' hands raised, and with a click of his fingers, dozens of gaster blasters appeared behind him at will. At least a hundred or so bones coated the ground around them, even occasionally jutting out from the trees that surrounded them.

"I gave you a chance, kid," Sans said, a faint blue ember beginning to form in his left eye, "But if you aren't gonna play by the rules, then neither will I."

The blasters each fired, one by one, chasing Chara as they ran through the snow. By now, the snow around the area that they had been fighting was almost completely charred black. Seeing that the blasters alone were not doing enough damage, Sans raised his hand and launched several bones at the human in combination with the blasters. Chara leapt into the air, gripping one of the bones as it flew through the air, before swinging over one of the blaster's beams.

The human came falling downwards directly on top of Sans, slashing their knife through the air. Moments before the ketchup stained blade made contact with him, he removed his hand from his pocket and froze the human in mid-air.

Sans pushed his hand forward, sending Chara flying backwards into the door of the Ruins. Rubble and a few loose bricks came falling from the wall as Sans held her in place, frozen and unable to move. The purple wall began to rumble, but before the bones could emerge and deliver the final strike, Chara broke free from his grasp and charged towards him.

A bead of sweat formed on the skeleton's forehead as he raised his hand as high as he could, forming a towering wall of bones between him and the human. Chara froze in place as she looked up at the wall of bones before her.

The sound of a charging blaster caught Chara's attention, and they quickly spun around to look behind them. Sure enough, a gaster blaster had appeared directly behind them, and was only able to dive out of the way moments before it fired.

Not allowing the human any time to recover, Sans lifted his hand and flung them into a tree, knocking the loose snow that rested on the branches down onto their head. Moving his hand in the opposite direction, he flung them into yet another tree, and then another, and another, before finally sending them flying back in the direction of the Ruins door.

The door was now covered in bones, and Chara could see them coming closer and closer with no sign of stopping. They raised their knife into the air as they came ever closer to the protruding bones, before plunging it deep into the snow. The sharp blade dug into the icey ground, quickly stopping them in their tracks.

"Heh..." Sans chuckled, panting, "I'm not finished with you yet, kid."

Chara sprinted towards the skeleton, knife in front of them, but just like every time before it, Sans casually slid out of the way. In fact, this time Sans raised his hand and forcefully threw the human in his direction, sending them falling into the snow behind him.

Holding their soul down with one hand, Sans began to raise a sheet of bones from the snow with the other. Several bones shot up from the ground, slicing through Chara's flesh in several places.

The human got back up to their feet smiling, unfazed by the injuries caused by the bones. Were they truly that messed up?

"Kid..." Sans asked, disturbed, "What are you?"

Chara raised their knife over their shoulder, before releasing their grasp and throwing it in the skeleton's direction. The red blade came flying towards Sans, slicing through the air as it went.

Sans gasped.


His head lowered to see the knife plunged deep into his chest, a deep crimson leaking out onto his already red stained shirt. The blue flame in his left eye flickered out, before returning back to his usual white pupils, shrunken with fear.

"H-Huh... Wh..." Sans attempted to say as a drop of blood trickled from his mouth.

Chara approached them slowly, grabbing their knife with a single hand before forcefully pulling it out of the skeleton's chest.

Sans couldn't see clearly. All he could think about was the pain. Not the pain of the hole in his chest, but the pain of the fact that even with what he knew now, he had still failed.
The genocide would continue, and he would still be unable to do anything about it.

He would still have to watch his friends die, over and over again.

"Heh... Just like that, huh?" Sans asked, stumbling over to the nearest tree before slumping against it. He slid down the trunk of the tree, settling down in the snow with one hand in his pocket and the other on his wound.

Blood dripped down onto the fresh white snow as he let out a pained cough.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." Sans threatened, giving the human an almost apologetic stare, "See you soon, kid."

Sans closed his eyes one final time as he felt his arm beginning to wither away. Slowly but surely, his entire body turned into nothing more than a pile of dust and a blue hoodie.

Sans had failed.