• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,510 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 14: Uneasy Alliance

Chapter 14: Uneasy Alliance

Cozy Glow was in the arena watching a duel currently taking place, it was a duel between Brisk Bronco, and Professor Rainbow Dash. The duel was meant to be an test for Brisk, and he appeared to be losing. He only had 200 lifepoints left with 2 monsters in defense mode, While Dash had 500 lifepoints and had Harpie's pet Dragon on the field.
"Now, I summon Harpie Lady 1! {1300atk. 1400def. Lv 4} While I control a Harpie Lady, Harpie's pet Dragon's attack goes up by 300. Not only that, Harpie Lady 1 has an effect that all face up Wind Monsters gain 300 extra attack, giving my dragon a grand total of 2600 attack! Harpie Lady, and Harpie's Dragon, destroy his monsters!" Both of Dash's monster attack the last 2 monster Brisk controlled and destroys them. "I end my turn. You got to do something now Brisk, or by next turn you will lose."

"Yeah, I know, Draw!" Said Brisk. "Perfect, I have 4 cards in my hoof, and all of them will win me this Duel! First I activate Ancient Rules, This lets me special summon a level 5 or higher normal monster from my hoof!"
"It better not be that fake Blue-Eyes Brisk." Dash Warned.
"It's not! Headmare Twilight confiscated it remember. I special Summon Hyozanryu in attack mode! {2100atk. 2800def. Lv 7}" Said Brisk.
"Now explain why didn't you summon that in defense? It has a defense that can withstand my dragon's attack." Said Dash
"Because I'm willing to bet my deck that you have another Harpie in your hoof, and if you summon it, it will give your dragon another 300 attack, giving it 2900 attack. that can destroy my dragon and leave me wide open. Besides, I only need it as fodder so I can summon a Buster Blader!" Said Brisk
"How will you summon it? It requires 2 tributes to summon." Says Dash
"I will only need 1 after I activate Cost down! This turns the Buster Blader in my hand to change from a Level 7 monster to a Level 5 monster! I tribute Hyozanryu to summon my Buster Blader while Using Cost Down to decrease it's Level! {2600atk. 2300def. Lv 7}. Our Monsters may seem equal in attack, But his effect kicks in giving him 500 attack while you control a dragon, giving him a total of 3100 attack! that is enough to destroy your dragon and finish you off! Buster Blader, Finish this!" Brisk commanded. His Buster Blader jumps high in the air, and brings his massive blade down on the dragon's neck, slicing right through it, It let's out a loud roar and is destroyed, dropping Dash's lifepoints down to 0.

"Congrats Brisk, you won. You keep this up, You may become an Obelisk once again." Said Dash.
"No, I want to advance now! Give me an advancement duel now!" Said Brisk.
"You're not ready, you are one of our best duelist Brisk, but you're hot headed and clumsy. Once you straighten out those flaws, we will welcome you back to Obelisk Blue with open hooves." Said Dash, turning and exiting the arena. Brisk stomps his hooves down on the ground hard. Cozy Glow smiles mischievously and then opens her wings to fly down to Brisk.
"Golly! That was certainly an impressive duel! You sure are good with that Buster Blader!" Says Cozy Glow.
"Beat it kid, I don't Have time for you." Says Brisk Sternly.
"Hey Brisk, you shouldn't treat a fellow Ra Yellow like that." Says a voice from behind them. They both turn to see Roulette
"You beat it too Roulette, I am not going to be a Ra for Long." Says Brisk.
"Yeah, well until you are, you are not gonna disrespect us, got it?" Says Roulette sternly. Brisk shoots her a glare
"Golly! You two settle down. I just wanted to be friends." Said Cozy.
"Friends with you!? Why on Earth would we be friends!?" Says Brisk.
"Because we have something in common, We both don't like that group of six different creatures." Says Cozy.
"But I've seen you hang out with them before." Says Brisk.
"Yeah, but against my free will. They think I'm their friend but I can't stand them." Says Cozy.
"That's not cool Cozy, You shouldn't pretend to be someone's friend." Says Roulette.
"You three seem to be perfect for me." Says another voice creeping up on them.

