• Published 11th May 2021
  • 1,916 Views, 70 Comments

L.O.V.E. - VeryEpic

Countless numbers of genocide runs have been committed, each of them no different from the last. Until suddenly, Sans remembers, and the timeline begins to deteriorate...

  • ...

3 - Home

Hot water poured down onto Sans as he stood under the shower. Much like his experience in the rain was his first time feeling the cold, this was his first time feeling heat.

Water seeped through the red and orange wrapping paper that protected his wound, causing it to sting a little, however it was more than bearable after being stabbed dozens of times. Still, the feeling of warm water against him felt nice, unlike anything else he had felt before.

Expectantly, warmth was the polar opposite of cold. Instead of invoking feelings of loneliness and despair, it created emotions of belonging and comfort.

The feeling of hot water hitting his wings felt a little strange compared to the rest of his body, as they were mostly made out of feather, however Sans likely couldn't notice the full difference. As a skeleton, he couldn't feel anything physical other than pain if something were to break through the bone, so being able to feel physical contact finally was nice, even if it was a little strange.

He watched the mud and filth that covered his coat fall off him, spiralling around the drain before disappearing below. He had no idea what he looked like without the dirt, but already he felt much cleaner.

"Ugh..." Sans groaned, pushing his head against the wall as water poured down onto his mane. Finally he was alone and could piece together his thoughts, "My head is killing me..."

He remained motionless for a while, resting his head against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall.

"I still don't know why I'm here," Sans said to himself, "It's only been a few hours, but..."

Sans raised his head and looked at the glass that surrounded the shower. It had begun to fog up with heat, making it just barely see through.

Angrily, he slammed a hoof into the wall. He needed to take his frustrations out on something, and he figured it'd do less damage hitting the wall than the glass. The last thing he needed right now was for Pinkie Pie to kick him back out into the rain because he'd coated her bathroom in glass shards.

"No. I can't throw in the towel just yet," Sans explained to himself, slowly trying to come to terms with his situation, "I will find you again, Paps. I'll find all of you, and I'll stop whatever that freak's doing with the timeline."

His head placed against the wall once again. It felt nice to finally let it out. Even after all of the resets he had endured, he never once allowed himself to vent out of the fear that Papyrus might have heard. Now though, he didn't have to worry about that.

"Sans? Are you almost done in there?" Pinkie Pie called from outside, "There's so much steam coming from under the door that I thought you'd started a fire."

In his frustration, he hadn't noticed how much steam had built up in the room. It was like somebody had connected a smoke machine and turned it onto full blast, which would've been pretty dangerous considering the room he was currently in.

"Yeah, I should be done soon," he replied.

"You didn't actually start a fire did you? As fun as starting a fire sounds, I don't think Mr. and Mrs. Cake would be very happy about it," Pinkie asked seeming somewhat concerned, yet also a little excited about the prospect of starting a fire.

It was kinda concerning, actually.

"You think fires are fun, huh? Pinkie, I didn't take you for an arsonist," Sans joked, feeling his frustrations begin to wither away.

"Fires are fun, and they look pretty cool," she replied, happily, "As long as they're legal and don't damage anything!"

"I'll keep that in mind next time I have a bonfire," he replied with a smile. Seeing that he could use his same sense of humour in this world made him feel much more comfortable with his surroundings, even if it was only in the context of his jokes.
Who knew that all he needed to feel comfortable was for his sense of humour to be understood?

Sans smiled to himself as he turned off the shower. Maybe this world wasn't that bad?

If this was hell, he had to admit it really wasn't doing a very good job in punishing him. If this was heaven however, he also noticed that there was a significant lacking of Grillby's to be found.

He approached the mirror and rubbed away the condensation that had formed on it thanks to the steam. This was the first real time he could get a look at his strange new body. His coat was now a pristine white, completely void of mud and blood stains. It was almost definitely this colour thanks to him being a skeleton once upon a time.

His mane was now longer entirely grey, but was now a faint blue. It was faded, however it seemed like the colour had begun to return. In addition to his mane, the grey irises of his eyes had begun to regain colour too, now also a faint blue. With time, it seemed like Sans' blue colouring was returning. It was just a shame that he didn't still have his hoodie from the underground with him.

After drying himself off, he opened the door and left the bathroom, entering into a somewhat dark corridor. Sans could barely see where he was going, but he could just about manage to see the staircase that lead to the loft of the building. Usually, he wouldn't want to risk falling down the stairs and breaking his neck, but he had no idea where the light switch was in this place.

He reached the bottom of the staircase, and at the top he could see a light shining from under a door. Thankfully, the light was enough to illuminate the staircase, nullifying any chance he had of falling and breaking his neck.

Upon reaching the top of the staircase, he gave a few knocks on the door.

"There you are!" Pinkie exclaimed, swinging the door open, "I thought you might've fallen down the stairs and broken your neck!"

"Yeah, that's happened a few times, actually," Sans joked.

Even though he was joking, he could faintly recall a timeline where he did in fact fall down the stairs in his house and break his neck.
He was very glad he didn't have to remember the rest of that timeline.

"Woah, cool! It's happened to me a few times to!" Pinkie replied, happily.

Sans figured it would be best if he didn't question her. On her way out of Sugarcube Corner, Twilight had told him that she was quite a strange pony, and that sometimes things she'd say wouldn't make much sense. That was, until you looked a bit deeper into them, and then they'd make much more sense.

"So, uh..." Sans began, looking around the room. He saw one bed, a closet, and one small purple chair in the corner of the room, turned to face the window, "Where am I gonna sleep? It's not the most spacious in here."

