• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 996 Views, 30 Comments

The Choosing WHAT?! - 23 KM To Nerdiness

  • ...

You Rock My World...

"Alright, you muffin. This time, you are going in my mouth, you are going to be delicious, and you will LIKE it. Got it?"



Back in Whooves' living room, a stubborn Derpy is having a stern discussion with her faithful friend, the blueberry muffin.



Derpy slams the baked good against the tip of her snout, missing her eyes but also her mouth as well.

"Mmm," she coos, nibbling on her nose. "Close enough."

Soon, Doctor Whooves enters the living room, a look of defeat gracing his exhausted expression.

"So how'd it go with the mayor, doctor?" Derpy asks.

"No such luck, I'm afraid," the doctor sighs. "There was nothing she could really do regarding centuries-long family traditions and such. No loopholes whatsoever."

"Aww, bummer. What are you going to do?"

"I'm afraid I have a complete and utter lack of options.

"Can I be your little ones' godmother in the future?"

"Very funny, Miss Hooves."

The two jolt as a harsh SLAM fills the room. They turn to witness a frazzled Limestone sulking by with her quivering sneer concerning the ponies.

"Ah, Limestone," Whooves waves warmly. "We were just chatting about-"

The echoing sounds of the bitter mare's grey hooves hurriedly stomping hard up the staircase cuts off the stallion.


"Okay..." Derpy ponders.

"I'll take care of it."

The ditzy pegasus resumes her disputes with her muffins as Whooves follows after his glum guest.

Upstairs, he peeps his head in the sour mare's door, seeing the hurt horse wiping the wave of tears away.

"Limestone, are you okay?" he gasps. "What's the matter, dear?"


"Hey, hey, take it easy. Your boulder is safe and untouched, I'm sure."

Limestone buries her face between her hooves with an irritated grunt, failing to wipe away the stream of tears soaking her cheeks as the concerned doctor hops up on the bed beside her.

"What is wrong with me?" she sniffles.

"Wrong how?"

"I mean......why does nopony like me? I know I'm not the easiest pony to deal with, but...just...why? Just why?"

"Oh, come here."

Whooves leans the broken mare into a soft, comforting hug, her sniffles gradually subsiding under the kind gesture.

"W-What are you doing?" she asks. "Are you trying to break my spine or something?"

"No, silly," the doctor scoffs playfully. "I'm hugging you, dear."

Hesitant, Limestone rests her hooves on the stallion's firm but fuzzy back, a sincere smile growing on her face.

"Heh," she chuckles to herself. "So this is what it feels like."

"What's that?"

"Being hugged. By a stallion outside the family, at least. It feels nice."

"I'm here for you, lass."

"Tell anypony, and I will buck you and your entire bloodline up."

"Noted. You know what always rests my nerves? A warm cuppa tea. Care for some, dear?"


Whooves gives the mare a friendly little pat on the back before sliding off the edge of the bed and trotting out the door.

Alone in the room, Limestone falls back with a rough sigh, sprawling herself atop the covers as she stares at the blank ceiling. The hard plop tips the clothes bag beside her over, spilling its wrapped up contents and grabbing her attention.

There, she finds a note taped to one of the bags:

Just in Case...

It read.

Moments later, the peppy inventor returns to the mare's room rolling in a tea cart with a kooky skip in his step.

"Alrighty," Whooves chimes. "I got us some freshly brewed-"

He freezes.

"U-Um, Miss Pie..." he utters. "W-What are you wearing?"

Standing at the end of the bed, Limestone shyly scuffs a hoof on the wooden floor, fashioning a gorgeous and transparent lacey black gown with sparkling diamonds draped around the waist

"I, um, Pinkie got it for me," she states, doing a delicate twirl in the glittery dress. "She says it'll make me look, what was the word......'smexy', I think?"

"I see..."

"How do I look?"

"Y-You do look lovely, Miss Pie."

"Hehe, you really think so?"

"Quite sure."

"No stallion's ever saw me as the attractive type, you know?"

"There's beauty in all of us, lass. What truly matters is that we embrace the beauty within us all."

"Y-You......you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course, my dear. Inside and out. You're far from being 'ugly', that's the truth."

"What about my fluff?"

"Heh, your fluff too, but that shouldn't matter. Remember, you're only as beautiful as you feel."

"I...I do feel beautiful now."

"Wonderful. I assure you, you're perfectly- fiiiiiii..."

Whooves drops the teacup back on the tray, his body stands firm like a statue as his jaunty bowtie spins like a propeller.

There, the once hardened mare, heart now lovingly warmed, plants a tender kiss upon the stallion's twitching neck.

"L-Limestone," he wheezes. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because." she whispers playfully in his ear, resuming her neck kissies. "Does that feel good to you?"

"I-I'm not quite sure."

"Oh? Well, how 'bout this?"

The cheeky mare tugs upon Whooves' soft brown skin with a light nibble, earning a stifled sigh from her prey as she locks the doctor in a tight embrace and rests her head on his chest.

"You're different from other guys," she sighs, caressing his back. "You...you care."

"I-I do care, Limestone. But you're going a little too fast here, don't you think?"

"I know, I know. It's just......I think I love you."

"...I'm sorry, what?"

The cunning pony slinks her head up to Whooves' ears, gently whispering into it.

"I love you."

"Look, you're a......a lovely mare, but it's not advisable to rush into things like tha- MMM!"

The doctor's objections are cut off as the affectionate farm pony presses his face deep against her heaving, grey floof.

"Does my fluff please you?" she sighs breathlessly, rubbing the stallion's face around within her soft chest. "Does it excite you? Yes, floof it! YES!"

"Limestone, please!" Whooves exclaims, gasping for air. "Get a grip, madame!"


Licking her lips seductively, Limestone wraps her arms around the doctor's neck, roughly pulling him into a sloppy yet tender kiss. The mare moans sweetly into his mouth as he struggles to break free from her vise-like grip. Soon, she releases him, the two breathing heavily against each other.

"Mmmm..." she sighs in delight. "You're one hell of a kisser."

"Mmph," Whooves gags, smacking his lips. "Is that salt?"

"I had rock soup earlier, do you like it?"

"Limestone, just relax here. You're not thinking straight."

"But you are the one, Whooves. You're the only one who sees the beauty inside me. Fate has brought us together, we belong together."

"Wait- AH!"

Whooves gasps in horror as the predator pins him down on his back against the squeaky bed, pouncing on top of him and cornering him between her hooves. She brushes her spiky hair to the side as she stares into his eyes with amorous intent.

Gazing upon her frightened prey, Limestone's hungry smirk shrivels into an embarrassed frown.

"What has gotten into me?"

"I pray to Celestia and the high heavens that it isn't me." Whooves wheezes.

The blushing mare leans off the doctor and sits up on the edge of the bed, squeezing a pillow in her arms nervously.

"Ugh, I'm sorry," she utters, burying her face against the pillow. "I'm not exactly good at this whole feel-ings thing."

"You seem to have gotten the affectionate side down pretty well." the doctor winces, sitting up next to her.

"Aren't I the catch? Throwing myself at the first stallion to compliment me, ain't that a bitch?"

"Don't fret, Limestone. It's not the end of the world."

"Sorry, I'm just hopeless, that's all."

"What if I can help you?"

"What, with love? I don't want to waste your time or-"

"I insist, Miss Pie. It's not right for a lady to be left feeling unwanted. Love only takes patience, compassion, trust and understanding, among many other factors. I will gladly guide you down the right road of radiant romance."

"Does that mean you'll marry me now?"

"Ah, let's put a pin in that one."

"Right, right. Patience..."