• Published 15th Jul 2021
  • 996 Views, 30 Comments

The Choosing WHAT?! - 23 KM To Nerdiness

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Limey's Lessons

"Now, a stallion holds a door open for you. What do you do?"

"Tell him to put a baby in me?"

"Oh, heavens no, silly mare. You say, 'Thank you', lass."

"Oh, um...thank you?"

Out on a grassy hill just by Ponyville Park, Whooves has set up an array of items reserved for giving his inexperienced company a crash course in the art of romance. There, as the rock farming pony sat at a table set up by her teacher, Whooves rustles through a bulky chest, returning to the set up carrying a fancy vase with a bright red rose.

"When chatting with a stallion," Whooves continues, guiding the mare to a chair across from him. "Try to keep it interesting, make them curious, be cheeky if you must. Share interesting things about you piece by piece. Go on, give it a shot."

"Hey, um, I know how to crack a guy's collarbone with just my teeth," Limestone states with a sneaky grin, resting back in her chair. "Wanna see?"

"Um, no thank you."

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at this kinda stuff. This flower has thorns, ya know. Not the most dainty in the garden."

"A flower nonetheless, you're not devoid of charm. I'm sure there'd be quite a few out there who would find your...eccentric quirks enchanting."

"As long as your name is paired up with me on the stone, I don't see myself with another stallion, so..."

"Hmph," Whooves ponders. "Fine then, let's move on to something more thoughtful: compliments!"

Limestone tilts her head curiously.

"You know...compliments!"

She remains silent.

"You have been complimented before, right?"

The mare shrugs.

"Dear...here, I'll give one right now," the doctor rests an elbow on the table. "You have such lovely eyes, I must say."

"Y-You really think so?"

"Of course, and quite a unique style for your mane. Not to mention your firm figure, and lovely smile."

"Oh, Whooves, TAKE ME NOW!"

"Wait, NO-"

Limestone pounces over the table, knocking over the vase as she wraps her legs around her "date", staring longingly into his eyes with a shaken breath.

Her hungry look eases up, as she shuffles back to her seat. "My bad, forgive me."

"No worries," Whooves sighed in relief, adjusting his tie. "Baby steps, least you restrained yourself..."

He paused looking up at his student, a sly and dreamy grin plastered across her face. "Limestone, if you will, please refrain from playing hoofsies with me."

She shifts back against her chair. "Can't help myself sometimes, heh. Let's see. You have a nice...color?"

"See, that's a good start, and thank you."

"Hee, um...I think your accent is kinda nice to listen to."

"I quite appreciate that."

"You have a slender form."

"Oh, you!"

"And some yummy lips..."


"A nice and tight flank, too..."


"Shhhh..." the hungry mare stares deep into the concerned pony's glistening eyes, wiggling out of her chair and inching towards him. "Let's not forget such a smoochable neck, a tempting tail, and a firm bod that makes you look like an absolute beast ready to consensually ram my sweet flank over this table...KISS ME ALREADY, FOOL!"

Whooves dives off the chair just as Limestone lunges and pins the piece of furniture to the ground, smooching the air. While she recovers, the stallion reaches into the chest and fetches a thick silver chain. "I'm gonna have to take drastic precautions."

"H-Hey! What are-"

"Sorry, lass," he muffled, twisting and wrapping the chains in his teeth around her body, tying the ends of her trap with in a bow. "Mmm, your hormones are beyond raging and must be...contained!"

"This is NOT what I signed up for!"

"Not taking any chances."

"I'm gonna buck you so hard in the face when I get out of this! Then I'm gonna kiss you so damn good because I love you so bucking much, and..." Limestone relaxes in her restraints, a look of disbelief on her face. "Sweet Celestia, look at me!"

"See what I mean now?"

Limestone nods solemnly, resting her cheeks on the ground. "I want to be a good marefriend."

"You will be, you just got to remember self-control and common sense, and that starts with not getting randy with the first gentlecolt who gives you a compliment."

"Whatever you say."

"It's called tough love, sweetheart."

"Mmm, your love can get tough with me, handsome-"

Splash! a water balloon drenches the thirsty pony on the muzzle, choking her.

"Hey!" she coughed.

"Get too hot, I put out the fire."

"Hmm, so forceful...you're so-"


"Bleh! Okay, I'll stop!"

"This going to be a loooong day."

Several lessons and water balloons later, Limey's session begins to wrap up as the sun begins to set upon the small town. Still in her restraints, her and Whooves rest underneath the hill's tree.

"It's your first date," Whooves states. "Who kisses who first?"

"My date."


"On the hoof."


"Eww, gross."

"When do you take him home?"

"After the date!"

"Ah, I gotcha there, lass. Remember, this is your first date."

"Oh, buck!"

"It was a trick question, you're still doing exceptionally well, Miss Pie."

"Urgh, I could've got it better though!"

"Trust me, dear, you're doing fantastic.
Try to relax, find your happy place. What keeps you at ease?"

Flustered, Limestone lies against the tree, staring out at the setting sun. "Geodes, usually. They don't...judge me, y'know?"

"I understand, I do. For me, nothing rests my mind more than a good tinkering. Speaking of which, I've been meaning to test drive this experiment of mine."

Whooves retrieves an improved Passion Popper wiggling the device into the dirt before lighting the fuse. "This doodad, I made to give everypony a warm, fuzzy feeling during the holiday."

A moment later, the firecracker soars, exploding high up below the clouds in a spectacular aura of reds and pinks, raining a generous amount of glitter and confetti.

"Wow..." Limestone watches in awe.

"Is it safe to release you now?"

"I'm...I'm good now."


Glitter continues to flutter, pop and swoop around in the air as the genius inventor unlocks the chains.

"I think your whatchamacallit is doing its job a little too well." the mare utters.

"Why do you say that?"

Limestone turns to the doctor with a dreamy gaze as he tugs the chains off completely, resting a hoof on his as she leans in close. "I'm feeling sooo warm inside right now."

"Uh, Limestone?" the stallion gulps, leaning backwards. "Limestone, what did we agree on about making out?"

"Make out? Sure!"

"No, Lime-"

The amorous mare tackles and wrestles the helpless pony all around the grassy hill, pinning him once again. Averting his eyes, he braces for a wave of salty kisses to soak his face. All was lost, all was-


Limestone lightly pecks the stallion's cheek with a playful smile. "Gotcha!"

Rising to her hooves, the sneaky pony chuckles to herself. "You should've seen your fave on that one."

"Miss Pie, you're a frisky little filly," the doctor chuckled. "You gave me a scare there."

"Would a hug be too much though?"

"Of course not, madam."

Hooves held open, the compassionate doctor's invitation for a cuddle party brought a faint blush to the shy mare's face as she curls up beside him, nuzzling her cheek against his chest.

"That good?" he asks.

"Mmm, real good." she sighs peacefully.