• Published 19th May 2022
  • 4,852 Views, 485 Comments

Tall Tale of Sweet Sauce - Starscribe

After endless years of banishment, Sweet Sauce returns to Equestria a new stallion, determined to make things right. Unfortunately for him, he's also a much smaller stallion than the one who was banished in Equestria's ancient history.

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Chapter 22

Sweet Sauce opened his eyes, and saw another time.

The Castle of the Two Sisters was no longer a ruin of nameless age, moldering in obscurity in a forest overcome by chaos magic. Instead it formed the capital of a great city of Harmony, with thousands of structures packed tightly around it.

He found himself inside a vast laboratory, only one level beneath the surface of the castle. A stairwell led directly into the ceiling of the room above, providing quick access to the kitchens. But this memory had nothing to do with any of the experiments he had conducted there.

He smiled at the familiar smells, the feel of castle stone under his hooves, and the glow of crystal lamps running along the laboratory walls. In the distance, a single figure slaved over a vast spell-diagram, one that wasn't clearly visible to him yet. He knew all of what it said, without needing to see. It was meant to be his life's work, the greatest achievement of ponykind.

Sweet felt the tickle of magic against his mind, and knew exactly what that meant. This illusion was constructed from his own memories—it would not distort the truth, but it also wouldn't omit any of the more painful parts. This would be a harsh but fair judgment, exactly as his oldest sister always delivered.

Sweet glanced to either side, and saw he was not alone. His adopted parents, Vinyl and Octavia, stood not far from him to one side. Celestia and Luna were a little further away, watching events with stiff stoicism. His parents only looked curious—they didn't know just how badly things would go.

Somehow, it was the currently-living ponies that looked out of focus. Sweet could see through them, and would probably have some difficulty if he tried to touch them as well. The ancient stone of his lab remained firm, just as the orange glow of his magic as his old self worked.

It was a towering Alicorn, taller in stature than either of Equestria's diarachs. His horn was shorter and his features more youthful than either of the mature mares, but he was still a stallion.

Without any effort to move, Sweet's vision blurred, and suddenly he was beside the spell-diagram.

This was more than any simple laboratory effort—this spell was carved in steel, with gold poured into the lines. Several glowing crystals surrounded the diagram, each one connected by thaumoconductive wires. At its center the air seemed trapped in a vortex, beyond which no light emerged.

Whenever the little vortex tried to grow larger, lightning arced from one of several crystals, containing it directly at the center. With the spell not yet begun, the construction seemed so... safe. It was a pile of dynamite, waiting to be ignited.

"I don't understand what we're looking at," Octavia said. Her voice echoed and distorted in the lab, seeming out of focus compared to the little scratching of the stallion's quill on a floating pad of paper. "What does this have to do with Sweet Sauce?"

"This is Tellus Mergen," Luna explained. She walked slowly around the circle, a transparent outline that grew increasingly out of focus the further she got. "This was Sweet Sauce."

Sweet's legs shook, and he turned towards the kitchen stairs. Any second now, two ponies would make their way down. He could already hear their hooves on stone. Just don't come. Tell me my experiment is too dangerous. Stop it.

It was too late to warn them now. This was only a memory.

"Okay but like, how?" Vinyl asked. "I know you're a smart kid, but this is an Alicorn. A... prince. Didn't even know those were a thing."

"One was," he whispered. "When I came back to Equestria, I had so little magic to make a body that I... could only manage this. It was worth whatever sacrifice it took to be back in Equestria. I wanted to look like my old self, but I couldn't. That might have taken centuries more."

A pair of older ponies emerged from the steps, looking far grander and more mature than any living Alicorn in Equestria. The mare was taller than Celestia, with a mane like glittering starlight. The stallion dwarfed any in attendance, with a coat like the pockmarked surface of a distant planet, and a short red mane of mixing gasses, like the banded rings of Saturn.

"Tellus,” the stallion said, the first to arrive beside the spell diagram. "Your mother and I have spent the last several hours discussing your proposal. We do not think it would be—"

"Before you answer—" his younger/older self said, dropping the pad of paper he'd been writing with. "I'd like you to consider the potential benefits. At the rate Equestria is expanding, there should be less than a hundred thousand generations before we exhaust the resources of one planet to sustain ourselves, and have to expand. Consider how we could shortcut all those early stages of development if we had populations growing in other realms at the same time.

"We already know populations expand to meet their constraints. So consider a colony sent every year, with an Equus of their own, all linked through portals just like this one. Consider the explosion of art, thaumaturgy, literature, music—"

"It's an amazing idea, Tellus," said Galaxia, resting one leg on his shoulder. "What you're proposing will change everything for Equestria. But that does not mean we need to rush into this. As you say, there is time. Lifetimes beyond our own will pass away. We could devote many generations more to researching this field before we risk any experiment."

