• Published 22nd May 2022
  • 1,510 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's Duel School of Friendship: Freshman Year - k00l

my own story adopts elements of Yugioh GX but with the Student Six

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Chapter 3: Gamble

Chapter 3: Gamble

The group were still shaken up by what they experienced a few nights ago, was it real? Did they all imagine it? Or was it all a dream? But then, how did they all experience the exact same thing? They eventually reach the decision to tell Headmare Twilight about the whole event, despite them risking getting themselves in trouble for being out past curfew. They all six make their way to Headmare Twilight's office, they knock before entering.
"Uhm, Headmare Twilight, do you have a moment.?" asked Sandbar slowly opening the door. Twilight was talking with all the other professors
"Huh? oh, you 6. No, you are not interrupting anything. Please come in." Twilight said, turning her full attention to them.
"We, have something to confess." Said Ocellus. Twilight raises an eyebrow
"We were up late last night, like, really late, well past midnight." Said Gallus
"You know that's way past curfew." Said Twilight.
"We know, but we were having fun around a campfire, and then... we got attacked." Said Silverstream.

"Attacked? By who???" said Twilight, genuinely concerned.
"....By the Headless Horse." Said Smolder. A snicker is heard from Rainbow Dash, who is then nudged in the side hard by Applejack.
"The Headless Horse? you know that's just a myth right?" Said Twilight.
"But it not Myth, Yona seen it with her own eyes!" insisted Yona
"We're not lying Headmare, it kidnapped us and took us to the graveyard in the middle of the forest." said Ocellus
"What are you talking about? There is no cemetery anywhere near the school." Twilight informed. The entire groups eyes widen and they began looking at each other with shocked expressions.
"But... but there has to be.. we were there!" said Smolder
"Look you six, I don't doubt you may have seen something, your expressions prove that. But there is no Headless Horse and there is no cemetery near the school. It was probably just a hallucination from a lack of sleep. Next time, don't stay up so late. If that is all you have for me, I need to continue with what me and your professors were discussing. Dismissed."

Having no other choice, the six decided to leave Twilight's office, despite knowing what they experienced.
"This was a waste of time, why did we even bother trying to convince them that that happened to us!? even trying to explain it to her just then sounded like a made up story, and I was actually there!" said Smolder angerly.
"We'll just have to find a way to prove it to them that it really happened." said Sandbar
"Oh really? How Sandbar do that?" asked Yona
"Well, we'll just have to go back to the graveyard and prove it to them." replied Sandbar
"I'm not going back there! You crazy!?" exclaimed Silverstream
"Yeah, I'm not going back there either, no way, no how." said Ocellus
"sigh... then I guess we just got to burry this then. Now one is going to believe us, and no one is willing to go back there." Said Sandbar
"I'd hate to admit it... that's probably the best we could do." Said Smolder

The six all nod in unison and then start to walk away. They all began to walk back to their dorms, no one was saying anything as they were all pretty upset. They pass the arena, and they can hear a duel going on inside. Sandbar raises his head and looks over at the entrance.
"Hey, let's all go watch some duels. I know we are all pretty bummed, but this may help raise our spirits a bit." said Sandbar. The rest look at each other, since they were all just gonna go sulk, they had nothing better to do. the all walk in and sit down, just in time to see one duel wrap up. The winner stand tall and shouts to the crowd, A Ra Yellow Unicorn mare with a green coat and a light blue mane.
"Another duelist took the gamble and went home without a penny to their name! Who else wishes to take me on!"
"Who is that?" asks Smolder
"That's Roulette, She's a Ra yellow, her deck is full gambling cards." Said Ocellus.
"Yona not like her cocky attitude, YONA ACCEPT!" shouted Yona

Roulette's eyes dart towards Yona and she smirks.
"A Slifer Red wants to duel a Ra Yellow? Now that's a gamble. If you're truly up for it, then come on down!"
"Yona!? Why do you want to duel her?" asked Silverstream.
"Yona can't stand mean cocky creatures" replied Yona
"Are you sure you want to challenge her? Gamble cards can be very tricky!" warned Ocellus
"Yona more sure than anything. Yona is itching for a duel." replied Yona making her way to the arena. She gets on the platform and activates her duel disk.