All three turn around to see Chancellor Neighsay standing right behind them. He almost towers over them all.
"Ch-Chancellor Neighsay!" Says Roulette.
"Perfect for what?" Says Brisk.
"I need you 3 to help me get rid of those Non-ponies from this school." Says Neighsay. Cozy smiles slight, Brisk perks up and grins widely, but Roulette has an unsure look on her face.
"Golly Chancellor, But why would you want them gone?" Says Cozy.
"This school should only be meant for ponies. Teaching these creatures to duel may destroy this school and Equestria." Says Neighsay.
"Destroy? How would they destroy Equestria?" Asked Roulette.
"You've heard the rumors of the School's vault right?" asked Neighsay.
"I've heard of it, apparently it houses a deck so powerful, it could make duel monsters real and reign down terror on the world." Said Brisk
"Yes, Those rumors are Real." Says Neighsay.
"Real!?" Shouts Roulette.
"Yes, and we cannot allow anyone other than ponies to attend this school, otherwise they could learn about this, and steal it to bring it back to their homelands to use it against us." Says Neighsay.
"With all do respect Chancellor, that doesn't make sense. Duel Monsters is just a game, how can a deck be used against us?" asked Cozy Glow.
"What I'm about to share with you can not be told to another soul, duel monsters are not just a game. They are real." Says Neighsay "Duel Monsters come from a magical and ancient world, that world is closely linked with ours. During strong surges of Magic, the line is blurred so heavily that both can pass at will, these surges are best described as Shadow Games. During a Shadow Game the Monsters become real, Your life is at stake, and the world could be a risk of destruction."

All three of the students look at each other, Roulette still seemed to be unsure, but Brisk was hooked.
"And this deck is so strong, that if these monster come through, it could destroy the world?" Asked Roulette.
"Yes, now you understand the risk, and we must get rid of these creatures before they learn this." Said Neighsay.
"So you want us to send them running?" Says Brisk.
"No, I will set them up to fail, but I want you to spy on them and sabotage their duels, Make them hate eachother, and always beat them in a duel in anyway you can." Says Neighsay.
"I'm not sure I want to do this, I have no beef with them, I always thought they were pretty nice." Says Roulette.
"Is that something you are willing to risk the world for?" Asked Neighsay sarcastically. "Besides, do this for me, and I'll make sure all three of you see an early graduation." That statement got all three of them interested. "I even have a present for each one of you just for listening to me." Says Neighsay as he uses his magic to levitate 3 cards out of his jacket. "For you Brisk, I have an updated Buster Blader monster, Buster Blader the Destruction Swordsmaster."
"Whoa...This is awesome!" Says Brisk as he takes it and analyzes it.
"For you Roulette, I actually have 3 cards." He speperates 2 more cards that were stacked bhind the first one and hands them to her. "It's Called '7' And you need all three to activate their effects."
"No way... these would be perfect for my deck." Says Rouette.
"And for you Cozy, I have a Special card for you, Lava Golem." Says Neighsay handing it to her.
"Golly! That is an impressive card!" Says Cozy taking the card.

"I hope this helps you all stay in touch with me, because I will be in touch real soon." Says Neighsay before turning his back and leaving the three with their new cards.
"Oh man! Let me at those 6 bufoons, With this card, I can annihilate them!" Says Brisk.
"We should wait for Neighsay to return for us before we do anything. Don't wanna do anything that could cause suspicions." Says Cozy
"I'm still not sure if I'm all for this. Those guys don't seem that bad." Says Roulette.
"Well you haven't dealt with them like I have. Trust me, They are no good." Says Brisk. Roulette only sighs and looks at her new cards. "I'm heading to my room, If you guys hear from Neighsay, let me know." Says Brisk leaving the arena.
"Will do Brisk! See ya Roulette!" Says Cozy leaving the Arena as well. She doesn't say anything and continues to stare at the cards, Neighsay couldn't be right, could he?

End of Chapter 14