• Published 21st Apr 2022
  • 3,945 Views, 124 Comments

Asriel Dreemurr, Prince of the Night - Rainbow Sparkle

Asriel Dreemurr gets a second chance in the land of Equestria, and eventually, gets adopted by Luna

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Journal 1

Author's Note:

I'll be doing these every so often, not between every chapter, only when I feel they are appropriate. These little journal pieces will mostly be meant to either come after a chapter, or before a new one.

This Journal belongs to Asriel Dreemurr. Unless you have been given permission, please do not read the contents of this journal.

June 28th, Year of Harmony 0
(will shorten to YoH in the future)

Well, I told Princess Luna I’d start writing in this, and today seems as good a time to start doing so as any. Was never really the sort to keep a journal, that was more Chara’s thing.

[“Wonder what happened to his…” Asriel pondered briefly, before returning the quill to the book.]

I’ve been in Equestria for a week, though I’ve honestly really been awake and aware for three days of it. It’s… It’s still so surreal to be waking up as myself. I think it’s going to take a while before I am used to it, if I ever do get used to it.

After I managed to learn their alphabet (which is just the same as the one the Humans used on the surface, just different runes for everything with some glyphs from the past included), Princess Luna and Celestia took me on a tour of the palace. And I just have to say…

This place is huge!

I used to think that the castle back in New Home was big, but nope! This palace of theirs is at least three times as big, and has so many rooms. Celestia said that something like a third of them aren’t usually in use, which is just crazy to me.

If the castle back home was this big, I don’t think there’d have been so many people complaining about places growing crowded. That said, it’d have been a lot easier to get lost. I’ve already done so twice. Thankfully the staff are really helpful…

When they aren’t busy talking about how adorable I am.

[Asriel blushed a bit, shaking his head before focusing on his writing]

I’ve been told there’s a few places I can’t go, which as far as I can tell are the same places almost nobody else but the Princesses are allowed. Aside from those, I am free to roam the palace as I like. The only thing they’ve made a point of is to try and avoid a ‘Prince Blueblood’, an adopted relative of Princess Celestia’s.

She was… nicer about the suggestion than Luna or some of the staff have been. Thankfully he’s not here right now, so I don’t have to worry about that for now.

Aside from the tour, I’ve been bouncing between reading books along with Princess Luna, and getting prodded by Dr. Mendheart, when I haven’t been doing my best to answer all of the other questions about Monsters, the Underground, and Earth the Princesses have and learning as much about Equestria.

Speaking of the doctor, I’ve been given a clean bill of health. Dr. Mendheart was a bit surprised, but I seem to have been soaking up ambient magic like a sponge, and now my magic is fully restored. She did wind up asking me in private about that strange energy (DETERMINATION) that seems to be present as well, but she hasn’t probed any deeper after I said it was related to my past.

As for the Princesses… They have so many, and I’ve been doing the best I can to answer them. I’ve had to tell them I can’t answer a few, and there’s been a few I’m going to have to wrack my head for deeper details. They seem rather interested in the Magic that Monsters use, since it's based on the Soul. (They also now know why I put emphasis on it whenever I used the term, since it stands for “Source of Universal Love”)

Apparently here in Equestria, Soul magic is a bit of a touchy subject. The Princesses want me to give them a demonstration of my magic in the next few days, but I need to practice a bit with it first. I need to make sure I can do the spells and stuff I know without any issue.

Especially given that one of the things they’d likely want to see is the SOUL Call, and well, while my SOUL seems to be restored, I’m still… worried about drawing on it. It feels stable, but that doesn’t mean it is. For all I know, using magic the way I’m used to doing it could cause a problem and make me revert back into a flower-

No, no, don’t think like that. You’re going to practice when you wake up this afternoon, and it’ll all turn out fine. SOUL Magic is intrinsic to Monsters, it's a part of us. There won’t be any problem. I hope.

[Asriel sighed and glanced at the clock. He took a moment to stretch, then decided to jot just a bit more down.]

Anyways, there’s a lot more I could write down, but I don’t wanna spend too long with these sorts of entries. And I need to head to bed… which I’ve noticed I’ve been doing during the daytime. I haven't really found myself getting all that tired at night, and I don’t feel like I’m doing things differently than I did back before…

I think I might try to stick to weekly entries, or just if anything that really stands out happens. This book’s thick enough for quite a few as long as I write small enough, but with a whole new world to learn about, explore, and get to see, I feel like it’d be a waste of this second chance if I spent too much time writing in this.

There is one thing I do want to include here… even if I’m probably the only one who's ever going to read any of these.

I want to say… Thank you, Frisk, for forgiving me. Thank you for giving me the chance to make things right back home for everyone. If you hadn’t fallen into the Underground… I’d still be a flower. And everyone would still be waiting for the chance to see the sun and moon. I hope everything is going well for you and everyone else.

And well, I wouldn’t be here writing this if not for that strange skeleton who brought me here, and have me my body back. So thank you as well.

Anyways, that’s all for tonight. Time to turn in.