[Yona vs Roulette]

[Yona 4000/ Roulette 4000]

"I'm gonna take the the first turn if you don't mind, draw. First, I play Cup of Ace, I flip a coin, Heads I draw two cards, tails you draw two card. Go Coin flip!" Shouts Roulette, a virtual coin is flipped in the middle of the arena. It lands on heads. "Heh, looks like I got Lucky, again! I draw two cards. Now I activate Dangerous Machine Type-6 but I can't activate it's effect yet, I now place three cards face down and I end."
"Yona Turn, Draw! Yona summon Gladiator Beast Murmillo! {800atk. 400def. Lv3} And now Yona equip him with Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd! What Yona card does is let Yona destroy one spell or trap on the field when Yona's monster attacks! Which is what Yona will do, Direct Attack!" As Yona's monster charges Roulette, it lifts up the halberd and brings it down hard on her. Roulette grunts and stumbles back, but quickly starts smirking again.
"Nice move Slifer, now it's time to gamble, which one of my three cards will you destroy?" Taunted Roulette
"Yona... destroys the middle card!"
"Hmmmm, you destroyed Lucky Punch. Good for me, because that card is sometimes to risky, even for Moi!"
"What does Lucky Punch do?" asked Gallus
"Roulette is smart to be cautious, Lucky punch is a continuous gamble card. Once every turn she could have tossed a coin three times, 3 heads she could draw 3 card, 3 tails and she would had to of destroyed the card and take 6000 points of damage."
"6000!? Thats an otk!" exclaimed Sandbar.
"Yona end battle phase and activate Murmillo's effect!, Yona shuffle him in the deck and special summon any gladiator beast Yona wants, Yona summon Gladiator Beast Attorix in defense! {800atk. 2000def. Lv4} And, Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd second effect kicks in, Since Murmillo was sent to the deck while this was equipped to him, Yona can add it back to Yona's hoof! Yona now end!

[Yona 4000/Roulette 3200]

[Yona 5 cards/ Roulette 3 cards]

"My turn, I draw! I now activate Dangerous Machine Type-6, during my standby phase I roll a die, the number I get determines the effect, Go Die Roll!" A large virtual die is rolled in the middle of the arena, it lands on 2 "Heh, look at that, a 2, That means you must discard a card!" smirked Roulette. Yona sneers and discards one card.
"Wow, those Gamble cards are annoying." stated Gallus with an unimpressed look.
"I now place one monster and another card face down and end, Your move"
"Yona turn, Draw! Yona now summons Gladiator Beast Dimacari {1600atk 1200}, Yona now switches Attorix into attack. Yona now give him Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd, Dimicari, Attack her facedown!"
"I play the quick play Spell Roulette Spider!" Shouts Roulette.
"What that do?" Asks Yona as a mechanical spider latches itself to her monster.
"Take a guess, I roll a Die and the outcome has a specific effect, Go Die Roll!" Shouts Roulette, the die the lands on 6. "Looks like Fortune smiles upon me today, that's a lucky roll! Since I rolled a 6, Roulette spider destroys your monster!" The spider then begins to beep loudly before exploding, taking the monster with it.
"This is unfair!" shouts Silverstream. Roulette hears her and looks towards where she is sitting.
"No it's not, Chance, there is nothing more fair. Heads and tails on a coin, 50/50, fair. You just have to be lucky!" Responds Roulette.
"Unfortunately Silver, She's right. Gambling cards are the hardest to cheat with with this virtual arena, all we can hope for is that Yona eventually gets lucky." Says Ocellus.
"Come on Yona, we know you can... get a good roll I guess." Says Gallus trying his best to root for her.

[Yona 3 cards/Roulette 0 cards]

"Gee, Thanks Gallus!" Said Yona with a very unimpressed look on her face. "Yona still have one monster, Attorix, attack!" The monster lifts her sword before charging the card and slashes it, It flips to show a twisted looking jar with a smiling face.
"Now you've done it, you flip summoned Dice Jar!" Says Roulette. "We both roll a dice, whatever number it lands on, deals damage to your opponent x500 the player with the lower result takes the damage, so if I roll a 2, that's 1000 points of damage. However, if it's a 6, then it deals 6000 points of damage!"
"Oh no! Yona you need to have faith! If you trust your die, you can win the roll!" shouts sandbar. Yona hears him but disregards what he says, she has no trust in the dice at all.
"Go die Roll!" shouts Roulette. Yona's die rolls first, landing on a 3
"Yona got 3!" shouts Yona thinking it was a good roll, that is until Roulette's roll happens, landing on 4.
"Too bad I got a 4, meaning you take the damage, 2000 actually!" She yells. Yona lets out a pained gasp as an electric aura surrounds her and zaps away her life points

[Yona 2000/Roulette 3200]

