• Published 18th Mar 2022
  • 947 Views, 72 Comments

A Life Lived in Hundreds - Botched Lobotomy

Granny smith is born, lives life, and dies. In between, she falls in love with Twilight Sparkle.

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The cart had broken down (again), so Pa had gotten mad (again), so here they were up on the bank (again), watching the rest of the caravan go by (again). Pa was sweating, swearing, muffled under the cart, and she and Tea Kettle and Minty were sitting playing cards aroadside.
‘Okay,’ said Tea Kettle, when Pa had finally stormed off, ‘help me up here,’ and Minty had tried to hold the cart while Tea Kettle wormed beneath it. She looked nice, from this angle, thought Smith suddenly (her hair was all atangle).
‘Quit staring, filly, and come help us out!’