• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I have Rainbow Dash's head. Give me monies or you'll never see it again. Except in the photos I send you of me molesting it with my futa parts.

Comments ( 63 )

*reads description*

*sees who author is*

Okay, that's enough internet for today!

Please do not shove your friends or family into your asshole in real life.

TOO LATE :facehoof:

Hm... Reasonably well done.
Not really agreeing on the "tameness" though...

Fun fact: 3rd Edition D&D makes this exact scenario an Epic Escape Artist check on Apple Bloom's part. Specifically, the listed check is to squeeze through a passage too small for one's head to logically fit through and somebody on either an optimization board or 4chan noticed that the human anus can stretch enough to qualify.

Judging from the tags, everyone survives with only emotional trauma. That's pretty tame for Headless Rainbow.

The Fabled Arseplomancer, it's a check with a difficulty of 80. That means a MINIMUM of a +60 on the check. You need to be one size less than the "victim"

Note that Glibness existing means that a DM can justify a potion of +30 without people raising an eyebrow (especially when you point out how much more overpowered Bluff is than Escape Artist). A class feature doubling that sounds like it would happen in homebrew even if it isn't exactly balanced per se, and there's no real rush or penalty for failure so she can afford to take 20. (Why am I taking this so seriously? Probably the same reason the Arseplomancer guy did. Probably. :twilightoops:)

Add *clicks on it anyway* to that and you're good. Then maybe add an explanation of why you did that.

No one dead, implanted with changeling eggs, or somehow forced into eternal torture. That is tame for this account.
The real wonder is how it got even more downvotes, as if this is more offensive than those things to people. I mean I know most of those downvotes are idiots that didn't read it, but still.

Maybe I should DM a game one day. Though my players would need to bring a few extra character sheets for all the times they died horribly. That probably wouldn't be much fun for them.

Though I did once play in a game where one guy would bring extra characters because he literally died that much. He had a blast at least.

Well… the betrayal of trust of a kid is somewhat heavier and the whole situation is quite more chilling in how “normal” it may appear. The implication coming out of this are more chilling than the utter gore and massacre of the other stories.

You can find the specifics here


It seems that you can do that also in 5e.

So it seems that it was indeed "for the lulz" and not a sex thing. The inclusion of the Diplomacy part is almost certainly proof that he didn't think people would find the ability attractive.

Are you saying that kids aren't betrayed in my other stories where they get chopped up and stuff? :rainbowhuh:

It's "less" chilling... in the sense usually there you get to a point where half the world gets splattered... and also the REST of the world is clearly messed up. Here it looks quite more "normal". I mean here Applebloom appear more unexpecting of the disaster happening. It hits in that spot where it's MORE plausible. The other over the top massacre are that... So exaggerated in general that, at least for me, are just there.

Ah yes... it was just a ridiculous way to kill somebody... With the added benefit that it would get you thunderous applause and a huge mob of fanatics ^^;;;;

This is definitely supernormal and exceedingly plausible. Everyone needs to make sure their local talking zebras know who they are giving their potions to. Already one person in the comments apparently has done it!

I see what you mean though. I don't see it as much more effective at breaking the suspension of disbelief myself, but Its one of the only explanations given so far and if you feel that way then certainly at least some others may

Ah, I see, so it didn't cross the line twice far enough :applecry:
So does this mean people are downvoting it because she wasn't treated badly enough? I guess I can see that more, and good to know gore fans are also capable of voting down for content instead of quality.

Ah nah… the people downvoting are mostly a$$holes I guess.
I did not downvote this, so I can’t claim to give motives to downvoting.

I prefer to assume that the downvoters are generally all different awesome people who hunger for different things than this provides for them. It's just really cool to me that on release, about a dozen people instantly found something that they also enjoyed. It's heartwarming and beautiful that the internet can easily group different people to their own little campfire tales to surround together, listen to, or clop together to. Storytelling transcends race, distance, and time. It's a social activity. Even those that tried to engage with a story and decide otherwise and leave a dislike, I appreciate that they partook of the sense of community that the others like me, who liked it, belonged with. I'd give them all hugs before they leave the campfire circle if distance and time didn't separate us. It's probably creepy to see things this way to most people, but fantasy and wonder are at the intersection of the most core of living experiences. Without reins, people may find more disagreement but also people find the most life and freedom. The more we shackle our imaginations with filtered ponderings the more life we take away and the harder we find our belonging and feel alone. A story like this rides the edge of the purest of these ambitions for the agency of unbridled expressions and the other agents galloping the meadows of the plane of free thought will continue to travel their own directions. That is where the dislikes are born. As a product of individuals celebrating their own senses of wonder. I believe when they can do so with smiles and not scorn is when a species has reached its peak.

Well... as some downvotes came literally seconds after posting I respectfully disagree with the assumption ^^;;;

But you do agree it’s at least more about them than the author in some way it looks like. I agree with that. I think an author should respond to criticisms based in written language and not so much on purely numeric representations. I don’t think they may be assholes but no doubt some are more awesome than others. I agree that it comes down to them as individuals. Whether it’s about their unreasonable disinterest or reasonable disinterest. I like to believe it’s reasonable much of the time from the standpoint of them weighing a description to the memories and feelings of other things they like. So it’s more about what they like than what they dislike to me. Either way it’s in those cases decisions that don’t factor any sense of storytelling quality but more idea affinity.

Yes I can attest that there were downvotes when people barely had had time to click on it, much less read it. The vote amounts don't bother me as much as it confuses me why people continually click on things that they will not like to begin with.