"Yona still activate Attorix's effect! Since Yona's monster attacked, Yona can replace her and special summon Gladiator Beast Darius! {1700atk. 300def. Lv4} Since Yona's new monster was special summoned by a Gladiator Beast's effect, Yona can special summon one monster from Yona grave with their effects negated, Yona Summons Gladiator Beast Dimacari!{1600atk 1200 Lv4} Yona now contact fusion, summoning Gladiator Beast Essedarii! {2500atk. 1400def. Lv5 Fusion} Yona Now ends!
"My turn, Draw!" Says Roulette. "Go, Dangerous Machine Type-6, Die Roll!" The virtual die is rolled again, this time landing on 4, This causes Roulette to look unimpressed. "Oh well, you can't win them all. Ok Slifer, I rolled a 4, that means you draw a card." Says Roulette, Yona smiles and draws her card. "However, I still have all that I need, You ae about to witness my Ace Card, the gamble master himself! First I activate Monster Reborn, to summon Your Murmillo to my side of the field, Next, I flip one of my three face downs to activate Call of the Haunted, to bring back Dice Jar! Now, I activate my second face down, Reasoning! You declare a card level, then I excavate cards from my deck till i reach a monster, If it is the level you selected, all cards go to the grave, if you are wrong, I summon the monster!" Said Roulette confidently with a smirk
"Yona... Yona declare level 4!"
"Is that a number you're willing to gamble on?" Roulette smirks.
"Yona not gonna fall for your bluffing! Yona declare level 4!"

Roulette chuckles and then begins to excavate cards from her deck she draws 3 card before reaching a monster, she smiles and then reveals it. "I drew Sand Gambler, who is a Level 3, so I can summon him! {300atk. 1600def. Lv3}" Roulette now had 3 monsters on the field, But Yona is unphased by them.
"Yona still have the strongest monster, Yona not afraid of you." Yona said confidently
"Maybe not now, But you will because now I activate my last face down, Big Win! I declare a card Level, then we both flip a coin, both heads all monsters will become that level, If they're different, nothing happens, if both tails I lose life points equal to the level declared x500!"
"That is a risk! If she picks level 7 or higher, Yona will win!" Exclaims Sandbar
"This duel has me so confused. I want to root for Yona but, how can you root for luck!?" asked Gallus
"We must give her our unconditional support no matter what! Come on Yona! you can still win this!" shouts Silverstream

Yona looks to stands, she see her friends, they all had faces of determination on, which gives Yona some comfort, she then looks back at Roulette and waits for her to declare her level.
"I declare level 7!" Said Roulette and tosses her coin, and so does Yona. Both virtual coins flip before landing to reveal, they both are heads. "Lady Luck, you never let me down!"
"This is fine Yona! you still got this!" Shouts Ocellus
"Oh no it's not, since all three monsters are now Level 7, I now build the Overlay Network!"
"OH NO!" exclaims Ocellus
"Wh-What's that???" asks Gallus worriedly
"She's going to Xyz Summon!" Says Ocellus
"Xyz what?" asked Gallus
"Its a form of extra deck summoning, Like Fusion or Synchro but this requires you to have a certain amount of monsters of the same level to be stacked on top of each other, And depending how much is stacked, the monster can use one of them for a very powerful effect!" Said Ocellus
"With all three of my monster, I Xyz Number 7: Lucky Straight! {700atk. 700def. Lv7 Xyz} I will now detach one Xyz material to activate it's effect, I roll 2 dice, and the highest number out of the 2 will then be multiplied by 700, and that is Number 7's new attack! Oh, and one more other effect, if the total number rolled is a 7, But what are the odds of that right?" Said Roulette tauntingly with a smirk. "Go Die Roll!"

[Yona 5 cards/Roulette 0 cards]

Yona was silently panicking, she was fearful of Roulette now, she has been in control of this duel, and the worst part, it's all been by chance, luck, this was making her question her skills, how could she lose to someone who was only relying on luck, it was a massive blow to her ego. but that was cut off when she sees the outcome of the die roll, and her eyes widen, She was able to do it again.
"Well well well, Look at that, a 4 and a 3, that equals 7. Since 4 is the highest number out of the 2 dice, My monster's attack becomes 2800, and since I have a 7, I now have the choice of three effects, Send all other cards on the field to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 monster from your hand or from either Graveyard, or Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards. I chose to destroy your monster!
"No, That'll leave Yona defenseless!" Shouts Ocellus. But it was too late, Yona's monster lets out a painful wail as it is then destroyed.
"Now lucky Straight, Finish her off!" shouts Roulette, He monster twirls it's cane and then points it at Yona, which then sends a barrage of gigantic dice hurling towards her.
"Yona activate Battle Fader!" Yona special summons a weird monster to the field which causes the attack to stop. "Yona can special summon Battle fader when a monster declares a direct attack on Yona, then the battle phase ends!"
"So you saved yourself for one turn, it's no use, You need to be pretty lucky to pull off a grand move to beat me. I end"