Pinkie thought for a moment, "Well, you could sleep in the bed, orrrrr..."

She dashed over to the purple chair by the window, and spun it around to face him. Sat in the chair was a scaly, green crocodile with beady, purple eyes. It wasn't remarkably large for a crocodile, however it still managed to take up most of the space on the seat.

"What is that?" Sans asked, "Is that another monster?"

"No, that's not a monster, silly!" Pinkie Pie replied, laughing. She pet the crocodile on the head with a hoof, who responded to her touch with a lick of his lips, "Wait, what do you mean another? Sans, have you been fighting monsters?"

Sans went silent for a few moments, feeling something flicker in his left eye, before fizzling out again.

"You could say that," he said, in a much more ominous tone than he intended, "Anyway, uh... What is that thing?"

"It's my pet crocodile, Gummy! Say hi, Gummy!" Pinkie answered, to which the crocodile responded by biting down onto her hoof, latching on like its life depended on it.

"Heh. Seems like he likes you," Sans said casually, unfazed by the animal biting into Pinkie's hoof.

"Yeah, he does," Pinkie replied with a smile, before waving her hoof around violently in an attempt to get the crocodile to let go. Her attempts failed, an instead caused him to latch onto her mane, "Maybe a little too much."

"Need some help with that?" Sans asked, seeing the pony struggle to get the animal to release his vice grip on her mane.

"No thanks! I think he's happy up there," she answered, deciding that she was okay with Gummy residing in her mane for the time being.

The tiny crocodile showed no signs of happiness, or any emotion for that matter. It just hung there, mouth closed, staring at the wall with its big, purple eyes. It was almost like it was looking through the wall, beyond the confines of Sugarcube Corner and out to the world beyond. Perhaps some of the things that Gummy had seen were best left to the imagination, for once you knew what he had seen, you would never be able to un-see it.

Perhaps that was why Gummy had such a blank expression on his face all the time. He had seen things that no other living thing had seen, or should see for that matter.

"So... Am I gonna sleep in the chair?" Sans asked, returning to the original topic, "Trust me, I can fall asleep just about anywhere."

"Well in that case, the purple chair that no one uses is all yours!" Pinkie exclaimed, enthusiastically.

By now, night had set in and the rainstorm continued to slam against the window. The ambience of rain was almost calming, reminding Sans of all those times that he'd fallen asleep at his post in Waterfall. The sound of the falls gushing and the streams flowing, and the occasional splash of a boulder falling down the waterfall. These sounds were partly the reason why Sans could manage to sleep while working, only to be woken up by an echo flower a few moments later.

"Pinkie, would we be able to go visit Twilight tomorrow? She mentioned something about living in a library," Sans asked, now sat in the chair leaning against one side.

By now, Sans was almost certain than this wasn't his world. While at first, he thought that it may have just been some strange, altered version of the surface, it became apparent that this wasn't the case when he saw magic be used. Surface dwellers in his own world couldn't use magic.

"Sure we can! You probably want to learn some more about our world, huh?" Pinkie replied, sending a slight chill down Sans' spine.

"What?" Sans replied, staring at the wall, blankly.

The room was entirely pitch black now, so hearing Pinkie Pie say something like that was more than a little unnerving. Was it possible that she knew?

"I mean, Ponyville is probably pretty different than wherever you're from right? It only makes sense that you'd want to read up on it."

Phew, Sans thought.

The last thing he needed right now was for his only friends in this world to find out that he was from a different universe where a psychopathic child slaughtered him and his friends several times over.

"O-Oh. Yeah, that's exactly why," Sans replied, still a little shaken from Pinkie's words. The way she worded it just felt off, "There was actually a library where I was from, but the sign was misspelled. I definitely had nothing to do with that."

Sans let out a yawn, and in sync with his yawning he felt his wings stretch outwards, before folding back in. It had been an incredibly long day. He'd been killed, almost killed a second time, and then met a bunch of talking ponies. He couldn't say he'd ever that order of events play out before.

"Oh, Twilight probably has some books about flying too! You could use them to learn how to fly," Pinkie suggested, enthusiastically, "That, or you could ask Rainbow Dash!"

Sans felt his heart stop beating for a second. Even though he was once a skeleton and lacked the pulse of a heart entirely, it still felt strange. His eyes had become hollow. Even though he was a pony now, it seemed like his eyes still reacted to his emotions the same way they did when he was a monster. That was twice now that Pinkie had said something that she should've had no possible way of knowing.

He gulped, "How did you know I couldn't fly?"

"I didn't, silly! I just meant you could learn to get better at flying after your flying accident!" Pinkie replied, however her response didn't calm Sans' nerves in the slightest, "I know you can't fly now though!"

Admittedly, not being able to fly was a problem he was going to have to face eventually anyway. Did it really matter all that much if Pinkie Pie knew before the others?

"I think I'm gonna get some sleep now," Sans said, with another yawn. If things kept up at this rate, he was gonna end up too paranoid to get any sleep, "Night, Pinkie."

"Night, Sans!" she replied happily, with Gummy still attached to her mane as she began to fall asleep.

Within seconds, Sans was out like a light.

Author's Note:

A more light-hearted chapter, seeing as how the last two were so intense.

As Sans grows more comfortable with Equestria, the colours on his mane and irises will return, along with something else as well. Remember, Sans isn't entirely a pony. He's part monster too. Regular pony rules don't always apply to him.

That being said, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I've got quite a lot planned for it ;)