It's not just downvotes either, people upvote without reading things too. It's ironic that if I were a troll and made a dishonest description on this, I'd probably have gotten far better average overall.

But then again, it doesn't bother me so much since the scores I get on clean and erotic stuff, written in the same style, are much better. I think in the end it's just people trying to bully someone into not writing what they don't like and then for some reason still thinking they have the moral high ground.

People go apeshit on me when I've said it before, but I think downvotes only end up serving the purposes of bullies and should not exist as an option. I mean if you don't like something, then you don't upvote it. So like if right now 226 people viewed it and 13 upvoted it. That means 16 out of 17 viewers don't like it. That's the answer to how many literally don't like it. So wtf do downvotes mean? Don't have a clue. You can tell how many like it cause 1 in 17 like it. That's how many viewers like it atm. The answer to how many don't like something is extrapolated by calculating like to views. Dislikes don't answer the question of how many people don't like something. 226/49 rounds to 1 in 5. That's a lot less than how many didn't like the story. So it's a gesture of exceptional not liking. What is the necessity of that though? If someone really wants to unload on how much they don't like something, maybe they could use words? It seems to become a system that facilitates anonymous passive aggression. I like to believe it's just surges of not really well-thought emotion guiding people with less self-control or less reasonable people, but no doubt some are doing "drive-by downvoting," as my wife calls it. It's bizarre. Perhaps it's therapeutic for the dislikers somehow. But they need to consider the feelings of the authors if they want to be seen as anything but cruel or immature. Boosting your feelings by reducing another's is literally bullying. But bullies generally only try to coerce those seen as vulnerable. Clearly these bullies are lacking in perception

That's not entirely accurate since 'not caring enough to vote either way' is an option and comparing all three would get what clickers actually thought about it. Also even though people are too stupid to know how to use downvotes, it still gives me a good way to compare two stories within the same genre, like all other things being equal.
Also for your idea to work best, it'd rely on people actually upvoting it if they liked it, which people very often also don't care to do. It'd be nice if fave-ing it auto-upvoted it at least.

Its not really accurate but few of these systems are. Like to Dislike though scales horribly inaccurate with certain types of stories though. The fact though that Crimson Prose stories scale out so differently than these ones on like to dislike and still have about the same like to view ratios just reaffirms to me that like to view is a lot more battletested a measure. I think the site should add a like to view ratio on the statistics. It would make it far more apparent what is good or not. All of the top stories on the site are between 1 in 7 and 1 in 12 even if some have much more downvotes and still lots of views. If they popped that on the statistics it would help thrust new writers forward and completely disable the mass downvoters efforts

It would definitely be nice to have both of those.
I remember they used to have a five star system where you could vote 1-5 stars, but most people voted either 1 or 5 stars exclusively so they changed it to down or up. Maybe our human brains are simpler than we'd like to think they are in general.

I think in the end it's just people trying to bully someone into not writing what they don't like and then for some reason still thinking they have the moral high ground.

The especially hilarious part is that, because many of these are commissions that they've forced most other people away from being willing to accept, they're indirectly helping fill your bank account.

Honestly it peeves me when people give into internet bullies like that, because it teaches assholes that being an asshole works and then they'll never stop. The only one you punish when you do that is the people that like your work. Besides if you use an alternate persona for your extreme stuff, which is very easy to do an allowed by fimfiction, there's no actual 'damage' to your reputation.

Whats with the downvotes? this is hawt!

Buttstuff is auto-downvote bombed I think, it's because people just downvote stuff they don't like the content of without reading it. Ironically, I'd get fewer downvotes if I was an asshole that didn't post warnings in the description. :rainbowhuh:

People's priorities are pretty odd though considering I have other fics where everyone is murder-raped that have a better upvote percentage.:rainbowdetermined2:

yah thats wrong, you shouldent downvote because its not your thing. But dont let it slow you down none, cuz i wanna see what the two ex-bad girls wanna do with their little foaldo. also i think people should like just to try and shift the balance, i did.

I don't slow down due to downvotes, this isn't even close to the most extreme thing I've written. That would have to be that one where Fluttershy is booped without consent.:fluttercry:

That ending made no sense but I liked it!


The downvotes only make the PP harder :pinkiehappy:

It wouldn't make sense for the ending of a story like this to make sense!:rainbowdetermined2:

Ah the good ol' 'people who write or like scary things must be crazy!' stereotype bullying, even as many of the haters sit there with masturbation guilt after sating their own curiosity. Or maybe you're just lost and didn't come here by clicking a link that you knew what led to? Maybe I should just not warn people what the story contains and let them come here unawares, see if that helps.

Either way, if we're so scary, you shouldn't be here, so don't be here anymore, k?:rainbowdetermined2:

You're not wrong, since I'm almost certain the commissioner made subsequent chapters worse in spite due to the number of downvotes. The repeated snuff wasn't originally planned. In fact, this is how I came up with the chapter titles :rainbowderp:

Oh I get it now lol. The ending where Applebloom is disowned wasn’t supposed to make sense.

I loved this! (Ignore all the down votes, this is great) That ending hardly made any sense, but I sure liked it!

Most would not say it made as much sense as 'hardly' I think.
But thanks:rainbowdetermined2:

Starlight was all over her like covid on an anti-vax parade.

Too soon, but it'll also age like milk, so what can you do? Good to know this depravity comes from the educated half of America though

As a member of the master race, it's okay for Starlight to be offensive.:rainbowdetermined2:

Or maybe they could get some help. Constantly exposing themselves to things they hate and trying to make themselves angry can't be healthy behavior.:rainbowhuh:

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