{Yona 4 cards/Roulette 0 cards}

Yona looks at her deck, she was still unsure of herself. She thought of just surrendering to try and save herself some dignity. That's when she could hear her friends from the stands.
"Yona! You can't give up! one card can make a difference!" shouted Ocellus
"Come on Yona, I believe in you! you are one of the best duelist I know, It takes more than luck to win, it also takes Skill, And you have the skill! Beat her and win! I know you can do it!" shouts Sandbar. Hearing Sandbar's words almost brings Yona to tears, Her friends still had faith in her, so she needed to stay strong for them. She puts her hoof on her deck and draws.
"Yona Tribute Battle fader to summon Gladiator Beast Spartacus {2200atk. 1600def. Lv 5} Yona then activate Gladiator Beast's Comeback! This allows Yona to special summon a Gladiator Beast from Yona's hand or grave, Yona choses to summon Summons Gladiator Beast Dimacari from the grave! Yona now contact fusion using Spartacus and Dimacari to Fusion summon Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz! {2600atk. 1500def Lv7 Fusion} Yona Now equip him with Gladiator Beast's Battle Gladius to give him 300 extra attack, Making 2900, strong enough to beat your Monster!"
"Alright Yona! good move!" shouts Smolder
"Gaiodoaz, Attack!" commanded Yona
"Not so fast! I detach another material to roll again!" shouts Roulette. Yona glares at the dice as they are being rolled. a 5 or 6 would be enough to stop her attack and cause her some serious damage. Lucky enough, both dice land on 1
"Snake eyes!?!? Oh No!" cried Roulette as her monster drops down to 700. Gaiodiaz then takes his sword and shoves it in Lucky Straight's chest, causing it to scream in pain before being destroyed.

[Yona 2000/Roulette 1000]

"Yeah Yona! you got her now!" cheered Sandbar. Yona smirks and looks at Roulette, she had the upper hand now.
"Yona now ends!" said Yona
"Ok, Ok, I got this, draw!" says Roulette. "Go, Dangerous Machine Type-6, Roll the die!" The die rolls again, landing on 1 "Oh no! OH NO!" shouts Roulette. "One means I have to discard, But I only have one card! Lady Luck Why!?!?"
"Since You can't perform your turn, It's now passed to Yona, Draw!" Shouts Yona. "Gaiodiaz, Attack Directly!". Yona's monster charges Roulette, who was in mid panic. The spear strikes her, dropping her Life points to zero.

[Yona Vs. Roulette: Winner Yona]

"YES SHE WON!" Shouts Silverstream. Sandbar hops down from the stands and runs up to the arena and hugs Yona tight. Yona smiles and hugs Sandbar back.
"I knew you would win. No one can rely on luck forever." Says Sandbar still hugging her.
"No no no! I was gonna win! Lady Luck has never failed me, Why now!?" Shouted Roulette as she drops to the ground. "I had all the cards, fortune smiled upon me, and then in an instant I lost everything!"

Yona looks over at her and then slowly approaches her. Roulette looks up at her, Yona then reaches her hoof out to her. She was confused at first, but then took her hoof and stood up.
"Yona thought that was a good game. Yona can tell you're not like other ponies here who are mean to others." Said Yona
"...But... But I made fun of you for being a Slifer." Replied Roulette
"Yeah, but Yona thinks you were just riding a win streak and got cocky. But Yona could tell in duel that you are just like Yona, love to win, humiliated to lose. But as long as you get back up, You will never be humiliated. In your own way, that makes you a winner." Yona's words causes Roulette to smile warmly back at her.
"Thanks Yona, I think I really needed to hear that. I promise from now on, I won't get such a big head." R Roulette. The two part ways by waving to each other, Roulette then exits the Arena

"That was real cool what you said Yona." Says Gallus as the rest step onto the arena as well to congratulate Yona.
"Yeah, that is something that I would hear one of the professors say." Said Smolder.
"Yona has been in her shoes before, Yona just wanted her to have fun, whether or not she won or lost." Replied Yona.
"EEE, watching Yona duel has gotten me all excited, I want to duel now, Who wants to!?" asks Silverstream.
"I accept! get your deck ready!" shouts gallus as he then flies over to the other side of the arena. The rest laugh and get back into the stands to watch their friends have a duel. Today has definitely help distract them from what happened the night before, now, all they could think, is who to actually root for in this duel

End of Chapter 3