She let go, retreating from him. In that moment, Sweet felt the same surge of emotion his older self had. He remembered exactly what it was like to fear the end of his research, silenced before it could reach its true potential.

"Wait!" he said. "I don't actually need both of you to power the spell anymore! I've made some efficiency adjustments to the matrix. You can see here—I just wanted you to see the test, that's all! I can cast the spell myself!"

"Really?" Cosmos circled around to the other side of the diagram, passing directly through the group as he did. His adoptive parents showed no recognition, just stared on as history repeated before their eyes.

The same was not true of his siblings. Celestia watched with a face frozen and emotionless, the same expression she showed to Equestria's Solar Court. The face of a monarch who knew what was about to happen.

Luna had no such restraint. Tears were already streaming down her face, and she quietly wiped them away on the back of her leg. For the three of them, this was more than a memory. They saw the faces of the dead.

"Was it true, what you told them?" Celestia demanded. Her voice echoed just like the others did, tone absolute. "You said you designed the spell for a single caster. Did you tell the truth?"

She would know if he was lying. That would not make his case look any less damning. "No. I knew it might be possible, but I didn't design it that way to start."

His younger self interrupted him, silencing his explanation. "I've already chosen a suitable target," Tellus said, teleporting rapidly around the circle. He pushed each of the crystals onto the diagram one at a time, making the spell glow brighter. As it did, the seed of darkness within expanded in equal measure, pulsing with its own heartbeat.

"Father told you it was too dangerous," Celestia continued. "He told me, before Mother and Father came to confront you. He intended to..." She sniffed. "Create a commission. Study your theories in exhaustive detail, and consider them again in time. You could have had your experiments—you could have achieved whatever mad dream your magic aspired to create, if only you were patient. Do you deny it?"

He shook his head, as tearfully as his sister. "I—I never knew that part. But I know this was my fault. I made a few shortcuts, just to get a demonstration. I wanted to scry a door open—a few seconds at most. Nothing was supposed to happen."

"But it did," Celestia insisted. "I'm sorry you have to witness this, my little ponies. I am sorry my sister is forced to relive it. Yet for the judgment to be fair, you must."

It was as gruesome as Sweet remembered—worse, since this memory constructed the world retroactively, rather than restricted to his own vision at the time. He was powerless to do anything but watch, as his young self made all the same mistakes he'd played over in his head for months before this moment.

"After you banished me, I thought about what I did wrong. Thought that maybe—there were a few variables I could adjust. Better preparations to make, or physical alterations to the diagram. But after the first few years, I gave that up. It was never about whether the spell would work."

But it didn't work this time. The hole expanded, smashing into the crystals he had used to insulate it. What were easily enough to protect such a small opening with three Alicorns were drained dry with just one. The opening in space tore through the ground, devouring stone and spell-diagram alike.

Gravity warped and distorted, causing objects all over the castle to tumble over, and pegasi to crash out of the sky. It didn't reach them in the memory—objects blurred past them, but not fast enough to obscure the moment when Galaxia slipped through the opening, vanishing into the void with one last scream of terror.

Cosmos blasted into Tellus with one strike of his horn, sending him tumbling away from the diagram. Then he turned his power on the runaway singularity, striking into it with the might of a mature, powerful Alicorn.

The singularity collapsed, taking half the lab with it. It ripped a hole in the ceiling, devouring part of the kitchens and the dungeons with it, leaving molten stone dripping from the edges.

A younger Celestia appeared from the top floor, leaning down to stare into the chaos. She found Tellus curled up near the edge of the diagram, weeping incoherently.

"That was not any... easier to witness a second time," Celestia said. Her horn flashed, and memory faded back where it belonged.

It left the group assembled exactly where they had been in Celestia's private dining room—with Sweet Sauce curled up tightly, crying almost exactly as his ancient self had done.

"I deserve my punishment," he said. "I deserve e-everything. If you really... gave me justice, you'd cast that same spell, and throw me in to join them."

He couldn't see the others anymore—could barely hear them through his tears. It was Vinyl's voice who eventually cut through it, standing over him. Her usual confident attitude was gone, replaced with the truer persona Sweet saw backstage, and at home.

"So, uh... Princess. What we just saw—"

"Is taken directly from his memory," Celestia said harshly. "Exactly as he experienced it. I have done nothing to alter what happened. As there are none living who saw the exchange except my brother, we must trust to the reliability of events."

She sniffed, then stood alert. "You must now pronounce judgment. The creature before you is a peerless magical prodigy. Even without a horn of his own, he could easily create spells to kill you and your entire family. He ignored the advice of the scientific community and his own parents, performing dangerous magic anyway.

"He was banished a thousand years to a magicless wasteland, then returned in the form you see before you. If you wish to show him mercy, understand you do so at whatever risk you believe he presents.

"Or admit the danger, and turn him over to me for judgment. He wants it so badly, so I will grant it. An endless, merciful oblivion. The decision is yours."