• Published 18th Mar 2022
  • 953 Views, 72 Comments

A Life Lived in Hundreds - Botched Lobotomy

Granny smith is born, lives life, and dies. In between, she falls in love with Twilight Sparkle.

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She'd been Dancing she'd been Prancing, it had all been Fun and Games till she'd tripped, and fell, and now her leg was hurted. Silly Old Root. Pearly had ran away, shrieking like Discord Himself was in her, and why, because she was All Right Really. The ground was warm and comfy so she'd lie there more looking at the branches and the clouds. The tree was tall and smiley, she called him Woody. After Ma picked her up she was talking scary to Pearly, and Pearly looked all sad so Smith hugged her. Then it was time for dinner.